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Yield, Weed Infestation and Seed Quality of Soybean Glycine max L. Merr. under Different Tillage Systems

Year 2017, Volume: 23 Issue: 2, 268 - 275, 01.03.2017


Soybean is a very valuable crop plant and the soybean crop area is continually increasing in the world and in Poland. The effectiveness of soybean cultivation depends on soil and climatic conditions as well as on appropriate tillage. An alternative for plough tillage in the cultivation of soybean is to grow this crop using no-tillage, the popularity of which is constantly growing. The aim of this study was to compare the effect of conventional tillage CT and no-tillage NT on yield, weed infestation and qualitative seed composition of soybean grown under the conditions of the Lublin Upland. A field study was carried out over the period 2009-2012 at the Czesławice Experimental Farm 51° 18′ 23″ N, 22° 16′ 2″ E . The experiment was set up on loess-derived grey-brown podzolic soil as a split-block design in four replicates. The experimental factors were the following tillage systems: conventional tillage CT and no-tillage NT . The soybean cultivar Nawiko was grown in the experiment. The present study showed that the soybean seed yield obtained under CT was higher by 24.3% than under NT. The main reason of the seeds yield decrease in the NT was less soybean plant density. The significant higher number and weight of weeds were recorded in NT, relative to CT. The oil content in seed harvested from the NT plots was found to be higher by 0.3%


  • Altikat S & Çelik A (2012). Effects of different no-till seeders and tractor forward speeds on the soil physical properties and seed emergence of summer vetch and winter wheat. Tarim Bilimleri Dergisi-Journal of Agricultural Sciences 18(1): 21-30
  • Bernstein E R, Stoltenberg D E, Posner J L & Hedtcke J L (2014). Weed community dynamics and suppression in tilled and no-tillage transitional organic winter rye- soybean systems. Weed Science 62(1): 125-137
  • Blecharczyk A, Małecka I & Skrzypczak G (2004). Effect of reduced tillage on yield, weed infestation of maize and soil properties. Acta Scientiarum Polonorum Agricultura 3(1): 157-163
  • Bujak K, Jędruszczak M & Frant M (2001). The influence of reduced tillage methods on soybean seed yield. Biuletyn IHAR 220: 263-272
  • Bujak K, Jędruszczak M & Frant M (2004). Reduced tillage and foliar nutrition by macro- and microelements and weed infestation of soybean growing in monoculture. Annales UMCS Sectio E Agricultura 59(2): 825-832
  • Çelik I (2011). Effects of tillage methods on penetration resistance, bulk density and saturated hydraulic conductivity in a clayey soil conditions. Tarım Bilimleri Dergisi-Journal of Agricultural Sciences 17(2): 143-156
  • De Vita P, Di Paolo E, Fecondo G, Di Fonzo N & Pisante M (2007). No-tillage and conventional tillage effects on durum wheat yield, grain quality and soil moisture content in southern Italy. Soil and Tillage Research 92(1-2): 69-78
  • Dzienia S, Zimny L & Weber R (2006). The newest trends in soil tillage and techniques of sowing. Fragmenta Agronomica 23(2): 227-241
  • FAOSTAT (2015). Food and Agriculture Organization of The United Nations, Statistics Division. http:// (Erişim tarihi: 30.09.2015)
  • Gao J, Hao X, Thelen K D & Robertson G P (2009). Agronomic management system and precipitation effects on soybean oil and fatty acid profiles. Crop Science 49(3): 1049-1057
  • Gawęda D, Cierpiała R, Bujak K & Wesołowski M (2014). Soybean yield under different tillage systems. Acta Scientiarum Polonorum Hortorum Cultus 13(1): 43-54
  • Gibson K D, Johnson W G & Hillger D E (2005). Farmer perceptions of problematic corn and soybean weeds in Indiana. Weed Technology 19(4): 1065-1070
  • Halford C, Hamill A S, Zhang J & Doucet C (2001). Critical period of weed control in no-till soybean (Glycine max) and corn (Zea mays). Weed Technology 15(4): 737-744
  • Houx J H, Wiebold W J & Fritschi F B(2014). Rotation and tillage affect soybean grain composition, yield, and nutrient removal. Field Crops Research 164: 12-21
  • Kołodziej J & Pisulewska E (2000). Effect of climatic factors on seed yield, fat yield and fat content in seeds of two soybean cultivars. Rośliny Oleiste-Oilseed Crops 21(3): 759-776
  • Korzeniowska J & Stanisławska-Glubiak E (2009). Comparison of production effects of zero and conventional tillage on sandy soil of South-west Poland. Fragmenta Agronomica 26(4): 65-73
  • Majchrzak L, Skrzypczak G & Piechota T (2004). Impact of simplified soil tillage under maize on soil physical properties. Fragmenta Agronomica 3(83): 107-119
  • Martinez E, Fuentes J, Silva P, Valle S & Acevedo E (2008). Soil physical properties and wheat root growth as affected by no-tillage and conventional tillage systems in a Mediterranean environment of Chile. Soil and Tillage Research 99: 232-244
  • Monsefi A, Sharma A R, Rang Zan N, Behera U K & Das T K (2014). Effect of tillage and residue management on productivity of soybean and physico-chemical properties of soil in soybean-wheat cropping system. International Journal of Plant Production 8(3): 429-440
  • Munkholm L J, Shjǿnning P, Rasmussen K J & Tenderup K (2003). Spatial and temporal effects on direct drilling on soil structure in the seedling environment. Soil and Tillage Research 71: 163-173
  • Norsworthy J K (2003). Use of soybean production surveys to determine weed management needs of South Carolina farmers. Weed Technology 17(1): 195-201
  • Ohnishi S, Miyoshi T & Shirai S (2010). Low temperature stress at different flower developmental stages affects pollen development, pollination, and pod set in soybean. Environmental and Experimental Botany 69(1): 56-62
  • Oliveira P, Nascente A S, Kluthcouski J & Castro T A P (2013). Corn and soybean yields as affected by cover crops and herbicide timing under no-tillage system. Planta Daninha 31(4): 939-946
  • Pikul J L Jr, Carpenter-Boggs L, Vigil M, Schumacher T, Lindstrom M J & Riedell W E (2001). Crop yield and soil condition under ridge and chisel-plow tillage in the northern Corn Belt, USA. Soil and Tillage Research 60: 21-33
  • Thuzar M, Puteh A B, Abdullah N A P, Lassim M B M & Jusoff K (2010). The effects of temperature stress on the quality and yield of soya bean [(Glycine max L.) Merrill.]. Journal of Agricultural Science 2(1): 172-179
  • Vollmann J, Winkler J, Fritz C N, Grausgruber H & Ruckenbauer P (2000). Spatial field variations in soybean (Glycine max [L.] Merr.) performance trials affect agronomic characters and seed composition. European Journal of Agronomy 12(1): 13-22
  • Vollmann J, Wagentristl H & Hartl W (2010). The effects of simulated weed pressure on early maturity soybeans. European Journal of Agronomy 32(4): 243-248
  • Włodek S, Biskupski A & Pabin J (2012). The amount of precipitation shortage on productivity of crops grown in simplified systems of tillage. Soil Science Annual 63(2): 49-54
  • YalcinH & Cakir E (2006). Tillage effects and energy efficiencies of subsoiling and direct seeding in light soil on yield of second crop corn for silage in Western Turkey. Soil and Tillage Research 90(1-2): 250-255

Farklı Toprak İşleme Sistemlerinin Soya Fasulyesinde Glycine max L. Merr. Verim, Tohum Kalitesi ve Yabancı Ot Oranına Etkisi

Year 2017, Volume: 23 Issue: 2, 268 - 275, 01.03.2017


Soya fasulyesi önemli bir bitkidir ve dünyada ve Polonya’da ekiliş alanı artmaktadır. Soya fasulyesi yetiştiriciliğinin etkinliği toprak ve iklim faktörlerinin yanında uygun toprak işlemesine de bağlıdır. Soya fasulyesi yetiştiriciliğinde pullukla devirerek toprak işlemeye alternative bir yöntem de güncelliği giderek artan toprak işlemesiz soya fasulyesi yetiştiricilğidir. Bu çalışmanın amacı geleneksel toprak işleme CT ile toprak işlemesiz NT soya fasulyesi yetiştiriciliğinin Lublin, Polonya koşullarında verim, kalitatif tohum kalitesi ve yabancı ot oranına etkisini karşılaştırmaktır. Bu amaçla 2009-2012 yıllarında Czeslawice Araştırma Çiftliğinde 51° 18′ 23″ N, 22° 16′ 2″ E bir tarla denemesi yürütülmüştür. Deneme, lös oluşumlu grikahverengi podzol toprak üzerinde 4 tekerrürlü olarak bölünmüş parseller deneme deseninde yürütülmüştür. Araştırmada; geleneksel toprak işleme CT ve toprak işlemesiz NT toprak işleme faktörleri olarak ele alınmıştır. Soya fasulyesinin Nawiko çeşidi kullanılmıştır. Çalışmadan elde edilen sonuçlar; soya fasulyesi tohum veriminin toprak işlemesiz NT yetiştiriciliğe göre geleneksel toprak işlemeli CT yöntemde % 24.3 daha fazla olduğunu göstermiştir. Toprak işlemesiz yöntemde bitki sıklığının az olması tohum veriminin az olmasında temel etken olmuştur. Geleneksel toprak işlemeye CT oranla, toprak işlemesiz NT yöntemde ağırlık ve sayı olarak yabancı ot önemli derecede yüksek olmuştur. Toprak işlemesiz yöntemde CT hasat edilen tohumların yağ içeriği % 0.3 daha yüksek olmuştur.


  • Altikat S & Çelik A (2012). Effects of different no-till seeders and tractor forward speeds on the soil physical properties and seed emergence of summer vetch and winter wheat. Tarim Bilimleri Dergisi-Journal of Agricultural Sciences 18(1): 21-30
  • Bernstein E R, Stoltenberg D E, Posner J L & Hedtcke J L (2014). Weed community dynamics and suppression in tilled and no-tillage transitional organic winter rye- soybean systems. Weed Science 62(1): 125-137
  • Blecharczyk A, Małecka I & Skrzypczak G (2004). Effect of reduced tillage on yield, weed infestation of maize and soil properties. Acta Scientiarum Polonorum Agricultura 3(1): 157-163
  • Bujak K, Jędruszczak M & Frant M (2001). The influence of reduced tillage methods on soybean seed yield. Biuletyn IHAR 220: 263-272
  • Bujak K, Jędruszczak M & Frant M (2004). Reduced tillage and foliar nutrition by macro- and microelements and weed infestation of soybean growing in monoculture. Annales UMCS Sectio E Agricultura 59(2): 825-832
  • Çelik I (2011). Effects of tillage methods on penetration resistance, bulk density and saturated hydraulic conductivity in a clayey soil conditions. Tarım Bilimleri Dergisi-Journal of Agricultural Sciences 17(2): 143-156
  • De Vita P, Di Paolo E, Fecondo G, Di Fonzo N & Pisante M (2007). No-tillage and conventional tillage effects on durum wheat yield, grain quality and soil moisture content in southern Italy. Soil and Tillage Research 92(1-2): 69-78
  • Dzienia S, Zimny L & Weber R (2006). The newest trends in soil tillage and techniques of sowing. Fragmenta Agronomica 23(2): 227-241
  • FAOSTAT (2015). Food and Agriculture Organization of The United Nations, Statistics Division. http:// (Erişim tarihi: 30.09.2015)
  • Gao J, Hao X, Thelen K D & Robertson G P (2009). Agronomic management system and precipitation effects on soybean oil and fatty acid profiles. Crop Science 49(3): 1049-1057
  • Gawęda D, Cierpiała R, Bujak K & Wesołowski M (2014). Soybean yield under different tillage systems. Acta Scientiarum Polonorum Hortorum Cultus 13(1): 43-54
  • Gibson K D, Johnson W G & Hillger D E (2005). Farmer perceptions of problematic corn and soybean weeds in Indiana. Weed Technology 19(4): 1065-1070
  • Halford C, Hamill A S, Zhang J & Doucet C (2001). Critical period of weed control in no-till soybean (Glycine max) and corn (Zea mays). Weed Technology 15(4): 737-744
  • Houx J H, Wiebold W J & Fritschi F B(2014). Rotation and tillage affect soybean grain composition, yield, and nutrient removal. Field Crops Research 164: 12-21
  • Kołodziej J & Pisulewska E (2000). Effect of climatic factors on seed yield, fat yield and fat content in seeds of two soybean cultivars. Rośliny Oleiste-Oilseed Crops 21(3): 759-776
  • Korzeniowska J & Stanisławska-Glubiak E (2009). Comparison of production effects of zero and conventional tillage on sandy soil of South-west Poland. Fragmenta Agronomica 26(4): 65-73
  • Majchrzak L, Skrzypczak G & Piechota T (2004). Impact of simplified soil tillage under maize on soil physical properties. Fragmenta Agronomica 3(83): 107-119
  • Martinez E, Fuentes J, Silva P, Valle S & Acevedo E (2008). Soil physical properties and wheat root growth as affected by no-tillage and conventional tillage systems in a Mediterranean environment of Chile. Soil and Tillage Research 99: 232-244
  • Monsefi A, Sharma A R, Rang Zan N, Behera U K & Das T K (2014). Effect of tillage and residue management on productivity of soybean and physico-chemical properties of soil in soybean-wheat cropping system. International Journal of Plant Production 8(3): 429-440
  • Munkholm L J, Shjǿnning P, Rasmussen K J & Tenderup K (2003). Spatial and temporal effects on direct drilling on soil structure in the seedling environment. Soil and Tillage Research 71: 163-173
  • Norsworthy J K (2003). Use of soybean production surveys to determine weed management needs of South Carolina farmers. Weed Technology 17(1): 195-201
  • Ohnishi S, Miyoshi T & Shirai S (2010). Low temperature stress at different flower developmental stages affects pollen development, pollination, and pod set in soybean. Environmental and Experimental Botany 69(1): 56-62
  • Oliveira P, Nascente A S, Kluthcouski J & Castro T A P (2013). Corn and soybean yields as affected by cover crops and herbicide timing under no-tillage system. Planta Daninha 31(4): 939-946
  • Pikul J L Jr, Carpenter-Boggs L, Vigil M, Schumacher T, Lindstrom M J & Riedell W E (2001). Crop yield and soil condition under ridge and chisel-plow tillage in the northern Corn Belt, USA. Soil and Tillage Research 60: 21-33
  • Thuzar M, Puteh A B, Abdullah N A P, Lassim M B M & Jusoff K (2010). The effects of temperature stress on the quality and yield of soya bean [(Glycine max L.) Merrill.]. Journal of Agricultural Science 2(1): 172-179
  • Vollmann J, Winkler J, Fritz C N, Grausgruber H & Ruckenbauer P (2000). Spatial field variations in soybean (Glycine max [L.] Merr.) performance trials affect agronomic characters and seed composition. European Journal of Agronomy 12(1): 13-22
  • Vollmann J, Wagentristl H & Hartl W (2010). The effects of simulated weed pressure on early maturity soybeans. European Journal of Agronomy 32(4): 243-248
  • Włodek S, Biskupski A & Pabin J (2012). The amount of precipitation shortage on productivity of crops grown in simplified systems of tillage. Soil Science Annual 63(2): 49-54
  • YalcinH & Cakir E (2006). Tillage effects and energy efficiencies of subsoiling and direct seeding in light soil on yield of second crop corn for silage in Western Turkey. Soil and Tillage Research 90(1-2): 250-255
There are 29 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Journal Section Research Article

Dorota Gawęda This is me

Małgorzata Halınıarz This is me

Rafał Cierpiałaa This is me

Irena Kluseka This is me

Publication Date March 1, 2017
Published in Issue Year 2017 Volume: 23 Issue: 2


APA Gawęda, D., Halınıarz, M., Cierpiałaa, R., Kluseka, I. (2017). Yield, Weed Infestation and Seed Quality of Soybean Glycine max L. Merr. under Different Tillage Systems. Journal of Agricultural Sciences, 23(2), 268-275.
AMA Gawęda D, Halınıarz M, Cierpiałaa R, Kluseka I. Yield, Weed Infestation and Seed Quality of Soybean Glycine max L. Merr. under Different Tillage Systems. J Agr Sci-Tarim Bili. March 2017;23(2):268-275.
Chicago Gawęda, Dorota, Małgorzata Halınıarz, Rafał Cierpiałaa, and Irena Kluseka. “Yield, Weed Infestation and Seed Quality of Soybean Glycine Max L. Merr. under Different Tillage Systems”. Journal of Agricultural Sciences 23, no. 2 (March 2017): 268-75.
EndNote Gawęda D, Halınıarz M, Cierpiałaa R, Kluseka I (March 1, 2017) Yield, Weed Infestation and Seed Quality of Soybean Glycine max L. Merr. under Different Tillage Systems. Journal of Agricultural Sciences 23 2 268–275.
IEEE D. Gawęda, M. Halınıarz, R. Cierpiałaa, and I. Kluseka, “Yield, Weed Infestation and Seed Quality of Soybean Glycine max L. Merr. under Different Tillage Systems”, J Agr Sci-Tarim Bili, vol. 23, no. 2, pp. 268–275, 2017.
ISNAD Gawęda, Dorota et al. “Yield, Weed Infestation and Seed Quality of Soybean Glycine Max L. Merr. under Different Tillage Systems”. Journal of Agricultural Sciences 23/2 (March 2017), 268-275.
JAMA Gawęda D, Halınıarz M, Cierpiałaa R, Kluseka I. Yield, Weed Infestation and Seed Quality of Soybean Glycine max L. Merr. under Different Tillage Systems. J Agr Sci-Tarim Bili. 2017;23:268–275.
MLA Gawęda, Dorota et al. “Yield, Weed Infestation and Seed Quality of Soybean Glycine Max L. Merr. under Different Tillage Systems”. Journal of Agricultural Sciences, vol. 23, no. 2, 2017, pp. 268-75.
Vancouver Gawęda D, Halınıarz M, Cierpiałaa R, Kluseka I. Yield, Weed Infestation and Seed Quality of Soybean Glycine max L. Merr. under Different Tillage Systems. J Agr Sci-Tarim Bili. 2017;23(2):268-75.

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