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Inheritance of Rose-Flowered Mutation in Chickpea Cicer arietinum L.

Year 2017, Volume: 23 Issue: 2, 208 - 212, 01.03.2017


Mutations are the most important phenomenon in the living organisms including plant species due to creating variation. Variation in crop plants can be increased by induced mutations. The present study deals with inheritance of an induced mutation with rose-flowered in the cultivated chickpea Cicer arietinum L. . A mutant having rose-shaped flowers without male and female organs in the cultivated chickpea was isolated in M2 and harvested as a single plant with its sisters sibs . In M3, inheritance of the rose-flowered mutant was studied in the segregated rows because hybridization between the mutant and parent or the other genotype of the cultivated chickpea was not possible. Results indicated that the rose-flowered mutation was controlled by a single recessive gene rs . This study is an alternative approach on inheritance studies if hybridization is impossible due to sterility


  • Atta B M, Ahsanul H M, Shah T M, Sadiq M, Mahmudul H & Syed H (2003). Induced flower colour mutations in chickpea. International Chickpea and Pigeonpea Newsletter 10: 6-7
  • Cubero J I (1987). Morphology of chickpea. In: MC Saxena & KB Singh (Eds), The Chickpea. CAB International, pp. 35-66
  • Donmez A A (2011). Cicer uludereensis Dönmez: A new species of Cicer (Chickpea) (Fabaceae) from around the Fertile Crescent, SE Turkey. Turkish Journal of Botany 35: 71-76
  • Gaur P M & Gour V K (2001). A gene inhibiting flower colour in chickpea (Cicer arietinum L.). Indian Journal of Genetics and Plant Breeding 61: 41-44
  • Gaur P M & Gour V K (2002). A gene producing one to nine flowers per flowering node in chickpea. Euphytica 128: 231-235
  • ISI (2015). Institute for Scientific Information (C. databases). (Erişim tarihi: 03.07.2015).
  • Kumar J, Vijayalakshmi N V S & Rao T N (2000). Inheritance of flower color of chickpea. The journal of Heredity 91: 416- 417
  • Ozturk M, Duran A & Hakkı E E (2011). Cicer floribundum var. amanicola (Fabaceae), a new variety from south Anatolia, Turkey. Biological Diversity and Conservation 4: 44-51
  • Ozturk M, Duran A & Hakki E E (2013). Cladistic and phylogenetic analyses of the genus Cicer in Turkey. Plant Systematics and Evolution 299: 1955-1966
  • Pundir R P S & Reddy G V (1998). Two new traits-open flower and small leaf in chickpea (Cicer arietinum L.). Euphytica 142: 357-361
  • Salimath P M, Toker C, Sandhu J S, Kumar J, Suma B, Yadav S S & Bahl P N (2007). Conventional breeding methods. In: S S Yadav, R Redden, W Chen & B Sharma (Eds), Chickpea Breeding and Management, CAB Int, Wallingford, pp. 369-390
  • Singh F & Diwakar B (1995). Chickpea botany and production practices. Skill development series No: 16, ICRISAT Training and Fellowship Program, India, pp. 64
  • Smykal P, Coyne C J, Ambrose M J, Maxted N, Schaefer H, Blair M W, Berger J, Greene S L, Nelson M N, Besharat N, Vymyslicky T, Toker C, Saxena R K, Roorkiwal M, Pandey M K, Hu J, Li Y-H, Wang L-X, Guo Y, Qiu L-J, Redden R J & Varshney R K (2015). Legume crops phylogeny and genetic diversity for science and breeding. Critical Reviews in Plant Sciences 34: 43-104
  • Srinivasan S & Gaur P M (2012). Genetics and characterizations of an open flower mutant in chickpea. Journal of Heredity 103: 297-302
  • Steel R G D & Torrie J H (1980). Principles and procedures of statistics: A biometrical approach. McGraw-Hill Book Company, New York
  • Toker C (2009). A note on the evolution of kabuli chickpeas as shown by induced mutations in Cicer reticulatum Ladizinsky. Genetic Resources and Crop Evolution 56: 7-12
  • Toker C (2014). Mutagenesis for Resistance to Abiotic Stresses: Chickpea as Model Crop. In: N Tomlekova, M I Kozgar & M R Wani (Eds), Mutagenesis: Exploring Novel Genes and Pathways. Wageningen Academic Publishers, the Netherlands, pp. 215-238
  • Toker C & Uzun B (2010). Mutation breeding in chickpea. In: S Khan (Ed), Breeding of Pulse Crops, Kalyani Publishers, Ludhiana, India, pp. 1-21
  • Toker C, Uzun B, Canci H & Ceylan F O (2005). Effects of gamma irradiation on the shoot length of Cicer seeds. Radiation Physics and Chemistry 73: 365-367
  • Toker C, Canci H & Ceylan F O (2006). Estimation of outcrossing rate in Chickpea (Cicer arietinum L.) sown in autumn. Euphytica 151: 201-205
  • Toker C, Yildirim T, Canci H, Inci N E & Ceylan F O (2010). Inheritance of resistance to iron deficiency chlorosis in chickpea (Cicer arietinum L.). Journal of Plant Nutrition 33: 1366-1373
  • Tomlekova N B (2010). Induced mutagenesis for crop improvement in Bulgaria. Plant Mutation Reports 2: 1-32
  • van der Maesen L J G (1972). Cicer L., a monograph of the genus, with special reference to the chickpea (Cicer arietinum L.), its ecology and cultivation. PhD Thesis, Wageningen University (Unpublished), NL
  • van der Maesen L J G, Maxted N, Javadi F, Coles S & Davies A M R (2007). Taxonomy of the genus Cicer revisited. In: S S Yadav, R Redden, W Chen & B Sharma (Eds), Chickpea Breeding and Management, CAB International, pp. 14-46
  • van Harten A M (1998). Mutation Breeding: Theory and practical applications. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, UK
  • Wani M R, Kozgar M I, Tomlekova N, Khan S, Kazi A G, Sheikh S A & Ahmad P (2014). Mutation Breeding: A Novel Technique for Genetic Improvement of Pulse Crops Particularly Chickpea (Cicer arietinum L.). In: P Ahmad, M R Wani, M M Azooz & L-S P Tran (Eds), Improvement of Crops in the Era of Climatic Changes, Springer New York, pp. 217-248
  • Yasar M, Ceylan F O, Ikten C & Toker C (2014). Comparison of expressivity and penetrance of the double podding trait and yield components based on reciprocal crosses of kabuli and desi chickpeas (Cicer arietinum L.). Euphytica 196: 331-339
  • Yildirim T, Canci H, Ertoy Inci N, Ceylan Baloglu F O, Ikten C & Toker C (2013). Inheritance of female sterility in induced Cicer species. Turkish Journal of Field Crops 18: 78-81

Nohutta Cicer arietinum L. Gül-Çiçekli Mutasyonun Kalıtımı

Year 2017, Volume: 23 Issue: 2, 208 - 212, 01.03.2017


Mutasyonlar, bitki türlerini de içeren canlı organizmalarda varyasyon yaratmak için en önemli varyasyon kaynağıdırlar. Bitkilerde varyasyon yapay mutasyonlarla artırılabilmektedir. Bu çalışma kültürü yapılan nohutta Cicer arietinum L. gül-çiçekli yapay mutasyonun kalıtımıyla ilgilidir. Erkek ve dişi organları olmayan gül-çiçekli nohut mutantı M2generasyonunda belirlenmiş ve kardeşleriyle birlikte tek bitki hasadı yapılmıştır. Gül-çiçekli mutantın kalıtımı, mutant ve ebeveyn ya da diğer genotiplerle döllenmenin olanaksız olduğu M3 generasyonunda açılan sıralarda çalışılmıştır. Sonuçlar gül-çiçeklilik özelliğinin resesif bir genle rs idare edildiğini göstermektedir. Bu çalışma kısırlıktan dolayı döllenmenin mümkün olmadığı durumlar için alternatif bir yaklaşımdır


  • Atta B M, Ahsanul H M, Shah T M, Sadiq M, Mahmudul H & Syed H (2003). Induced flower colour mutations in chickpea. International Chickpea and Pigeonpea Newsletter 10: 6-7
  • Cubero J I (1987). Morphology of chickpea. In: MC Saxena & KB Singh (Eds), The Chickpea. CAB International, pp. 35-66
  • Donmez A A (2011). Cicer uludereensis Dönmez: A new species of Cicer (Chickpea) (Fabaceae) from around the Fertile Crescent, SE Turkey. Turkish Journal of Botany 35: 71-76
  • Gaur P M & Gour V K (2001). A gene inhibiting flower colour in chickpea (Cicer arietinum L.). Indian Journal of Genetics and Plant Breeding 61: 41-44
  • Gaur P M & Gour V K (2002). A gene producing one to nine flowers per flowering node in chickpea. Euphytica 128: 231-235
  • ISI (2015). Institute for Scientific Information (C. databases). (Erişim tarihi: 03.07.2015).
  • Kumar J, Vijayalakshmi N V S & Rao T N (2000). Inheritance of flower color of chickpea. The journal of Heredity 91: 416- 417
  • Ozturk M, Duran A & Hakkı E E (2011). Cicer floribundum var. amanicola (Fabaceae), a new variety from south Anatolia, Turkey. Biological Diversity and Conservation 4: 44-51
  • Ozturk M, Duran A & Hakki E E (2013). Cladistic and phylogenetic analyses of the genus Cicer in Turkey. Plant Systematics and Evolution 299: 1955-1966
  • Pundir R P S & Reddy G V (1998). Two new traits-open flower and small leaf in chickpea (Cicer arietinum L.). Euphytica 142: 357-361
  • Salimath P M, Toker C, Sandhu J S, Kumar J, Suma B, Yadav S S & Bahl P N (2007). Conventional breeding methods. In: S S Yadav, R Redden, W Chen & B Sharma (Eds), Chickpea Breeding and Management, CAB Int, Wallingford, pp. 369-390
  • Singh F & Diwakar B (1995). Chickpea botany and production practices. Skill development series No: 16, ICRISAT Training and Fellowship Program, India, pp. 64
  • Smykal P, Coyne C J, Ambrose M J, Maxted N, Schaefer H, Blair M W, Berger J, Greene S L, Nelson M N, Besharat N, Vymyslicky T, Toker C, Saxena R K, Roorkiwal M, Pandey M K, Hu J, Li Y-H, Wang L-X, Guo Y, Qiu L-J, Redden R J & Varshney R K (2015). Legume crops phylogeny and genetic diversity for science and breeding. Critical Reviews in Plant Sciences 34: 43-104
  • Srinivasan S & Gaur P M (2012). Genetics and characterizations of an open flower mutant in chickpea. Journal of Heredity 103: 297-302
  • Steel R G D & Torrie J H (1980). Principles and procedures of statistics: A biometrical approach. McGraw-Hill Book Company, New York
  • Toker C (2009). A note on the evolution of kabuli chickpeas as shown by induced mutations in Cicer reticulatum Ladizinsky. Genetic Resources and Crop Evolution 56: 7-12
  • Toker C (2014). Mutagenesis for Resistance to Abiotic Stresses: Chickpea as Model Crop. In: N Tomlekova, M I Kozgar & M R Wani (Eds), Mutagenesis: Exploring Novel Genes and Pathways. Wageningen Academic Publishers, the Netherlands, pp. 215-238
  • Toker C & Uzun B (2010). Mutation breeding in chickpea. In: S Khan (Ed), Breeding of Pulse Crops, Kalyani Publishers, Ludhiana, India, pp. 1-21
  • Toker C, Uzun B, Canci H & Ceylan F O (2005). Effects of gamma irradiation on the shoot length of Cicer seeds. Radiation Physics and Chemistry 73: 365-367
  • Toker C, Canci H & Ceylan F O (2006). Estimation of outcrossing rate in Chickpea (Cicer arietinum L.) sown in autumn. Euphytica 151: 201-205
  • Toker C, Yildirim T, Canci H, Inci N E & Ceylan F O (2010). Inheritance of resistance to iron deficiency chlorosis in chickpea (Cicer arietinum L.). Journal of Plant Nutrition 33: 1366-1373
  • Tomlekova N B (2010). Induced mutagenesis for crop improvement in Bulgaria. Plant Mutation Reports 2: 1-32
  • van der Maesen L J G (1972). Cicer L., a monograph of the genus, with special reference to the chickpea (Cicer arietinum L.), its ecology and cultivation. PhD Thesis, Wageningen University (Unpublished), NL
  • van der Maesen L J G, Maxted N, Javadi F, Coles S & Davies A M R (2007). Taxonomy of the genus Cicer revisited. In: S S Yadav, R Redden, W Chen & B Sharma (Eds), Chickpea Breeding and Management, CAB International, pp. 14-46
  • van Harten A M (1998). Mutation Breeding: Theory and practical applications. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, UK
  • Wani M R, Kozgar M I, Tomlekova N, Khan S, Kazi A G, Sheikh S A & Ahmad P (2014). Mutation Breeding: A Novel Technique for Genetic Improvement of Pulse Crops Particularly Chickpea (Cicer arietinum L.). In: P Ahmad, M R Wani, M M Azooz & L-S P Tran (Eds), Improvement of Crops in the Era of Climatic Changes, Springer New York, pp. 217-248
  • Yasar M, Ceylan F O, Ikten C & Toker C (2014). Comparison of expressivity and penetrance of the double podding trait and yield components based on reciprocal crosses of kabuli and desi chickpeas (Cicer arietinum L.). Euphytica 196: 331-339
  • Yildirim T, Canci H, Ertoy Inci N, Ceylan Baloglu F O, Ikten C & Toker C (2013). Inheritance of female sterility in induced Cicer species. Turkish Journal of Field Crops 18: 78-81
There are 28 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Journal Section Research Article

Hüseyin Çancı This is me

Nisa Ertoy İnci This is me

Fatma Öncü Ceylanbaloğlu This is me

Publication Date March 1, 2017
Published in Issue Year 2017 Volume: 23 Issue: 2


APA Çancı, H., Ertoy İnci, N., & Ceylanbaloğlu, F. Ö. (2017). Inheritance of Rose-Flowered Mutation in Chickpea Cicer arietinum L. Journal of Agricultural Sciences, 23(2), 208-212.
AMA Çancı H, Ertoy İnci N, Ceylanbaloğlu FÖ. Inheritance of Rose-Flowered Mutation in Chickpea Cicer arietinum L. J Agr Sci-Tarim Bili. March 2017;23(2):208-212.
Chicago Çancı, Hüseyin, Nisa Ertoy İnci, and Fatma Öncü Ceylanbaloğlu. “Inheritance of Rose-Flowered Mutation in Chickpea Cicer Arietinum L”. Journal of Agricultural Sciences 23, no. 2 (March 2017): 208-12.
EndNote Çancı H, Ertoy İnci N, Ceylanbaloğlu FÖ (March 1, 2017) Inheritance of Rose-Flowered Mutation in Chickpea Cicer arietinum L. Journal of Agricultural Sciences 23 2 208–212.
IEEE H. Çancı, N. Ertoy İnci, and F. Ö. Ceylanbaloğlu, “Inheritance of Rose-Flowered Mutation in Chickpea Cicer arietinum L”., J Agr Sci-Tarim Bili, vol. 23, no. 2, pp. 208–212, 2017.
ISNAD Çancı, Hüseyin et al. “Inheritance of Rose-Flowered Mutation in Chickpea Cicer Arietinum L”. Journal of Agricultural Sciences 23/2 (March 2017), 208-212.
JAMA Çancı H, Ertoy İnci N, Ceylanbaloğlu FÖ. Inheritance of Rose-Flowered Mutation in Chickpea Cicer arietinum L. J Agr Sci-Tarim Bili. 2017;23:208–212.
MLA Çancı, Hüseyin et al. “Inheritance of Rose-Flowered Mutation in Chickpea Cicer Arietinum L”. Journal of Agricultural Sciences, vol. 23, no. 2, 2017, pp. 208-12.
Vancouver Çancı H, Ertoy İnci N, Ceylanbaloğlu FÖ. Inheritance of Rose-Flowered Mutation in Chickpea Cicer arietinum L. J Agr Sci-Tarim Bili. 2017;23(2):208-12.

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