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Bursa Yöresinde Demir Klorozu Görülen Şeftali Ağaçlarının Besin Maddesi içeriklerinin incelenmesi

Year 1996, Volume: 02 Issue: 02, 57 - 61, 01.05.1996


Bu çal ışma, demir klorozu gösteren şeftali ağaçlar ı n ı n besin maddesi kompozisyonlar ı üzerine klorozun etkisini belirlemek çin yürütülmü ştür. Bu amaçla, 4 şeftali bahçesindeki de ğişik düzeylerde kloroz gösteren a ğaçlardan ayr ı ayrı , 2 y ı l süreyle yaprak örnekleri al ı nm ışt ı r. Araşt ı rma sonucunda elde edilen bulgulara göre; şeftali ağaçları n ı n demirle beslenme durumlar ı n ı n aç ı klanmas ı nda aktif demirin, toplam demirden daha iyi bir paremetre oldu ğu, kloroz ile Ca, Mg, Zn, Cu ve Mn içerikleri aras ı nda bir ilişki bulunmad ığı , ancak P/Fe, K/Fe, K/Ca, Zn/Fe ve Cu/Fe oranlar ı n ı n klorozdan önemli düzeyde etkilendikleri ve bu oranlann Fe klorozunun te şhisi ve kapsam ı n ı n belirlenmesinde kullan ı labileceğ i görü şüne var ı lm ışt ı r


  • Abadia,J., J.N.Nishio, E.Monge, L.Montanes and L.Heras,1985. Mineral composition of peach leaves affected by iron chlorosis. J. of Plant Nutri. 8(8): 697 - 707.
  • Arnold,J.T. and L.F.Thorr,pson,1982. Chlorosis in Blueberries: a soil - plant investigation. J. of Plant Nutri. 5(4 - 7 ): 747 - 753.
  • Başar,H.,1995. Şeffaf ağaçlar ı nda görülen demir klorozunun değerlendirilmesinde çeşitli analiz yöntemlerinin karşı laşt ı rı lmas ı . Doktora tezi. U.U. Fen Bilimleri Ens. Bursa. Benett,J.P.,1945. (nın in leaves. Soil Sci. 60: 91 -105.
  • Bruinsma,J.,1963. The quantative analysis of chlorophylls a and b in plant extracts. Photochem and photobiol. 2: 241 - 249.
  • Chen,Y. and P.Barak,1982. Iron nutrition of plants on calcareous soils. Adv. Agron. 35: 217 - 240.
  • DeKock,P.C. and A.Hal1,1955. The phosphorus - iron relationship in genetical chlorosis. Plt. physiol. 30: 293 - 295.
  • DeKock,P.C., A.Hall and R.H.E.Inkson,1979. Active iron in plant leaves. Ann.Bot. 43: 737 - 740.
  • DeKock,P.C.,1981. Iron nutrition under condition of stress. J of Plant Nutri. 3(1 - 4): 513 - 521.
  • Foy,C.F., P.W.Voigt and J.W.Schwartz,1977. Differential susceptibilities of weeping lovegrass strains to an iron - related chlorosis on calcareous soils. Agronomy journal. 69 491 - 496.
  • Ish hara.M.,1968. Chlorosis of Japanese pear trees in Serpentine soil. I. leafy, fine root and soil analysis in chlorotic Japanese pear orchards. Bull.Hort. Res. stn, Hiratsuka. 7: 73 - 92.
  • Kacar,B.,1972. Bitki ve Toprağın Kimyasal Analizleri, Il Bitki Analizleri. A.U. Zir. Fak. Yay ı n. No:453. Ankara.
  • Katyal,J.C. and B.D.Sharma,1980. A new technique of plant analysis to resolve iron chlorosis. Plant and soil. 55: 105 - 119.
  • Lang,H.J. and D.W.Reed,1987. Comparison of HCI extraction versus total iron analysis for iron tissue analysis. J. of Plant Nutri. 10(7): 107 - 116.
  • Leece,D.R., F .W.Cradock and 0.G.Carter,1971. J. of Hort. Sci. 46: 163 - 175.
  • Leece,D.R.,1976. Diagnosis of nutritional disorders of fruit trees by leaf and soil analysis and biochemical indices. J. of Aust. Inst. Agric. Sci. 42:7 - 19.
  • Leeper,G.W.,1952. Factors affecting availability of inorganic nutrients in soils with special reference to micronutrient metals. Ann. Rev. Plant Physiol. 3:1 - 16.
  • Llorente,S., A.Leon,A.Torrecillas and C.Alvarez,1976. Leaf iron and chlorosis. Agrochimica. 20: 204 - 210.
  • Lott,W.L., J.P.Gallo and J.C.Medaff,1956. Leaf analysis technique in coffee research. lbec.Research Ins. Il. 9: 21 - 24.
  • Mehrotra,S.C., C.P.Sharma and S.C.Agarwala,1985. A search for extractants to evaluate the iron status of plants. Soil sci. plant nutri. 31(2): 155 - 162.
  • Mengel,K. and E.A.Kirkby,1982. Principles of Plant Nutrition. International potash institute. Bern - Switzerland.
  • Oserkowsky,J.,1933. Quantitative relation between chlorophyll and iron in green and chlorotic pear leaves. Plant physiol 8:449 - 468.
  • Pierson,E.E. and R.B.Clark,1984. Ferrous iron determination in plant tissue. J. of plant nutri. 7 (1 - 5):107 - 116.
  • Reed,D.W.,G.C.Lyons 2nd R .G. McEachern, 1988. Field evaluation of inorganic and chelated iron fertilizers as foliar sprays and soil application. J. of plant nutri. 11(6 - 11):1369 - 1378.
  • Rezk,A.l.,1988. Active iron as a routine tecnique and useful index of iron status of crops. Proceedings of the 7th international colloquim for the optimization of the plant nutrition. 29 August - 2 September, Nyborg - Denmark.
  • Smith,P.F., W.Reuter and A.U.Spacht,1960. Mineral composition of chlorotic orange leaves and some observations on the relation of sample preparation tecniques to the interpretation of results. Plant physiol. 25:496 - 506.
  • Takkar,P.N. and N.P.Kaur,1984. HCI method for Fe'2estimation to resolve iron chlorosis in plants. J. of plant nutri. 7(1 - 5):81 - 90.
  • Wallace,A., R.A. Wood and S.M.Soufi,1976. Cation - anion balance in lime - induced chlorosis. Commun. soil sci. plant anal. 7:15 - 26.
  • Zaharieva,T.,1986. Comparative studies of iron inefficient plant species with plant analysis. J. of plant nutri. 9(3 - 7):939 946

Investigation on Nutrient Contents of Peach Trees Affected by Iron Chiorosis in Bursa Region

Year 1996, Volume: 02 Issue: 02, 57 - 61, 01.05.1996


This study was implemented to determine effect of iron chlorosis on mineral composition of peach trees. For this purpose, leaf samples were taken separately from trees indicating different degree of chlorosis in four orchards in two years period. According to results obtained from the experiment; It was shown that, active iron was the most appropriate method in diagnosis of iron chlorosis as compared with total iron. There was no significant relationship between iron chlorosis and Ca, Mg, Zn Cu and Mn concentrations of leaves, whereas P/Fe, K/Fe, K/Ca, Zn/Fe and Cu/Fe ratios were significantly affected by iron chlorosis and it could be suggested that these ratios wouid be used as an index of iron status of peach trees.


  • Abadia,J., J.N.Nishio, E.Monge, L.Montanes and L.Heras,1985. Mineral composition of peach leaves affected by iron chlorosis. J. of Plant Nutri. 8(8): 697 - 707.
  • Arnold,J.T. and L.F.Thorr,pson,1982. Chlorosis in Blueberries: a soil - plant investigation. J. of Plant Nutri. 5(4 - 7 ): 747 - 753.
  • Başar,H.,1995. Şeffaf ağaçlar ı nda görülen demir klorozunun değerlendirilmesinde çeşitli analiz yöntemlerinin karşı laşt ı rı lmas ı . Doktora tezi. U.U. Fen Bilimleri Ens. Bursa. Benett,J.P.,1945. (nın in leaves. Soil Sci. 60: 91 -105.
  • Bruinsma,J.,1963. The quantative analysis of chlorophylls a and b in plant extracts. Photochem and photobiol. 2: 241 - 249.
  • Chen,Y. and P.Barak,1982. Iron nutrition of plants on calcareous soils. Adv. Agron. 35: 217 - 240.
  • DeKock,P.C. and A.Hal1,1955. The phosphorus - iron relationship in genetical chlorosis. Plt. physiol. 30: 293 - 295.
  • DeKock,P.C., A.Hall and R.H.E.Inkson,1979. Active iron in plant leaves. Ann.Bot. 43: 737 - 740.
  • DeKock,P.C.,1981. Iron nutrition under condition of stress. J of Plant Nutri. 3(1 - 4): 513 - 521.
  • Foy,C.F., P.W.Voigt and J.W.Schwartz,1977. Differential susceptibilities of weeping lovegrass strains to an iron - related chlorosis on calcareous soils. Agronomy journal. 69 491 - 496.
  • Ish hara.M.,1968. Chlorosis of Japanese pear trees in Serpentine soil. I. leafy, fine root and soil analysis in chlorotic Japanese pear orchards. Bull.Hort. Res. stn, Hiratsuka. 7: 73 - 92.
  • Kacar,B.,1972. Bitki ve Toprağın Kimyasal Analizleri, Il Bitki Analizleri. A.U. Zir. Fak. Yay ı n. No:453. Ankara.
  • Katyal,J.C. and B.D.Sharma,1980. A new technique of plant analysis to resolve iron chlorosis. Plant and soil. 55: 105 - 119.
  • Lang,H.J. and D.W.Reed,1987. Comparison of HCI extraction versus total iron analysis for iron tissue analysis. J. of Plant Nutri. 10(7): 107 - 116.
  • Leece,D.R., F .W.Cradock and 0.G.Carter,1971. J. of Hort. Sci. 46: 163 - 175.
  • Leece,D.R.,1976. Diagnosis of nutritional disorders of fruit trees by leaf and soil analysis and biochemical indices. J. of Aust. Inst. Agric. Sci. 42:7 - 19.
  • Leeper,G.W.,1952. Factors affecting availability of inorganic nutrients in soils with special reference to micronutrient metals. Ann. Rev. Plant Physiol. 3:1 - 16.
  • Llorente,S., A.Leon,A.Torrecillas and C.Alvarez,1976. Leaf iron and chlorosis. Agrochimica. 20: 204 - 210.
  • Lott,W.L., J.P.Gallo and J.C.Medaff,1956. Leaf analysis technique in coffee research. lbec.Research Ins. Il. 9: 21 - 24.
  • Mehrotra,S.C., C.P.Sharma and S.C.Agarwala,1985. A search for extractants to evaluate the iron status of plants. Soil sci. plant nutri. 31(2): 155 - 162.
  • Mengel,K. and E.A.Kirkby,1982. Principles of Plant Nutrition. International potash institute. Bern - Switzerland.
  • Oserkowsky,J.,1933. Quantitative relation between chlorophyll and iron in green and chlorotic pear leaves. Plant physiol 8:449 - 468.
  • Pierson,E.E. and R.B.Clark,1984. Ferrous iron determination in plant tissue. J. of plant nutri. 7 (1 - 5):107 - 116.
  • Reed,D.W.,G.C.Lyons 2nd R .G. McEachern, 1988. Field evaluation of inorganic and chelated iron fertilizers as foliar sprays and soil application. J. of plant nutri. 11(6 - 11):1369 - 1378.
  • Rezk,A.l.,1988. Active iron as a routine tecnique and useful index of iron status of crops. Proceedings of the 7th international colloquim for the optimization of the plant nutrition. 29 August - 2 September, Nyborg - Denmark.
  • Smith,P.F., W.Reuter and A.U.Spacht,1960. Mineral composition of chlorotic orange leaves and some observations on the relation of sample preparation tecniques to the interpretation of results. Plant physiol. 25:496 - 506.
  • Takkar,P.N. and N.P.Kaur,1984. HCI method for Fe'2estimation to resolve iron chlorosis in plants. J. of plant nutri. 7(1 - 5):81 - 90.
  • Wallace,A., R.A. Wood and S.M.Soufi,1976. Cation - anion balance in lime - induced chlorosis. Commun. soil sci. plant anal. 7:15 - 26.
  • Zaharieva,T.,1986. Comparative studies of iron inefficient plant species with plant analysis. J. of plant nutri. 9(3 - 7):939 946
There are 28 citations in total.


Primary Language Turkish
Subjects Engineering
Journal Section Research Article

Haluk Basar This is me

Publication Date May 1, 1996
Submission Date May 1, 1996
Published in Issue Year 1996 Volume: 02 Issue: 02


APA Basar, H. (1996). Bursa Yöresinde Demir Klorozu Görülen Şeftali Ağaçlarının Besin Maddesi içeriklerinin incelenmesi. Journal of Agricultural Sciences, 02(02), 57-61.
AMA Basar H. Bursa Yöresinde Demir Klorozu Görülen Şeftali Ağaçlarının Besin Maddesi içeriklerinin incelenmesi. J Agr Sci-Tarim Bili. May 1996;02(02):57-61.
Chicago Basar, Haluk. “Bursa Yöresinde Demir Klorozu Görülen Şeftali Ağaçlarının Besin Maddesi içeriklerinin Incelenmesi”. Journal of Agricultural Sciences 02, no. 02 (May 1996): 57-61.
EndNote Basar H (May 1, 1996) Bursa Yöresinde Demir Klorozu Görülen Şeftali Ağaçlarının Besin Maddesi içeriklerinin incelenmesi. Journal of Agricultural Sciences 02 02 57–61.
IEEE H. Basar, “Bursa Yöresinde Demir Klorozu Görülen Şeftali Ağaçlarının Besin Maddesi içeriklerinin incelenmesi”, J Agr Sci-Tarim Bili, vol. 02, no. 02, pp. 57–61, 1996.
ISNAD Basar, Haluk. “Bursa Yöresinde Demir Klorozu Görülen Şeftali Ağaçlarının Besin Maddesi içeriklerinin Incelenmesi”. Journal of Agricultural Sciences 02/02 (May 1996), 57-61.
JAMA Basar H. Bursa Yöresinde Demir Klorozu Görülen Şeftali Ağaçlarının Besin Maddesi içeriklerinin incelenmesi. J Agr Sci-Tarim Bili. 1996;02:57–61.
MLA Basar, Haluk. “Bursa Yöresinde Demir Klorozu Görülen Şeftali Ağaçlarının Besin Maddesi içeriklerinin Incelenmesi”. Journal of Agricultural Sciences, vol. 02, no. 02, 1996, pp. 57-61.
Vancouver Basar H. Bursa Yöresinde Demir Klorozu Görülen Şeftali Ağaçlarının Besin Maddesi içeriklerinin incelenmesi. J Agr Sci-Tarim Bili. 1996;02(02):57-61.

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