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Physico-Chemical Characteristic and Fatty Acids Compositions of Cottonseed Oils

Year 2017, Volume: 23 Issue: 2, 253 - 259, 01.03.2017


In this study, three cotton genotypes of species Gossypium hirsutum L., Cukurova 1518, PAUM 15 and BA 119 were investigated for their some physicochemical properties of oils such as free fatty acids, peroxide value, iodine value, unsaponifiable matter, total carotenoid and tocopherol contents and fatty acids composition in Cukurova region in Turkey. Seed oil content ranged 17.2-19.6% and PAUM 15 was found to be genotype with the highest oil content. The range of other physicochemical properties and their values are as follows; free fatty acids 1.7-2.8%, peroxide value 5.36.0 meq O2 kg-1, unsaponifiable matters 2.1-2.3%, iodine value 102-110, total carotenoid content 119-140 mg kg-1, total tocopherol content 887-920 mg kg-1, linoleic acid 52.00-55.82%, palmitic acid 24.85-25.63%, oleic acid 14.06-17.00%, stearic acid 3.01-3.13% in the cottonseed oils. PAUM 15 was determined to be more suitable for food consumption as edible oil due to its highest oil content and quality characteristics than the others genotypes


  • Agarwal D K, Singh P, Kate N & Chavan A (2003). Inter-relationship among seed oils. Journal of Cotton Research Development 17: 219-220
  • Anderson S (2004). Soxtec: Its principles and applications, oil extraction and analysis, critical issues and comparative studies. In: D L Luthria (Eds), pp. 11-24
  • Baydar H & Turgut İ (1999). Variations of fatty acid composition according to some morphological and physiological properties and ecological regions in oilseed plants. Turkish Journal of Agriculture and Forestry 23(1): 81-86
  • Dowd M K, Boykin D L, Meredith W L, Campbell J B T, Bourland F M, Gannaway J R, Glass K M & Zhang J (2010). Fatty acid profiles of cottonseed genotypes from the national cotton genotype trials. The Journal of Cotton Science 14: 64-73
  • Gotmare V, Singh P, Mayee C D, Deshpande V & Bhagat C (2004). Genetic variability for seed oil content and seed index in some wild species and perennial races of cotton. Plant Breeding 123: 207-208
  • Gümüşkesen A S (1999). Bitkisel yağ teknolojisi. Asya Tıp Yayınları, ISBN: 975-94208-0-5, 182 s
  • Ikurior S A & Fetuga B (1987). Composition of some recommended Nigerian commercial cottonseed genotypes. Food Chemistry 26: 307-314
  • IOOC (2001). Method of analysis, preparation of the fatty acid methyl esters from olive oil and olive pomace oil. International Olive Oil Council COI/T.20/
  • IUPAC (1991). Standards methods for the analysis of oils, fats and derivatives. Oils and fats. 2.205/1. Determination of iodine value
  • Karaosmanoğlu F, Tuter M, Gollu E, Yanmaz S & Altintig E (1999). Fuel properties of cottonseed oil. Energy Sources 21(9): 821-828
  • Kohel R J (1998). Cotton improvement, evaluation of near infrared reflectance for oil content of cottonseed. The Journal of Cotton Science 2: 23-26
  • Kolsarıcı Ö M, Kaya D A, Göksoy T, Arıoğlu H, Kulan E G & Day S (2015). Yağlı Tohum Üretiminde Yeni Arayışlar. Türkiye Ziraat Mühendisliği VIII. Teknik Kongresi Bildiriler Kitabı-1, 12-16 Ocak, Ankara, s. 401-425
  • Lukonge E P (2005). Characterisation and diallel analysis of commercially planted cotton (Gossypium hirsutum L.). PhD Thesis, University of Free Bloemfontein (Unpublished), South Africa
  • Mert M, Akışcan Y & Gencer O (2004). Inheritance of oil and protein content in some cotton generations. Asian Journal of Plant Sciences 3(2): 174-176
  • Mert M, Çopur O & Özek H Z (2015). Lif Bitkileri Üretiminde Değişimler ve Yeni Arayışlar. Türkiye Ziraat Mühendisliği VIII. Teknik Kongresi Bildiriler Kitabı-1, 12-16 Ocak, Ankara, s. 450-472
  • Metin N, Gaytancıoğlu O, Kubaş A & Azabağaoğlu Ö (2003). The problems of vegetable oil sector in Turkey and developments in mixtures oil consumption. Dünya Gıda Dergisi 8(7): 96-97
  • Minguez-Mosquera M I, Rejano-Navarro L, Gandul- Rojas B, Sanchez-Gomez A H & Garrido-Fernandez J (1991). Color-pigment correlation in virgin olive oil. Journal of American Oil Chemistry Society 68: 332- 336
  • O’Brien R D (1998). Fats and oils: Formulating and processing for applications. Lancaster, Penysylvania, 17604, USA, pp. 677
  • O’Brien R D (2001). Cotton seed oil. In: F F Gunstone (Ed), Vegetable Oils in Food Technology-Composition, Properties and Uses. CRC press Blackwell Publishing Co
  • Orhevba A B & Efomah A N (2012). Extraction and characterization of cottonseed (Gossypium) oil. International Journal of Basic and Applied Science 1(2): 398-402
  • Paralı H (2003). Cottonseed oil refining and examination of by-product of cottonseed oil process technology. Training seminar on cotton, 14-17 October, İzmir, pp. 207-221
  • Ping L, Singh S, Chapman K & Green A (2009). Bridging traditional and molecular genetics in modifying cottonseed oil. In: A H Paterson (Ed), Plant Genetics and Genomics: Crops and Models, Genetics and genomics of cotton London, pp. 353-382
  • Psomiadou E & Tsimidou M (2002). Stability of virgin olive oil. 1. Autoxidation studies. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry 50: 716-721
  • Reddy B S & Aruna E (2009). Effects of irrigation levels through drip on growth, yield and quality of cotton. Journal of Cotton Research and Develeopment 23(1): 56-59
  • SAS (2005). Statistical Analysis Software. SAS Online Doc, Version 8. SAS Inst, Cary, NC, 2005, USA
  • Sawan Z M, Hafez S A, Basyony A E & Alkassas A E R (2006). Cottonseed, protein, oil yields and oil properties as influenced by potassium fertilization and foliar application of zinc and phosphorus. World Journal of Agricultural Sciences 2(1): 66-74
  • Saxena D K, Sharma S K & Sambi S S (2011). Kinetics and thermodynamics of cottonseed oil extraction. Grasas Y Aceites 62(2): 198-205
  • Sekhar S C & Rao B V K (2011). Cottonseed oil as health oil. Pertanika Journal of Tropical Agriculture Science 34(1): 17-24
  • Sharma D, Pathak D, Atwal A K & Sangha M K (2009). Genetic variation for some chemical and biochemical characteristics in cotton seed oil. Journal of Cotton Research Develepment 23(1): 1-7
  • Sun S K, Chen J H, Xang S & Wei S (1987). Study, on the nutritional quality of cotton seeds. Scientia Agricultura Sinica 20(5): 12-16
  • Sundaram V (1974). Cottonseed analysis: In: V Sundaram (Ed), Fifty years of research, cotton technological research laboratory, bombay, associated advertisers and printers, Bombay, pp. 207-211
  • Wong M L, Timms R E & Goh E M (1998). Colorimetric determination of total tocopherols in palm oil, olein and stearin. Journal of American Oil Chemistry Society 65(2): 258-261

Pamuk Yağlarının Fiziko-Kimyasal Özellikleri ve Yağ Asitleri Kompozisyonu

Year 2017, Volume: 23 Issue: 2, 253 - 259, 01.03.2017


Bu çalışmada, Türkiye’nin Çukurova Bölgesi koşullarında, Gossypium hirsutum L. türüne ait, Çukurova 1518, PAUM 15 ve BA 119 pamuk genotiplerinden elde edilen yağların serbest yağ asitleri, peroksit sayısı, iyot ayısı, sabunlaşmayan madde miktarı, toplam karotenoid, toplam tokoferol içerikleri gibi bazı fizikokimyasal analizleri ile yağ asitleri kompozisyonu araştırılmıştır. Tohumlarda yağ içeriği % 17.2-19.6 arasında değişmiştir. Elde edilen yağlarda serbest yağ asitleri % 1.7-2.8, peroksit sayıları 5.3-6.0 meq O2 kg-1, sabunlaşmayan maddeler % 2.1-2.3, iyot sayıları 102-110, toplam karotenoid içerikleri 119-140 mg kg-1, toplam tokoferol içerikleri 887-920 mg kg-1 aralığında değişmiştir. Linoleik asit, palmitik asit, oleik asit ve stearik asit oranlarının, sırasıyla % 52.0-55.82; % 24.85-25.63, % 14.06-17.0 ve % 3.01-3.13 aralığında değiştiği saptanmıştır. PAUM 15 genotipinin en yüksek yağ verimi ve yağ kalitesine sahip olmasından dolayı diğer genotiplere kıyasla yemeklik yağ olarak tüketime daha uygun olabileceği belirlenmiştir.


  • Agarwal D K, Singh P, Kate N & Chavan A (2003). Inter-relationship among seed oils. Journal of Cotton Research Development 17: 219-220
  • Anderson S (2004). Soxtec: Its principles and applications, oil extraction and analysis, critical issues and comparative studies. In: D L Luthria (Eds), pp. 11-24
  • Baydar H & Turgut İ (1999). Variations of fatty acid composition according to some morphological and physiological properties and ecological regions in oilseed plants. Turkish Journal of Agriculture and Forestry 23(1): 81-86
  • Dowd M K, Boykin D L, Meredith W L, Campbell J B T, Bourland F M, Gannaway J R, Glass K M & Zhang J (2010). Fatty acid profiles of cottonseed genotypes from the national cotton genotype trials. The Journal of Cotton Science 14: 64-73
  • Gotmare V, Singh P, Mayee C D, Deshpande V & Bhagat C (2004). Genetic variability for seed oil content and seed index in some wild species and perennial races of cotton. Plant Breeding 123: 207-208
  • Gümüşkesen A S (1999). Bitkisel yağ teknolojisi. Asya Tıp Yayınları, ISBN: 975-94208-0-5, 182 s
  • Ikurior S A & Fetuga B (1987). Composition of some recommended Nigerian commercial cottonseed genotypes. Food Chemistry 26: 307-314
  • IOOC (2001). Method of analysis, preparation of the fatty acid methyl esters from olive oil and olive pomace oil. International Olive Oil Council COI/T.20/
  • IUPAC (1991). Standards methods for the analysis of oils, fats and derivatives. Oils and fats. 2.205/1. Determination of iodine value
  • Karaosmanoğlu F, Tuter M, Gollu E, Yanmaz S & Altintig E (1999). Fuel properties of cottonseed oil. Energy Sources 21(9): 821-828
  • Kohel R J (1998). Cotton improvement, evaluation of near infrared reflectance for oil content of cottonseed. The Journal of Cotton Science 2: 23-26
  • Kolsarıcı Ö M, Kaya D A, Göksoy T, Arıoğlu H, Kulan E G & Day S (2015). Yağlı Tohum Üretiminde Yeni Arayışlar. Türkiye Ziraat Mühendisliği VIII. Teknik Kongresi Bildiriler Kitabı-1, 12-16 Ocak, Ankara, s. 401-425
  • Lukonge E P (2005). Characterisation and diallel analysis of commercially planted cotton (Gossypium hirsutum L.). PhD Thesis, University of Free Bloemfontein (Unpublished), South Africa
  • Mert M, Akışcan Y & Gencer O (2004). Inheritance of oil and protein content in some cotton generations. Asian Journal of Plant Sciences 3(2): 174-176
  • Mert M, Çopur O & Özek H Z (2015). Lif Bitkileri Üretiminde Değişimler ve Yeni Arayışlar. Türkiye Ziraat Mühendisliği VIII. Teknik Kongresi Bildiriler Kitabı-1, 12-16 Ocak, Ankara, s. 450-472
  • Metin N, Gaytancıoğlu O, Kubaş A & Azabağaoğlu Ö (2003). The problems of vegetable oil sector in Turkey and developments in mixtures oil consumption. Dünya Gıda Dergisi 8(7): 96-97
  • Minguez-Mosquera M I, Rejano-Navarro L, Gandul- Rojas B, Sanchez-Gomez A H & Garrido-Fernandez J (1991). Color-pigment correlation in virgin olive oil. Journal of American Oil Chemistry Society 68: 332- 336
  • O’Brien R D (1998). Fats and oils: Formulating and processing for applications. Lancaster, Penysylvania, 17604, USA, pp. 677
  • O’Brien R D (2001). Cotton seed oil. In: F F Gunstone (Ed), Vegetable Oils in Food Technology-Composition, Properties and Uses. CRC press Blackwell Publishing Co
  • Orhevba A B & Efomah A N (2012). Extraction and characterization of cottonseed (Gossypium) oil. International Journal of Basic and Applied Science 1(2): 398-402
  • Paralı H (2003). Cottonseed oil refining and examination of by-product of cottonseed oil process technology. Training seminar on cotton, 14-17 October, İzmir, pp. 207-221
  • Ping L, Singh S, Chapman K & Green A (2009). Bridging traditional and molecular genetics in modifying cottonseed oil. In: A H Paterson (Ed), Plant Genetics and Genomics: Crops and Models, Genetics and genomics of cotton London, pp. 353-382
  • Psomiadou E & Tsimidou M (2002). Stability of virgin olive oil. 1. Autoxidation studies. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry 50: 716-721
  • Reddy B S & Aruna E (2009). Effects of irrigation levels through drip on growth, yield and quality of cotton. Journal of Cotton Research and Develeopment 23(1): 56-59
  • SAS (2005). Statistical Analysis Software. SAS Online Doc, Version 8. SAS Inst, Cary, NC, 2005, USA
  • Sawan Z M, Hafez S A, Basyony A E & Alkassas A E R (2006). Cottonseed, protein, oil yields and oil properties as influenced by potassium fertilization and foliar application of zinc and phosphorus. World Journal of Agricultural Sciences 2(1): 66-74
  • Saxena D K, Sharma S K & Sambi S S (2011). Kinetics and thermodynamics of cottonseed oil extraction. Grasas Y Aceites 62(2): 198-205
  • Sekhar S C & Rao B V K (2011). Cottonseed oil as health oil. Pertanika Journal of Tropical Agriculture Science 34(1): 17-24
  • Sharma D, Pathak D, Atwal A K & Sangha M K (2009). Genetic variation for some chemical and biochemical characteristics in cotton seed oil. Journal of Cotton Research Develepment 23(1): 1-7
  • Sun S K, Chen J H, Xang S & Wei S (1987). Study, on the nutritional quality of cotton seeds. Scientia Agricultura Sinica 20(5): 12-16
  • Sundaram V (1974). Cottonseed analysis: In: V Sundaram (Ed), Fifty years of research, cotton technological research laboratory, bombay, associated advertisers and printers, Bombay, pp. 207-211
  • Wong M L, Timms R E & Goh E M (1998). Colorimetric determination of total tocopherols in palm oil, olein and stearin. Journal of American Oil Chemistry Society 65(2): 258-261
There are 32 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Journal Section Research Article

Dilşat Bozdoğan Konuşkan This is me

Murat Yılmaztekin This is me

Mehmet Mert This is me

Oktay Gençer This is me

Publication Date March 1, 2017
Published in Issue Year 2017 Volume: 23 Issue: 2


APA Bozdoğan Konuşkan, D., Yılmaztekin, M., Mert, M., Gençer, O. (2017). Physico-Chemical Characteristic and Fatty Acids Compositions of Cottonseed Oils. Journal of Agricultural Sciences, 23(2), 253-259.
AMA Bozdoğan Konuşkan D, Yılmaztekin M, Mert M, Gençer O. Physico-Chemical Characteristic and Fatty Acids Compositions of Cottonseed Oils. J Agr Sci-Tarim Bili. March 2017;23(2):253-259.
Chicago Bozdoğan Konuşkan, Dilşat, Murat Yılmaztekin, Mehmet Mert, and Oktay Gençer. “Physico-Chemical Characteristic and Fatty Acids Compositions of Cottonseed Oils”. Journal of Agricultural Sciences 23, no. 2 (March 2017): 253-59.
EndNote Bozdoğan Konuşkan D, Yılmaztekin M, Mert M, Gençer O (March 1, 2017) Physico-Chemical Characteristic and Fatty Acids Compositions of Cottonseed Oils. Journal of Agricultural Sciences 23 2 253–259.
IEEE D. Bozdoğan Konuşkan, M. Yılmaztekin, M. Mert, and O. Gençer, “Physico-Chemical Characteristic and Fatty Acids Compositions of Cottonseed Oils”, J Agr Sci-Tarim Bili, vol. 23, no. 2, pp. 253–259, 2017.
ISNAD Bozdoğan Konuşkan, Dilşat et al. “Physico-Chemical Characteristic and Fatty Acids Compositions of Cottonseed Oils”. Journal of Agricultural Sciences 23/2 (March 2017), 253-259.
JAMA Bozdoğan Konuşkan D, Yılmaztekin M, Mert M, Gençer O. Physico-Chemical Characteristic and Fatty Acids Compositions of Cottonseed Oils. J Agr Sci-Tarim Bili. 2017;23:253–259.
MLA Bozdoğan Konuşkan, Dilşat et al. “Physico-Chemical Characteristic and Fatty Acids Compositions of Cottonseed Oils”. Journal of Agricultural Sciences, vol. 23, no. 2, 2017, pp. 253-9.
Vancouver Bozdoğan Konuşkan D, Yılmaztekin M, Mert M, Gençer O. Physico-Chemical Characteristic and Fatty Acids Compositions of Cottonseed Oils. J Agr Sci-Tarim Bili. 2017;23(2):253-9.

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