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Yıl 2013, Cilt: 2 Sayı: 2, 135 - 140, 01.12.2013


In this study, the effects of mercury (HgCl2) one of the significant environmental pollutant, on mitotic divisions of the root tip cells of garlic (Allium sativum) were investigated. Different concentrations (0.015625, 0.03125, 0.0625, 0.125, 0.250, 0.500, 1.000 ve 2.000 mM Hg+2) of mercury were applied. It was observed that there are no significant differences in the germination of seeds that exposed to low mercury concentrations. On the other hand, at higher concentrations of mercury inhibited germination and root growth was stoped above 0.250 mM concentrations. In addition, root growth was inhibited according to the control group at all concentrations. In parallel to the increase of the mercury concentrations cell division was decreased, several mitotic anomalies such as, lagging chromosomes, multipolar anaphases, chromosome bridges andgranulation were increased


  • Güven A., Kahvecioğlu Ö., Kartal G., Timur S. 2004. Metallerin Çevresel Etkileri-III, TMMOB Metalurji Mühendisleri Odası, Metalurji Dergisi, 138: 64-71.
  • Robinson J.B., Tuovinen O.H. 1984. Mechanism of microbial resistance and detoxification of mercury and organo mercury compound, Physiol, Biochem, and Gen Anal Microbiol Rev., 48: 95-124.
  • Salt D. E., Blaylock M., Kumar N.P., Dushenkov A., Ensley V., Chet B.D., Raskin I. 1995. Phytoremediation: A novel strategy for the removal of toxic metals from the environment using plants, Biotechnol, 13: 468–474.
  • Hall J.L. 2000. Cellular mechanisms for heavy metal detoxification and tolerance, J. Exp. Bot., 53: 1–11.
  • Schutzendubel A., Polle A. 2002. Plants responses to abiotic stresses: heavy metal-induced oxidative stress and protection by micorrhization, J. Exp. Bot., 53: 1351–1365.
  • Gadd G. M., White C. 1989. Heavy metal and radionuclide accumulation and toxicity in fungi and yeasts. In: Metal Microbe Interactions (eds) R. K. Poole and G. M. IRL press, 19-38.
  • Levan A. 1971. Cytogenetic effects of hexyl mercuri bromide in the Allium test, J. Ind. Bot. Soc., 50: 340-349.
  • Mukherji S., Ganguly G. 1974. Toxic effects of mercury in germinating rice (Oryza sativa L.) seeds and their reversal, Ind. J. Exp. Biol.,12: 432-434.
  • Manomita P., Bhowmik N., Bandopadhyay Bulbul., Sharma A. 2004. Comparison of mercury, lead and arsenic with respect to genotoxic effects on plant systems and the development of genetic tolerance, Environ and Experi Bot., 52: 199–223.
  • Zengin F. K., Munzuroglu Ö. 2005. Effects of some heavy metals on content of chlorophyll, proline and some antioxidant chemicals in bean (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) Seedlings, Acta biologi cracovi seri botanica, 47(2): 157–164.
  • Sharma A. K., Sharma A. 1982. “Chromosome Techniques-Theory and Practice, second ed”, Baltimore, MD, University Park Press, 575.
  • Jiang W., Liu D. 2000. “Effects of Pb2+ on root Growth, Cell Division, and Nucleolus of Zea mays L.”, Bull. Environ. Conta, Toxicol, 65: 786-793.
  • Ouzounidou G. 1994. “Copper Induced Changes on Growth, Metal Content and Photosynhetic Functions of Alyssum montanum L.Plants” Environmental and Experimental Botany, 34: 165- 172.
  • Ouzounidou G., Eleftheriou E.P., Karataglis S. 1992. “Ecophysical and Ultrastructural Effects of Copper in Thlaspi ochroleucum”, Canadian Journal of Botany, 70: 947-957.
  • Poschenrieder C.H., Gunse B., Barcelo J. 1989. “Influence of Cadmium on Water Relations, Stomatal Resistance and Abscisic Acid Content in Expanding Bean Leaves” Plant Physiology.
  • Lidon F.C., Ramalho J., Henriques F.S. 1993. “Copper Inhibition of Rice Photosynthesis” Journal of Plant Physiology, 142: 12-17.
  • Van Assche, F., Ceulemans R., Clijters H. 1980. “Zinc Mediated Effects on Leaf CO2 Diffusion Conductance and Net Photosynthesis in Phaseolus vulgaris L.” Photosynthesis Research, 1: 171- 180.
  • Lidon F.C., Henriques F.S. 1991. “Limiting Step on Photosynthesis of Rice Plants Treated With Varying Copper Levels” Journal of Plant Physiology, 138: 115-118.
  • Munzuroglu Ö., Geçkıl H. 2002. “Effects of Metals on Seed Germination, Root Elongation and Coleoptile and Hypocotyl Growth in Triticum aestivum and Cucumis sativus” Environmental Contamination and Toxicology, 43: 203-213.
  • Kennedy C.D., Gonsalves F.A.N. 1987. “The Action of Divalent Zinc, Cadmium, Mercury, Copper and Lead on the Trans-Root Potential and Efflux of Excised Roots, Journal of Experimental Botany, 38: 800-817.
  • Zengin F.K., Munzuroğlu Ö. 2004. Fasulye Fidelerindeki (Phaseolus vulgaris cv. Strike) Sitokinin İçeriği Üzerine Ağır Metallerin (Hg++, Cd++, Cu++ ve Pb++) Etkileri., Doğu Anadolu Araştırmaları (Research of Eastern Anatolia Region), 2 (2): 48-54.
  • Ayaz F. A., Kadıoglu A. 1996. The Effect of Heavy Metals on the Isoenzymes of Amylase and peroxidase during Germination of Lentil (Lens esculanta L.) Seeds,Tr. J. Botany, 20: 503-506.
  • De Flora S., Bennicelli C., Bagnasco M. 1994. Genotoxicity of Mercury Compounds. A Review, Mutat Res., 317: 57-79.
  • Klasterska I., Natarajan A. T., Ramel C. 1976. An Interperation of the Origin of Subchromatid Aberrations and Chromosome Stickiness as a Catogory of Chromatid Aberrations, Hereditas, 83: 153-162.
  • Nandi S. 1985. Studies on the Cytogenetic Effect of Some Mercuric Fungicides, Cytologica, 50: 921-926.

Cıva’nın Allium sativum’ un Kök Ucu Hücreleri Üzerindeki Mitotik Etkileri

Yıl 2013, Cilt: 2 Sayı: 2, 135 - 140, 01.12.2013


Bu çalışmada, önemli çevre kirleticilerinden biri olan cıva (HgCl2)’nın sarımsak (Allium sativum) kök ucu hücrelerinin mitoz bölünmeleri üzerine etkileri araştırılmıştır. Denemelerde Hg+2’nın farklı konsantrasyonları (0.015625, 0.03125, 0.0625, 0.125, 0.250, 0.500, 1.000 ve 2.000 mM) kullanılmıştır. Düşük Hg+2 konsantrasyonları ile muamele edilen sarımsakların çimlenmesinde kontrole göre belirgin bir farkın olmadığı, ancak yüksek konsantrasyonlarda çimlenmenin azaldığı ve 0.250 mM üzerindeki örneklerden kök gelişiminin tamamen durduğu gözlenmiştir. Ayrıca uygulanan tüm konsantrasyonlarda, kök büyümesi kontrole göre engellenmiştir. Cıva’ nın konsantrasyon artışına paralel olarak, hücre bölünmesinin azaldığı, kalgın kromozom, multipolar anafaz, anafazda köprü ve granülleşme gibi çeşitli mitotik anormalliklerin arttığı tespit edilmiştir.


  • Güven A., Kahvecioğlu Ö., Kartal G., Timur S. 2004. Metallerin Çevresel Etkileri-III, TMMOB Metalurji Mühendisleri Odası, Metalurji Dergisi, 138: 64-71.
  • Robinson J.B., Tuovinen O.H. 1984. Mechanism of microbial resistance and detoxification of mercury and organo mercury compound, Physiol, Biochem, and Gen Anal Microbiol Rev., 48: 95-124.
  • Salt D. E., Blaylock M., Kumar N.P., Dushenkov A., Ensley V., Chet B.D., Raskin I. 1995. Phytoremediation: A novel strategy for the removal of toxic metals from the environment using plants, Biotechnol, 13: 468–474.
  • Hall J.L. 2000. Cellular mechanisms for heavy metal detoxification and tolerance, J. Exp. Bot., 53: 1–11.
  • Schutzendubel A., Polle A. 2002. Plants responses to abiotic stresses: heavy metal-induced oxidative stress and protection by micorrhization, J. Exp. Bot., 53: 1351–1365.
  • Gadd G. M., White C. 1989. Heavy metal and radionuclide accumulation and toxicity in fungi and yeasts. In: Metal Microbe Interactions (eds) R. K. Poole and G. M. IRL press, 19-38.
  • Levan A. 1971. Cytogenetic effects of hexyl mercuri bromide in the Allium test, J. Ind. Bot. Soc., 50: 340-349.
  • Mukherji S., Ganguly G. 1974. Toxic effects of mercury in germinating rice (Oryza sativa L.) seeds and their reversal, Ind. J. Exp. Biol.,12: 432-434.
  • Manomita P., Bhowmik N., Bandopadhyay Bulbul., Sharma A. 2004. Comparison of mercury, lead and arsenic with respect to genotoxic effects on plant systems and the development of genetic tolerance, Environ and Experi Bot., 52: 199–223.
  • Zengin F. K., Munzuroglu Ö. 2005. Effects of some heavy metals on content of chlorophyll, proline and some antioxidant chemicals in bean (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) Seedlings, Acta biologi cracovi seri botanica, 47(2): 157–164.
  • Sharma A. K., Sharma A. 1982. “Chromosome Techniques-Theory and Practice, second ed”, Baltimore, MD, University Park Press, 575.
  • Jiang W., Liu D. 2000. “Effects of Pb2+ on root Growth, Cell Division, and Nucleolus of Zea mays L.”, Bull. Environ. Conta, Toxicol, 65: 786-793.
  • Ouzounidou G. 1994. “Copper Induced Changes on Growth, Metal Content and Photosynhetic Functions of Alyssum montanum L.Plants” Environmental and Experimental Botany, 34: 165- 172.
  • Ouzounidou G., Eleftheriou E.P., Karataglis S. 1992. “Ecophysical and Ultrastructural Effects of Copper in Thlaspi ochroleucum”, Canadian Journal of Botany, 70: 947-957.
  • Poschenrieder C.H., Gunse B., Barcelo J. 1989. “Influence of Cadmium on Water Relations, Stomatal Resistance and Abscisic Acid Content in Expanding Bean Leaves” Plant Physiology.
  • Lidon F.C., Ramalho J., Henriques F.S. 1993. “Copper Inhibition of Rice Photosynthesis” Journal of Plant Physiology, 142: 12-17.
  • Van Assche, F., Ceulemans R., Clijters H. 1980. “Zinc Mediated Effects on Leaf CO2 Diffusion Conductance and Net Photosynthesis in Phaseolus vulgaris L.” Photosynthesis Research, 1: 171- 180.
  • Lidon F.C., Henriques F.S. 1991. “Limiting Step on Photosynthesis of Rice Plants Treated With Varying Copper Levels” Journal of Plant Physiology, 138: 115-118.
  • Munzuroglu Ö., Geçkıl H. 2002. “Effects of Metals on Seed Germination, Root Elongation and Coleoptile and Hypocotyl Growth in Triticum aestivum and Cucumis sativus” Environmental Contamination and Toxicology, 43: 203-213.
  • Kennedy C.D., Gonsalves F.A.N. 1987. “The Action of Divalent Zinc, Cadmium, Mercury, Copper and Lead on the Trans-Root Potential and Efflux of Excised Roots, Journal of Experimental Botany, 38: 800-817.
  • Zengin F.K., Munzuroğlu Ö. 2004. Fasulye Fidelerindeki (Phaseolus vulgaris cv. Strike) Sitokinin İçeriği Üzerine Ağır Metallerin (Hg++, Cd++, Cu++ ve Pb++) Etkileri., Doğu Anadolu Araştırmaları (Research of Eastern Anatolia Region), 2 (2): 48-54.
  • Ayaz F. A., Kadıoglu A. 1996. The Effect of Heavy Metals on the Isoenzymes of Amylase and peroxidase during Germination of Lentil (Lens esculanta L.) Seeds,Tr. J. Botany, 20: 503-506.
  • De Flora S., Bennicelli C., Bagnasco M. 1994. Genotoxicity of Mercury Compounds. A Review, Mutat Res., 317: 57-79.
  • Klasterska I., Natarajan A. T., Ramel C. 1976. An Interperation of the Origin of Subchromatid Aberrations and Chromosome Stickiness as a Catogory of Chromatid Aberrations, Hereditas, 83: 153-162.
  • Nandi S. 1985. Studies on the Cytogenetic Effect of Some Mercuric Fungicides, Cytologica, 50: 921-926.
Toplam 25 adet kaynakça vardır.


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Osman Gedik Bu kişi benim

Neslihan Taşar Bu kişi benim

Yaşar Kıran Bu kişi benim

Yayımlanma Tarihi 1 Aralık 2013
Gönderilme Tarihi 5 Ocak 2015
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2013 Cilt: 2 Sayı: 2

Kaynak Göster

IEEE O. Gedik, N. Taşar, ve Y. Kıran, “Cıva’nın Allium sativum’ un Kök Ucu Hücreleri Üzerindeki Mitotik Etkileri”, Bitlis Eren Üniversitesi Fen Bilimleri Dergisi, c. 2, sy. 2, ss. 135–140, 2013.

Bitlis Eren Üniversitesi
Fen Bilimleri Dergisi Editörlüğü

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