Bu çal ışmada Van Tarım Meslek Lisesi Esmer s ığı r sürüsünün genetik analizi yap ı lmışt ı r. Gerçek süt verimi, 305 günlük süt verimi, ortalama günlük süt verimi, laktasyon süresi, buza ğı lama aral ığı , servis peryodu ve gebelik süresinin kal ı tım dereceleri s ı rası yla 0.359+0.059, 0.356±0.059, 0.254±0.0059, 0.224±0.058, 0.071±0.104, 0.063±0.098 ve 0.142±0.038, 'iekrarlanma dereceleri ise yine ayn ı özellikler için 0.892±0.236, 0.758±0.243, 0.767±0.222, 0.821±0.212, 0.143±0.039, 0.306±0.05Fk ve 0.462±0.174 olarak bulunmu ştur. Ayn ı hayvanlar ı n birbirini izleyen verimlerini kullanarak çevresel yönelim -29.90 kg/y ı l, fenotipik yönetim -16.95 kg/yı l, genetik yönelim ise +12.95 kg/y ı l olarak gerçekleşmiştir. Diğer yandan, uygulanmış olan seleksiyondan süt verimindeki genetik yönelim 1968-89 y ı lları arası nda +15.15 kg/y ı l olarak tahmin edilmiştir. Bu ilerlemenin % 94.35'i boğa analar ı n ı n seçiminden kaynaklanm ışt ı r.
The purpose of this study was to determine the genetic analysis of the Brown cattle herd of Van Agricultural Vocational High School. The heritability estimates were 0.359±0.059, 0.356±0.059, 0.254±0.059, 0.224±0,058, 0.071±0.104, 0.063±0.098 and 0.142±0.038 for lactation milk yield, 305 day milk yield, average daily milk yield, lactation period calving interval, service period and gestation period respectively. The repeatability estimates were 0.892±0.236, 0.758±0.243, 0.767±0.222, 0.821±0.212, 0.143±0.039, 0.306±0.058 and 0.462±0.174 for the same traits. By taking the weighed means for the years under the consideration, the phenotypic and environmental change per year was estimated as -16.95 kg and -29.90 kg respectively. The genetic change was calculated to be 12.95 kg per year according to the values giyen for the environmental and genetic trends. On the other hand, the genetic trend in milk yield of cows in the herds from 1969 to 89 was estimated as 15.15 kg/year. About 94.35 % of this gain came from the selection of dams of sires.
Primary Language | Turkish |
Subjects | Engineering |
Journal Section | Research Article |
Authors | |
Publication Date | May 1, 1997 |
Submission Date | May 1, 1997 |
Published in Issue | Year 1997 Volume: 03 Issue: 02 |
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