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A note on Salvia sect. Aethiopis Lamiaceae of Iran

Year 2014, Volume: 7 Issue: 3, 130 - 137, 15.12.2014


Salvia longipedicellata is reported as a new record of Salvia species for the first time from Iran. The morphological characters of this species have been described; in addition the lectotype for S. hypoleuca and S. schimperi designed and the morphological characters of the first species have been described here. Indumentum diversity of S. longipedicellata is provided in photographs. Finally, two keys to a part of Salvia sect. Aethiopis in Iran has been presented


  • Baran, P., Ozdemir, C., Aktas, K. 2010. Structural investigation of the glandular trichomes of Salvia argentea. Biologia 65/1: 33 - 38.
  • Bentham, G. 1833. Salvia L. In: Bentham, G. Labiatarum genera et species Ridgway, London.
  • Boissier, E. 1879: Salvia L. In: Boissier, E., Flora orientalis, vol. 4:591 - 636. Geneve, A. Asher & Co
  • Fahn, A. 1990: Plant anatomy, 4th ed. Pergamon Press, New York, 588 pp.
  • Hedge I. C. 1982a. Salvia L. In: Davis PH (ed.), Flora of Turkey and the East Aegean Islands 7: 400 - 461. Edinburgh: Univ. Press.
  • Hedge, I. C. 1982b. Salvia L. In Rechinger KH (ed.) Flora Iranica 150: 403 - 476. Graz: Akademische Druck und Verlagsanstalt.
  • Krstic, L., Malencic, D., Anackov, G. 2006. Structural investigations of trichomes and essential oil composition of Salvia verticillata_ Bot. Helv. 116: 159 - 168.
  • Martin, E., Cetin, O., Kahraman, A., Celep, F., Dogan, M. 2011. A cytomorphological study in some taxa of the genus Salvia L. (Lamiaceae). Caryologia. vol. 64, no. 3: 272.
  • Ranjbar, M., Almasi, M. 2013. Cytotaxonomic revision of Onosma series Aleppica (Boraginaceae) in Iran. Biological Diversity and Conservation. 6 (–2): 1 – 15.
  • Ranjbar, M., Negaresh, K. 2013. A note on the genus Cyanus (Asteraceae, Cardueae) from Iran. Biological Diversity and Conservation. 5 (–3): 18 – 23.
  • Ranjbar, M., Hajmoradi, F. 2014. A contribution to Onobrychis sect. Hymenobrychis (Fabaceae) in East of Iran. Biological Diversity and Conservation. 7 (–2): 86 – 95.
  • Walker, J. A., Sytsma, K. J. 2007. Staminal Evolution in the Genus Salvia (Lamiaceae): Molecular Phylogenetic Evidence for Multiple Origins of the Staminal Lever. Annals of Botany. 100: 375 - 391.
  • Yinrong, L., Yeap, F. 2002. Polyphenolics of Salvia—a review. Phytochemistry. 59: 117 - 140.
Year 2014, Volume: 7 Issue: 3, 130 - 137, 15.12.2014



  • Baran, P., Ozdemir, C., Aktas, K. 2010. Structural investigation of the glandular trichomes of Salvia argentea. Biologia 65/1: 33 - 38.
  • Bentham, G. 1833. Salvia L. In: Bentham, G. Labiatarum genera et species Ridgway, London.
  • Boissier, E. 1879: Salvia L. In: Boissier, E., Flora orientalis, vol. 4:591 - 636. Geneve, A. Asher & Co
  • Fahn, A. 1990: Plant anatomy, 4th ed. Pergamon Press, New York, 588 pp.
  • Hedge I. C. 1982a. Salvia L. In: Davis PH (ed.), Flora of Turkey and the East Aegean Islands 7: 400 - 461. Edinburgh: Univ. Press.
  • Hedge, I. C. 1982b. Salvia L. In Rechinger KH (ed.) Flora Iranica 150: 403 - 476. Graz: Akademische Druck und Verlagsanstalt.
  • Krstic, L., Malencic, D., Anackov, G. 2006. Structural investigations of trichomes and essential oil composition of Salvia verticillata_ Bot. Helv. 116: 159 - 168.
  • Martin, E., Cetin, O., Kahraman, A., Celep, F., Dogan, M. 2011. A cytomorphological study in some taxa of the genus Salvia L. (Lamiaceae). Caryologia. vol. 64, no. 3: 272.
  • Ranjbar, M., Almasi, M. 2013. Cytotaxonomic revision of Onosma series Aleppica (Boraginaceae) in Iran. Biological Diversity and Conservation. 6 (–2): 1 – 15.
  • Ranjbar, M., Negaresh, K. 2013. A note on the genus Cyanus (Asteraceae, Cardueae) from Iran. Biological Diversity and Conservation. 5 (–3): 18 – 23.
  • Ranjbar, M., Hajmoradi, F. 2014. A contribution to Onobrychis sect. Hymenobrychis (Fabaceae) in East of Iran. Biological Diversity and Conservation. 7 (–2): 86 – 95.
  • Walker, J. A., Sytsma, K. J. 2007. Staminal Evolution in the Genus Salvia (Lamiaceae): Molecular Phylogenetic Evidence for Multiple Origins of the Staminal Lever. Annals of Botany. 100: 375 - 391.
  • Yinrong, L., Yeap, F. 2002. Polyphenolics of Salvia—a review. Phytochemistry. 59: 117 - 140.
There are 13 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Journal Section Research Article

Massoud Ranjbar This is me

Azam Paketchı This is me

Publication Date December 15, 2014
Published in Issue Year 2014 Volume: 7 Issue: 3


APA Ranjbar, M., & Paketchı, A. (2014). A note on Salvia sect. Aethiopis Lamiaceae of Iran. Biological Diversity and Conservation, 7(3), 130-137.

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❖ Start Date Published 2008
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