Research Article
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Year 1995, Volume: 01 Issue: 01, 41 - 46, 01.01.1995


Effect of Trifluralin, used as preemergence herbicide, on soil nitrification and soil catalase activity were studied on a fine textured soil sample. Soil samples, treated with three different doses of Trifluralinin 0.0 mg , 0,4 mg and 0,8 mg active ingredient kg" I as equivalent application rate of treflan 0.0, 200 and 400 ml active indegredient da1 , at three different moisture levels 75 %, 100 % and 150 % of field capacity at 27 °C were incubated for 18 days. Testing of trifluralin doses signifı cantly P


  • Audus., L.J. 1964. Herbicide Behaviour in the Soil In: The phsiology and Biochemistry of Herbicider. Academice Press.
  • Beck, T.H.1971. Die Messungder Katalasen aktivitaet Von Böden. Z. Pflanzenernaehi. Bodenk. 130, 68- 81.
  • Domsch, K.H., Jagnow. G. and Anderson, T.H., 1983. an ecological concept for the assessment of side effects of agrochemicals on soil microorganisms. Residue Rev. 86, 65-105.
  • Glinskci, J; Stepnievwska, -2; Brzezinska, M 1986. Charcterization of the deyhrogenase and atulase activity of the soils two natural sites with respect of the soil oxygenation status. Polish-Journal of soil. Sci. XIX: 1-2, 47-52.
  • Haktanır, K. 1989. Pestisitlerin ve ag ı r metallerin topraktaki biyolojik olaylar üzerine etkileri. Türkiye Çevre Sorunlar ı Vakfı Yayını . Ankara.
  • Hansen-de- Hein, W.I; Lopez,J.A; Quanino,O.R., 1985. The application of atrazine and trifluralin in relation to the nitrifı cation of the soil. Malzes, 13:1, 41-38.Jensen, and Petersen 1952.
  • Jolley, AN.; Johnstone, P.K; Bos, J.A. 1990. Factors influencing trifluralin persistence in soil a review. Proccedings of the gth Australian weeds conference, 294-298.
  • Malkomes, H.P. 1992. Nitrifications es anecotoxicological indicator for agrochenicals in soil under different test conditions. Zentrallbaltt fiir mikrobiologie. 1992, 147:314. 250-260.
  • Martens, D.A Bremner, J.M. 1993. Influence of Herbicides on transformations of urea nitrogen in soil. J. Environ. Sci. Health. B 28 (4), 377.
  • Mba-Ghebogıı, C., B. Meyer und P.Narain, 1975. Boden und Dünger (N15)- Stickstoff in AckerParabraunerder aus Löss: Jahresbilanz und umverteikıng auf verschiedene N- Bindunge-formen in Abhöngigkeit von Bewuchs, N-Düngungs form und zusatz von nitriifications hemmern. Göttinger Bodenkundliche Berichte 34, 1-67.
  • Otten, R.J., Dawson, J.E. and Schreiber 1957. Proc.Northe. Weed Control Conf. 11, 120-7.
  • Propenko, 0.I; Mhsina, G.V 1983. Effecet of some herbicides on catalase activity and oil content in soyabe anplantes, Sibirskii-Vestnik Sel'skokhozya istvennoi-Nahki. No. 6., 15-17, 112.
  • Qastel, J.H and Scholefield P.G.1951. Bactirev.15, 1-53. TU, C.M 1992. Effect of some herbicides on activities of microorganisms and enzymes in soil J.of environ.Sci. and Health. Pert. B,- Pesticides,- food Contaminants 27: 6, 695-709.


Year 1995, Volume: 01 Issue: 01, 41 - 46, 01.01.1995


Çıkış öncesi herbisit olarak kullanı lan Trifluralin' in toprakta nitrifıkasyon ve toprak katalaz aktivitesi üzerine etkileri ince tekstürlü toprak örne ğinde üç farkl ı dozda 0.0, 200 ve 400 ml. aktif madde. da- I olacak şekilde % 48'lik treflanden 0.0, 0.4 ve 0.8 mg aktif madde. kg - I trifluralin uygulanarak; üç farkl ı nem düzeyinde tarla kapasitesinin % 75, % 100 ve % 150 , 27 °C de ve 18 gün süreyle inkübe edilerek ara ştınlmıştır. Uygulanan trifluralin dozlan zaman ve nem düzeylerine ba ğlı olarak katalaz aktivitesi de ğişimini önemli düzeyde P< 0.01 etkilemiştir. Nitrifıkasyon olayı ise nem düzeylerine bağlı olarak zaman içinde P< 0.01 düzeyinde önemli bir art ış göstermiştir.


  • Audus., L.J. 1964. Herbicide Behaviour in the Soil In: The phsiology and Biochemistry of Herbicider. Academice Press.
  • Beck, T.H.1971. Die Messungder Katalasen aktivitaet Von Böden. Z. Pflanzenernaehi. Bodenk. 130, 68- 81.
  • Domsch, K.H., Jagnow. G. and Anderson, T.H., 1983. an ecological concept for the assessment of side effects of agrochemicals on soil microorganisms. Residue Rev. 86, 65-105.
  • Glinskci, J; Stepnievwska, -2; Brzezinska, M 1986. Charcterization of the deyhrogenase and atulase activity of the soils two natural sites with respect of the soil oxygenation status. Polish-Journal of soil. Sci. XIX: 1-2, 47-52.
  • Haktanır, K. 1989. Pestisitlerin ve ag ı r metallerin topraktaki biyolojik olaylar üzerine etkileri. Türkiye Çevre Sorunlar ı Vakfı Yayını . Ankara.
  • Hansen-de- Hein, W.I; Lopez,J.A; Quanino,O.R., 1985. The application of atrazine and trifluralin in relation to the nitrifı cation of the soil. Malzes, 13:1, 41-38.Jensen, and Petersen 1952.
  • Jolley, AN.; Johnstone, P.K; Bos, J.A. 1990. Factors influencing trifluralin persistence in soil a review. Proccedings of the gth Australian weeds conference, 294-298.
  • Malkomes, H.P. 1992. Nitrifications es anecotoxicological indicator for agrochenicals in soil under different test conditions. Zentrallbaltt fiir mikrobiologie. 1992, 147:314. 250-260.
  • Martens, D.A Bremner, J.M. 1993. Influence of Herbicides on transformations of urea nitrogen in soil. J. Environ. Sci. Health. B 28 (4), 377.
  • Mba-Ghebogıı, C., B. Meyer und P.Narain, 1975. Boden und Dünger (N15)- Stickstoff in AckerParabraunerder aus Löss: Jahresbilanz und umverteikıng auf verschiedene N- Bindunge-formen in Abhöngigkeit von Bewuchs, N-Düngungs form und zusatz von nitriifications hemmern. Göttinger Bodenkundliche Berichte 34, 1-67.
  • Otten, R.J., Dawson, J.E. and Schreiber 1957. Proc.Northe. Weed Control Conf. 11, 120-7.
  • Propenko, 0.I; Mhsina, G.V 1983. Effecet of some herbicides on catalase activity and oil content in soyabe anplantes, Sibirskii-Vestnik Sel'skokhozya istvennoi-Nahki. No. 6., 15-17, 112.
  • Qastel, J.H and Scholefield P.G.1951. Bactirev.15, 1-53. TU, C.M 1992. Effect of some herbicides on activities of microorganisms and enzymes in soil J.of environ.Sci. and Health. Pert. B,- Pesticides,- food Contaminants 27: 6, 695-709.
There are 13 citations in total.


Primary Language Turkish
Subjects Engineering
Journal Section Research Article

Sevinç Arcak This is me

Satea M. Omar This is me

Koray Haktanır This is me

Publication Date January 1, 1995
Submission Date January 1, 1995
Published in Issue Year 1995 Volume: 01 Issue: 01


APA Arcak, S., Omar, S. M., & Haktanır, K. (1995). TRİFLURALİN’İN TOPRAKTA NİTRİFİKASYON VE KATALAZ AKTİVİTESİNE ETKİLERİ. Journal of Agricultural Sciences, 01(01), 41-46.

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