Articles submitted to the Journal should not have been published before and should not have been evaluated for publication elsewhere. In addition, the submitted articles should primarily cover the Sciences and Engineering and the fields where they find application and should include full text and abstract in ENGLISH.
Articles submitted for publication in our journal should be prepared and sent in following MS Office Word format. Articles except of these formats will not be considered.
• MS Office Template (download)
The information that must be included on the first page of the article is as follows:
• The title of the article should be written in a short, descriptive, and informative manner, and only the first letters should be written in capital letters and the other letters should be written in lowercase and placed on the first page.
• Authors and addresses of the article: The full names and surnames of all authors (without any abbreviations) should be written separately. Institution, postal address, and e-mail addresses of each author must be indicated on the first page. In addition, ORCID numbers of all authors should be given on the first page. Corresponding author is the person who takes primary responsibility for communication with the journal during article submission, peer review and publication process and should be indicated on the first page.
• The abstract of the article should be on the first page and should be written as follows:
o Abstract: It should be written in a way to include the main purpose, results, motivation, and method of the article and should be placed on the first page. In addition, the abstract should not exceed 300 words.
• Keywords: These are the words that accurately represent your article and best reflect the essence of your article. These keywords should make your article easier to find. It can consist of at least 4 (four) and at most 6 (six) words/word groups.
Other rules to be followed throughout the article are as follows:
• Introduction, Material and Method, Results and Discussion, Conclusion, Acknowledgments, Conflict of Interest (if any) and References should be given.
• In the References section, each reference should be listed alphabetically according to the surnames of the authors and numbered as [1], [2],..
• Figures and graphics, if any, should be prepared in accordance with photographic reproduction, and electronically produced graphics compiled in EPS format should be preferred.