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Endemik Fritillaria baskilensis Behçet (Liliaceae) için filogenetik analiz: cpDNA “trn” dizilerinden kanıtlarla

Year 2021, Volume: 14 Issue: 3, 431 - 441, 15.12.2021


İlk defa 1998 yılında Elazığ’ın Baskil ilçesinden toplanan ve bilim dünyasına yeni tür olarak kazandırılan Fritillaria baskilensis Türkiye’nin endemik ters lale türlerinden biridir. Bu çalışmanın amacı Fritillaria baskilensis’ in diğer Fritillaria türleri ile aralarındaki sistematik ilişkilerin moleküler teknikler kullanarak belirlenmesidir. Ayrıca; söz konusu endemik türün hangi altcinste yer alacağı da bu çalışmanın sonucu olarak ilk defa tarafımızca tespit edilmeye çalışılmıştır.
CTAB metodu ile manuel olarak gerçekleştirilen DNA izolasyonu sonrası trna ve trnd primerleri kullanılarak 5 örneğe ait trnT-trnL3’ bölgesi çoğaltılmış, NCBI’ dan elde edilen diğer sekans bilgileri ile birlikte toplam 27 Fritillaria türü 2 dış grup ile birlikte MEGA programında analiz edilmiştir. Analizlerimiz literatürle uyumluluk gösterirken, F. baskilensis’ in Fritillaria altcinsi üyeleri ile aynı kolda yer alması F. baskilensis’in bu altcinste yer aldığı fikrini düşündürmektedir.
Bu çalışma F. baskilensis populasyonlarına ait sekans bilgileri kullanılarak yapılmış ilk moleküler tabanlı çalışma olması açısından oldukça önemlidir ve sözkonusu türe ait yeni “trn” gen bölgesi haplotipleri ilk defa tarafımızca tespit edilerek GenBank veritabanına kazandırılmıştır.


  • [1] Satil, F. & Akan, H. (2006). Anatomical Studies on Some Endemic and Rare Geophytes of Liliaceae Family. Ekoloji, 58, 21-27.
  • [2] Erik, S. & Tarıkahya, B. (2004). Türkiye Florası Üzerine. Kebikeç, 17, 139-163.
  • [3] Davis, P.H. (1965). Flora of Turkey and the East Aegean Islands. Edinburgh University Press, Edinburgh 11, 243-558.
  • [4] Heywood, V.D. (1978). Flowering Plants of the World. Oxford University Press, London.
  • [5] Kıran, Y. & Gedik, O. (2014). Karyological Study on Turkish Endemic Fritillaria baskilensis Behçet. (Liliaceae). Turkish Journal of Science & Technology, 9(2), 105-108.
  • [6] Rix, M., Frank, E., Webster, G. & Alpine Garden Society (Great Britain). (2001). Fritillaria: A revised classification : together with an updated list of species. England: Fritillaria Group of the Alpine Garden Society.
  • [7] Tekşen, M. & Zeki, A. (2008). Fritillaria mughlae (Liliaceae), a New Species from Turkey. In Annales Botanici Fennici, 45(2),141-147.
  • [8] Türktaş, M., Aslay, M., Kaya, E. & Ertuğrul, F. (2012). Molecular characterization of phylogenetic relationships in Fritillaria species inferred from chloroplast trnL-trnF sequences. Turkish Journal of Biology, 36, 552-560. https://doi:10.3906/biy-1201-30.
  • [9] Tekşen, M. & Zeki, A. (2011). The revision of the genus Fritillaria L.(Liliaceae) in the Mediterranean region (Turkey). Turkish Journal of Botany, 35, 447-478. https://doi:10.3906/bot-0812-9.
  • [10] Demir, A. (2019). Türkiye’de Fritillaria imperialis’in Ekonomik Değer Analizi. Biological Diversity and Conservation, 12(3), 103-110.
  • [11] Shujun, W., Wenyuan, G., Wei, J. & Peigen, X. (2006). Crystallography, morphology and thermal properties of starches from four different medicinal plants of Fritillaria species. Food Chemistry, 96, 591-596. https://doi:10.1016/j.foodchem.2005.03.014.
  • [12] Behçet, L. (1998). A new species of Fritillaria L.(Liliaceae) from east anatolia Turkey. Bulletin of Pure and Applied Sciences, 17,1-2.
  • [13] Kursad, M. (2017). Baskil ters lalesi tür koruma eylem planı uygulama faaliyetleri projesi. T.C. Orman ve Su işleri bakanlığı, Doğa koruma ve milli parklar genel müdürlüğü.
  • [14] Doyle, J.J. & Doyle, J.L. (1987). A Rapid DNA isolation procedure for small quantities of fresh leaf tissue. Phytochemistry Bulletin, 19, 11-15. https://doi: 10.1007/978-3-642-83962-7_18.
  • [15] Taberlet, P., Gielly, L., Pautou, G. & Bouvet, J. (1991). Universal primers amplification of three non-coding regions of chloroplast DNA. Plant Molecular Biology, 17(5), 1105-1109. https://
  • [16] Kumar, S., Stecher, G., Li, M., Knyaz, C. & Tamura, K. (2018). MEGA X: Molecular Evolutionary Genetics Analysis across computing platforms. Molecular Biology and Evolution, 35, 1547-1549. https://doi: 10.1093/molbev/msy096.
  • [17] Do, H. & Kim, J.H. (2019). The implication of plastid transcriptome analysis in petaloid monocotyledons: A case study of Lilium lancifolium (Liliaceae, Liliales). Scientific Reports, 9,6662.
  • [18] Bi, Y., Zhang, M.F., Xue, J., Dong, R., Du, Y.P. & Zhang, X.H. (2018). Chloroplast genomic resources for phylogeny and DNA barcoding: a case study on Fritillaria. Scientific Reports, 8(1), 1184. https://doi: 10.1038/s41598-018-19591-9.
  • [19] Chen, Q., Wu, X. & Zhang, D. (2020). Comparison of the abilities of universal, super, and specific DNA barcodes to discriminate among the original species of Fritillariae cirrhosae bulbus and its adulterants. Plos One, 15(2), e0229181.
  • [20] Yan, Li., Zhirong, Z. & Guanghui, L.V. (2017). The complete chloroplast genome of Fritillaria yuminensis, a rare and endangered species endemic to China. Mitochondrial DNA, Part B, 2(2), 913-914. https://doi: 10.1080/23802359.2017.1413315.
  • [21] Huang, J., Yu, Y., Liu, Y.M., Xie, D.F., He, X.J. & Zhou, S.D. (2020). Comparative Chloroplast Genomics of Fritillaria (Liliaceae), Inferences for Phylogenetic Relationships between Fritillaria and Lilium and Plastome Evolution. Plants (Basel), 9(2), 133. https://doi:10.3390/plants9020133.
  • [22] Rønsted, N., Law, S., Thornton, H., Fay, M.F. & Chase, M.W. (2005). Molecular phylogenetic evidence for the monophyly of Fritillaria and Lilium (Liliaceae) and the infrageneric classification of Fritillaria. Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution. 35(3), 509–527. https://doi.
  • [23]Peruzzi, L., Innangi, M., Tatino, F. & Santangelo, A. (2017). Fritillaria messanensis subsp. gracilis (Liliaceae), a new record for the Italian Flora (S Italy). Phytotaxa, 307(2), 167. https://doi: 10.11646/phytotaxa.307.2.11.
  • [24]Rix, E.M. (1975). Notes on Fritillaria (Liliaceae) in the Eastern Mediterranean Region, III. Kew Bulletin: Kew Bulletin, 30(1),153-162.
  • [25] Rix, EM. (1979). Notes on Fritillaria (Liliaceae) in the Eastern Mediterranean Region: IV. Kew Bulletin: 33(4), 585-600.
  • [26] Khan, I.A. & Azim, M.K. (2011). Variations in intergenic spacer rpl20-rps12 of mango (Mangifera indica) chloroplast DNA: implications for cultivar identification and phylogenetic analysis. Plant Systematics and Evolution, 292, 249-255.
  • [27] Fay, M.F. & Chase, M.W. (2000). Modern concepts of Liliaceae with a focus on the relationships of Fritillaria. Curtis's Botanical Magazine, 17(3), 146-149.
  • [28] Sucher, N.J., Tsim, K.W. & Ip, N.Y. (2003). Fritillaria species identification. US Patent 6.569.625. Washington, DC: US Patent and Trademark Office.
  • [29] Karakas M. O., Turktas, M., Aslay, M. & Kaya, E. (2013). Evaluation of the genetic relationship between Fritillaria species from Turkey’s flora using fluorescent-based AFLP. Turkish Journal of Biology, 37, 273-279. https://doi:10.3906/biy-1207-62.

Phylogenetic analysis for Endemic Fritillaria baskilensis Behçet (Liliaceae): Evidence from cpDNA “trn” sequences

Year 2021, Volume: 14 Issue: 3, 431 - 441, 15.12.2021


Fritillaria baskilensis, which was first collected from Elazig - Baskil district in 1998 and introduced to the scientific world as a new species, is one of Turkey's endemic inverted tulip species. This study aims to determine the systematic relationships between Fritillaria baskilensis and other Fritillaria species using molecular techniques. Also; As a result of this study, we tried to determine for the first time in which subgenus the endemic species in question will take place.
After the DNA isolation with the CTAB method, the trnT-trnL3' region of 5 samples was amplified by using trna and trnd primers, and a total of 27 Fritillaria species were analyzed together with 2 outgroups in the MEGA program, together with other sequence information obtained from NCBI. While our analyzes are consistent with the literature, the fact that Fritillaria baskilensis is in the same branch as members of the subgenus Fritillaria suggests that F. baskilensis is included in this subgenus.
This study is very important as it is the first molecular-based study using sequence information from Fritillaria baskilensis populations, and the new “trn” gene region haplotypes of the mentioned species were determined by us for the first time and added to the GenBank database.


  • [1] Satil, F. & Akan, H. (2006). Anatomical Studies on Some Endemic and Rare Geophytes of Liliaceae Family. Ekoloji, 58, 21-27.
  • [2] Erik, S. & Tarıkahya, B. (2004). Türkiye Florası Üzerine. Kebikeç, 17, 139-163.
  • [3] Davis, P.H. (1965). Flora of Turkey and the East Aegean Islands. Edinburgh University Press, Edinburgh 11, 243-558.
  • [4] Heywood, V.D. (1978). Flowering Plants of the World. Oxford University Press, London.
  • [5] Kıran, Y. & Gedik, O. (2014). Karyological Study on Turkish Endemic Fritillaria baskilensis Behçet. (Liliaceae). Turkish Journal of Science & Technology, 9(2), 105-108.
  • [6] Rix, M., Frank, E., Webster, G. & Alpine Garden Society (Great Britain). (2001). Fritillaria: A revised classification : together with an updated list of species. England: Fritillaria Group of the Alpine Garden Society.
  • [7] Tekşen, M. & Zeki, A. (2008). Fritillaria mughlae (Liliaceae), a New Species from Turkey. In Annales Botanici Fennici, 45(2),141-147.
  • [8] Türktaş, M., Aslay, M., Kaya, E. & Ertuğrul, F. (2012). Molecular characterization of phylogenetic relationships in Fritillaria species inferred from chloroplast trnL-trnF sequences. Turkish Journal of Biology, 36, 552-560. https://doi:10.3906/biy-1201-30.
  • [9] Tekşen, M. & Zeki, A. (2011). The revision of the genus Fritillaria L.(Liliaceae) in the Mediterranean region (Turkey). Turkish Journal of Botany, 35, 447-478. https://doi:10.3906/bot-0812-9.
  • [10] Demir, A. (2019). Türkiye’de Fritillaria imperialis’in Ekonomik Değer Analizi. Biological Diversity and Conservation, 12(3), 103-110.
  • [11] Shujun, W., Wenyuan, G., Wei, J. & Peigen, X. (2006). Crystallography, morphology and thermal properties of starches from four different medicinal plants of Fritillaria species. Food Chemistry, 96, 591-596. https://doi:10.1016/j.foodchem.2005.03.014.
  • [12] Behçet, L. (1998). A new species of Fritillaria L.(Liliaceae) from east anatolia Turkey. Bulletin of Pure and Applied Sciences, 17,1-2.
  • [13] Kursad, M. (2017). Baskil ters lalesi tür koruma eylem planı uygulama faaliyetleri projesi. T.C. Orman ve Su işleri bakanlığı, Doğa koruma ve milli parklar genel müdürlüğü.
  • [14] Doyle, J.J. & Doyle, J.L. (1987). A Rapid DNA isolation procedure for small quantities of fresh leaf tissue. Phytochemistry Bulletin, 19, 11-15. https://doi: 10.1007/978-3-642-83962-7_18.
  • [15] Taberlet, P., Gielly, L., Pautou, G. & Bouvet, J. (1991). Universal primers amplification of three non-coding regions of chloroplast DNA. Plant Molecular Biology, 17(5), 1105-1109. https://
  • [16] Kumar, S., Stecher, G., Li, M., Knyaz, C. & Tamura, K. (2018). MEGA X: Molecular Evolutionary Genetics Analysis across computing platforms. Molecular Biology and Evolution, 35, 1547-1549. https://doi: 10.1093/molbev/msy096.
  • [17] Do, H. & Kim, J.H. (2019). The implication of plastid transcriptome analysis in petaloid monocotyledons: A case study of Lilium lancifolium (Liliaceae, Liliales). Scientific Reports, 9,6662.
  • [18] Bi, Y., Zhang, M.F., Xue, J., Dong, R., Du, Y.P. & Zhang, X.H. (2018). Chloroplast genomic resources for phylogeny and DNA barcoding: a case study on Fritillaria. Scientific Reports, 8(1), 1184. https://doi: 10.1038/s41598-018-19591-9.
  • [19] Chen, Q., Wu, X. & Zhang, D. (2020). Comparison of the abilities of universal, super, and specific DNA barcodes to discriminate among the original species of Fritillariae cirrhosae bulbus and its adulterants. Plos One, 15(2), e0229181.
  • [20] Yan, Li., Zhirong, Z. & Guanghui, L.V. (2017). The complete chloroplast genome of Fritillaria yuminensis, a rare and endangered species endemic to China. Mitochondrial DNA, Part B, 2(2), 913-914. https://doi: 10.1080/23802359.2017.1413315.
  • [21] Huang, J., Yu, Y., Liu, Y.M., Xie, D.F., He, X.J. & Zhou, S.D. (2020). Comparative Chloroplast Genomics of Fritillaria (Liliaceae), Inferences for Phylogenetic Relationships between Fritillaria and Lilium and Plastome Evolution. Plants (Basel), 9(2), 133. https://doi:10.3390/plants9020133.
  • [22] Rønsted, N., Law, S., Thornton, H., Fay, M.F. & Chase, M.W. (2005). Molecular phylogenetic evidence for the monophyly of Fritillaria and Lilium (Liliaceae) and the infrageneric classification of Fritillaria. Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution. 35(3), 509–527. https://doi.
  • [23]Peruzzi, L., Innangi, M., Tatino, F. & Santangelo, A. (2017). Fritillaria messanensis subsp. gracilis (Liliaceae), a new record for the Italian Flora (S Italy). Phytotaxa, 307(2), 167. https://doi: 10.11646/phytotaxa.307.2.11.
  • [24]Rix, E.M. (1975). Notes on Fritillaria (Liliaceae) in the Eastern Mediterranean Region, III. Kew Bulletin: Kew Bulletin, 30(1),153-162.
  • [25] Rix, EM. (1979). Notes on Fritillaria (Liliaceae) in the Eastern Mediterranean Region: IV. Kew Bulletin: 33(4), 585-600.
  • [26] Khan, I.A. & Azim, M.K. (2011). Variations in intergenic spacer rpl20-rps12 of mango (Mangifera indica) chloroplast DNA: implications for cultivar identification and phylogenetic analysis. Plant Systematics and Evolution, 292, 249-255.
  • [27] Fay, M.F. & Chase, M.W. (2000). Modern concepts of Liliaceae with a focus on the relationships of Fritillaria. Curtis's Botanical Magazine, 17(3), 146-149.
  • [28] Sucher, N.J., Tsim, K.W. & Ip, N.Y. (2003). Fritillaria species identification. US Patent 6.569.625. Washington, DC: US Patent and Trademark Office.
  • [29] Karakas M. O., Turktas, M., Aslay, M. & Kaya, E. (2013). Evaluation of the genetic relationship between Fritillaria species from Turkey’s flora using fluorescent-based AFLP. Turkish Journal of Biology, 37, 273-279. https://doi:10.3906/biy-1207-62.
There are 29 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Subjects Conservation and Biodiversity
Journal Section Research Article

Pelin Yılmaz Sancar 0000-0002-6134-622X

Irmak İçen Taşkın This is me 0000-0002-1612-0563

Murat Kursat This is me 0000-0002-0861-4213

Ömer Munzuroğlu This is me 0000-0002-6134-622X

Publication Date December 15, 2021
Submission Date July 8, 2021
Acceptance Date November 5, 2021
Published in Issue Year 2021 Volume: 14 Issue: 3


APA Yılmaz Sancar, P., İçen Taşkın, I., Kursat, M., Munzuroğlu, Ö. (2021). Phylogenetic analysis for Endemic Fritillaria baskilensis Behçet (Liliaceae): Evidence from cpDNA “trn” sequences. Biological Diversity and Conservation, 14(3), 431-441.

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