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Notes on Riccia fluitans and Riccia lamellosa Ricciaceae, Hepaticae in Turkey

Year 2012, Volume: 5 Issue: 2, 81 - 84, 15.08.2012


In this study, the terrestrial form of Riccia fluitans L. was reported for the first time from Turkey and R. lamellosa Raddi, which was first given by Jovet-Ast from West Anatolia without locality details, was collected for the second time. New findings with substrates, associated bryophytes, taxonomical and distributional remarks are presented


  • Aysel, V., Gönüz, A., Bakan, A.N., Gezerler-Şipal, U., Günhan, E. 1998. Kazangöl’ün (Selcuk,İzmir, Türkiye) alg florası. Celal Bayar Üniversitesi Fen-Edebiyat Fakültesi Dergisi. 1: 78-89.
  • Gökler, İ., Aysel, V. 1998. A new aquatic liverwort for the flora of Turkey. Turkish Journal of Botany. 22: 355-357.
  • Gökler, İ., Öztürk, M. 1991. Liverworts of Turkey and their position in South-West Asia. Candollea. 46/2: 359-366.
  • Henderson, D.M. 1961. Contribution to the Bryophyte Flora of Turkey: IV. Notes from Royal Botanic Garden Edinburgh. 23: 263-278.
  • Jovet-Ast, S. 1986. Les Riccia de la région méditerranéenne. Cryptogamie, Bryologie et Lichéenologie. 7: 287-431.
  • Kürschner, H., Erdağ, A. 2005. Bryophytes of Turkey: An annotated reference list of the species with synonyms from the recent literature and an annotated list of Turkish bryological literature, Turkish Journal of Botany. 29/2: 95-154.
  • Kürschner, H., Frey, W. 2011. Liverworts, mosses and horn worts of Southwest Asia. (Marchantiophyta, Bryophyta, Anthocerotophyta), Nova Hedwigia Beih. 139: 1–240.
  • Özenoğlu Kiremit, H., Hugonnot, V. 2010. Riccia perennis Steph. (Ricciaceae, Hepaticae) new to South-West Asia, Cryptogamie, Bryologie. 31/3: 297-302.
  • Özenoğlu Kiremit, H. 2011. Riccia subbifurca Warnst. ex Croz. (Ricciaceae) new to Turkey, Cryptogamie, Bryologie. 32/1: 83-86.
  • Özenoğlu Kiremit, H., Keçeli, T. 2009. An annotated check-list of the Hepaticae and Anthocerotae of Turkey, Cryptogamie, Bryologie. 30/3: 343-356.
  • Ros R.M., Mazimpaka V., Abou-Salama U., Aleffi M., Blockeel T.L., Brugués M., Cano M.J., Cros R.M., Dia M.G., Dirkse, G.M., El Saadawi W., Erdağ A., Ganeva A., González-Mancebo J.M., Herrnstadt I., Khalil K., Kürschner H., Lanfranco E., Losada-Lima A., Refai M.S., Rodríguez-Nuñez S., Sabovljević M., Sérgio C., Shabbara H., Sim- Sim M., Söderström L. 2007. Hepatics and Anthocerotes of the Mediterranean, an annotated checklist. Cryptogamie, Bryologie. 28/4: 351-437.

Türkiye’deki Riccia fluitans ve Riccia lamellosa Ricciaceae, Hepaticae üzerine notlar

Year 2012, Volume: 5 Issue: 2, 81 - 84, 15.08.2012


Bu çalışmada, Riccia fluitans ’ın karasal formu Türkiye’den ilk kez rapor edildi ve ilk kez Jovet-Ast tarafından Batı Anadolu’dan lokalitesi belirtilmeksizin kaydı verilen R. lamellosa da ikinci kez toplandı. Yeni bulgular substratları, birlikte yaşadıkları biryofitler, taksonomik ve dağılım özellikleriyle sunuldu


  • Aysel, V., Gönüz, A., Bakan, A.N., Gezerler-Şipal, U., Günhan, E. 1998. Kazangöl’ün (Selcuk,İzmir, Türkiye) alg florası. Celal Bayar Üniversitesi Fen-Edebiyat Fakültesi Dergisi. 1: 78-89.
  • Gökler, İ., Aysel, V. 1998. A new aquatic liverwort for the flora of Turkey. Turkish Journal of Botany. 22: 355-357.
  • Gökler, İ., Öztürk, M. 1991. Liverworts of Turkey and their position in South-West Asia. Candollea. 46/2: 359-366.
  • Henderson, D.M. 1961. Contribution to the Bryophyte Flora of Turkey: IV. Notes from Royal Botanic Garden Edinburgh. 23: 263-278.
  • Jovet-Ast, S. 1986. Les Riccia de la région méditerranéenne. Cryptogamie, Bryologie et Lichéenologie. 7: 287-431.
  • Kürschner, H., Erdağ, A. 2005. Bryophytes of Turkey: An annotated reference list of the species with synonyms from the recent literature and an annotated list of Turkish bryological literature, Turkish Journal of Botany. 29/2: 95-154.
  • Kürschner, H., Frey, W. 2011. Liverworts, mosses and horn worts of Southwest Asia. (Marchantiophyta, Bryophyta, Anthocerotophyta), Nova Hedwigia Beih. 139: 1–240.
  • Özenoğlu Kiremit, H., Hugonnot, V. 2010. Riccia perennis Steph. (Ricciaceae, Hepaticae) new to South-West Asia, Cryptogamie, Bryologie. 31/3: 297-302.
  • Özenoğlu Kiremit, H. 2011. Riccia subbifurca Warnst. ex Croz. (Ricciaceae) new to Turkey, Cryptogamie, Bryologie. 32/1: 83-86.
  • Özenoğlu Kiremit, H., Keçeli, T. 2009. An annotated check-list of the Hepaticae and Anthocerotae of Turkey, Cryptogamie, Bryologie. 30/3: 343-356.
  • Ros R.M., Mazimpaka V., Abou-Salama U., Aleffi M., Blockeel T.L., Brugués M., Cano M.J., Cros R.M., Dia M.G., Dirkse, G.M., El Saadawi W., Erdağ A., Ganeva A., González-Mancebo J.M., Herrnstadt I., Khalil K., Kürschner H., Lanfranco E., Losada-Lima A., Refai M.S., Rodríguez-Nuñez S., Sabovljević M., Sérgio C., Shabbara H., Sim- Sim M., Söderström L. 2007. Hepatics and Anthocerotes of the Mediterranean, an annotated checklist. Cryptogamie, Bryologie. 28/4: 351-437.
There are 11 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Journal Section Research Article

Hatice Özenoğlu Kiremit This is me

Mesut Kırmacı This is me

Publication Date August 15, 2012
Published in Issue Year 2012 Volume: 5 Issue: 2


APA Özenoğlu Kiremit, H., & Kırmacı, M. (2012). Notes on Riccia fluitans and Riccia lamellosa Ricciaceae, Hepaticae in Turkey. Biological Diversity and Conservation, 5(2), 81-84.

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