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Az Yağlı Kaşar Peyniri Üretiminde Yardımcı Kültür Kullanımının Lipoliz ve Proteoliz Üzerine Etkisi

Yıl 2009, Cilt: 15 Sayı: 03, 285 - 292, 01.08.2009


Bu çalışmada olgunlaştırmayı hızlandırmak, yapı ve tadı iyileştirmek amacıyla az yağlı kaşar peyniri üretiminde dondurularak yardımcı kültür haline getirilmiş L. casei and L. helveticus mikroorganizmaları kullanılmıştır. Az yağlı % 11 yağ ve tam yağlı % 28 yağ olarak üretilen ve 90 gün süreyle 5±1°C’de depolanan peynirler; fiziksel, kimyasal ve duyusal nitelikler yönünden incelemeye alınmıştır. Araştırma sonuçlarına göre; yardımcı kültür kullanımı az yağlı peynirlerin genel bileşimini değiştirmemiş ancak duyusal niteliklerini iyileştirmiş ve L. helveticus ‘ un kullanıldığı örnekte daha belirgin olmak üzere olgunlaşma süresini kısaltmıştır


  • Aly, M. E. 1990. Utilization of freze-shocked Lactobacilli for enhancing flavour development of Ras cheese. Egyptian Journal of Dairy Science 18: 143-156.
  • Aly, M.E. 1994. Flavour enchancement of low-fat Kashkaval cheese using heat or freeze-shocked Lactobacillus delbrueckii var. helveticus culture. Die Nahrung 38 (5): 504-510.
  • Anonymous. 1999: Turkish Standards (TS), No. 3272- Kaşar cheese. The Institute of Turkish Standards, Ankara.
  • Ardö, Y. and H.E. Pettersson. 1988. Accelerated cheese ripening with heat treated cells of Lactobacillus helveticus and a commercial proteolytic enzyme. Journal of Dairy Research 55: 236-245.
  • Ardö, Y. and A. Polychroniadou. 1999. Laboratory Manual for Chemical Analysis of Cheese. EUR18890-COST 95. Luxembourg: Off. J. Public. Eur. Comm. ISBN 92-828- 6599-1. 123 p.
  • Banks, J.M. 2004.The technology of low-fat cheese manufacture. Technology 57 (4): 199-207. Journal of Dairy
  • Banks, J.M., E.Y. Brechany and W.W. Christie. 1989. The production of low fat Cheddar-type cheese. Journal of the Society of Dairy Technology 42: 6-9.
  • Banks, J.M., E.A. Hunter and D.D. Muir.1993. Sensory properties of low fat Cheddar cheese: Effect of salt content and adjunct culture. Journal of the Society of Dairy Technology 46: 119-123.
  • Bartels, H.J., M.E. Johnson and N.F. Olson. 1987. Accelerated ripening of Gouda cheese. 2. Effect of Freeze proteolysis Milchwissenschaft 42: 139-144. helveticus on and flavour development.
  • Collins, Y.F., P.L.H. McSweeney and M.G. Wilkinson. 2003. Lipolysis and free fatty acid catabolism in cheese: a review of current knowledge. International Dairy Journal 13: 841-866.
  • Deeth, H.C., C.H. Fitz-Gerald and A.J. Snow.1983. A gas chromatographic determination of free fatty acids in milk and milk products. New Zealand Journal of Dairy Science and Technology 18: 13-20. for the quantitative
  • Drake, M.A., B.G. Swanson, B.G. 1995. Reduced and low-fat cheese technology. A review. Trends in Food Science and Technology 6: 366-369.
  • El-Soda, M., S.A. Madkor and P.S. Tong. 2000a. Adjunct Cultures: Recent developments and potential significance to the cheese industry. Journal of Dairy Science 83: 609-619.
  • El-Soda, M., S.A. Madkor and P.S. Tong. 2000b. Evaluation of commercial adjuncts for use in cheese ripening: 4. Comparison between attenuated not attenuated lactobacilli. Milchwissenschaft 55 (5): 260-263.
  • El- Soda, M., C. Chen, B. Reisterer and N. Olson. 1991. Acceleration of low-fat cheese ripening using lyophilized extracts or freeze shocked cells of some cheese related microorganism. Milchwissenschaft 46: 358-360.
  • Ezzat, N. and H. El-Shafei. 1991. Accelerated ripening of Ras cheese using freeze and heat-shocked Lactobacillus helveticus. Egyptian Journal of Dairy Science 19: 347- 358.
  • Frey, J.P., E.H. Marth, M.E. Johnson and N. F. Olson. 1986a. Peptidases and proteases of lactobacilli associated with cheese. Milchwissenschaft 41: 622-624.
  • Frey, J.P., E.H. Marth, M.E. Johnson and N. F. Olson. 1986b. Heat- and freeze-shocking cause changes in peptidase and protease activity of Lactobacillus helveticus. Milchwissenschaft 41: 681-685.
  • Gobbetti, M., M. Morea, F. Baruzzi, F. M.R. Corbo, A. Maratante, T. Considine, R. Di Cagno, T. Guinee and P.F. Fox. 2002. Microbiological, compositional, biocchemical and textural characterisation of caciocavallo Pugliese cheese during ripening. International Dairy Journal 12: 511-523.
  • Güler, Z. 2000. A research on relationship between free fatty acids with organoleptic properties (Flavour) in White, Kaşar and Tulum cheeses. Ph.D. Thesis, Ankara University, 95 s. Ankara.
  • Gürsel, A., A. Gürsoy, E. enel, O. Deveci and E. Karademir. 2003. The use of freeze-shocked lactic starters in low- fat White pickled cheese. Milchwissenschaft 58 (5/6): 279-282.
  • Gürsoy, A., E. enel, A. Gürsel, O. Deveci, E. Karademir and
  • Yaman. 2001. Yağ içeriği azaltılmış Beyaz peynir üretiminde ısıl işlem uygulanan L. helveticus ve L. bulgaricus kültürlerinin kullanımı. Gıda 26 (5): 303- 306.
  • Hull, M.E. 1947. Studies on milk proteins. II. Colorimetric determination of the partial hydrolysis of the proteins in milk. Journal of Dairy Science 30: 881-884.
  • Katsiari, M.C., L.P. Voutsinas and E. Kondyli. 2002. Improvement Kefalograviera-type cheese with commercial adjunct cultures. International Dairy Journal 12: 757-764. quality of low-fat
  • Kebary, K.M.K., A.E. Khader, A.N. Zedan and S.F. Mahmoud. 1996. Accelerated ripening of low fat Ras cheese by attenuated International 29 (8): 705-713. Food Research
  • Koçak, C., A. Bitlis, A. Gürsel and Y.K. Avşar. 1996. Effect of added fungal lipase on the ripening of Kaşar cheese. Milchwissenschaft 51: 1-17.
  • Kondyli, E., T. Masouras, M.C. Katsiari and L.P. Voutsinas. 2003. Free fatty acids and volatile compounds in low- fat Kefalograviera-type cheese made with commercial adjunct culture. International Dairy journal 13: 47-54.
  • Madkor, S.A., P.S. Tong and M. El Soda. 1998. Effect of added freeze shocked adjunct lactobacilli on ripening indices and flavour development in Cheddar cheese. Journal of Dairy Science 81:27 (Suppl. 1) (Abstract).
  • Madkor, S.A., P.S. Tong and M. El Soda. 2000. Evaluation of commercial adjuncts for use in cheese ripening: 5. Effect of added freze-shocked adjunct lactobacilli on proteolysis and sensory quality of reduced fat Cheddar cheese. Milchwissenschaft 55 7: 382-386.
  • Michaelidou, A., M.C. Katsiari, L.P. Voutsinas, E. Kondyli and E. Alichanidis. 2003. Effect of commercial adjunct cultures on the proteolysis in low-fat Kefalograviera- type cheese. International Dairy Journal 13: 743-753.
  • Mistry, V.V. 2001. Low fat cheese technology. International Dairy Journal 11 (4-7): 413-422.
  • Molimard, P. and H.E. Spinnler. 1996. Review: Compounds involved in the flavour of surface mold-ripened cheeses: Origins and properties. Journal of Dairy Science 79 (2): 169-184.
  • Pettersson, H.E. and G. Sjöström. 1975. Accerelated cheese ripening: a method for increasing the number of lactic starter bacteria in cheese without detrimental effect to the cheese-making process and its effect on the cheese ripening. Journal of Dairy Research 42: 313- 326.
  • Ryan, B.F., B.L. Joiner and T.A. Ryan. 1985. MINITAB Handbook. PWS-KENT Publishing Company, Boston, 386 p.
  • Steel, R.G.D. and J.H. Torrie. 1980. Principle and Procedures of Statistics. A biometrical approach. 2nd Edit. McGraw-Hill Book Co., NY.
  • Üçüncü, M. 2004. A’dan Z’ye Peynir Teknolojisi. Meta Basım Matbaacılık Hizmetleri, İzmir, pp. 545-1236.

Effect of Using Attenuated Lactic Starter Cultures on Lipolysis and Proteolysis in Low Fat Kaşar Cheese

Yıl 2009, Cilt: 15 Sayı: 03, 285 - 292, 01.08.2009


In this study, freeze shocked cultures of Lactobacillus casei and Lactobacillus helveticus were used in the production of low fat Kaşar cheese to accelerate the ripening and improve the flavour and texturel characteristics. Physical, chemical and sensory properties of the cheeses with low fat 11 % fat were evaluated comparatively with that of the low-fat and full-fat controls 28 % on days 1, 30, 60 and 90 at 5±1°C. According to the results, the use of attenuated cultures has not altered the general composition of the low fat cheeses, however, it has improved the sensory properties significantly and decreased the ripening period by acceleration the proteolysis, being more evident at the cheese with freeze-shocked L. helveticus


  • Aly, M. E. 1990. Utilization of freze-shocked Lactobacilli for enhancing flavour development of Ras cheese. Egyptian Journal of Dairy Science 18: 143-156.
  • Aly, M.E. 1994. Flavour enchancement of low-fat Kashkaval cheese using heat or freeze-shocked Lactobacillus delbrueckii var. helveticus culture. Die Nahrung 38 (5): 504-510.
  • Anonymous. 1999: Turkish Standards (TS), No. 3272- Kaşar cheese. The Institute of Turkish Standards, Ankara.
  • Ardö, Y. and H.E. Pettersson. 1988. Accelerated cheese ripening with heat treated cells of Lactobacillus helveticus and a commercial proteolytic enzyme. Journal of Dairy Research 55: 236-245.
  • Ardö, Y. and A. Polychroniadou. 1999. Laboratory Manual for Chemical Analysis of Cheese. EUR18890-COST 95. Luxembourg: Off. J. Public. Eur. Comm. ISBN 92-828- 6599-1. 123 p.
  • Banks, J.M. 2004.The technology of low-fat cheese manufacture. Technology 57 (4): 199-207. Journal of Dairy
  • Banks, J.M., E.Y. Brechany and W.W. Christie. 1989. The production of low fat Cheddar-type cheese. Journal of the Society of Dairy Technology 42: 6-9.
  • Banks, J.M., E.A. Hunter and D.D. Muir.1993. Sensory properties of low fat Cheddar cheese: Effect of salt content and adjunct culture. Journal of the Society of Dairy Technology 46: 119-123.
  • Bartels, H.J., M.E. Johnson and N.F. Olson. 1987. Accelerated ripening of Gouda cheese. 2. Effect of Freeze proteolysis Milchwissenschaft 42: 139-144. helveticus on and flavour development.
  • Collins, Y.F., P.L.H. McSweeney and M.G. Wilkinson. 2003. Lipolysis and free fatty acid catabolism in cheese: a review of current knowledge. International Dairy Journal 13: 841-866.
  • Deeth, H.C., C.H. Fitz-Gerald and A.J. Snow.1983. A gas chromatographic determination of free fatty acids in milk and milk products. New Zealand Journal of Dairy Science and Technology 18: 13-20. for the quantitative
  • Drake, M.A., B.G. Swanson, B.G. 1995. Reduced and low-fat cheese technology. A review. Trends in Food Science and Technology 6: 366-369.
  • El-Soda, M., S.A. Madkor and P.S. Tong. 2000a. Adjunct Cultures: Recent developments and potential significance to the cheese industry. Journal of Dairy Science 83: 609-619.
  • El-Soda, M., S.A. Madkor and P.S. Tong. 2000b. Evaluation of commercial adjuncts for use in cheese ripening: 4. Comparison between attenuated not attenuated lactobacilli. Milchwissenschaft 55 (5): 260-263.
  • El- Soda, M., C. Chen, B. Reisterer and N. Olson. 1991. Acceleration of low-fat cheese ripening using lyophilized extracts or freeze shocked cells of some cheese related microorganism. Milchwissenschaft 46: 358-360.
  • Ezzat, N. and H. El-Shafei. 1991. Accelerated ripening of Ras cheese using freeze and heat-shocked Lactobacillus helveticus. Egyptian Journal of Dairy Science 19: 347- 358.
  • Frey, J.P., E.H. Marth, M.E. Johnson and N. F. Olson. 1986a. Peptidases and proteases of lactobacilli associated with cheese. Milchwissenschaft 41: 622-624.
  • Frey, J.P., E.H. Marth, M.E. Johnson and N. F. Olson. 1986b. Heat- and freeze-shocking cause changes in peptidase and protease activity of Lactobacillus helveticus. Milchwissenschaft 41: 681-685.
  • Gobbetti, M., M. Morea, F. Baruzzi, F. M.R. Corbo, A. Maratante, T. Considine, R. Di Cagno, T. Guinee and P.F. Fox. 2002. Microbiological, compositional, biocchemical and textural characterisation of caciocavallo Pugliese cheese during ripening. International Dairy Journal 12: 511-523.
  • Güler, Z. 2000. A research on relationship between free fatty acids with organoleptic properties (Flavour) in White, Kaşar and Tulum cheeses. Ph.D. Thesis, Ankara University, 95 s. Ankara.
  • Gürsel, A., A. Gürsoy, E. enel, O. Deveci and E. Karademir. 2003. The use of freeze-shocked lactic starters in low- fat White pickled cheese. Milchwissenschaft 58 (5/6): 279-282.
  • Gürsoy, A., E. enel, A. Gürsel, O. Deveci, E. Karademir and
  • Yaman. 2001. Yağ içeriği azaltılmış Beyaz peynir üretiminde ısıl işlem uygulanan L. helveticus ve L. bulgaricus kültürlerinin kullanımı. Gıda 26 (5): 303- 306.
  • Hull, M.E. 1947. Studies on milk proteins. II. Colorimetric determination of the partial hydrolysis of the proteins in milk. Journal of Dairy Science 30: 881-884.
  • Katsiari, M.C., L.P. Voutsinas and E. Kondyli. 2002. Improvement Kefalograviera-type cheese with commercial adjunct cultures. International Dairy Journal 12: 757-764. quality of low-fat
  • Kebary, K.M.K., A.E. Khader, A.N. Zedan and S.F. Mahmoud. 1996. Accelerated ripening of low fat Ras cheese by attenuated International 29 (8): 705-713. Food Research
  • Koçak, C., A. Bitlis, A. Gürsel and Y.K. Avşar. 1996. Effect of added fungal lipase on the ripening of Kaşar cheese. Milchwissenschaft 51: 1-17.
  • Kondyli, E., T. Masouras, M.C. Katsiari and L.P. Voutsinas. 2003. Free fatty acids and volatile compounds in low- fat Kefalograviera-type cheese made with commercial adjunct culture. International Dairy journal 13: 47-54.
  • Madkor, S.A., P.S. Tong and M. El Soda. 1998. Effect of added freeze shocked adjunct lactobacilli on ripening indices and flavour development in Cheddar cheese. Journal of Dairy Science 81:27 (Suppl. 1) (Abstract).
  • Madkor, S.A., P.S. Tong and M. El Soda. 2000. Evaluation of commercial adjuncts for use in cheese ripening: 5. Effect of added freze-shocked adjunct lactobacilli on proteolysis and sensory quality of reduced fat Cheddar cheese. Milchwissenschaft 55 7: 382-386.
  • Michaelidou, A., M.C. Katsiari, L.P. Voutsinas, E. Kondyli and E. Alichanidis. 2003. Effect of commercial adjunct cultures on the proteolysis in low-fat Kefalograviera- type cheese. International Dairy Journal 13: 743-753.
  • Mistry, V.V. 2001. Low fat cheese technology. International Dairy Journal 11 (4-7): 413-422.
  • Molimard, P. and H.E. Spinnler. 1996. Review: Compounds involved in the flavour of surface mold-ripened cheeses: Origins and properties. Journal of Dairy Science 79 (2): 169-184.
  • Pettersson, H.E. and G. Sjöström. 1975. Accerelated cheese ripening: a method for increasing the number of lactic starter bacteria in cheese without detrimental effect to the cheese-making process and its effect on the cheese ripening. Journal of Dairy Research 42: 313- 326.
  • Ryan, B.F., B.L. Joiner and T.A. Ryan. 1985. MINITAB Handbook. PWS-KENT Publishing Company, Boston, 386 p.
  • Steel, R.G.D. and J.H. Torrie. 1980. Principle and Procedures of Statistics. A biometrical approach. 2nd Edit. McGraw-Hill Book Co., NY.
  • Üçüncü, M. 2004. A’dan Z’ye Peynir Teknolojisi. Meta Basım Matbaacılık Hizmetleri, İzmir, pp. 545-1236.
Toplam 37 adet kaynakça vardır.


Birincil Dil İngilizce
Bölüm Research Article

Ayşe Gürsoy Bu kişi benim

Yayımlanma Tarihi 1 Ağustos 2009
Gönderilme Tarihi 1 Ocak 2009
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2009 Cilt: 15 Sayı: 03

Kaynak Göster

APA Gürsoy, A. (2009). Effect of Using Attenuated Lactic Starter Cultures on Lipolysis and Proteolysis in Low Fat Kaşar Cheese. Journal of Agricultural Sciences, 15(03), 285-292.

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