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Hatay İli Anadolu Mandalarında Tohumlamadan Sonra Kan ve Süt Progesteron Testi Kullanılarak Erken Gebelik Teşhis İmkanları

Year 2005, Volume: 11 Issue: 01, 34 - 39, 01.01.2005


Bu çalışma, saha şartlarında Anadolu mandalarında süt ve kan serumu progesteron testinin erken gebelik teşhisinde kullanım imkanlarının araştırılması için yapılmıştır. Çalışmanın materyalini Mayıs 2002 de tohumlanan 17 adet Anadolu mandasına ait 1. grup kan örnekleri ile, Kasım 2003 de tohumlanan 22 adet Anadolu manda ineğine ait 2. grup süt örnekleri oluşturmuştur. İnekler Hatay’ın Kırıkhan İlçesinin Ilıkpınar köyünün Anadolu manda sürüsüne aittir. Her iki tohumlama grubundaki inekler, kızgınlıkları PRID intravaginal progesterone releasing device kullanılarak senkronize edildikten sonra sun’i olarak tohumlanmışlardır. Birinci tohumlama grubundaki ineklerden, PRID uygulama ve geri alma uygulamanın 10. günü günlerinde ve tohumlamadan sonra 40. günde kan örnekleri toplanmıştır. İkinci tohumlama grubundaki ineklerden PRID yerleştirildiği gün, tohumlamadan sonra 13. ve 21-23. günlerde sabah sağımlarında süt örnekleri alınmıştır. Gebelik, sun’i tohumlamanın 40. gününde alınan kan örneklerinin ve tohumlamanın 21-23. günlerinde alınan süt örneklerinin progesteron konsantrasyonlarından yararlanarak tahmin edilmiştir. Tohumlamadan sonra 90. günde uterusun rektal palpasyonu ile gebelik teyid edilmiştir. Progesteron düzeyi, 40. günde alınan kan serumu örneklerinde gebe olduğu tahmin edilenlerde 6.47 ±1.578 ng/ml; gebe olmadığı anlaşılanlarda 0.98 ± 0.340 ng/ml; 21-23. gündeki süt örneklerinde gebe olduğu tahmin edilenlerde 12.51±3.025 ng/ml, gebe olmadığı anlaşılanlarda ise 1.73±2.242 ng/ml dir. Anadolu mandalarında kan serumu ve süt progesteron konsantrasyonlarından yararlanarak yapılan erken gebelik teşhisinin doğruluğu sırasıyla % 90.9 ve %83.3 olarak belirlenmiştir


  • Batra, S. K., R. C. Arora, N. K. Bachlaus and R. S. Pandey, 1979. Blood and milk progesterone in pregnant and non pregnant buffalo. J. Dairy Sci., 62(9): 1390-1393.
  • Collins, F. 2002. Bovine pregnancy testing. Rocky Mountain Instrumental Laboratories. http://www.rockylab Com/cattle.html
  • Drake, T., M. O'cconnor, 2001. Milk progesterone as an aid in bovine reproductive management.
  • Gupta, M., B. S. Prakash, 1990. Milk progesteron determination in buffaloes post insemination. Br Vet J.1990 Nov-Dec; 146 (6): 563-70
  • Jain, G. C., R. S. Pandey, 1989. Influence of age, weaning, season and body weight on the levels of progesterone, oestradiol-17 Beta and luteinizing hormone in growing buffalo heifers (Bubalus, Bubalis). Anim. Rep. Sci., (9): 213- 221.
  • Kamboj, M., B. S. Prakash, 1993. Relationship of progesterone in plasma and whole milk of buffaloes during cyclicity and early pregnancy. J. Trop.Anim.Health Prod., 25(3): 185-192.
  • Kamonpatana, M. 1982. Application of plasma progesterone by EIA to estrus confirmation and early pregnancy diagnosis in swamp buffalo, pp. 58-67. Annual Report, The National Buffalo Research and Development Center Project, Bangkok, Thailand.
  • Kaul, V., B. S. Prakash, 1994. Accuracy of pregnancy/non pregnancy diagnosis in zebu and crossbred cattle and Murrah buffaloes by milk progesterone determination post insemination. J. Trop.Anim.Health Prod., 26(3): 187-192.
  • Kaur, H., S. P. Arora, 1984. Annual pattern of plasma progesterone in normal cycling buffaloes (Bubalus, bubalis) fed two levels of nutrition. Anim. Rep. Sci., (1): 323-332
  • Larry, L. 1986. How to use the milk progesterone tests. NebGuide, G86-818-A.
  • Madan, M. L. 1984. Studies on physiology of buffaloes and cattle. summarb Y research report, Animal Physiology, National Dairy Research Institute, Karnal (ICAR), Haryana, India.
  • McCool, C. J., M. P. Towndsend, S. G. Wolf and K. W. Entwistle, 1987. Endocrionological studies on pregnancy, postpartum anestrus and seasonal variation of ovarian activity in the Australian swamp buffalo cows. Buffalo J., (3): 67-72
  • Qureshi, M. S. 1998. Relationship of pre and postpartum nutritional status with reproductive performance in Nili-Ravi Buffaloes under the conventional farming system in N.W.F.P., Pakistan, Ph.D. Dissertation. Univ. Of Agric., Faisalabad, Pakistan
  • Qureshi, M. S., G. Habib, G. Nawab, M. Sıddıwqui, N. Ahmad and H. A.Samad, 2000. Milk progesterone profiles in various reproductive status in dairy buffaloes under field conditions. Prod. Natl. Sci. Counc. Roc(B) 24 (3): 70-75.
  • Sarvaiya, N. P., M. M. Pathak, 1992. Profile of progesterone 17 β oestradiol, riiodothyronine and blood biochemical parameters in Surti buffalo heifers. Buffalo J., (8): 23-30.
  • Shearer, J. K. 2003. The milk progesterone test and its applications in dairy cattle reproduction. University of Florida, Cooperative Extension Service 05.12.2003.
  • Singh, A., Puthiyandy, 1980. Estimation of progesterone in buffalo milk and its application to pregnancy diagnosis. J. Reprod.Fertil, 159 (1): 89-93.
  • Uçar, M., M. Küçükkebqapçı, E. Saban and H. Mert, 2003. Diagnosis of early pregnancy by using milk progesteron assay and investigation of postpartum reproductive activity and disorders in Anatolian Buffaloes (Bubalus, bubalis)., 05.12.2003
  • Van de Wiel, D. F. M. and W. Koops, 1986. Department and validation of an enzym immunoassay for progesterone in bovine milk or blood plasma. Anim. Rerod. Sci., (10): 201- 213

Possibilities of Early Pregnancy Diagnosis by Blood and Milk Progesterone Test Post Insemination in Anatolian Buffalo Cows of Hatay Province

Year 2005, Volume: 11 Issue: 01, 34 - 39, 01.01.2005


In the research it was aimed to investigate possibilities of using of blood serum and milk progesterone test in early pregnancy diagnosis in Anatolian buffaloes under the field conditions. The material of the study was formed by blood samples taken from 17 Anatolian buffalo cows group 1 that had been inseminated on May 2002 and milk samples taken from 22 Anatolian buffalo cows group 2 that had been inseminated on November 2003. The cows were belong to Ilıkpınar Village of Kırıkhan District of Hatay Province buffalo Herd. In both of insemination groups, after being estrus of the cows were synchronized by using PRID the cows were inseminated artificially. In the cows belong to group 1, blood samples were collected from each cow at the PRID inserting day, on the day after the removing of PRID 10th day of PRID implanting and on the 40th day after insemination. In the cows belong to group 2, milk samples were collected in the morning milkings from each cow at the day PRID inserting on days 13 and 21-23 after artificial insemination AI . Pregnancy was estimated by progesteron concentration in the samples of serum of blood which were collected on day 40 after insemination, and in the milk samples which were collected on day 21-23 after AI. Pregnancy was confirmed on the 90th days after insemination by rectal palpation of the uterine contents. Progesterone concentration of pregnant and non-pregnant cows calculated as 6.473 ±1.5780 ng/ml, and 0.97833 ± 0.34032 ng/ml for blood; 12.51±3.025 ng/ml and 1.73±2.242 ng/ml for milk respectively. In anatolian buffaloes, accuracy of early pregnancy diagnosis by blood serum and milk progesterone concentrations were determined as 90.9% and 83.3% respectively


  • Batra, S. K., R. C. Arora, N. K. Bachlaus and R. S. Pandey, 1979. Blood and milk progesterone in pregnant and non pregnant buffalo. J. Dairy Sci., 62(9): 1390-1393.
  • Collins, F. 2002. Bovine pregnancy testing. Rocky Mountain Instrumental Laboratories. http://www.rockylab Com/cattle.html
  • Drake, T., M. O'cconnor, 2001. Milk progesterone as an aid in bovine reproductive management.
  • Gupta, M., B. S. Prakash, 1990. Milk progesteron determination in buffaloes post insemination. Br Vet J.1990 Nov-Dec; 146 (6): 563-70
  • Jain, G. C., R. S. Pandey, 1989. Influence of age, weaning, season and body weight on the levels of progesterone, oestradiol-17 Beta and luteinizing hormone in growing buffalo heifers (Bubalus, Bubalis). Anim. Rep. Sci., (9): 213- 221.
  • Kamboj, M., B. S. Prakash, 1993. Relationship of progesterone in plasma and whole milk of buffaloes during cyclicity and early pregnancy. J. Trop.Anim.Health Prod., 25(3): 185-192.
  • Kamonpatana, M. 1982. Application of plasma progesterone by EIA to estrus confirmation and early pregnancy diagnosis in swamp buffalo, pp. 58-67. Annual Report, The National Buffalo Research and Development Center Project, Bangkok, Thailand.
  • Kaul, V., B. S. Prakash, 1994. Accuracy of pregnancy/non pregnancy diagnosis in zebu and crossbred cattle and Murrah buffaloes by milk progesterone determination post insemination. J. Trop.Anim.Health Prod., 26(3): 187-192.
  • Kaur, H., S. P. Arora, 1984. Annual pattern of plasma progesterone in normal cycling buffaloes (Bubalus, bubalis) fed two levels of nutrition. Anim. Rep. Sci., (1): 323-332
  • Larry, L. 1986. How to use the milk progesterone tests. NebGuide, G86-818-A.
  • Madan, M. L. 1984. Studies on physiology of buffaloes and cattle. summarb Y research report, Animal Physiology, National Dairy Research Institute, Karnal (ICAR), Haryana, India.
  • McCool, C. J., M. P. Towndsend, S. G. Wolf and K. W. Entwistle, 1987. Endocrionological studies on pregnancy, postpartum anestrus and seasonal variation of ovarian activity in the Australian swamp buffalo cows. Buffalo J., (3): 67-72
  • Qureshi, M. S. 1998. Relationship of pre and postpartum nutritional status with reproductive performance in Nili-Ravi Buffaloes under the conventional farming system in N.W.F.P., Pakistan, Ph.D. Dissertation. Univ. Of Agric., Faisalabad, Pakistan
  • Qureshi, M. S., G. Habib, G. Nawab, M. Sıddıwqui, N. Ahmad and H. A.Samad, 2000. Milk progesterone profiles in various reproductive status in dairy buffaloes under field conditions. Prod. Natl. Sci. Counc. Roc(B) 24 (3): 70-75.
  • Sarvaiya, N. P., M. M. Pathak, 1992. Profile of progesterone 17 β oestradiol, riiodothyronine and blood biochemical parameters in Surti buffalo heifers. Buffalo J., (8): 23-30.
  • Shearer, J. K. 2003. The milk progesterone test and its applications in dairy cattle reproduction. University of Florida, Cooperative Extension Service 05.12.2003.
  • Singh, A., Puthiyandy, 1980. Estimation of progesterone in buffalo milk and its application to pregnancy diagnosis. J. Reprod.Fertil, 159 (1): 89-93.
  • Uçar, M., M. Küçükkebqapçı, E. Saban and H. Mert, 2003. Diagnosis of early pregnancy by using milk progesteron assay and investigation of postpartum reproductive activity and disorders in Anatolian Buffaloes (Bubalus, bubalis)., 05.12.2003
  • Van de Wiel, D. F. M. and W. Koops, 1986. Department and validation of an enzym immunoassay for progesterone in bovine milk or blood plasma. Anim. Rerod. Sci., (10): 201- 213
There are 20 citations in total.


Primary Language Turkish
Journal Section Research Article

Özel Şekerden This is me

Mustafa Köroğlu This is me

Erdal Saban This is me

Publication Date January 1, 2005
Submission Date January 1, 2005
Published in Issue Year 2005 Volume: 11 Issue: 01


APA Şekerden, Ö., Köroğlu, M., & Saban, E. (2005). Hatay İli Anadolu Mandalarında Tohumlamadan Sonra Kan ve Süt Progesteron Testi Kullanılarak Erken Gebelik Teşhis İmkanları. Journal of Agricultural Sciences, 11(01), 34-39.
AMA Şekerden Ö, Köroğlu M, Saban E. Hatay İli Anadolu Mandalarında Tohumlamadan Sonra Kan ve Süt Progesteron Testi Kullanılarak Erken Gebelik Teşhis İmkanları. J Agr Sci-Tarim Bili. January 2005;11(01):34-39. doi:10.1501/Tarimbil_0000000494
Chicago Şekerden, Özel, Mustafa Köroğlu, and Erdal Saban. “Hatay İli Anadolu Mandalarında Tohumlamadan Sonra Kan Ve Süt Progesteron Testi Kullanılarak Erken Gebelik Teşhis İmkanları”. Journal of Agricultural Sciences 11, no. 01 (January 2005): 34-39.
EndNote Şekerden Ö, Köroğlu M, Saban E (January 1, 2005) Hatay İli Anadolu Mandalarında Tohumlamadan Sonra Kan ve Süt Progesteron Testi Kullanılarak Erken Gebelik Teşhis İmkanları. Journal of Agricultural Sciences 11 01 34–39.
IEEE Ö. Şekerden, M. Köroğlu, and E. Saban, “Hatay İli Anadolu Mandalarında Tohumlamadan Sonra Kan ve Süt Progesteron Testi Kullanılarak Erken Gebelik Teşhis İmkanları”, J Agr Sci-Tarim Bili, vol. 11, no. 01, pp. 34–39, 2005, doi: 10.1501/Tarimbil_0000000494.
ISNAD Şekerden, Özel et al. “Hatay İli Anadolu Mandalarında Tohumlamadan Sonra Kan Ve Süt Progesteron Testi Kullanılarak Erken Gebelik Teşhis İmkanları”. Journal of Agricultural Sciences 11/01 (January 2005), 34-39.
JAMA Şekerden Ö, Köroğlu M, Saban E. Hatay İli Anadolu Mandalarında Tohumlamadan Sonra Kan ve Süt Progesteron Testi Kullanılarak Erken Gebelik Teşhis İmkanları. J Agr Sci-Tarim Bili. 2005;11:34–39.
MLA Şekerden, Özel et al. “Hatay İli Anadolu Mandalarında Tohumlamadan Sonra Kan Ve Süt Progesteron Testi Kullanılarak Erken Gebelik Teşhis İmkanları”. Journal of Agricultural Sciences, vol. 11, no. 01, 2005, pp. 34-39, doi:10.1501/Tarimbil_0000000494.
Vancouver Şekerden Ö, Köroğlu M, Saban E. Hatay İli Anadolu Mandalarında Tohumlamadan Sonra Kan ve Süt Progesteron Testi Kullanılarak Erken Gebelik Teşhis İmkanları. J Agr Sci-Tarim Bili. 2005;11(01):34-9.

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