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Evaluation of antifungal activity of cardamom oil against standard and clinical Candida isolates

Year 2018, Volume: 11 Issue: 3, 31 - 37, 15.12.2018


Candida species are the members of the human normal flora and they may cause oppurtunistic fungal infections in immuncompromised patients. The available antifungal treatment regiments is quite limited due to the toxicity, high cost and presence of multidrug resistant strains. Recently, natural essential oils and their constituents have drawn attention for their antimicrobial and antibiofilm efficacies. Cardamom essential oil has strong antimicrobial effects. Cardamom can be isolated from the seeds of the ginger family Zingiberaceae. The aim of this study is to investigate the effects of cardamom essential oil against standard and clinical Candida strains. The minimum inhibitory concentration MIC of cardamom was determined using the broth microdilution method according to the Clinical Laboratory Standards Institute. Amphotericin B was used as a positive standard control antibiotic. Cardamom oil have shown strong antifungal activity the tested all Candida isolates MIC ⩽ 0.1% vol/vol . Our MIC and transmission electron microscopic TEM studies confirms that cardamom oil possess in vitro antifungal activity. It may be used as an alternative antifungal agent or natural food preservatives. In addition it may helpful for the discovery of new antifungal drug. However efficacy, safety and toxicity profiles of this oil will need to be addressed


  • Agaoglu, S., Dostbil, N., Alemdar, S. (2005). Antimicrobial effect of seed extracts of cardamom (Elettaria cardamomum Maton) Yüzüncü Yıl Üniversitesi Veteriner Fakültesi Dergisi, 16(2), 99–101.Al-Abdalall, A. (2016). Effect of plants extracts on the growth of Candida albicans and Staphylococcus aureus. African Journal of Pharmacy and Pharmacology, 10(16), 337-345.
  • Aneja, K.R., Sharma, C. (2010). Antimicrobial potential of fruit extracts of Elettaria cardamomum maton (chhoti elaichi) against the pathogens Causing ear infection. PharmacologyOnline. 3,750-6.
  • Badei, A.Z.M., El-Akel, A.T.M., Morsi, H.H.H. (1991). Evaluation of chemical, physical and antimicrobial properties of cardamom essential oil. Bulletin of Faculty of Agriculture, Cairo University, 42(1), 183-197.
  • Badei, A.Z.M., Morsi, H.H.H., El-Akel, A.T.M. (1991). Chemica composition and antioxidant properties of cardamom essential oil. Bulletin of Faculty of Agriculture, Cairo University, 42(1), 199-215.
  • Bansod S., Rai. M. (2008). Antifungal activity of essential oils from Indian medicinal plants against human pathogenic Aspergillus fumigatus and A. niger. World Journal of Medical Sciences, 3, 81-88.
  • Burt, S. (2004). Essential oils: Their antibacterial properties and potential applications in foods—a review. International Journal of Food Microbiology, 94(3), 223–253.
  • Canton, E., Peman J., Gobernado, M., Viudes, A., Espinel-Ingroff A. (2004). Patterns of amphotericin B killing kinetics against seven Candida species. Antimicrobial Agents and Chemotherapy, 48(7), 2477-2482.
  • Chandra, J., Kuhn, D.M., Mukherjee, P.K., Hoyer, L.L., McCormick, T., Ghannoum, M.A. (2001) Biofilm formation by the fungal pathogen Candida albicans: development, architecture, and drug resistance. Journal of Bacteriology, 183(18), 5385–5394.
  • Clinical Laboratory Standards Institute (2002). Reference Method for Broth Dilution Antifungal Susceptibility Testing of Yeasts. Approved Standard M27-A2. Wayne PA.
  • Dag, I., Oz, Y., Kiraz, N. (2012). Effect of disinfectants on biofilm development by five species of Candida. African Journal of. Microbiology Research, 6(10), 2380-2386.
  • Doughari, J.H. ve Naya, P. (2008). In vitro antifungal activity of determium microcarpum. Pakistan Journal of Medical Sciences, 24(1), 91-95.
  • Elgayyar, M., Draughon, F.A., Golden D.A., Mount J.R. Antimicrobial activity of essential oils from plants against selected pathogenic and saprophytic microorganisms. Journal of Food Protection, 64(7), 1019–1024.
  • Karkowska-Kuleta, J., Rapala-Kozik, M., Kozik, A. (2009). Fungi pathogenic to humans: molecular bases of virulence of Candida albicans, Cryptococcus neoformans and Aspergillus fumigatus. Acta Biochimica Polonica, 56(2), 211– 224.
  • Kubo, İ., Himejima, M., Muroi H. 1991. Antimicrobial activity of flavor components of Cardamom Elattaria cardamomum (Zingiberaceae) Seed. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry, 39, 1984-1986.
  • Mazu, T.K., Bricker, B.A. Flores-Rozas, H., Ablordeppey, S.Y. (2016). The Mechanistic Targets of Antifungal Agents: An Overview. Mini-Reviews in Medicinal Chemistry, 16(7), 555–578.
  • Mejdi, A., Emira, N., Ameni, D., Guido, F., Mahjoub, A., Madiha, A., Abdulbasit, A. (2015). Chemical Composition and Antimicrobial Activities of Elettaria Cardamomum L. (Manton) Essential Oil: A High Activity against a Wide Range of Food Borne and Medically Important Bacteria and Fungi. Journal of Chemical, Biological and Physical Sciences, 6(1), 248-259.
  • Morace, G., Perdoni, F., Borghi, E. (2014). Antifungal drug resistance in Candida species. The American Journal of Medicine, 2(4), 254-259.
  • Movar, A., Thewes, S., ve Hube, B. (2005). Systemic fungal infections caused by Candida species: epidemiology, infection process and virulence attributes. Current Drug Targets, 6(8), 863-874 .
  • Pfaller, M.A., Diekema, D.J., Messer, S.A., Boyken, L., Hollis, R.J., Jones, R.N. (2003). In vitro activities of voriconazole, posaconazole, and four licensed systemic antifungal agents against Candida species infrequently isolated from blood. Journal of Clinical Microbiology, 41(1), 78-83.
  • Rabini, N., Zheng, Y., Opoku-Temeng, C., Du, Y., Bonsu, E., ve Sintim. H.O. (2015). Biofilm formation mechanisms and targets for developing anti-biofilm agents. Future Medicinal Chemistry, 7(3), 493–512.
  • Radhakrishnan, V.S., Kurub, A., ve Dwivedi, S.P., Prasad, T. (2015). Multidisciplinary approach for studying and combating microbial pathogens, Chapter: Formulated natural plant extracts from nutmeg and cardamom show antifungal activity against clinical isolates of Candida albicans and affect cellular morphology and ergosterol, Publisher: BrownWalker Press, Editors: Antonio Méndez-Vilas, pp.85-90.
  • Sardi, J.C.O., Scorzoni, L., Bernardi, T., Fusco-Almeida, A.M., Giannini, M.M. (2013). Candida species: current epidemiology, pathogenicity, biofilm formation, natural antifungal products and new therapeutic options. Journal of Medical Microbiology, 62(1), 10-24.
  • Silva, S., Rodrigues, C., Araşjo, D., Rodrigues, M. ve Henriques, (2017). Candida Species Biofilms’ Antifungal Resistance. Journal of Fungi, 3(1)-8.
  • Swamy M.K., Akhtar M.S., ve Sinniah U.R. (2016). Antimicrobial properties of plant essential oils against human pathogens and their mode of action: An updated review. Evidence-Based Complementary and Alternative Medicine, 3012462. p. 21 ID 3012462
  • Swamy, M.K., Sinniah, U.R., Akhtar, M.S. (2015). In vitro pharmacological activities and GC-MS analysis of different solvent extracts of Lantana camara leaves collected from tropical region of Malaysia. Evidence-Based Complementary and Alternative Medicine, 2015, 1–9.
  • Şengün İ.Y., Yücel, E. (2015). Antimicrobial properties of wild fruits. Biological Diversity and Conversation 8(1), 69- 77.
  • Taff, H.T., Mitchell, K.F., Edward, J.A., Andes, D.R. (2013) Mechanisms of Candida biofilm drug resistance. Future Microbiology, 8(10),1325–1337.
  • Trombetta, D., Castelli, F., Sarpietro, M. G., Venuti, V., Cristani, M., Daniele, C., Saija, A., Mazzanti, G., Bisignano, G. (2005). Mechanisms of antibacterial action of three monoterpenes. Antimicrobial Agents and Chemotherapy, 49(6), 2474–2478.
  • Vijalayalakshmi, P., Thenmoshi, S., ve Rajeswari, P. (2016). The evaluation of the virulence factors of clinical Candida isolates and the antibiofilm activity of Elettaria cardamomum against multidrug resistant Candida albicans. Current Medical Mycology, 2(2), 8-15.
  • Wenzel, R.P., Gennings, C. (2005). Bloodstream infection due to Candida species in the intensive care unit: identifying especially high–risk patients to determine prevention strategies. Current Medical Mycology, 41(6), 5389–93.

Kardamom yağının standart ve klinik Candida izolatlarına karşı antifungal etkinliklerinin değerlendirilmesi

Year 2018, Volume: 11 Issue: 3, 31 - 37, 15.12.2018


Candida türleri insan normal florasının üyelerinden olup, bağışıklığı baskılanmış hastalarda fırsatçı fungal infeksiyonlara yol açabilmektedirler. Mevcut antifungal tedavi rejimleri toksisite, yüksek maliyet ve çoklu ilaç dirençli suşların bulunuşu sebebiyle bir hayli sınırlıdır. Son yıllarda doğal esansiyal yağlar ve bunların bileşenleri, sahip oldukları antimikrobiyal ve antibiyofilm etkinliklerinden dolayı büyük dikkat çekmektedir. Kardamom esansiyal yağı da güçlü antimikrobiyal etkilere sahiptir ve Zingiberaceae ailesi tohumlarından izole edilebilmektedir. Çalışmamızın amacı standart ve klinik Candida suşlarına karşı bu yağın etkinliğini araştırmaktır. Kardamomun Minimum İnhibisyon Konsantrasyonu MİK , Klinik Laboratuar Standartları Enstitüsü’nün talimatlarına göre sıvı mikrodilüsyon testi ile elde edilmiştir. Çalışmada pozitif standart kontrol olarak Amfoterisin B antibiyotiği kullanılmıştır. Kardamom yağı, test edilen tüm Candida izolatları üzerine güçlü bir antifungal aktivite göstermiştir MİK ⩽ %0.1 vol/vol . MİK ve geçirimli elektron mikroskobik TEM çalışmamız kardamom yağının in vitro antifungal etkinliğini onaylamaktadır. Kardamom yağı alternatif bir antifungal ajan ya da doğal besin koruyucusu olarak kullanılabilir. Ayrıca yeni antifungal ilaçların keşfi için faydalı olabilir. Ancak bu yağın etkinlik, güvenlik ve toksisite profillerinin iyi bir şekilde aydınlatılmasına ihtiyaç bulunmaktadır


  • Agaoglu, S., Dostbil, N., Alemdar, S. (2005). Antimicrobial effect of seed extracts of cardamom (Elettaria cardamomum Maton) Yüzüncü Yıl Üniversitesi Veteriner Fakültesi Dergisi, 16(2), 99–101.Al-Abdalall, A. (2016). Effect of plants extracts on the growth of Candida albicans and Staphylococcus aureus. African Journal of Pharmacy and Pharmacology, 10(16), 337-345.
  • Aneja, K.R., Sharma, C. (2010). Antimicrobial potential of fruit extracts of Elettaria cardamomum maton (chhoti elaichi) against the pathogens Causing ear infection. PharmacologyOnline. 3,750-6.
  • Badei, A.Z.M., El-Akel, A.T.M., Morsi, H.H.H. (1991). Evaluation of chemical, physical and antimicrobial properties of cardamom essential oil. Bulletin of Faculty of Agriculture, Cairo University, 42(1), 183-197.
  • Badei, A.Z.M., Morsi, H.H.H., El-Akel, A.T.M. (1991). Chemica composition and antioxidant properties of cardamom essential oil. Bulletin of Faculty of Agriculture, Cairo University, 42(1), 199-215.
  • Bansod S., Rai. M. (2008). Antifungal activity of essential oils from Indian medicinal plants against human pathogenic Aspergillus fumigatus and A. niger. World Journal of Medical Sciences, 3, 81-88.
  • Burt, S. (2004). Essential oils: Their antibacterial properties and potential applications in foods—a review. International Journal of Food Microbiology, 94(3), 223–253.
  • Canton, E., Peman J., Gobernado, M., Viudes, A., Espinel-Ingroff A. (2004). Patterns of amphotericin B killing kinetics against seven Candida species. Antimicrobial Agents and Chemotherapy, 48(7), 2477-2482.
  • Chandra, J., Kuhn, D.M., Mukherjee, P.K., Hoyer, L.L., McCormick, T., Ghannoum, M.A. (2001) Biofilm formation by the fungal pathogen Candida albicans: development, architecture, and drug resistance. Journal of Bacteriology, 183(18), 5385–5394.
  • Clinical Laboratory Standards Institute (2002). Reference Method for Broth Dilution Antifungal Susceptibility Testing of Yeasts. Approved Standard M27-A2. Wayne PA.
  • Dag, I., Oz, Y., Kiraz, N. (2012). Effect of disinfectants on biofilm development by five species of Candida. African Journal of. Microbiology Research, 6(10), 2380-2386.
  • Doughari, J.H. ve Naya, P. (2008). In vitro antifungal activity of determium microcarpum. Pakistan Journal of Medical Sciences, 24(1), 91-95.
  • Elgayyar, M., Draughon, F.A., Golden D.A., Mount J.R. Antimicrobial activity of essential oils from plants against selected pathogenic and saprophytic microorganisms. Journal of Food Protection, 64(7), 1019–1024.
  • Karkowska-Kuleta, J., Rapala-Kozik, M., Kozik, A. (2009). Fungi pathogenic to humans: molecular bases of virulence of Candida albicans, Cryptococcus neoformans and Aspergillus fumigatus. Acta Biochimica Polonica, 56(2), 211– 224.
  • Kubo, İ., Himejima, M., Muroi H. 1991. Antimicrobial activity of flavor components of Cardamom Elattaria cardamomum (Zingiberaceae) Seed. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry, 39, 1984-1986.
  • Mazu, T.K., Bricker, B.A. Flores-Rozas, H., Ablordeppey, S.Y. (2016). The Mechanistic Targets of Antifungal Agents: An Overview. Mini-Reviews in Medicinal Chemistry, 16(7), 555–578.
  • Mejdi, A., Emira, N., Ameni, D., Guido, F., Mahjoub, A., Madiha, A., Abdulbasit, A. (2015). Chemical Composition and Antimicrobial Activities of Elettaria Cardamomum L. (Manton) Essential Oil: A High Activity against a Wide Range of Food Borne and Medically Important Bacteria and Fungi. Journal of Chemical, Biological and Physical Sciences, 6(1), 248-259.
  • Morace, G., Perdoni, F., Borghi, E. (2014). Antifungal drug resistance in Candida species. The American Journal of Medicine, 2(4), 254-259.
  • Movar, A., Thewes, S., ve Hube, B. (2005). Systemic fungal infections caused by Candida species: epidemiology, infection process and virulence attributes. Current Drug Targets, 6(8), 863-874 .
  • Pfaller, M.A., Diekema, D.J., Messer, S.A., Boyken, L., Hollis, R.J., Jones, R.N. (2003). In vitro activities of voriconazole, posaconazole, and four licensed systemic antifungal agents against Candida species infrequently isolated from blood. Journal of Clinical Microbiology, 41(1), 78-83.
  • Rabini, N., Zheng, Y., Opoku-Temeng, C., Du, Y., Bonsu, E., ve Sintim. H.O. (2015). Biofilm formation mechanisms and targets for developing anti-biofilm agents. Future Medicinal Chemistry, 7(3), 493–512.
  • Radhakrishnan, V.S., Kurub, A., ve Dwivedi, S.P., Prasad, T. (2015). Multidisciplinary approach for studying and combating microbial pathogens, Chapter: Formulated natural plant extracts from nutmeg and cardamom show antifungal activity against clinical isolates of Candida albicans and affect cellular morphology and ergosterol, Publisher: BrownWalker Press, Editors: Antonio Méndez-Vilas, pp.85-90.
  • Sardi, J.C.O., Scorzoni, L., Bernardi, T., Fusco-Almeida, A.M., Giannini, M.M. (2013). Candida species: current epidemiology, pathogenicity, biofilm formation, natural antifungal products and new therapeutic options. Journal of Medical Microbiology, 62(1), 10-24.
  • Silva, S., Rodrigues, C., Araşjo, D., Rodrigues, M. ve Henriques, (2017). Candida Species Biofilms’ Antifungal Resistance. Journal of Fungi, 3(1)-8.
  • Swamy M.K., Akhtar M.S., ve Sinniah U.R. (2016). Antimicrobial properties of plant essential oils against human pathogens and their mode of action: An updated review. Evidence-Based Complementary and Alternative Medicine, 3012462. p. 21 ID 3012462
  • Swamy, M.K., Sinniah, U.R., Akhtar, M.S. (2015). In vitro pharmacological activities and GC-MS analysis of different solvent extracts of Lantana camara leaves collected from tropical region of Malaysia. Evidence-Based Complementary and Alternative Medicine, 2015, 1–9.
  • Şengün İ.Y., Yücel, E. (2015). Antimicrobial properties of wild fruits. Biological Diversity and Conversation 8(1), 69- 77.
  • Taff, H.T., Mitchell, K.F., Edward, J.A., Andes, D.R. (2013) Mechanisms of Candida biofilm drug resistance. Future Microbiology, 8(10),1325–1337.
  • Trombetta, D., Castelli, F., Sarpietro, M. G., Venuti, V., Cristani, M., Daniele, C., Saija, A., Mazzanti, G., Bisignano, G. (2005). Mechanisms of antibacterial action of three monoterpenes. Antimicrobial Agents and Chemotherapy, 49(6), 2474–2478.
  • Vijalayalakshmi, P., Thenmoshi, S., ve Rajeswari, P. (2016). The evaluation of the virulence factors of clinical Candida isolates and the antibiofilm activity of Elettaria cardamomum against multidrug resistant Candida albicans. Current Medical Mycology, 2(2), 8-15.
  • Wenzel, R.P., Gennings, C. (2005). Bloodstream infection due to Candida species in the intensive care unit: identifying especially high–risk patients to determine prevention strategies. Current Medical Mycology, 41(6), 5389–93.
There are 30 citations in total.


Primary Language Turkish
Journal Section Research Article

İlknur Dağ This is me

Publication Date December 15, 2018
Published in Issue Year 2018 Volume: 11 Issue: 3


APA Dağ, İ. (2018). Kardamom yağının standart ve klinik Candida izolatlarına karşı antifungal etkinliklerinin değerlendirilmesi. Biological Diversity and Conservation, 11(3), 31-37.

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