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Farklı Yetişme Dönemlerinde Uygulanan 2,4 D'nin Ekmeklik Buğdayın Triticum aestivum L. Tane Verimine Etkisi

Year 2000, Volume: 06 Issue: 01, 53 - 57, 01.01.2000


Bu araşt ı rma, 1994-1996 y ı lları aras ı nda Ankara Üniversitesi Ziraat Fakültesi Kenan Evren Ara şt ı rma ve Uygulama Çiftliğ i'nde farkl ı yetişme dönemlerinde uygulanan 2,4 D Isopropopylesterynin ekmeklik bu ğday ı n tane verimine etkisini belirlemek amac ı yla yürütülmü ştür. Bezostaja 1 ekmeklik bu ğday çeş idinin kullan ı ld ığı çalışmada herbisit olarak kullan ı lan 2,4 D Isopropopylester bitkilerin üç yaprakl ı olduğ u dönem, kardeşlenme sonu ve ba şaklanma ba ş lang ı cı olmak üzere üç farkl ı yetiş me döneminde 150 cc./da dozunda uygulanm ışt ı r. Herbisitle birlikte 0,4 ve 8 kg/da saf N dozlar ı da uygulanm ış t ı r. Araşt ı rmadan elde edilen sonuçlar; artan azot dozlar ı ile birlikte herbisit uygulamas ı n ı n tane verimini olumlu yönde etkilediğ ini, ancak herbisit uygulama zamanlar ı aras ı nda istatistiki yönden önemli farkl ı l ı klar ı n oldu ğ unu göstermiştir. En yüksek tane verimi de ğ erleri her iki y ı lda da kardeş lenme sonunda yap ı lan herbisit uygulamas ı ndan elde edilmi ş , onu s ı ras ı yla bitkilerin üç yaprakl ı olduğ u dönem ve ba şaklanma baş lang ı c ı nda yap ı lan herbisit uygulamalar ı izlemiştir.


  • Aslancan, N., Korkut, Z.K. 1991. Kate-a 1 ekmeklik bu ğday çeş idinde apex geli şme dönemlerine göre yabanc ı ot öldürücü kimyasal uygulamas ı n ı n verim ve ba ş l ı ca verim unsurlar ı na etkisi üzerine ara şt ı rmalar. Trakya Üniv.
  • Tekirdağ Ziraat Fak. Yay ı nlar ı :143, Ara şt ı rmalar:51, 10s. Berezovskii, M.Y., Khachatryan, A.R., Shaldzhyan, M.M., Oganesyan, V.V. 1986. Effect of Fenagon and Oktapon on grain protein of barley. Weed Abstracts, 35(9): 346.
  • Bhagat, K.L., Jain, H.C. 1986. Influence of herbicides on weeds and on growth yield and quality of wheat. Weed Abstracts, 35(6): 207.
  • French, C.M., Peeper, T., Santelmann, P.W. 1978. Wheat susceptibility to phenoxyalkanoic herbicides. Weed Abstracts, 27(1): 12.
  • Gruzdev, L.G., Posmitnaya, L.V., Sinyagin, Kalitina, N.V. 1978. The influence of herbicides on the quality of barley grain with different levels of nutrient elements. Weed Abstracts, 27(8): 271.
  • Kansu, İ .A. 1981. Hastal ı k ve zararl ı larla savaş yoluyla bitkisel üretim artt ı rı lmas ı olanakları . Tarı m-Orman Bakanl ığı , Türkiye Il. Tar ı m Kongresi, Tebli ğ no.. 12, Ankara, 19-22 Ekim. 39s.
  • Kün, E. 1996. Tah ı llar-1 (Serin Iklim Tah ı llar ı ). Ankara Üniversitesi Ziraat Fakültesi Yay ı nlar ı No:1451, Ders kitab ı : 431, 322s.
  • Manchev, S. 1972. The effect of 2,4 D and MCPA on the yield and on the malting and technological properties barley. Weed Abstracts, 21(1): 6.
  • Martin, D.A., Miller, S.D., Alley, H.P. 1987. Small grain response to herbicides. Weed Abstracts, 36(8): 276.
  • Martin, D.A., Miller, S.D., Alley, H.P. 1990. Spring wheat response to herbicides applied at three growth stages. Agron. Jour. 82: 95-97.
  • Mironenko, A.V., Zabolotnyi, A.I., Shukanov, V.P., Mironenko, M.V., Plyshevskii, V.D. 1978. Qualitative changes in winter wheat grain in relation to the use of herbicides on a peatybog soil. Weed Abstracts, 27(7): 233.
  • C5zer, Z., Kad ı oğ lu, Onen, H., Tursun, N. 1998. Herboloji (Yabanc ı Ot Bilimi). Gaziosmanpa ş a Üniversitesi Ziraat Fakültesi Yay ı nlar ı No: 20, Kitaplar serisi no: 10, 403s.
  • Smirnov, B.A., Bazdyrev, G.I., Kamenetskaya, A.M., Safonova, L.I., Pugacheva, N.P. 1979. The yield and grain quality of winter wheat with the combined application of herbicides and high rates of fertilizer. Weed Abstracts, 28(1): 5.
  • Voevodin, A.V., Terekhova, M.A., Kazarina, E.M., Khismatyllin, A.G. 1978. A new approach to the study of wheat sensitivity to the herbicide 2,4 D. Weed Abstracts, 27(1): 12.
  • Whitesides, R.E. 1983. ldentification of growth stages in winter wheat and resporı se to broadleaf weed herbicides Proc. West. Soc. Weed Sci., 36: 123-124. -
  • Zadoks, J.C., Chang, T.T., Konzak, C.F: 1-9-74. A decimal code for the growth stages of cereals. Weed Res. 14: 415-421.
  • Zeidan, E.M., Oraby, Gomaa, E.A. 1978. Effect of 2,4- dichlorophenoxy acetic acid and nitrogenous fertilization on wheat. Weed Abstracts, 27(7): 233.
  • Zinchenko, V.A., Tabolina, YU.P., Kalitina, N.V. 1978. The influence of annual herbicide treatment for 3 years running on the yield and quality of wheat. Weed Abstracts,27(1):12.

The Effect of 2,4 D Applied at Various Growth Stages on Grain Yield of Common Wheat Triticum aestivum L.

Year 2000, Volume: 06 Issue: 01, 53 - 57, 01.01.2000


This research was conducted to determine the effect of 2,4 D which was applied at various growth stages on grain yield of common wheat at Kenan Evren Research and Application Farm, Faculty of Agriculture, University of Ankara between 1994 and 1996. Bezostaja 1 cv. of common wheat was used in the study and 2,4 D lsopropopylester used as herbicide was applied at three leaf stage, fully tillered and beginning of heading at 150 cc/da dose. Also 0,4 and 8 kg/da N doses were applied with the herbicide. The results obtained from the research showed that herbicide treatment with the exceeding nitrogen doses affected grain yield significantiy; but there were significant differences statistically among herbicide application times. The highest grain yield values were obtained from herbicide treatment of fully tillered stage in both two years; the herbicide treatments of three leaf stage and the beginning of heading followed it in turn.


  • Aslancan, N., Korkut, Z.K. 1991. Kate-a 1 ekmeklik bu ğday çeş idinde apex geli şme dönemlerine göre yabanc ı ot öldürücü kimyasal uygulamas ı n ı n verim ve ba ş l ı ca verim unsurlar ı na etkisi üzerine ara şt ı rmalar. Trakya Üniv.
  • Tekirdağ Ziraat Fak. Yay ı nlar ı :143, Ara şt ı rmalar:51, 10s. Berezovskii, M.Y., Khachatryan, A.R., Shaldzhyan, M.M., Oganesyan, V.V. 1986. Effect of Fenagon and Oktapon on grain protein of barley. Weed Abstracts, 35(9): 346.
  • Bhagat, K.L., Jain, H.C. 1986. Influence of herbicides on weeds and on growth yield and quality of wheat. Weed Abstracts, 35(6): 207.
  • French, C.M., Peeper, T., Santelmann, P.W. 1978. Wheat susceptibility to phenoxyalkanoic herbicides. Weed Abstracts, 27(1): 12.
  • Gruzdev, L.G., Posmitnaya, L.V., Sinyagin, Kalitina, N.V. 1978. The influence of herbicides on the quality of barley grain with different levels of nutrient elements. Weed Abstracts, 27(8): 271.
  • Kansu, İ .A. 1981. Hastal ı k ve zararl ı larla savaş yoluyla bitkisel üretim artt ı rı lmas ı olanakları . Tarı m-Orman Bakanl ığı , Türkiye Il. Tar ı m Kongresi, Tebli ğ no.. 12, Ankara, 19-22 Ekim. 39s.
  • Kün, E. 1996. Tah ı llar-1 (Serin Iklim Tah ı llar ı ). Ankara Üniversitesi Ziraat Fakültesi Yay ı nlar ı No:1451, Ders kitab ı : 431, 322s.
  • Manchev, S. 1972. The effect of 2,4 D and MCPA on the yield and on the malting and technological properties barley. Weed Abstracts, 21(1): 6.
  • Martin, D.A., Miller, S.D., Alley, H.P. 1987. Small grain response to herbicides. Weed Abstracts, 36(8): 276.
  • Martin, D.A., Miller, S.D., Alley, H.P. 1990. Spring wheat response to herbicides applied at three growth stages. Agron. Jour. 82: 95-97.
  • Mironenko, A.V., Zabolotnyi, A.I., Shukanov, V.P., Mironenko, M.V., Plyshevskii, V.D. 1978. Qualitative changes in winter wheat grain in relation to the use of herbicides on a peatybog soil. Weed Abstracts, 27(7): 233.
  • C5zer, Z., Kad ı oğ lu, Onen, H., Tursun, N. 1998. Herboloji (Yabanc ı Ot Bilimi). Gaziosmanpa ş a Üniversitesi Ziraat Fakültesi Yay ı nlar ı No: 20, Kitaplar serisi no: 10, 403s.
  • Smirnov, B.A., Bazdyrev, G.I., Kamenetskaya, A.M., Safonova, L.I., Pugacheva, N.P. 1979. The yield and grain quality of winter wheat with the combined application of herbicides and high rates of fertilizer. Weed Abstracts, 28(1): 5.
  • Voevodin, A.V., Terekhova, M.A., Kazarina, E.M., Khismatyllin, A.G. 1978. A new approach to the study of wheat sensitivity to the herbicide 2,4 D. Weed Abstracts, 27(1): 12.
  • Whitesides, R.E. 1983. ldentification of growth stages in winter wheat and resporı se to broadleaf weed herbicides Proc. West. Soc. Weed Sci., 36: 123-124. -
  • Zadoks, J.C., Chang, T.T., Konzak, C.F: 1-9-74. A decimal code for the growth stages of cereals. Weed Res. 14: 415-421.
  • Zeidan, E.M., Oraby, Gomaa, E.A. 1978. Effect of 2,4- dichlorophenoxy acetic acid and nitrogenous fertilization on wheat. Weed Abstracts, 27(7): 233.
  • Zinchenko, V.A., Tabolina, YU.P., Kalitina, N.V. 1978. The influence of annual herbicide treatment for 3 years running on the yield and quality of wheat. Weed Abstracts,27(1):12.
There are 18 citations in total.


Primary Language Turkish
Journal Section Research Article

Mustafa Güler This is me

Publication Date January 1, 2000
Submission Date January 1, 2000
Published in Issue Year 2000 Volume: 06 Issue: 01


APA Güler, M. (2000). Farklı Yetişme Dönemlerinde Uygulanan 2,4 D’nin Ekmeklik Buğdayın Triticum aestivum L. Tane Verimine Etkisi. Journal of Agricultural Sciences, 06(01), 53-57.

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