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Acute Toxicity of The Herbicide Glyphosate on Daphnia magna

Year 2009, Volume: 15 Issue: 02, 204 - 208, 01.05.2009


In this study, median lethal concentrations LC50 of herbicide Roundup, which contains %48 glyphosate ,on Daphnia magna for 24 an 48 hours were determined.The experiment has been conducted with the method of static bioassay on two series, five different concentrations 0.0115; 0.018; 0.021; 0.028; 0.032 and one control group have been used. The period of the experiment is 24 and 48 hours. As to the LC50 values have been calculated with the method of probit analysis. Experimental results showed that; the concentration of the glyphosate which killed 50 % of Daphnia magna was 0.019 mg/L %95 confidence interval=0.012 mg/L–0.024 mg/L for 24 hours, but the the concentration of the glyphosate which killed 50 % of Daphnia magna was 0.012 mg/L %95 confidence interval=0.001 mg/L-0.016 mg/L for 48 hours


  • Abdelghani, A. A., P. B. Tchounwou, A. C. Anderson, H. Sujono, L. R. Heyer and A. Monkiedje. 1997. Toxicity evaluation of single and chemical mixtures of Roundup,Garlon 3A, 2,4-D, and syndets surfactant to channel catfish (Ictalurus punctatus), bluegill sunfish (Lepomis michochirus), and crawfish. Environmental Toxicology and Water Quality 12(3): 237-243.
  • Alberdi, J. L., M. E. Saenz, W.D. Di Marzio and M. C. Tortorelli. 1996. Comparative acute toxicity of two herbicides, paraquat and glyphosate to Daphnia magna and Contamination and Toxicology 57: 229-235. of Environmental
  • Ankley, G.T., J. R Dierkes and D. A. Jensen. 1991. Piperonyl butoxide as a tool in aquatic toxilogical research with organophosphate insecticides. Environmental Safety 21: 266-274. Ecotoxicology and
  • Anonim. 1990. Endüstriyel Sıvı Atıklar ve Atiksular-Akut Zehirlilik Deneyleri-Canlılık Deney Metodları. TS 8264.
  • Baird, D. D., R. P. Upchurch, W. B. Homesley and J. E. Franz. 1971. Introduction of new broad spectrum postemergence herbaceous perennial weed control. Proceeding of the 26 th North Central Control Conferance, 64-68. (Kansas City, USA, 7–9. December 1971). with utility for
  • Baird, D. J., I. Barber, M. Bradly, P. Calow and A. M. V. M. Soares. 1989. The Daphnia bioassay: A critique Hydrobiologia 188/189:403-406.
  • Bronstad, J.O. and H.O. Friestad. 1985. Behavior of glyphosate in the aquatic environment. In E. Grossbard and D. Atkinson (eds) , The herbicide glyphosate. Butterworths, London, p 200-205.
  • Dodson, S.I. and T. Hanazato. 1995. Commentary on effects of anthropogenic and natural organic chemicals on development, swimming behavior and reproduction of Daphnia, a key member of aquatic ecosystems. Environmental Health Perspectives 103: 7-11.
  • Düzgüneş, Z. ve O. Düzgüneş. 1958. Entomolojide istatistik metotlar. A. Ü. Ziraat Fakültesi yayınları no.140,1-48, Ankara.
  • Enserink, L., W. Luttmer and H. Maas-Diepeveen. 1990. Reproductive strategy of Daphnia magna affects the sensitivity of its progeny in acute toxicity tests. Aquatic Toxicology 17: 15-26.
  • Goldsborough, L.G. and A.E. Beck. 1989. Rapid dissipation of glyphosate in small forest ponds. Archives of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology 18: 537- 544.
  • Gustavo,D., B. Rossini and A. E. Ronco. 1996. Acute toxicity bioassay using Daphnia obtusa as a test organism. Environmental Toxicology and Water Quality: An International Journal 11: 255-258.
  • Hanazato, T. 2001. Pesticide effects on freshwater zooplankton: an ecological perspective. Environmental Pollution 112 (1): 1-10.
  • Hartman, W. A. and D. B. Martin. 1984. Effect of suspended bentonite clay on the acute toxicity of glyphosate to Daphnia pulex and Lemna minor. Bulletin of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology 33: 355- 361.
  • IARC 1977. Monographa on the Evaluatin of the Carcinogenic Risk of Chemical to Man. International Agency for Research on Cancer Val: 15, Lyon.
  • Knuuttila, P. and H. Knuuttila. 1979. The crystal and molecular structure of N-Phosphonomethyl glycine (Glifosat). Acta Chemica Scandinavia B 33: 623-626.
  • Lilius, H., B. Isomaa and T. Holmström. 1994. A comparison of the toxicity of 50 reference chemicals to freshly isolated rainbow trout hepatocytes and Daphnia magna. Aquatic Toxicology 30: 47-60.
  • Medina, H.S.G., M. E. Lopata and M. Bacila. 1994. The response of sea-urchin egg embryogenesis towards the effect of some pesticides. Arquivos de Biologia Tecnologia 37 (4): 895-906.
  • Monsanto, C. 1980. Toxicology and Environmental Review. Roundup Herbicide Bulletin 1: 1-3.
  • Persoone, G. and C. R. Janssen. 1993. Fresh water invertebrate ecotoxicology. Ed. by P. Calow. Blackwell Sci. Pub. Newyork, 1, 51-53. In: Hand book of
  • Piska, M. B. and S. Waghray. 1997. Toxic effects of dimethoate on primary production of lake ecosystem. Indian Journal of Environmental Health 33(1): 126-127.
  • Reish, D. L. and P. S. Oshida. 1987. Manual of Methods in Aquatic Environment Research. Part 10. Short-Term Static Bioassays. FAO Fisheries Technical Paper 247: 17-33.
  • Servizi, J. A., R. W. Gordon, and D. W. Martens. 1987. Acute toxicity of Garlon 4 and Roundup herbicides to salmon, daphnia Contamination Toxicology 39: 15-22. Bulletin Environmental
  • Ünsal, M. 1996. Kirlilik Deneyleri- Yöntemler ve Sonuçların Değerlendirilmesi. ODTÜ Deniz Bilimleri Enstitüsü 77- 79, 120-142. Erdemli/Mersin.

Herbisit Glifosatın Daphnia magna Üzerine Akut Toksisitesi

Year 2009, Volume: 15 Issue: 02, 204 - 208, 01.05.2009


Bu çalışmada, Daphnia magna üzerinde, %48 glifosat içeren Roundup isimli herbisitin, 24 ve 48 saatlik ortalama öldürücü konsantrasyonları LC50 saptanmıştır. Deneme statik biyodeney yöntemi ile 2 seride yürütülmüş, beş farklı konsantrasyon 0,0115; 0,018; 0,021; 0,028; 0,032 ve bir kontrol grubu kullanılmıştır. Deney süresi 24 ve 48 saattir. LC50değerleri probit analiz yöntemine göre hesaplanmıştır. Sonuç olarak glifosatın 24 saatte Daphnia magna’ların % 50’sini öldüren konsantrasyon 0,019 mg/L %95 güven aralığında=0,012 mg/L–0,024 mg/L , 48 saatte % 50’sini öldüren konsantrasyon ise 0,012 mg/L %95 güven aralığında=0,001 mg/L–0,016 mg/L olarak saptanmıştır


  • Abdelghani, A. A., P. B. Tchounwou, A. C. Anderson, H. Sujono, L. R. Heyer and A. Monkiedje. 1997. Toxicity evaluation of single and chemical mixtures of Roundup,Garlon 3A, 2,4-D, and syndets surfactant to channel catfish (Ictalurus punctatus), bluegill sunfish (Lepomis michochirus), and crawfish. Environmental Toxicology and Water Quality 12(3): 237-243.
  • Alberdi, J. L., M. E. Saenz, W.D. Di Marzio and M. C. Tortorelli. 1996. Comparative acute toxicity of two herbicides, paraquat and glyphosate to Daphnia magna and Contamination and Toxicology 57: 229-235. of Environmental
  • Ankley, G.T., J. R Dierkes and D. A. Jensen. 1991. Piperonyl butoxide as a tool in aquatic toxilogical research with organophosphate insecticides. Environmental Safety 21: 266-274. Ecotoxicology and
  • Anonim. 1990. Endüstriyel Sıvı Atıklar ve Atiksular-Akut Zehirlilik Deneyleri-Canlılık Deney Metodları. TS 8264.
  • Baird, D. D., R. P. Upchurch, W. B. Homesley and J. E. Franz. 1971. Introduction of new broad spectrum postemergence herbaceous perennial weed control. Proceeding of the 26 th North Central Control Conferance, 64-68. (Kansas City, USA, 7–9. December 1971). with utility for
  • Baird, D. J., I. Barber, M. Bradly, P. Calow and A. M. V. M. Soares. 1989. The Daphnia bioassay: A critique Hydrobiologia 188/189:403-406.
  • Bronstad, J.O. and H.O. Friestad. 1985. Behavior of glyphosate in the aquatic environment. In E. Grossbard and D. Atkinson (eds) , The herbicide glyphosate. Butterworths, London, p 200-205.
  • Dodson, S.I. and T. Hanazato. 1995. Commentary on effects of anthropogenic and natural organic chemicals on development, swimming behavior and reproduction of Daphnia, a key member of aquatic ecosystems. Environmental Health Perspectives 103: 7-11.
  • Düzgüneş, Z. ve O. Düzgüneş. 1958. Entomolojide istatistik metotlar. A. Ü. Ziraat Fakültesi yayınları no.140,1-48, Ankara.
  • Enserink, L., W. Luttmer and H. Maas-Diepeveen. 1990. Reproductive strategy of Daphnia magna affects the sensitivity of its progeny in acute toxicity tests. Aquatic Toxicology 17: 15-26.
  • Goldsborough, L.G. and A.E. Beck. 1989. Rapid dissipation of glyphosate in small forest ponds. Archives of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology 18: 537- 544.
  • Gustavo,D., B. Rossini and A. E. Ronco. 1996. Acute toxicity bioassay using Daphnia obtusa as a test organism. Environmental Toxicology and Water Quality: An International Journal 11: 255-258.
  • Hanazato, T. 2001. Pesticide effects on freshwater zooplankton: an ecological perspective. Environmental Pollution 112 (1): 1-10.
  • Hartman, W. A. and D. B. Martin. 1984. Effect of suspended bentonite clay on the acute toxicity of glyphosate to Daphnia pulex and Lemna minor. Bulletin of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology 33: 355- 361.
  • IARC 1977. Monographa on the Evaluatin of the Carcinogenic Risk of Chemical to Man. International Agency for Research on Cancer Val: 15, Lyon.
  • Knuuttila, P. and H. Knuuttila. 1979. The crystal and molecular structure of N-Phosphonomethyl glycine (Glifosat). Acta Chemica Scandinavia B 33: 623-626.
  • Lilius, H., B. Isomaa and T. Holmström. 1994. A comparison of the toxicity of 50 reference chemicals to freshly isolated rainbow trout hepatocytes and Daphnia magna. Aquatic Toxicology 30: 47-60.
  • Medina, H.S.G., M. E. Lopata and M. Bacila. 1994. The response of sea-urchin egg embryogenesis towards the effect of some pesticides. Arquivos de Biologia Tecnologia 37 (4): 895-906.
  • Monsanto, C. 1980. Toxicology and Environmental Review. Roundup Herbicide Bulletin 1: 1-3.
  • Persoone, G. and C. R. Janssen. 1993. Fresh water invertebrate ecotoxicology. Ed. by P. Calow. Blackwell Sci. Pub. Newyork, 1, 51-53. In: Hand book of
  • Piska, M. B. and S. Waghray. 1997. Toxic effects of dimethoate on primary production of lake ecosystem. Indian Journal of Environmental Health 33(1): 126-127.
  • Reish, D. L. and P. S. Oshida. 1987. Manual of Methods in Aquatic Environment Research. Part 10. Short-Term Static Bioassays. FAO Fisheries Technical Paper 247: 17-33.
  • Servizi, J. A., R. W. Gordon, and D. W. Martens. 1987. Acute toxicity of Garlon 4 and Roundup herbicides to salmon, daphnia Contamination Toxicology 39: 15-22. Bulletin Environmental
  • Ünsal, M. 1996. Kirlilik Deneyleri- Yöntemler ve Sonuçların Değerlendirilmesi. ODTÜ Deniz Bilimleri Enstitüsü 77- 79, 120-142. Erdemli/Mersin.
There are 24 citations in total.


Primary Language Turkish
Journal Section Research Article

Zeynep Sarıgül This is me

Süleyman Bekcan This is me

Publication Date May 1, 2009
Submission Date January 1, 2009
Published in Issue Year 2009 Volume: 15 Issue: 02


APA Sarıgül, Z., & Bekcan, S. (2009). Herbisit Glifosatın Daphnia magna Üzerine Akut Toksisitesi. Journal of Agricultural Sciences, 15(02), 204-208.
AMA Sarıgül Z, Bekcan S. Herbisit Glifosatın Daphnia magna Üzerine Akut Toksisitesi. J Agr Sci-Tarim Bili. May 2009;15(02):204-208. doi:10.1501/Tarimbil_0000001092
Chicago Sarıgül, Zeynep, and Süleyman Bekcan. “Herbisit Glifosatın Daphnia Magna Üzerine Akut Toksisitesi”. Journal of Agricultural Sciences 15, no. 02 (May 2009): 204-8.
EndNote Sarıgül Z, Bekcan S (May 1, 2009) Herbisit Glifosatın Daphnia magna Üzerine Akut Toksisitesi. Journal of Agricultural Sciences 15 02 204–208.
IEEE Z. Sarıgül and S. Bekcan, “Herbisit Glifosatın Daphnia magna Üzerine Akut Toksisitesi”, J Agr Sci-Tarim Bili, vol. 15, no. 02, pp. 204–208, 2009, doi: 10.1501/Tarimbil_0000001092.
ISNAD Sarıgül, Zeynep - Bekcan, Süleyman. “Herbisit Glifosatın Daphnia Magna Üzerine Akut Toksisitesi”. Journal of Agricultural Sciences 15/02 (May 2009), 204-208.
JAMA Sarıgül Z, Bekcan S. Herbisit Glifosatın Daphnia magna Üzerine Akut Toksisitesi. J Agr Sci-Tarim Bili. 2009;15:204–208.
MLA Sarıgül, Zeynep and Süleyman Bekcan. “Herbisit Glifosatın Daphnia Magna Üzerine Akut Toksisitesi”. Journal of Agricultural Sciences, vol. 15, no. 02, 2009, pp. 204-8, doi:10.1501/Tarimbil_0000001092.
Vancouver Sarıgül Z, Bekcan S. Herbisit Glifosatın Daphnia magna Üzerine Akut Toksisitesi. J Agr Sci-Tarim Bili. 2009;15(02):204-8.

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