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Potassium-use efficiency of some bread wheat cultivars

Year 2014, Volume: 7 Issue: 2, 105 - 109, 15.08.2014


The experiment was carried out in two vegetation seasons, years of 2009/10 and 2010/11. The main purpose of the study was to investigate the effects of potassium K doses a control-0, 25, 50 and 75 kg ha-1 on grain yield, K-use efficiency, K-uptake efficiency and K-utilization efficiency of some bread wheat cultivars Gerek-79, Gün-91, Harmankaya, Altay-2000, Yıldız and Sultan under the semi-arid climatic conditions. The experiment was set up according to a randomized complete block design in a split-plot arrangement with three replicates, where potassium doses were main plots while the wheat cultivars were in subplots split within main plots. Of the wheat cultivars, the highest grain yield, the highest K-use efficiency and the highest K-utilization efficiency were obtained from Altay-2000 in both 2009/10 and 2010/11, the highest K-uptake efficiency from the Sultan during 2009/10 and Gerek-79 during 2010/11. Of the potassium doses, while the highest grain yield, the highest K-use efficiency and the highest Kutilization efficiency were determined from the 50 and 75 kg ha-1 K doses, the highest K-uptake efficiency was obtained from the 25 kg ha-1 K dose in both 2009/10 and 2010/11. The effect of the cultivars x K dose interactions on grain yield, K-use efficiency, K-uptake efficiency and Kutilization efficiency of wheat were statistically p


  • Bellidoa, L.L., Rafael, J.L.B., Redondo, R. 2005. Nitrogen efficiency in wheat under rainfed Mediterranean conditions as affected by split nitrogen application. Field Crop Research, 94: 86–97.
  • Damon, P.M., Rengel, Z. 2007. Wheat genotypes differ in potassium efficiency under glasshouse and field conditions. Australian Journal of Agricultural Research, 58: 816–825.
  • Dessougi, H.E., Claassen, N., Steingrobe, B. 2002. Potassium efficiency mechanisms of wheat, barley and sugar beet grown on a K fixing soil under controlled conditions. Journal of Plant Nutrition Soil Science, 165: 732-737.
  • George, M.S., Lu, G., Zhou, W. 2002. Genotypic variation for potassium uptake and utilization efficiency in sweet potato (Ipomoea batatas L.). Field Crop Research, 77: 7-15.
  • Fageria, N.K., Barbosa, F.M.P., Da Costa, J.G.C. 2001. Potassium-use efficiency in common bean genotypes. Journal of Plant Nutrition, 24(12): 1937-1945.
  • Ibrahim, M., Ulah, H., Ahmad, B., Faisal, I.M., Malik, A. 2012. Effect of incremental dose of phosphorous and sulphur upon yield and protein content of wheat. Biological Diversity and Conservation, 5(3): 76-81.
  • Kacar, B., Katkat, A.V. 1988. Plant Nutrition. Nobel Press, p.657, Ankara.
  • Lin, Y.H. 2010. Effects of potassium behavior in soils on crop absorption. African Journal of Biotechnology, 9(30): 4638- 4643.
  • Makhdum, M.I., Pervez, H., Ashraf, M. 2007. Dry matter accumulation and partitioning in cotton (Gossypium hirsutum L.) as influenced by potassium fertilization. Biological Fertilization Soils, 43: 295-301.
  • Manske, G.G.B., Ortiz-Monasterio, J.I., Ginkel, M.V., Gonza´lez, R.M., Fischer, R.A., Rajaram, S., Vlek, P.L.G. 2001. Importance of P uptake efficiency versus P utilization for wheat yield in acid and calcareous soils in Mexico. European Journal of Agronomy, 14: 261–274.
  • Mengel, K. 1992. Phosphate dynamics in soils and phosphate fertilizer efficiency. Proc. Phosphorus Life and Environment: From Research to Application. 4th Inter. Imphos Conference, Ghent, Belgium, 8-11 September, 1992, pp.504-518.
  • Moll, R.H. Kamprath, E.J., Jackson, W.A. 1982. Analysis and interpretation of factors which contribute to efficiency of nitrogen utilization. Agronomy Journal, 74: 562-564.
  • Rengel, Z., Marschner, P. 2005. Nutrient availability and management in the rhizosphere: exploiting genotypic differences. New Phytology, 168: 305–312.
  • Saurbeck, D.C., Helal, H.M. 1990. In genetic aspects of plant mineral nutrition. (Eds. by Bassam NEL) Martinus Nijhoff, Dordrecht, the Netherlands, pp 361–372.
  • Swaider, J.M., Chyan, Y., Freji, .G. 1994. Genotypic difference in nitrogen uptake and utilization efficiency in pumpkin hybrids. Journal of Plant Nutrition, 17: 1687-1699.
  • Thongbai, P., Hannam, R.J., Graham, R.D., Webb, M.J. 1993. Interaction between zinc nutritional status of cereals and Rhizoctonia root rot severity. Plant Soil, 153: 207-214.
  • Yang, X.E., Liu, J.X., Wang, W.M., Ye, Z.Q., Luo, A.C. 2003. Potassium internal use efficiency relative to growth vigor, potassium distribution, and carbohydrate allocation in rice genotypes. Journal of Plant Nutrition, 27(5): 837–852.
  • Zhang, G.P., Chen, J.X., Tirore, E.A. 1999. Genotypic variation for potassium uptake and utilization efficiency in wheat. Nutr. Cycl. Agroecosyst, 54: 41–48.

Bazı ekmeklik buğday çeşitlerinin potasyum kullanım etkinliliği

Year 2014, Volume: 7 Issue: 2, 105 - 109, 15.08.2014


Deneme 2009/10 ve 2010/11 yıllarında iki vejetasyon döneminde yürütülmüştür. Çalışmanın amacı yarı kurak iklim koşullarında bazı ekmeklik buğday çeşitlerinin tane verimi, K-kullanım etkinliği, K-alım etkinliği ve K’dan yararlanma etkinliğine potasyum K dozlarının kontrol-0, 25, 50 ve 75 kg/ha etkisini araştırma amacıyla yürütülmüştür. Deneme tesadüf bloklarında bölünmüş parseller deneme desenine göre 3 tekerrürlü olarak, ana parsellere potasyum dozları ve ana parselleri içerindeki alt parsellere buğday çeşitleri gelecek şekilde kurulmuştur. Buğday çeşitleri arasında hem 2009/10’da hem de 2010/11’de en yüksek tane verimi, K-kullanım etkinliği ve K’dan yararlanma etkinliği Altay-2000 çeşidinden, en yüksek K-alım etkinliği Sultan çeşidinden elde edilmiştir. Potasyum dozları arasında, hem 2009/10’da hem de 2010/11’de en yüksek tane verimi, K-kullanım etkinliği ve K’dan yararlanma etkinliği 50 ve 75 kg/ha K dozlarından, en yüksek K-alım etkinliği 25 kg/ha K dozunda tespit edilmiştir. Çeşit x K dozu interaksiyonunun buğdayın tane verimi, K-kullanım etkinliği, K-alım etkinliği ve K’ dan yararlanma etkinliği üzerine etkisi her iki yılda da istatistiksel olarak p


  • Bellidoa, L.L., Rafael, J.L.B., Redondo, R. 2005. Nitrogen efficiency in wheat under rainfed Mediterranean conditions as affected by split nitrogen application. Field Crop Research, 94: 86–97.
  • Damon, P.M., Rengel, Z. 2007. Wheat genotypes differ in potassium efficiency under glasshouse and field conditions. Australian Journal of Agricultural Research, 58: 816–825.
  • Dessougi, H.E., Claassen, N., Steingrobe, B. 2002. Potassium efficiency mechanisms of wheat, barley and sugar beet grown on a K fixing soil under controlled conditions. Journal of Plant Nutrition Soil Science, 165: 732-737.
  • George, M.S., Lu, G., Zhou, W. 2002. Genotypic variation for potassium uptake and utilization efficiency in sweet potato (Ipomoea batatas L.). Field Crop Research, 77: 7-15.
  • Fageria, N.K., Barbosa, F.M.P., Da Costa, J.G.C. 2001. Potassium-use efficiency in common bean genotypes. Journal of Plant Nutrition, 24(12): 1937-1945.
  • Ibrahim, M., Ulah, H., Ahmad, B., Faisal, I.M., Malik, A. 2012. Effect of incremental dose of phosphorous and sulphur upon yield and protein content of wheat. Biological Diversity and Conservation, 5(3): 76-81.
  • Kacar, B., Katkat, A.V. 1988. Plant Nutrition. Nobel Press, p.657, Ankara.
  • Lin, Y.H. 2010. Effects of potassium behavior in soils on crop absorption. African Journal of Biotechnology, 9(30): 4638- 4643.
  • Makhdum, M.I., Pervez, H., Ashraf, M. 2007. Dry matter accumulation and partitioning in cotton (Gossypium hirsutum L.) as influenced by potassium fertilization. Biological Fertilization Soils, 43: 295-301.
  • Manske, G.G.B., Ortiz-Monasterio, J.I., Ginkel, M.V., Gonza´lez, R.M., Fischer, R.A., Rajaram, S., Vlek, P.L.G. 2001. Importance of P uptake efficiency versus P utilization for wheat yield in acid and calcareous soils in Mexico. European Journal of Agronomy, 14: 261–274.
  • Mengel, K. 1992. Phosphate dynamics in soils and phosphate fertilizer efficiency. Proc. Phosphorus Life and Environment: From Research to Application. 4th Inter. Imphos Conference, Ghent, Belgium, 8-11 September, 1992, pp.504-518.
  • Moll, R.H. Kamprath, E.J., Jackson, W.A. 1982. Analysis and interpretation of factors which contribute to efficiency of nitrogen utilization. Agronomy Journal, 74: 562-564.
  • Rengel, Z., Marschner, P. 2005. Nutrient availability and management in the rhizosphere: exploiting genotypic differences. New Phytology, 168: 305–312.
  • Saurbeck, D.C., Helal, H.M. 1990. In genetic aspects of plant mineral nutrition. (Eds. by Bassam NEL) Martinus Nijhoff, Dordrecht, the Netherlands, pp 361–372.
  • Swaider, J.M., Chyan, Y., Freji, .G. 1994. Genotypic difference in nitrogen uptake and utilization efficiency in pumpkin hybrids. Journal of Plant Nutrition, 17: 1687-1699.
  • Thongbai, P., Hannam, R.J., Graham, R.D., Webb, M.J. 1993. Interaction between zinc nutritional status of cereals and Rhizoctonia root rot severity. Plant Soil, 153: 207-214.
  • Yang, X.E., Liu, J.X., Wang, W.M., Ye, Z.Q., Luo, A.C. 2003. Potassium internal use efficiency relative to growth vigor, potassium distribution, and carbohydrate allocation in rice genotypes. Journal of Plant Nutrition, 27(5): 837–852.
  • Zhang, G.P., Chen, J.X., Tirore, E.A. 1999. Genotypic variation for potassium uptake and utilization efficiency in wheat. Nutr. Cycl. Agroecosyst, 54: 41–48.
There are 18 citations in total.


Primary Language Turkish
Journal Section Research Article

Burhan Kara This is me

Publication Date August 15, 2014
Published in Issue Year 2014 Volume: 7 Issue: 2


APA Kara, B. (2014). Bazı ekmeklik buğday çeşitlerinin potasyum kullanım etkinliliği. Biological Diversity and Conservation, 7(2), 105-109.

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