Prediction of Chlorophyll a in Kurtboğazı and Çamlıdere Reservoirs
Year 1999,
Volume: 05 Issue: 01, 66 - 70, 01.01.1999
Nilsun Demır
ç -
Handan Çamdeviren
Sıddık Keskin
he relationships between chlorophyll a and some physical and chemical properties of water were investigated by using multiple linear and nonlinear regression models in Kurtbo ğ az ı and Çaml ı dere reservoirs With these two different approaches chlorophyll a was aimed to be estimate more accurately. The determination coefficients were found as 95% and 82% for multiple linear regression models while 85` /0 and 7 O % for nonlinear regression models for Kurtbo ğaz ı and Çaml ı dere reservoirs, respectively.
- APHA. 1975. Standard Methods for the Examination of Water and Wastewater. 14th ed. John D. Lucas Co., 1193 p., USA.
- Bakan, A.N. 1997. Ankara'ya Su Sa ğlayan Kurtboğaz ı ve Çaml ı dere Baraj Gölleri ile lvedik Su Ar ı tı m Tesisinde Plankton Kompozisyonunun Karşı laştı rmal ı Olarak incelenmesi. A.Ü. Fen Bilimleri Ens., Doktora Tezi, 112 s., Ankara.
- Brezonik, P.L. 1978. Effect of organic color and turbitidy on Secchi disk transparency. J. Fish. Res. Board Can. 35: 1410 - 1416.
- Curi, K.V. and S. Tanyeri, 1974. Nehirlerdeki özümleme Kapasitesi Üzerine Genel Analitik Model Ve Porsuk Nehrine Tatbiki (TÜBITAK) Proje no: MAG-329, 103 p., Istanbul.
- Dillon, P.J. and F.H. Rigler, 1974. A test of a simple nutrient budget model predicting the phosphorus concentration in leke water.J.Fish.Res. Board Can. 31 :1771-1778 .
- Draper, N.R. and H. Smith, 1980. Applied Regression Analysis. Univ. of Wisconsin, 710 p., USA.
- Gökkurt, S. 1989. Water Quality Model for Karasu River. M.E.T.U. Master Thesis, 105 p., Ankara
- Hoyer, M.V. and J.R. Jones, 1983. Factors affecting the relation between phosphorus and chlorophyll a in midwestern reservoirs. Can. J. Fish. Aquat. Sci. 40 : 192-199.
- Komarkova, J. and J. HejzIar, 1996. Summer maxima of phytoplankton in the Rimov reservoir in relation to hydrologic parameters and phosphorus loading Arch. Hydrobiol. 136 : 217-236.
- Lind, 0.T., T.T. Terrell and B.G. Kimmel, 1993. Problems in reservoir trophic-state classification and ı mplications for reservoir management. In : M. Straskaba, J.G. Tundisi, A. Duncan (eds), Comparative Reservoir Limnology and Water Quality Management, Kluwer Ac. Publ. p. 57-67.The Netherlands.
- Lund, J.W.G., C. Kipling and E.D. Le Cren, 1958. The ı nverted microscope method of estimating algal numbers and statistical basis of estimations by counting. Hydrobiologia, 11 : 143-170.
- Mazumder, A. 1994 a. Phosphorus-chlorophyl relationships under contrasting herbivory and thermal stratification: prediction and pattemrns. Can. Jj. Fish. Aquat. Sci, 51 : 390-400
- Mazumder, A, 1994 b. Phosphorus-chlorophyll relationships under contrasting zooplankton community Structure potential mechanisms. Can. J. Fish. Aquat. Sci. 51 : 401-407.
- Pulatsü, S., H. Çamdeviren and E. Ba şp ı nar, 1997. Mogan gölünde (Ankara) klorofil-a konsantrasyonunun tahmininde çoklu regresyon ve path analizi kullan ı m ı . Tarı m Bilimleri Dergisi, 3 : 65-68.
- Riley, E.T. and E.E. Prepas, 1985. Comparison of the phosphorus-chlorophyit relationships in mixed and stratifical laket. Can J. Fish. Aquat. Sci. 42 : 831-835.
- Seip, K.L, H. Sas and S. Vermij, 1992. Changes in Secchi disk depth with eutrophication. Arch Hydrobiol. 124 : 149-165.
- Smith, V. H. 1986. Light and nutrient effects on the relative biomass of blue-green algae in lake phytoplankton. Can. J. Fish. Aquat. Sci. 42 : 148-153.
- Strickland, J.D.H. and T.R. Parsons, 1972. A Practical Handbook of Seawater Analysis. 2nd Ed. Bull. Fish Res. Board Can. No: 167, 311 p., Canada.
- USEPA, 1974. An Approach to a Relative Trophic Index System for Classifying Lakes and Reservoirs. US Environmental Protection Agency, 22 p., USA.
- Vvzina, A. F. and M. L. Pace, 1994. An inverse model analysis of planktonic food webs in exqerimental lakes. Can. J. Fish. Aquat. Sci. 51:2034-2044.
- Zakova, Z., D. Berankova, E. Kockova, P. Kriz and H. Mlejnkova, 1993. investigation of the development of biological and chemical conditions in the Vir reservoir 30 years after impoundment. Wat. Sci. Tech, 28: 65-74.
Kurtboğazı ve Çaml ı dere Barajlar ı nda Klorofil a' n ı n Tahmini
Year 1999,
Volume: 05 Issue: 01, 66 - 70, 01.01.1999
Nilsun Demır
ç -
Handan Çamdeviren
Sıddık Keskin
Kurtboğ az ı ve Çaml ı dere barajlan içir ı kurulan çoklu doğ rusal ve doğ rusal olmayan regresyon modeilerinden yararlan ı larak, suyun baz ı fiziksel ve kimyasal parametreleri ile klorofil a aras ı ndaki iliş kiler değ erlendirilmiştir Bu iki farkl ı yaklaşı mdaki amaç klorofil a'n ı n güvenilir bir şekilde tahmin edilmesidir. Belirleme katsay ı lar ı Kurtboğ az ı ve Çaml ı dere baraj gölleri için, do ğ rusal çoklu regresyon modelinde s ı ras ı yla %95 ve Ü/o 8 2 olarak bulunurken, doğ rusal olmayan regresyon modellerinde %85 ve %70 olarak bulunmu ştur.
- APHA. 1975. Standard Methods for the Examination of Water and Wastewater. 14th ed. John D. Lucas Co., 1193 p., USA.
- Bakan, A.N. 1997. Ankara'ya Su Sa ğlayan Kurtboğaz ı ve Çaml ı dere Baraj Gölleri ile lvedik Su Ar ı tı m Tesisinde Plankton Kompozisyonunun Karşı laştı rmal ı Olarak incelenmesi. A.Ü. Fen Bilimleri Ens., Doktora Tezi, 112 s., Ankara.
- Brezonik, P.L. 1978. Effect of organic color and turbitidy on Secchi disk transparency. J. Fish. Res. Board Can. 35: 1410 - 1416.
- Curi, K.V. and S. Tanyeri, 1974. Nehirlerdeki özümleme Kapasitesi Üzerine Genel Analitik Model Ve Porsuk Nehrine Tatbiki (TÜBITAK) Proje no: MAG-329, 103 p., Istanbul.
- Dillon, P.J. and F.H. Rigler, 1974. A test of a simple nutrient budget model predicting the phosphorus concentration in leke water.J.Fish.Res. Board Can. 31 :1771-1778 .
- Draper, N.R. and H. Smith, 1980. Applied Regression Analysis. Univ. of Wisconsin, 710 p., USA.
- Gökkurt, S. 1989. Water Quality Model for Karasu River. M.E.T.U. Master Thesis, 105 p., Ankara
- Hoyer, M.V. and J.R. Jones, 1983. Factors affecting the relation between phosphorus and chlorophyll a in midwestern reservoirs. Can. J. Fish. Aquat. Sci. 40 : 192-199.
- Komarkova, J. and J. HejzIar, 1996. Summer maxima of phytoplankton in the Rimov reservoir in relation to hydrologic parameters and phosphorus loading Arch. Hydrobiol. 136 : 217-236.
- Lind, 0.T., T.T. Terrell and B.G. Kimmel, 1993. Problems in reservoir trophic-state classification and ı mplications for reservoir management. In : M. Straskaba, J.G. Tundisi, A. Duncan (eds), Comparative Reservoir Limnology and Water Quality Management, Kluwer Ac. Publ. p. 57-67.The Netherlands.
- Lund, J.W.G., C. Kipling and E.D. Le Cren, 1958. The ı nverted microscope method of estimating algal numbers and statistical basis of estimations by counting. Hydrobiologia, 11 : 143-170.
- Mazumder, A. 1994 a. Phosphorus-chlorophyl relationships under contrasting herbivory and thermal stratification: prediction and pattemrns. Can. Jj. Fish. Aquat. Sci, 51 : 390-400
- Mazumder, A, 1994 b. Phosphorus-chlorophyll relationships under contrasting zooplankton community Structure potential mechanisms. Can. J. Fish. Aquat. Sci. 51 : 401-407.
- Pulatsü, S., H. Çamdeviren and E. Ba şp ı nar, 1997. Mogan gölünde (Ankara) klorofil-a konsantrasyonunun tahmininde çoklu regresyon ve path analizi kullan ı m ı . Tarı m Bilimleri Dergisi, 3 : 65-68.
- Riley, E.T. and E.E. Prepas, 1985. Comparison of the phosphorus-chlorophyit relationships in mixed and stratifical laket. Can J. Fish. Aquat. Sci. 42 : 831-835.
- Seip, K.L, H. Sas and S. Vermij, 1992. Changes in Secchi disk depth with eutrophication. Arch Hydrobiol. 124 : 149-165.
- Smith, V. H. 1986. Light and nutrient effects on the relative biomass of blue-green algae in lake phytoplankton. Can. J. Fish. Aquat. Sci. 42 : 148-153.
- Strickland, J.D.H. and T.R. Parsons, 1972. A Practical Handbook of Seawater Analysis. 2nd Ed. Bull. Fish Res. Board Can. No: 167, 311 p., Canada.
- USEPA, 1974. An Approach to a Relative Trophic Index System for Classifying Lakes and Reservoirs. US Environmental Protection Agency, 22 p., USA.
- Vvzina, A. F. and M. L. Pace, 1994. An inverse model analysis of planktonic food webs in exqerimental lakes. Can. J. Fish. Aquat. Sci. 51:2034-2044.
- Zakova, Z., D. Berankova, E. Kockova, P. Kriz and H. Mlejnkova, 1993. investigation of the development of biological and chemical conditions in the Vir reservoir 30 years after impoundment. Wat. Sci. Tech, 28: 65-74.