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Characterization Studies of Onobrychis hypargyrea Boiss

Year 2018, Volume: 11 Issue: 3, 47 - 55, 15.12.2018


In characterization study of Onobrychis hypargyrea Boiss. ecotypes, collected from Eskişehir region; crops were evaluated by some criteria of Variety Registration and Seed Certification Center VRSCM and International Plant Genetic Resources Institute IBPGR . Mean values in crops were found as 61.57±15.56 cm in flower crown diameter, 60.84±11.46 cm in main stem length, 0.81±0.11 mm in main stem width, 6.37±2.10 number in of main stem number, 5.33±1.54 number in auxiliary stem number, 22.15±6.23 cm in cluster length, 36.9±6.96 mm in leaflet length, 19.40±3.09 mm in leaflet width, 15.24±1.12 mm in fruit length, 12.83±1.09 mm in fruit width, 166.15±12.82 days in maturation date, 6.67±4.16 % in germination speed, 35.07±26.14 % in germination power, 45.96±11.17 gr in thousand seed weight, 292.02±157.05 gr/crop in total fresh hay yield, 78.69±37.55 gr/crop dry hay yield, 25.63±4.40 % in crude cellulose, 4.53±0.54 % in crude ash, 15.32±1.16 % in crude protein, 42.37±4.20 % in nitrogen free matter, 86.91±0.84 % in digestible protein, 84.81±0.66 % in organic matter, 1.50±0.39 % in crude oil, 89.39±0.37 % in dry matter. Cluster analysis revealed that, four maim groups and nine subgroups occurred. Besides, biplot analysis showed that, fresh hay yield in PC1 and flower crown diameter in PC2 are the most effective components. Fruit width, cluster height, flower crown diameter, fresh hay yield, auxiliary branch number, leaf length and width influenced PC1 and PC2 distributions in crops. Effects of components as % in PC1, PC2 and cumulative are 34.11, 22.62 and 55.73, respectively


  • Ahuja, P. S., D. Y. Lu, E. C. Cocking., M. R. Davey. (1983). An assessment of the cultural capabilities of Trifolium repens L. (white clover) and Onobrychis viciifolia Scop. (sainfoin) mesophyll protoplasts. Plant Cell. Rep.5 (2), 269- 272.
  • Akçelik, E., Avcı, S., Uzun, S., Sancak, C. (2012). Karyotype analysis of some Onobrychis (Sainfoin) species in Turkey, Arch. Boil. Sci., Belgrade, 64(2), 567571.
  • Anonim, (2007a). Türkiye Bitkileri Veri Servisi. (Erişim Tarihi: 22.11.2017)
  • Anonim, (2017b). Türkiye’nin Yabani Çiçekleri.şim Tarihi: 22.11.2017)
  • Avcı, S., Çöçü S., Sancak, C., Özcan, S. (2010). Heliobrychis Seksiyonuna Ait Bazı Korunga (Onobrychis sp.) Türleri Üzerinde Morfolojik Araştırmalar. Tarla Bitkileri Merkez Araştırma Enstitüsü Dergisi, (19) 1-2.
  • Avcı, S., Kaya, M. D. (2013). Seed and germination characteristics of wild Onobrychis taxa in Turkey. Turkish Journal of Agriculture and Forestry. (37), 555-560.
  • Bagci, E., L Bruehl., Özçelik, H., Aitzetmuller, K.., Vural, M., Sahim, A. (2004). A study of the fatty acid and tocochromanol patterns of some Fabaceae (Leguminosae) plants from Turkey. IGrasas y Aceites. 55.(4), 378-384
  • Ball, P.W. (1968). Onobryehis Miller. In: Tutin, T.G. and Heywood, V.H., eds. Flora Europaea. Vol. 2. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, pp. 187-191.
  • Boissier, P.E. (1872). Flora Orientalis, sive Enumarito Plantarum in Oriente: AGraecia et Aegypto ad Indiae fines hucusque observatarum. Vol. 2, Genevae. 1810-1885: Buser Robert., 1857.
  • Davis P H. (1969). Flora of Turkey. (3). 560-589.
  • Davis, P.H. (1970). Flora of Turkey and the East Aegean Island. Volume III. Universty of Edinburg.
  • Davis, P.H. (1988). Flora of Turkey and East Aegean Islands. Edinburgh Universty Press.
  • Delgado M. (2008). La esparceta o pipirigallo. Informaciones tecnicas Dirección General de Desarrollo Rural
  • Centro de Transferencia Agroalimentaria. 201.
  • Duman, H. Vural, M. (1990). New taxa from south Anatolia 1.Turkısh Journal of Botany.1(14) 4-48.
  • Emre, I., Turgut-Balık, D., Sahin, A., Kursat, M. (2007). Total Elektroforetic Band Patterns of Onobrychis Species Growing in Turkey. American-Eurasian Journal of Agricultural & Environmental Sciences., 2(2): 123-126.
  • Frame. J., Charlton. J.F.L., Laidlaw. A.S. (1998). Temperate forage legumes. CAB International. Wallingford. 1998.
  • Frame, J. (2005). Forage Legumes for Temperate Grasslands. FAO and Science Publishers, Inc., Enfield, NH, USA.
  • Harlan, J.G. (1951). Anatomy of Gene Centres. American Naturalist.( 85) 97-103.
  • Hart, G.E.(2001). Molecular-marker maps of the cultivated wheats and other Triticum species. DNA Based Markers in Plants. Phillips, R.L. and Vasil, I.K. (eds), Second Edition, Kluwer Academic Publishers, London
  • Hayek, A. (1970). Prodromus florae peninsulae Bakanica. Band 1, Koeltz, Germany.
  • Hedge, L.C. (1969). Materials for a flora of Turkey, XVII: Onobryehis and Hedysarum. Notes R. Bot. Gard. Edinburgh, (29): 33-37
  • Hybner, R. M. (2013). United States Department of Agriculture Natural Resources Conservatıon Servıce Plant Materials Technical Note No. MT-91 September 2013.
  • Koivisto, J. M., G, P. F. Lane. (2001). Sainfoin. Worth Another Look. Gbase/A ddInfo/sainfoin.pdf. (Erişim Tarih: 20 February 2013).
  • Meikle, R.D. (1977). Flora of Cyprus. The Bentham-Moxon Trust, Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew, Robert MacLehose and Campany Limited Printers to the University of Glasgow.
  • Mouterde, P. (1970). Nouvelle flore du Liban et de la Syrie. Dar EI-Machreq Editeurs (Imprimerie Catholique), Beyrouth.
  • Özaydın B. U., E Yücel. (2004). Mihalıcçık İlçesinin (Eskişehir) Florası. Anadolu Üniversitesi Bilim ve Teknoloji Dergisi. Cilt/Vol.: 5 (1) : 83-106.
  • Rechinger, K. H. (1973). Onobrychis aliacmonia, eine neu griechisch-mazedonische Art aus der Section Hymenobrychis - Ann. Mus. Goulandris (1): 127 - 131.
  • Rechinger, K. H. (1984). Flora Iranica: Papilionaceae. Akademische Druck Verlangsanstalt, Graz, Austria.
  • Schischkin, B.K., Bobrov, E.G. (1972a). Flora of U.S.S.R. Leguminosae: Oxytropis, Hedysarum. Israel Program for Scientific Translations (translated from Russian), Jerusalem.
  • Schischkin, B.K., Bobrov, E.G. (1972b). Flora of U.S.S.R: Diagnose plantarum novarum in Tomo 8 Florae USSR. Israel Program for Scientific Translations (translated from Russian), Jerusalem.
  • Seher, A., Ivanov S. (1973). Natural antioxidants I: antioxidative action of tocotrienols, Fette Seifen Anstrichm., (75), 606-608.
  • Sirjaev, G. (1925a). Onobryehis generis revisio critica. Publication Faculty of Science University Masaryk (56) 96-97.
  • Sirjaev, G. (1925b). Onobryehis generis revisio critica, Publication Faculty of Science University Masaryk. (56) 121- 122.
  • Sirjaev, G. (1926). Onobryehis generis revisio critica, Publication Faculty of Science University Masaryk. (76). 1-165.
  • Smoliak, S., Johnston, A., Hanna, M.R. (1972). Germination and seedling growth of alfalfa, sainfoin and cicer milkvetch. Canadian Journal of Plant Science. (52). 757-762.
  • Sottıe, E.T. (2014). Characterızatıon Of New Saınfoın Populatıons For Mıxed Alfalfa Pastures In Western Canada. B.Sc. Agriculture, University of Cape Coast, Ghana, 1991 M.Phil. Animal Science, University of Ghana, Legon, Ghana.
  • Tan. K., Sorger, F. (1986). New taxa from Turkey. Plant System. Evolution. (154).117-120.
  • Tan. K., G. Iatrou. (1996). Onobrychis aliacmonia RECH.f. - a new slant on an old story . Annalen des Naturhistorischen Museums in Wien, Dezember.
  • Townsend, C.C. (1974). Hedysarum L.. Ministry of Agriculture and Agrarian Reform, Republic of Iraq, Baghdad.
  • Tarman, Ö. (1954). Forages growth from legumes. Publication of Agriculture Ministry.
  • Velasco, L., Goffman, F., Pujadas-Salva, A. J. (2000). Fatty acids and tocochromanols in seeds of Orobanche. Phytochemistry. (54). 295-300.
  • Waghorn, G. (2008). Beneficial and detrimental effects of dietary condensed tannins for sustainable sheep and goat production - progress and challenges. Animal Feed Science and Technology. 147 (1/3): 116-139.
  • Yaltırık, F., (1989). Otsu Bitkiler Sistematiği. Istanbul Üiversitesi, Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü Yayın No. 3, İstanbul.
  • Yıldız, B., Çıplak, B., Aktoklu, E. (1999). Fruit morphology of section of the genus Onobrychis Miller (Fabaceae) and its phylogenetic implications. Israel Journal of Plant Sciences. 47 (4). 269-282.
  • Zohary, M. (1987). Flora Palaestina: Platanaceae to Umbelliferae. The Israel Academy of Sciences and Humanities, Jerusalam.

Onobrychis hypargyrea Boiss Tüylü Korunga karakterizasyonu çalışmaları

Year 2018, Volume: 11 Issue: 3, 47 - 55, 15.12.2018


Eskişehir bölgesinden toplanan Onobrychis hypargyrea Boiss. ekotiplerinin karakterizasyonu çalışmasında; Tohumluk Tescil Sertifikasyon Test Merkezi Müdürlüğü TTSTMM ve International Plant Genetic Resources Institute IBPGR ‘nin bazı kriterleri üzerinden tekerrürsüz, sıra arası 1 m ve her sırada 10 adet bitki olacak şekilde müşahedeler alınmıştır. Buna göre: Taç Çapı cm ortalama 61.57±15.56, Ana Sap uzunluğu cm ortalama 60.84±11.46, Ana Sap Kalınlığı mm ortalama 0.81±0.11, Ana Sap Sayısı adet ortalama 6.37±2.10, Yan Dal Sayısı adet ortalama 5.33±1.54, Salkım Boyu cm ortalama 22.15±6.23, Yaprakçık Boyu mm ortalama 36.9±6.96, Yaprakçık Eni mm ortalama 19.40±3.09, Meyve Boyu mm ortalama 15.24±1.12, Meyve Eni mm ortalama 12.83±1.09, Tohum Olgunlaştırma Tarihi gün ortalama 166.15±12.82, Çimlenme Hızı % ortalama 6.67±4.16, Çimlenme Gücü % ortalama 35.07±26.14, Bin Meyve Ağırlığı gr ortalama 45.96±11.17, Toplam Yaş Ot Verimi gr/bitki ortalama 292.02±157.05, Toplam Kuru Ot Verimi gr/bitki ortalama 78.69±37.55, Ham Selüloz % ortalama 25.63±4.40, Ham Kül % ortalama 4.53±0.54, Ham Protein % ortalama 15.32±1.16, Nitrojensiz Öz Maddeler % ortalama 42.37±4.20, Hazmolunabilir Protein % ortalama 86.91±0.84, Organik Madde % ortalama 84.81±0.66, Ham Yağ % ortalama 1.50±0.39 ve Kuru Madde % ortalama 89.39±0.37 olarak belirlenmiştir. Ekotiplerin dendogramik gruplamasında, dört ana gurup ve dokuz alt gurubun oluştuğu, benzerliklerin alt guruplarda % 98 seviyelerinden başlayıp ana guruplardaki benzerliklerin ise % 98,04 den fazla olduğu görülmektedir. Bitkilerin bipolt analizinde PC1 yaş ot toplam verimi, PC2 ise taç çapı olup, Principal component vektörleri incelendiğinde etkili olan özellikler meyve eni, salkım boyu, taç çapı, yaş ot toplam verimi, yan dal sayısı, yaprak boyu, yaprak eni olup, PC1 ve PC2 değerleri bitkilerin dağılımını etkilemiştir. PC1‘in tek başına dağılımın % 34.11’ ini izah etmekte olup, PC2 ise dağılımı % 22.62, PC1 ve PC2 ‘nin toplamı ise % 55.73 oranında açıklık getirmiştir


  • Ahuja, P. S., D. Y. Lu, E. C. Cocking., M. R. Davey. (1983). An assessment of the cultural capabilities of Trifolium repens L. (white clover) and Onobrychis viciifolia Scop. (sainfoin) mesophyll protoplasts. Plant Cell. Rep.5 (2), 269- 272.
  • Akçelik, E., Avcı, S., Uzun, S., Sancak, C. (2012). Karyotype analysis of some Onobrychis (Sainfoin) species in Turkey, Arch. Boil. Sci., Belgrade, 64(2), 567571.
  • Anonim, (2007a). Türkiye Bitkileri Veri Servisi. (Erişim Tarihi: 22.11.2017)
  • Anonim, (2017b). Türkiye’nin Yabani Çiçekleri.şim Tarihi: 22.11.2017)
  • Avcı, S., Çöçü S., Sancak, C., Özcan, S. (2010). Heliobrychis Seksiyonuna Ait Bazı Korunga (Onobrychis sp.) Türleri Üzerinde Morfolojik Araştırmalar. Tarla Bitkileri Merkez Araştırma Enstitüsü Dergisi, (19) 1-2.
  • Avcı, S., Kaya, M. D. (2013). Seed and germination characteristics of wild Onobrychis taxa in Turkey. Turkish Journal of Agriculture and Forestry. (37), 555-560.
  • Bagci, E., L Bruehl., Özçelik, H., Aitzetmuller, K.., Vural, M., Sahim, A. (2004). A study of the fatty acid and tocochromanol patterns of some Fabaceae (Leguminosae) plants from Turkey. IGrasas y Aceites. 55.(4), 378-384
  • Ball, P.W. (1968). Onobryehis Miller. In: Tutin, T.G. and Heywood, V.H., eds. Flora Europaea. Vol. 2. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, pp. 187-191.
  • Boissier, P.E. (1872). Flora Orientalis, sive Enumarito Plantarum in Oriente: AGraecia et Aegypto ad Indiae fines hucusque observatarum. Vol. 2, Genevae. 1810-1885: Buser Robert., 1857.
  • Davis P H. (1969). Flora of Turkey. (3). 560-589.
  • Davis, P.H. (1970). Flora of Turkey and the East Aegean Island. Volume III. Universty of Edinburg.
  • Davis, P.H. (1988). Flora of Turkey and East Aegean Islands. Edinburgh Universty Press.
  • Delgado M. (2008). La esparceta o pipirigallo. Informaciones tecnicas Dirección General de Desarrollo Rural
  • Centro de Transferencia Agroalimentaria. 201.
  • Duman, H. Vural, M. (1990). New taxa from south Anatolia 1.Turkısh Journal of Botany.1(14) 4-48.
  • Emre, I., Turgut-Balık, D., Sahin, A., Kursat, M. (2007). Total Elektroforetic Band Patterns of Onobrychis Species Growing in Turkey. American-Eurasian Journal of Agricultural & Environmental Sciences., 2(2): 123-126.
  • Frame. J., Charlton. J.F.L., Laidlaw. A.S. (1998). Temperate forage legumes. CAB International. Wallingford. 1998.
  • Frame, J. (2005). Forage Legumes for Temperate Grasslands. FAO and Science Publishers, Inc., Enfield, NH, USA.
  • Harlan, J.G. (1951). Anatomy of Gene Centres. American Naturalist.( 85) 97-103.
  • Hart, G.E.(2001). Molecular-marker maps of the cultivated wheats and other Triticum species. DNA Based Markers in Plants. Phillips, R.L. and Vasil, I.K. (eds), Second Edition, Kluwer Academic Publishers, London
  • Hayek, A. (1970). Prodromus florae peninsulae Bakanica. Band 1, Koeltz, Germany.
  • Hedge, L.C. (1969). Materials for a flora of Turkey, XVII: Onobryehis and Hedysarum. Notes R. Bot. Gard. Edinburgh, (29): 33-37
  • Hybner, R. M. (2013). United States Department of Agriculture Natural Resources Conservatıon Servıce Plant Materials Technical Note No. MT-91 September 2013.
  • Koivisto, J. M., G, P. F. Lane. (2001). Sainfoin. Worth Another Look. Gbase/A ddInfo/sainfoin.pdf. (Erişim Tarih: 20 February 2013).
  • Meikle, R.D. (1977). Flora of Cyprus. The Bentham-Moxon Trust, Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew, Robert MacLehose and Campany Limited Printers to the University of Glasgow.
  • Mouterde, P. (1970). Nouvelle flore du Liban et de la Syrie. Dar EI-Machreq Editeurs (Imprimerie Catholique), Beyrouth.
  • Özaydın B. U., E Yücel. (2004). Mihalıcçık İlçesinin (Eskişehir) Florası. Anadolu Üniversitesi Bilim ve Teknoloji Dergisi. Cilt/Vol.: 5 (1) : 83-106.
  • Rechinger, K. H. (1973). Onobrychis aliacmonia, eine neu griechisch-mazedonische Art aus der Section Hymenobrychis - Ann. Mus. Goulandris (1): 127 - 131.
  • Rechinger, K. H. (1984). Flora Iranica: Papilionaceae. Akademische Druck Verlangsanstalt, Graz, Austria.
  • Schischkin, B.K., Bobrov, E.G. (1972a). Flora of U.S.S.R. Leguminosae: Oxytropis, Hedysarum. Israel Program for Scientific Translations (translated from Russian), Jerusalem.
  • Schischkin, B.K., Bobrov, E.G. (1972b). Flora of U.S.S.R: Diagnose plantarum novarum in Tomo 8 Florae USSR. Israel Program for Scientific Translations (translated from Russian), Jerusalem.
  • Seher, A., Ivanov S. (1973). Natural antioxidants I: antioxidative action of tocotrienols, Fette Seifen Anstrichm., (75), 606-608.
  • Sirjaev, G. (1925a). Onobryehis generis revisio critica. Publication Faculty of Science University Masaryk (56) 96-97.
  • Sirjaev, G. (1925b). Onobryehis generis revisio critica, Publication Faculty of Science University Masaryk. (56) 121- 122.
  • Sirjaev, G. (1926). Onobryehis generis revisio critica, Publication Faculty of Science University Masaryk. (76). 1-165.
  • Smoliak, S., Johnston, A., Hanna, M.R. (1972). Germination and seedling growth of alfalfa, sainfoin and cicer milkvetch. Canadian Journal of Plant Science. (52). 757-762.
  • Sottıe, E.T. (2014). Characterızatıon Of New Saınfoın Populatıons For Mıxed Alfalfa Pastures In Western Canada. B.Sc. Agriculture, University of Cape Coast, Ghana, 1991 M.Phil. Animal Science, University of Ghana, Legon, Ghana.
  • Tan. K., Sorger, F. (1986). New taxa from Turkey. Plant System. Evolution. (154).117-120.
  • Tan. K., G. Iatrou. (1996). Onobrychis aliacmonia RECH.f. - a new slant on an old story . Annalen des Naturhistorischen Museums in Wien, Dezember.
  • Townsend, C.C. (1974). Hedysarum L.. Ministry of Agriculture and Agrarian Reform, Republic of Iraq, Baghdad.
  • Tarman, Ö. (1954). Forages growth from legumes. Publication of Agriculture Ministry.
  • Velasco, L., Goffman, F., Pujadas-Salva, A. J. (2000). Fatty acids and tocochromanols in seeds of Orobanche. Phytochemistry. (54). 295-300.
  • Waghorn, G. (2008). Beneficial and detrimental effects of dietary condensed tannins for sustainable sheep and goat production - progress and challenges. Animal Feed Science and Technology. 147 (1/3): 116-139.
  • Yaltırık, F., (1989). Otsu Bitkiler Sistematiği. Istanbul Üiversitesi, Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü Yayın No. 3, İstanbul.
  • Yıldız, B., Çıplak, B., Aktoklu, E. (1999). Fruit morphology of section of the genus Onobrychis Miller (Fabaceae) and its phylogenetic implications. Israel Journal of Plant Sciences. 47 (4). 269-282.
  • Zohary, M. (1987). Flora Palaestina: Platanaceae to Umbelliferae. The Israel Academy of Sciences and Humanities, Jerusalam.
There are 46 citations in total.


Primary Language Turkish
Journal Section Research Article

Celalettin Aygün This is me

İsmail Kara This is me

İlker Erdoğdu This is me

A Kadir Atalay This is me

Publication Date December 15, 2018
Published in Issue Year 2018 Volume: 11 Issue: 3


APA Aygün, C., Kara, İ., Erdoğdu, İ., Atalay, A. K. (2018). Onobrychis hypargyrea Boiss Tüylü Korunga karakterizasyonu çalışmaları. Biological Diversity and Conservation, 11(3), 47-55.

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