Environmental Problems in Mining Quarries and Theoretical and Practical Comparison of Dust Emissions
Year 2024,
Volume: 13 Issue: 4, 1205 - 1215, 31.12.2024
Volkan Seren
Ahmet Kılıç
This study reveals that the development of the country is only possible through meticulous analysis of regional potentials and sustainable use of natural resources.
The aim of this study is to evaluate the environmental impacts arising from the site selection of mining operations and to put forward the necessary measures for the efficient and controlled use of natural resources within the scope of sustainable development. In this context, the importance of factors such as expropriation, topography, environmental conditions and energy and water access in the site selection of mines is emphasized.
In the study, the AERMOD model developed by the United States Environmental Protection Agency for air quality modeling was used to estimate the environmental impacts of dust emissions that may occur during mining activities. In the modeling process, data on pollutant sources such as mass flow rate, source height and gas outflow rate were combined with meteorological data and calculated according to the Regulation on the Control of Industrial Air Pollution. In addition, in-plant PM10 measurements were performed and analyzed by gravimetric method.
As a result, the modeling studies and the data obtained serve as a basis for the environmental permitting process of the facilities that will be put into operation and provide guidance to decision makers for air quality management. The study also emphasizes the importance of assessing the cumulative air quality impacts of existing facilities and demonstrates that verifying these impacts with reliable laboratory studies will contribute to sustainable development targets.
Ethical Statement
The study is complied with research and publication ethics.
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Year 2024,
Volume: 13 Issue: 4, 1205 - 1215, 31.12.2024
Volkan Seren
Ahmet Kılıç
- [1] J. İbadullayeva, K. Jumaniyazova, S. Azimzadeh, S. Canıgür, and F. Esen, “Effects of Environmental Pollution on Human Health,” Turkish Medical Students Research Journal, vol. 1, no. 3, pp. 52–58, 2019.
- [2] D. Gülcan, “An Ideological Debate on the Role of the State in the Ecological Crisis,” Journal of International Relations, vol. 15, no. 59, pp. 49–63, 2018.
- [3] A. Celik et al., SMEs in the Face of New Strategies. Kahramanmaraş: T.S.O. Publication, 1997.
- [4] M. Yücel, “Questioning the Necessity of the EIA-Regulation,” in Kuşadası Landscape Values, 2018, pp. 205–224.
- [5] UNDP and REC, “A Guide to Strategic Environmental Assessment,” Tbilisi, 2006, pp. 1–7.
- [6] OECD, “Applying Strategic Environmental Assessment,” OECD Publishing, 2006.
- [7] Ministry of Environment and Forestry, “Environmental Impact Assessment,” General Directorate of Environmental Impact Assessment and Planning, Accessed: Jul. 28, 2009. [Online]. Available: http://www.cedgm.gov.tr/ced.htm
- [8] R. Keleş and C. Hamamcı, Environmental Policy, 5th ed. Ankara: İmge Kitabevi, 2005.
- [9] Regional Environmental Center (REC), Sustainable Production and Consumption Publications-II, Temiz Üretim, 2011.
- [10] [Online]. Available: https://www.surdurulebiliruretim.com/madencilikte-sorumlu-uretim-surdurulebilir-gelecek/
- [11] S. A. Silvester, I. S. Lowndes, and D. M. Hargreaves, “A computational study of particulate emissions from an open-pit quarry under neutral atmospheric conditions,” Atmospheric Environment, vol. 43, pp. 6415–6424, 2009.
- [12] H. Ceylan, “Marble Mining and Environmental Law,” CBU Soma Vocational School Journal of Technical Sciences, vol. 1, no. 9, 2008.
- [13] Ministry of Energy and Natural Resources, General Directorate of Mining and Petroleum Affairs (MEPEG), 2024. [Online]. Available: https://www.mapeg.gov.tr/Sayfa/Madenistatistik
- [14] Y. Cındık and C. Acar, “Rehabilitation of Quarries to Finished Re-Gaining Activity and The Nature,” Artvin Çoruh University Faculty of Forestry Journal, vol. 11, no. 1, pp. 11–18, 2010.
- [15] İ. H. Hatipoğlu, S. K. Kısakürek, H. Doygun, and M. Gözcü, “The Effects of Open-Pit Mining on Natural and Cultural Landscapes,” in National Symposium on Marble and Quarry Repair Techniques, Sep. 18–20, 2014, Isparta, Turkey.
- [16] R. V. Ramani, “Environmental Planning for Surface Mining Coal,” in Environmental Consequences of Energy Production Problems and Prospects, The Pennsylvania Academy of Science, USA, 1987.
- [17] E. Kahraman and A. M. Kılıç, “Occupational Health and Safety Measures in Drilling and Blasting Operations in Mines,” in 1st International Mediterranean Science and Engineering Congress, Oct. 26–28, 2016, Adana, Turkey.
- [18] E. Missanjo, E. Ndalama, D. Sikelo, and G. Kamanga-Thole, “Quarry Dust Emission Effects on Tree Species Diversity in Chongoni Forest Reserve and Vegetation Characteristics in Adjacent Villages,” 2015.
- [19] Anonim, “Regulation on Control of Industrial Air Pollution,” Official Gazette, Jul. 3, 2009, no. 27277.
- [20] K. Alp and O. Tünay, Air Pollution Control, Istanbul Chamber of Commerce Publication, Istanbul, 1996, pp. 31–40.
- [21] N. Özkurt, “Research on Air Quality Modeling in Rural Areas (Çan-Bayramiç Region Example),” Ph.D. dissertation, GYTE, Institute of Science and Technology, 2011, pp. 36–40.
- [22] [Online]. Available: https://cygm.csb.gov.tr/hkd---genel-bilgiler-i-81545
- [23] A. Atımtay, “Air Pollution Modeling and Modeling Techniques,” Chamber of Environmental Engineers Training Seminar Notes, 2011, pp. 48–49.
- [24] E. J. G. Silva, T. Tirabassi, M. T. Vilhena, D. Buske, and R. S. Quadros, “Solution of the Puff Model for Pollutant Dispersion in the Atmospheric Boundary Layer by the Giltt Method,” in 22nd International Congress of Mechanical Engineering, Nov. 3–7, 2013, Brazil, pp. 10384–10391.
- [25] A. Mori, “Integration of Plume and Puff Diffusion Models/Application of CFD,” Atmospheric Environment, vol. 34, pp. 45–49, 2000.
- [26] EPA, “User’s Guide for AERMOD Meteorological Processor (AERMET),” EPA-454/B-19-028, 2019.
- [27] “Regulation on Control of Industrial Air Pollution,” Official Gazette, Jul. 3, 2009, no. 27277. (Amended: Apr. 13, 2012, no. 28263).
- [28] British Columbia Ministry of Environment, Environmental Protection Division, “Guidelines for Air Quality Dispersion Modelling in British Columbia.” [Online]. Available: http://www.env.bc.ca/air/ airquality/pdfs/aq_disp_model_06.pdf. Accessed: Apr. 25, 2008.
- [29] [Online]. Available: https://www.aem.com.tr/aermod-ile-hava-kalitesi-modelleme/
- [30] N. B. R. Monteito and E. Aparecida da Silva, “Environmental Licensing in Brazilian’s Crushed Stone Industries,” Environmental Impact Assessment Review, vol. 71, pp. 49–59, 2018.
- [31] [Online]. Available: https://webdosya.csb.gov.tr/db/ced/icerikler/hava-kalitesi-dagilim-modeli-kilavuzu-firmalar 20180319135859.pdf
- [32] B. Demirel and S. Akduman, “AERMOD Modeli ile Maden Ocaklarındaki Toz Emisyonlarının Değerlendirilmesi,” Hava Kirliliği Kontrolü Dergisi, vol. 45, no. 3, pp. 123–132, 2019.
- [33] M. Koçak and D. Çetin, “Maden Saha Emisyonlarının Modelleme ve Ölçüm Sonuçlarının Karşılaştırılması,” Çevre Bilimleri Dergisi, vol. 12, no. 1, pp. 56–67, 2020.
- [34] S. Yılmaz and A. Kara, “Kontrollü ve Kontrolsüz Toz Modellemesi ile Toz Emisyonlarının Karşılaştırılması,” Maden Mühendisliği Dergisi, vol. 24, no. 2, pp. 95–105, 2018.