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Anti-proliferative effect of Cistus laurifolius on human cervical adenocarcinoma (Hep2C), human muscle rhabdomyosarcoma (RD), mouse fibrosarcoma (Wehi 164) cell line

Year 2021, Volume: 14 Issue: 2, 236 - 241, 15.08.2021


In the current study; it was tried to determine antiproliferative activity of extract obtained from Cistus laurifolius leaves on different cancer cell type such as human cervical adenocarcinoma cells (Hep2C), human muscle rhabdomyosarcoma cells (RD), mouse fibrosarcoma cells (Wehi 164) by MTT Assay. The results indicated that Cistus laurifolius inhibited, in a dose-dependent manner, the proliferation of Hep2C, RD, Wehi 164 cells. Maximum anti-proliferatif effects were observed in 1000 µg/ml, 500 µg/ml, 250µg/ml concentrations of extract. These findings suggest that Cistus laurifolius extract could reduce proliferatif effect of cancer cell lines. Their use as potential anticancer agent needs further studies.


  • [1] Quadri, M.F.A., Saleh, S.M., Rashad Alsanosy, R., Abdelwahab, S.I., Tobaigy, F. M., Mohamed Maryoud, M., Al-Hebshi, N. (2014). Effectiveness of an Intervention Program on Knowledge of Oral Cancer among the Youth of Jazan, Saudi Arabia. Asian Pacific Journal of Cancer Prevention, 15.
  • [2] World Cancer Report: Cancer Research for Cancer Prevention. (2020). Edited by: Wild, C.P., Weiderpass, E., Stewart, B.W. ISBN 13 978-92-832-0448-0.
  • [3] Shin, S.A., Moon, S.Y., Kim, W.Y., Paek, S.M., Park, H.H., Lee, C.S. (2018). Structure-Based Classification and Anti-Cancer Effects of Plant Metabolites. International Journal of Molecular Science. 19, 2651.
  • [4] Li, W. (2002). Botanical Drugs: The Next New New Thing? Available at: (accessed March 20, 2021).
  • [5] Robinson, M.M, Zhang, X. (2011). The TheWorld Medicines Situation 2011. Geneva:World Health Organization.
  • [6] Meng, F., Cheng, R., Deng, C., Zhong, Z., Intracellular drug release nanosystems. Materialtoday, 15-10.
  • [7] Fridlender, M., Kapulnik, Y. and Koltai, H. (2015) Plant derived substances with anti-cancer activity: from folklore to practice. Front. Plant Sci, 6,799.
  • [8] Dai, S.X., Li, W.X., Han, F.F., Guo, Y.C., Zheng, J.J., Liu, J.Q., Wang, Q., Gao, Y.D., Li, G.H., Huang, J. F. (2016). In silico identification of anti-cancer compounds and plants from traditional Chinese medicine database. Scientific Reports, 6, 25462.
  • [9] Najar, B., Shortrede, J. E., Pistelli, L., and Buhagiar, J. (2020) Chemical Composition and in Vitro Cytotoxic Screening of Sixteen Commercial Essential Oils on Five Cancer Cell Lines. Chemistry& Biodiversity, 17, e1900478.
  • [10] Andres, A.l., Gomez-Serranillos, M.P., Iglesias, I., Villar, A.M. (1999). Effects of extract of Cistus populifolius L. on the central nervous system. Phytother. Res. 13, 575–579.
  • [11] Küpeli, E., Yesilada, E. (2007). Flavonoids with anti-inflammatory and antinociceptive activity from Cistus laurifolius L. leaves through bioassayguided procedures. J. Ethnopharmacol, 112,524-530.
  • [12] Barrajón-Catalán, E., Fernández-Arroyo, S., Saura, D., Emilio, G., Guillén, E., Fernández-Gutiérrez, A., Segura-Carretero, A., Micol, V. (2010). Cistaceaeaqueous extracts containing ellagitannins show antioxidant andantimicrobial capacity, and cytotoxic activity against human cancer cells. Food and Chemical Toxicology, 48, 2273-2282.
  • [13 Skoric, M., Todorović, S., Gligorijević, N., Janković, R., Živković, S., Ristić, M., Radulović, S. (2012). Cytotoxic activity of ethanol extracts of in vitro grown Cistus creticus subsp. creticus L. on human cancer cell lines. Industrial Crop and Products. 38, 153-159.
  • [14] Enomoto, S., Okada, Y., Güvenç, A., Erdurak, C.S., Coşkun, M., Okuyama, T. (2004) Inhibitory Effect of Traditional Turkish Folk Medicines on Aldose Reductase (AR) and Hematological Activity, and on AR Inhibitory Activity of Quercetin-3-O-methyl Ether Isolated from Cistus laurifolius L. Biol. Pharm. Bull. 27(7) 1140-1143.
  • [15] Jemia, M.B., Kchouk, M.R., Senatore, F., Autore, G., Marzocco, S., Vincenzo De Feo, V.D., Bruno, M. (2013) Antiproliferative activity of hexane extract from Tunisian Cistus libanotis, Cistus monspeliensis and Cistus villosus. Chemistry Central Journal, 7,47.
  • [16] Carev, I., Maravi´c, A., Ili´c, N., Culi´c , C.V., Politeo, O., Zori´c, Z., Radan, M. (2020). UPLC-MS/MS Phytochemical Analysis of Two Croatian Cistus Species and Their Biological Activity. Life, 10, 112.
  • [17] Sadhu, S.K., Okuyama, E., Fujimoto, H., Ishibashi, M., Yesilada, E. (2006). Prostaglandin inhibitory and antioxidant components of Cistus laurifolius, a Turkish medicinal plant. J Ethnopharmacol 108:371– 378.
  • [18] Dyshlovoy, S.A., Menchinskaya, E.S., Venz, S., Rast, S., Amann, K., Hauschild, J., Otte, K., Kalinin, V.I., Silchenko, A.S., Avilov, S.A., Winfried, A., Madanchi, R., Bokemeyer, C., Schumacher, U., Walther, R., Aminin, D.L., Fedorov, S.N., Shubina, L.K., Stonik, V.A., Balbanov, S., Honecker, F., Amsberg, G.V. (2015). The marine triterpene glycoside frondoside A exhibits activity in vitro an in vivo in prostate cancer. Int. J. Cancer, 32, 1601–1618.
  • [19] Stępień, A. E., & Ewa, A. (2017). Cytotoxic and anti-cancer activity of the Cistus species of herbal plants. European Journal of Clinical and Experimental Medicine, (2), 165-168.
  • [20] Jemia, M. B., Kchouk, M. E., Senatore, F., Autore, G., Marzocco, S., De Feo, V., & Bruno, M. (2013). Antiproliferative activity of hexane extract from Tunisian Cistus libanotis, Cistus monspeliensis and Cistus villosus. Chemistry Central Journal, 7(1), 1-7.
  • [21] Yücel, E. 2008. Türkiye’de Yetişen Tıbbi Bitkiler 1, Cetemenler, ISBN 798-975-93746-3-1, Eskişehir.
  • [22] Yücel, E. (2014). Türkiye'de Yetişen Tıbbi Bitkiler Tanıma Klavuzu. Türmatsan, ISBN 978-975-93746-8-6, Eskişehir.
  • [23] Yücel, E., Çoban, Z. (2014). Pinar (Cistus laurifolius) Bitkisinin Etnobotanik ve Ekolojik Özellikleri ile Bazı Fitokimyasal Özelliklerinin Belirlenmesi, 22 ci Ulusal Biyoloji Kongresi, 23-27 Haziran 2014, Bildiri Özet Kitabı, Eskişehir.
  • [24] Sadhu, S. K., Okuyama, E., Fujimoto, H., Ishibashi, M., & Yesilada, E. (2006). Prostaglandin inhibitory and antioxidant components of Cistus laurifolius, a Turkish medicinal plant. Journal of Ethnopharmacology, 108(3), 371-378. [25] Emam, M.A., Khattab, H.I., Hegazy M.G.A. (2019). Assessment of anticancer activity of Pulicaria undulata on hepatocellular carcinoma HepG2 cell line. Tumor Biology, 1-10.
  • [26] Vitali, F., Pennisi, G., Attaguile, G., Savoca, F., & Tita, B. (2011). Antiproliferative and cytotoxic activity of extracts from Cistus incanus L. and Cistus monspeliensis L. on human prostate cell lines. Natural Product Research, 25( 3), 188–202.
  • [27] Hacioglu, C., Kar, F., Kara, Y., Yucel, E., Dönmez, D.B., Sentürk, H., Kanbak, G. (2021). Comparative effects of metformin and Cistus laurifolius L. extract in streptozotocin-induced diabetic rat model: oxidative, inflammatory, apoptotic, and histopathological analyzes. Environmental Science and Pollution Research.

Cistus laurifolius'un insan serviks karsinoma (Hep2C), insan kas rabdomyosarkoma (RD), fare fibrosarkoma (Wehi 164) hücre hatları üzerinde antiproliferatif etkisi

Year 2021, Volume: 14 Issue: 2, 236 - 241, 15.08.2021


Bu çalışmada; Cistus laurifolius ekstraktının; insan serviks karsinoma (Hep2C), insan kas rabdomyosarkoma (RD), fare fibrosarkoma (Wehi 164) hücre hatları üzerinde antiproliferatif aktivitesinin MTT testi aracılığı ile belirlenmesi amaçlanmıştır. Sonuç olarak, Cistus laurifolius ekstraktının doza bağlı bir şekilde, Hep2C, RD, Wehi 164 hücrelerinin proliferasyonunu inhibe ettiği tespit edilmiştir. Maksimum anti-proliferatif etki 1000 µg/ml, 500 µg/ml, 250µg/ml ekstrakt konsantrasyonlarında gözlenmiştir. Bu sonuçlar, Cistus laurifolius'nin kanser hücrelerinin proliferatif etkisini azaltabileceğini işaret etmektedir ve antikanser ajan olma potansiyeli konusunda daha ileri çalışmalar yapılmalıdır.


  • [1] Quadri, M.F.A., Saleh, S.M., Rashad Alsanosy, R., Abdelwahab, S.I., Tobaigy, F. M., Mohamed Maryoud, M., Al-Hebshi, N. (2014). Effectiveness of an Intervention Program on Knowledge of Oral Cancer among the Youth of Jazan, Saudi Arabia. Asian Pacific Journal of Cancer Prevention, 15.
  • [2] World Cancer Report: Cancer Research for Cancer Prevention. (2020). Edited by: Wild, C.P., Weiderpass, E., Stewart, B.W. ISBN 13 978-92-832-0448-0.
  • [3] Shin, S.A., Moon, S.Y., Kim, W.Y., Paek, S.M., Park, H.H., Lee, C.S. (2018). Structure-Based Classification and Anti-Cancer Effects of Plant Metabolites. International Journal of Molecular Science. 19, 2651.
  • [4] Li, W. (2002). Botanical Drugs: The Next New New Thing? Available at: (accessed March 20, 2021).
  • [5] Robinson, M.M, Zhang, X. (2011). The TheWorld Medicines Situation 2011. Geneva:World Health Organization.
  • [6] Meng, F., Cheng, R., Deng, C., Zhong, Z., Intracellular drug release nanosystems. Materialtoday, 15-10.
  • [7] Fridlender, M., Kapulnik, Y. and Koltai, H. (2015) Plant derived substances with anti-cancer activity: from folklore to practice. Front. Plant Sci, 6,799.
  • [8] Dai, S.X., Li, W.X., Han, F.F., Guo, Y.C., Zheng, J.J., Liu, J.Q., Wang, Q., Gao, Y.D., Li, G.H., Huang, J. F. (2016). In silico identification of anti-cancer compounds and plants from traditional Chinese medicine database. Scientific Reports, 6, 25462.
  • [9] Najar, B., Shortrede, J. E., Pistelli, L., and Buhagiar, J. (2020) Chemical Composition and in Vitro Cytotoxic Screening of Sixteen Commercial Essential Oils on Five Cancer Cell Lines. Chemistry& Biodiversity, 17, e1900478.
  • [10] Andres, A.l., Gomez-Serranillos, M.P., Iglesias, I., Villar, A.M. (1999). Effects of extract of Cistus populifolius L. on the central nervous system. Phytother. Res. 13, 575–579.
  • [11] Küpeli, E., Yesilada, E. (2007). Flavonoids with anti-inflammatory and antinociceptive activity from Cistus laurifolius L. leaves through bioassayguided procedures. J. Ethnopharmacol, 112,524-530.
  • [12] Barrajón-Catalán, E., Fernández-Arroyo, S., Saura, D., Emilio, G., Guillén, E., Fernández-Gutiérrez, A., Segura-Carretero, A., Micol, V. (2010). Cistaceaeaqueous extracts containing ellagitannins show antioxidant andantimicrobial capacity, and cytotoxic activity against human cancer cells. Food and Chemical Toxicology, 48, 2273-2282.
  • [13 Skoric, M., Todorović, S., Gligorijević, N., Janković, R., Živković, S., Ristić, M., Radulović, S. (2012). Cytotoxic activity of ethanol extracts of in vitro grown Cistus creticus subsp. creticus L. on human cancer cell lines. Industrial Crop and Products. 38, 153-159.
  • [14] Enomoto, S., Okada, Y., Güvenç, A., Erdurak, C.S., Coşkun, M., Okuyama, T. (2004) Inhibitory Effect of Traditional Turkish Folk Medicines on Aldose Reductase (AR) and Hematological Activity, and on AR Inhibitory Activity of Quercetin-3-O-methyl Ether Isolated from Cistus laurifolius L. Biol. Pharm. Bull. 27(7) 1140-1143.
  • [15] Jemia, M.B., Kchouk, M.R., Senatore, F., Autore, G., Marzocco, S., Vincenzo De Feo, V.D., Bruno, M. (2013) Antiproliferative activity of hexane extract from Tunisian Cistus libanotis, Cistus monspeliensis and Cistus villosus. Chemistry Central Journal, 7,47.
  • [16] Carev, I., Maravi´c, A., Ili´c, N., Culi´c , C.V., Politeo, O., Zori´c, Z., Radan, M. (2020). UPLC-MS/MS Phytochemical Analysis of Two Croatian Cistus Species and Their Biological Activity. Life, 10, 112.
  • [17] Sadhu, S.K., Okuyama, E., Fujimoto, H., Ishibashi, M., Yesilada, E. (2006). Prostaglandin inhibitory and antioxidant components of Cistus laurifolius, a Turkish medicinal plant. J Ethnopharmacol 108:371– 378.
  • [18] Dyshlovoy, S.A., Menchinskaya, E.S., Venz, S., Rast, S., Amann, K., Hauschild, J., Otte, K., Kalinin, V.I., Silchenko, A.S., Avilov, S.A., Winfried, A., Madanchi, R., Bokemeyer, C., Schumacher, U., Walther, R., Aminin, D.L., Fedorov, S.N., Shubina, L.K., Stonik, V.A., Balbanov, S., Honecker, F., Amsberg, G.V. (2015). The marine triterpene glycoside frondoside A exhibits activity in vitro an in vivo in prostate cancer. Int. J. Cancer, 32, 1601–1618.
  • [19] Stępień, A. E., & Ewa, A. (2017). Cytotoxic and anti-cancer activity of the Cistus species of herbal plants. European Journal of Clinical and Experimental Medicine, (2), 165-168.
  • [20] Jemia, M. B., Kchouk, M. E., Senatore, F., Autore, G., Marzocco, S., De Feo, V., & Bruno, M. (2013). Antiproliferative activity of hexane extract from Tunisian Cistus libanotis, Cistus monspeliensis and Cistus villosus. Chemistry Central Journal, 7(1), 1-7.
  • [21] Yücel, E. 2008. Türkiye’de Yetişen Tıbbi Bitkiler 1, Cetemenler, ISBN 798-975-93746-3-1, Eskişehir.
  • [22] Yücel, E. (2014). Türkiye'de Yetişen Tıbbi Bitkiler Tanıma Klavuzu. Türmatsan, ISBN 978-975-93746-8-6, Eskişehir.
  • [23] Yücel, E., Çoban, Z. (2014). Pinar (Cistus laurifolius) Bitkisinin Etnobotanik ve Ekolojik Özellikleri ile Bazı Fitokimyasal Özelliklerinin Belirlenmesi, 22 ci Ulusal Biyoloji Kongresi, 23-27 Haziran 2014, Bildiri Özet Kitabı, Eskişehir.
  • [24] Sadhu, S. K., Okuyama, E., Fujimoto, H., Ishibashi, M., & Yesilada, E. (2006). Prostaglandin inhibitory and antioxidant components of Cistus laurifolius, a Turkish medicinal plant. Journal of Ethnopharmacology, 108(3), 371-378. [25] Emam, M.A., Khattab, H.I., Hegazy M.G.A. (2019). Assessment of anticancer activity of Pulicaria undulata on hepatocellular carcinoma HepG2 cell line. Tumor Biology, 1-10.
  • [26] Vitali, F., Pennisi, G., Attaguile, G., Savoca, F., & Tita, B. (2011). Antiproliferative and cytotoxic activity of extracts from Cistus incanus L. and Cistus monspeliensis L. on human prostate cell lines. Natural Product Research, 25( 3), 188–202.
  • [27] Hacioglu, C., Kar, F., Kara, Y., Yucel, E., Dönmez, D.B., Sentürk, H., Kanbak, G. (2021). Comparative effects of metformin and Cistus laurifolius L. extract in streptozotocin-induced diabetic rat model: oxidative, inflammatory, apoptotic, and histopathological analyzes. Environmental Science and Pollution Research.
There are 26 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Subjects Conservation and Biodiversity
Journal Section Research Article

Semra Soydam Aydın 0000-0002-1670-9677

Ersin Yücel 0000-0001-8274-7578

Publication Date August 15, 2021
Submission Date April 5, 2021
Acceptance Date July 17, 2021
Published in Issue Year 2021 Volume: 14 Issue: 2


APA Soydam Aydın, S., & Yücel, E. (2021). Anti-proliferative effect of Cistus laurifolius on human cervical adenocarcinoma (Hep2C), human muscle rhabdomyosarcoma (RD), mouse fibrosarcoma (Wehi 164) cell line. Biological Diversity and Conservation, 14(2), 236-241.

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