Research Article
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Opinions of school administrators in high image schools on external pressure groups

Year 2025, Volume: 9 Issue: 1, 76 - 90, 02.03.2025


This research aims to determine the demands of pressure groups towards school administrators working in schools with high image and the behaviors of school administrators towards these demands. The study group consists of 13 school administrators working in the Gebze, İzmit, and Çayırova districts of Kocaeli province in the 2023-2024 academic year. In selecting participants in the study, schools with high images were determined by consulting with district administrators. Interviews were held with 13 school administrators, including nine principals and four deputy principals, from the identified 30 schools. The study group was selected using a purposeful sampling method. In this study, the phenomenology pattern, one of the qualitative research methods, was used. Data were collected through face-to-face interviews by preparing a semi-structured interview form. The data obtained was analyzed using the content analysis method. Codes, categories, and themes were reached through the answers given by the participants. Data analysis determined that the primary demands made by external pressure groups to the administrators of schools with a high image include attempts to enroll students outside the registration area and teacher selection. Other demands made to schools include student enrollment through donations despite no quota, transfer procedures, enrollment of students in need of special education, class changes, ensuring academic success, individual attention from teachers to students, student participation in social activities, renewal of school equipment, presence of security at the school gate, cleanliness of the school, presence of a sports hall in the school, earlier opening and later closing times for the school, and provision of school transportation. Requests mostly come from parents. It has been observed that parents put pressure on administrators through political authorities and public officials to realize their demands. It has been determined that school administrators accepted the legally appropriate requests and rejected the others.

Ethical Statement

This research was approved by the Kocaeli University Ethics Committee's Social and Human Sciences Ethics Committee's decision, No. 23, dated 14/12/2023.

Supporting Institution

This research did not receive any specific grant from funding agencies in the public, commercial, or not-for-profit sectors.


  • Açıkalın, A. (2016). Toplumsal kurumsal ve teknik yönleriyle okul yöneticiliği becerisi [School management skills with social, institutional and technical aspects]. Pegem.
  • Akbulut, B. (2015). Ortaöğretim kurumlarında görev yapan öğretmenlerin örgütsel imaj algıları ile iş doyumu düzeyleri arasındaki ilişki [The relationship between organizational image perceptions and job satisfaction levels of teachers working in secondary education institutions] [Unpublished doctoral dissertation]. Hacettepe University.
  • Aybay, R. (1962). Baskı grupları [Pressure groups]. Journal of Istanbul University Law Faculty, 27(1-4), 271-285.
  • Balay, R. (2014). Okula toplumsal katılım [Community involvement in school]. In H.B. Menduhoğlu ve K. Yılmaz (Eds.). Türk eğitim sistemi ve okul yönetimi [Turkish education system and school administration] (pp. 304-319). Pegem.
  • Bursalıoğlu, Z. (2022). Okul yönetiminde yeni yapı ve davranış [New structure and behavior in school management]. Pegem.
  • Büyüköztürk, Ş., Akgün, Ö. E., Demirel, F., Karadeniz, Ş., & Çakmak, E. K. (2020). Bilimsel araştırma yöntemleri [Scientific research methods]. Pegem.
  • Coburn C. E. (2004). Beyond decoupling: Rethinking the relationship between the institutional environment and the classroom. Sociology of Education, 77(3), 211–244.
  • Çelik, H., Baykal, N. B., & Memur, H. N. K. (2020). Nitel veri analizi ve temel ilkeleri [Qualitative data analysis and its basic principles]. Journal of Qualitative Research in Education, 8(1), 379-406.
  • Daver, B. (1993). Siyaset bilimine giriş [Introduction to political science]. Siyasal Kitabevi.
  • Dichter, E. (1985). What's in an image. Journal of Consumer Marketing, 2(1), 75-81.
  • Diehl, D. K., & Golann, J. W. (2023). An integrated framework for studying how schools respond to external p ressures. Educational Researcher, 52(5), 296-305.
  • Duman, Ş. (2012). İlköğretim okullarında kurumsal imaj ve imaj yönetimi [Corporate image and image management in primary schools] [Unpublished master’s thesis]. Fırat University.
  • Dutton, J. E., & Dukerich, J. M. (1991). Keeping an eye on the mirror: Image and identity in organizational a daptation. Academy of Management Journal, 34(3), 517-554.
  • Eraslan, L. (2012). Günümüz öğretmen sendikacılığının değerlendirilmesi [Evaluation of today's teacher unionism]. 21. Yüzyılda Eğitim ve Toplum, 1(1), 59-72.
  • Erdal, G., Gücüyener, İ., & Erdal, K. (2013). Eğitim kurumlarında kurumsal kimlik, kurumsal imaj ve eğitime katkısı [Corporate identity, corporate image and contribution to education in educational institutions]. Ejovoc (Electronic Journal of Vocational Colleges), 3(3), 54-61.
  • Erdoğan, İ, (2000). Okul yönetimi ve öğretim liderliği [School administration and instructional leadership]. Sistem Yayıncılık.
  • Güler, A. (2001). Türkiye’de polisin kurumsal imajı üzerine bir değerlendirme [An evaluation on the institutional image of the police in Turkey]. [Unpublished master’s thesis]. Kırıkkale University.
  • Gürsel, M. (2003). Okul yönetimi (kuramsal ve uygulamalı) [School management (theoretical and applied)]. Eğitim Kitabevi.
  • İnandı, Y. (2008) Okula toplumsal katılım [Community involvement in school]. In R. Sarpkaya (Ed.). Türk eğitim sistemi ve okul yönetimi [Turkish education system and school administration] (pp. 351–380). Anı Yayıncılık.
  • Kapani, M. (1993). Kamu hürriyetleri [Public freedoms]. Yetkin.
  • Kapani, M. (2007). Politika bilimine giriş [Introduction to political science]. Bilgi.
  • Keskinkılıç, K. et al., (2016). Türk eğitim sistemi ve okul yönetimi [Turkish education system and school administration]. Pegem.
  • Kurşun, A.T. (2011). Okulların kurumsal imajının okul yöneticilerinin etik liderlik özellikleri ve bazı değişkenler açısından incelenmesi [Examining the corporate image of schools in terms of the ethical leadership characteristics of school administrators and some variables] [Unpublished master’s thesis]. Selçuk University.
  • Li, C. K., & Hung, C. H. (2009). Marketing tactics and parents' loyalty: The mediating role of school image. Journal of Educational Administration, 47(4), 477-489.
  • Liljenberg, M. (2015). School leaders as coupling agents–mediating between external demands and internal values. Education Inquiry, 6(4), 25527.
  • Lincoln S. Y., & Guba E. G. (1985). Naturalistic inquiry. Sage.
  • MEB (2024). Millî Eğitim Bakanlığı ilkokul 1. sınıf şubeleri ile sınıf öğretmenlerinin ve ortaokul 5. sınıf şubelerinin e-okul üzerinden belirlenmesine ilişkin yönerge [Ministry of National Education directive regarding the determination of primary school 1st grade branches, classroom teachers and secondary school 5th grade branches via e-school].
  • Miles, M, B., & Huberman, A. M. (1994). Qualitative data analysis: An expanded Sourcebook. Sage.
  • Nguyen, N., & Leblanc, G. (2001). Corporate image and corporate reputation in customers’ retention decisions in services. Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services, 8(4), 227-336.
  • Önk, Ş., Ekinci, M., Ekinci, M. D., & Demirkıran, Z. (2023). Okul yönetiminde etkili olan baskı grupları [Pressure groups influential in school management]. İbn Haldun Çalışmaları Dergisi, 8(1), 41-55.
  • Özcan, K. (2014). Çevresel baskı gruplarının okul yönetimine etkileri (Adıyaman ili Örneği) [The effects of environmental pressure groups on school management (Adıyaman Province Example)]. International Journal of Educational Research, 5(1), 88-113.
  • Özdemir, M. (2010). Nitel veri analizi: Sosyal bilimlerde yöntembilim sorunsalı üzerine bir çalışma [Qualitative data analysis: A study on the problematic of methodology in social sciences]. Eskişehir Osmangazi Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Dergisi, 11(1), 323-343.
  • Öztürk, M. (2013). Sendikal demokrasinin örgütlü hareketler açısından önemi [The importance of union democracy for organized movements]. Süleyman Demirel Üniversitesi İktisadi ve İdari Bilimler Fakültesi Dergisi, 18(2), 269-285.
  • Saumure, K., & Given, L. M. (2008). Rigor in qualitative research. In L. M. Given (Ed.), The Sage encyclopedia of qualitative research methods (Vol. 2, pp. 795-796). Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage.
  • Sevencan, F., & Çilingiroğlu, N. (2007). Sağlık alanındaki araştırmalarda kullanılan niteliksel veri toplama yöntemleri [Qualitative data collection methods used in research in the field of health]. Toplum Hekimliği Bülteni, 26(1), 1-6.
  • Strauss, A., & Corbin, J. (2014). Basics of qualitative research techniques. Sage Publications.
  • Şen, İ. K., Şen, F., & Anar, N. (2024). Eğitim yönetiminde yerel baskı gruplarının etkisi [The influence of local pressure groups in education management]. Social Mentality and Researcher Thinkers Journal (SMART JOURNAL), 8(66), 2399-2413.
  • Şenaras, B. (2017). İlk ve ortaokullarda veli baskısı: Müdür ve öğretmen görüşleri [ Parental pressure in primary and secondary schools: Principal and teacher opinions [Unpublished master’s thesis]. Maltepe University.
  • Şenyiğit, V. (2019). Eğitim yönetiminde baskı grupları: Yerel aktörler [Pressure groups in education administration: Local actors [Unpublished master’s thesis]. Mardin Artuklu University.
  • Taşkın, E., & Sönmez, S. (2005). Kurumsal imaj oluşturmada halkla ilişkilerin rolü ve bir alan araştırması [The role of public relations in creating corporate image and a field research]. Akademik Bakış - Uluslararası Hakemli Sosyal Bilimler Dergisi, 7, 1-27.
  • Taymaz, H. (2011). İlköğretim ve ortaöğretim okul müdürleri için okul yönetimi [School management for primary and secondary school principals]. Pegem.
  • Türkkahraman, M. (2004). Günümüzün büyüsü imaj ve gerçek hayat [The magic of today is image and real life]. Istanbul Journal of Sociological Studies, (30), 1-14.
  • Vandenberghe, R. (1998). Thinking about principals: How they cope with external pressures and internal redefinition of their role. International Journal of Educational Research, 29(4), 371-380.
  • Yıldırım, A., & Şimşek, H. (2021). Sosyal bilimlerde nitel araştırma yöntemleri [Qualitative research methods in social sciences]. Seçkin.
  • Yiğit, B., & Bayraktar M. (2006). Okul çevre ilişkileri [School environment relations]. Pegem.
Year 2025, Volume: 9 Issue: 1, 76 - 90, 02.03.2025



  • Açıkalın, A. (2016). Toplumsal kurumsal ve teknik yönleriyle okul yöneticiliği becerisi [School management skills with social, institutional and technical aspects]. Pegem.
  • Akbulut, B. (2015). Ortaöğretim kurumlarında görev yapan öğretmenlerin örgütsel imaj algıları ile iş doyumu düzeyleri arasındaki ilişki [The relationship between organizational image perceptions and job satisfaction levels of teachers working in secondary education institutions] [Unpublished doctoral dissertation]. Hacettepe University.
  • Aybay, R. (1962). Baskı grupları [Pressure groups]. Journal of Istanbul University Law Faculty, 27(1-4), 271-285.
  • Balay, R. (2014). Okula toplumsal katılım [Community involvement in school]. In H.B. Menduhoğlu ve K. Yılmaz (Eds.). Türk eğitim sistemi ve okul yönetimi [Turkish education system and school administration] (pp. 304-319). Pegem.
  • Bursalıoğlu, Z. (2022). Okul yönetiminde yeni yapı ve davranış [New structure and behavior in school management]. Pegem.
  • Büyüköztürk, Ş., Akgün, Ö. E., Demirel, F., Karadeniz, Ş., & Çakmak, E. K. (2020). Bilimsel araştırma yöntemleri [Scientific research methods]. Pegem.
  • Coburn C. E. (2004). Beyond decoupling: Rethinking the relationship between the institutional environment and the classroom. Sociology of Education, 77(3), 211–244.
  • Çelik, H., Baykal, N. B., & Memur, H. N. K. (2020). Nitel veri analizi ve temel ilkeleri [Qualitative data analysis and its basic principles]. Journal of Qualitative Research in Education, 8(1), 379-406.
  • Daver, B. (1993). Siyaset bilimine giriş [Introduction to political science]. Siyasal Kitabevi.
  • Dichter, E. (1985). What's in an image. Journal of Consumer Marketing, 2(1), 75-81.
  • Diehl, D. K., & Golann, J. W. (2023). An integrated framework for studying how schools respond to external p ressures. Educational Researcher, 52(5), 296-305.
  • Duman, Ş. (2012). İlköğretim okullarında kurumsal imaj ve imaj yönetimi [Corporate image and image management in primary schools] [Unpublished master’s thesis]. Fırat University.
  • Dutton, J. E., & Dukerich, J. M. (1991). Keeping an eye on the mirror: Image and identity in organizational a daptation. Academy of Management Journal, 34(3), 517-554.
  • Eraslan, L. (2012). Günümüz öğretmen sendikacılığının değerlendirilmesi [Evaluation of today's teacher unionism]. 21. Yüzyılda Eğitim ve Toplum, 1(1), 59-72.
  • Erdal, G., Gücüyener, İ., & Erdal, K. (2013). Eğitim kurumlarında kurumsal kimlik, kurumsal imaj ve eğitime katkısı [Corporate identity, corporate image and contribution to education in educational institutions]. Ejovoc (Electronic Journal of Vocational Colleges), 3(3), 54-61.
  • Erdoğan, İ, (2000). Okul yönetimi ve öğretim liderliği [School administration and instructional leadership]. Sistem Yayıncılık.
  • Güler, A. (2001). Türkiye’de polisin kurumsal imajı üzerine bir değerlendirme [An evaluation on the institutional image of the police in Turkey]. [Unpublished master’s thesis]. Kırıkkale University.
  • Gürsel, M. (2003). Okul yönetimi (kuramsal ve uygulamalı) [School management (theoretical and applied)]. Eğitim Kitabevi.
  • İnandı, Y. (2008) Okula toplumsal katılım [Community involvement in school]. In R. Sarpkaya (Ed.). Türk eğitim sistemi ve okul yönetimi [Turkish education system and school administration] (pp. 351–380). Anı Yayıncılık.
  • Kapani, M. (1993). Kamu hürriyetleri [Public freedoms]. Yetkin.
  • Kapani, M. (2007). Politika bilimine giriş [Introduction to political science]. Bilgi.
  • Keskinkılıç, K. et al., (2016). Türk eğitim sistemi ve okul yönetimi [Turkish education system and school administration]. Pegem.
  • Kurşun, A.T. (2011). Okulların kurumsal imajının okul yöneticilerinin etik liderlik özellikleri ve bazı değişkenler açısından incelenmesi [Examining the corporate image of schools in terms of the ethical leadership characteristics of school administrators and some variables] [Unpublished master’s thesis]. Selçuk University.
  • Li, C. K., & Hung, C. H. (2009). Marketing tactics and parents' loyalty: The mediating role of school image. Journal of Educational Administration, 47(4), 477-489.
  • Liljenberg, M. (2015). School leaders as coupling agents–mediating between external demands and internal values. Education Inquiry, 6(4), 25527.
  • Lincoln S. Y., & Guba E. G. (1985). Naturalistic inquiry. Sage.
  • MEB (2024). Millî Eğitim Bakanlığı ilkokul 1. sınıf şubeleri ile sınıf öğretmenlerinin ve ortaokul 5. sınıf şubelerinin e-okul üzerinden belirlenmesine ilişkin yönerge [Ministry of National Education directive regarding the determination of primary school 1st grade branches, classroom teachers and secondary school 5th grade branches via e-school].
  • Miles, M, B., & Huberman, A. M. (1994). Qualitative data analysis: An expanded Sourcebook. Sage.
  • Nguyen, N., & Leblanc, G. (2001). Corporate image and corporate reputation in customers’ retention decisions in services. Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services, 8(4), 227-336.
  • Önk, Ş., Ekinci, M., Ekinci, M. D., & Demirkıran, Z. (2023). Okul yönetiminde etkili olan baskı grupları [Pressure groups influential in school management]. İbn Haldun Çalışmaları Dergisi, 8(1), 41-55.
  • Özcan, K. (2014). Çevresel baskı gruplarının okul yönetimine etkileri (Adıyaman ili Örneği) [The effects of environmental pressure groups on school management (Adıyaman Province Example)]. International Journal of Educational Research, 5(1), 88-113.
  • Özdemir, M. (2010). Nitel veri analizi: Sosyal bilimlerde yöntembilim sorunsalı üzerine bir çalışma [Qualitative data analysis: A study on the problematic of methodology in social sciences]. Eskişehir Osmangazi Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Dergisi, 11(1), 323-343.
  • Öztürk, M. (2013). Sendikal demokrasinin örgütlü hareketler açısından önemi [The importance of union democracy for organized movements]. Süleyman Demirel Üniversitesi İktisadi ve İdari Bilimler Fakültesi Dergisi, 18(2), 269-285.
  • Saumure, K., & Given, L. M. (2008). Rigor in qualitative research. In L. M. Given (Ed.), The Sage encyclopedia of qualitative research methods (Vol. 2, pp. 795-796). Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage.
  • Sevencan, F., & Çilingiroğlu, N. (2007). Sağlık alanındaki araştırmalarda kullanılan niteliksel veri toplama yöntemleri [Qualitative data collection methods used in research in the field of health]. Toplum Hekimliği Bülteni, 26(1), 1-6.
  • Strauss, A., & Corbin, J. (2014). Basics of qualitative research techniques. Sage Publications.
  • Şen, İ. K., Şen, F., & Anar, N. (2024). Eğitim yönetiminde yerel baskı gruplarının etkisi [The influence of local pressure groups in education management]. Social Mentality and Researcher Thinkers Journal (SMART JOURNAL), 8(66), 2399-2413.
  • Şenaras, B. (2017). İlk ve ortaokullarda veli baskısı: Müdür ve öğretmen görüşleri [ Parental pressure in primary and secondary schools: Principal and teacher opinions [Unpublished master’s thesis]. Maltepe University.
  • Şenyiğit, V. (2019). Eğitim yönetiminde baskı grupları: Yerel aktörler [Pressure groups in education administration: Local actors [Unpublished master’s thesis]. Mardin Artuklu University.
  • Taşkın, E., & Sönmez, S. (2005). Kurumsal imaj oluşturmada halkla ilişkilerin rolü ve bir alan araştırması [The role of public relations in creating corporate image and a field research]. Akademik Bakış - Uluslararası Hakemli Sosyal Bilimler Dergisi, 7, 1-27.
  • Taymaz, H. (2011). İlköğretim ve ortaöğretim okul müdürleri için okul yönetimi [School management for primary and secondary school principals]. Pegem.
  • Türkkahraman, M. (2004). Günümüzün büyüsü imaj ve gerçek hayat [The magic of today is image and real life]. Istanbul Journal of Sociological Studies, (30), 1-14.
  • Vandenberghe, R. (1998). Thinking about principals: How they cope with external pressures and internal redefinition of their role. International Journal of Educational Research, 29(4), 371-380.
  • Yıldırım, A., & Şimşek, H. (2021). Sosyal bilimlerde nitel araştırma yöntemleri [Qualitative research methods in social sciences]. Seçkin.
  • Yiğit, B., & Bayraktar M. (2006). Okul çevre ilişkileri [School environment relations]. Pegem.
There are 45 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Subjects Education Management
Journal Section Research Article

Vildan Yılmaz Ortadağ 0009-0004-4720-8375

Soner Polat 0000-0003-2407-6491

Publication Date March 2, 2025
Submission Date May 9, 2024
Acceptance Date February 7, 2025
Published in Issue Year 2025 Volume: 9 Issue: 1


APA Yılmaz Ortadağ, V., & Polat, S. (2025). Opinions of school administrators in high image schools on external pressure groups. Anadolu University Journal of Education Faculty, 9(1), 76-90.

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