Araştırma Makalesi
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Yıl 2021, Cilt: 4 Sayı: 3, 137 - 149, 30.09.2021



  • [1] T.L. Saaty, The analytical hierarchy process, planning, priority. Resource Allocation. RWS Publications, USA, 1980.
  • [2] F. Tuysuz, C. Kahraman, Project risk evaluation using a fuzzy analytic hierarchy process: an application to information technology projects, Int. J. Intell. Syst. 21(6), (2006), 559–584.
  • [3] A. Delivorias, N. Scholz, Economic impact of epidemics and pandemics, European Parliamentary Research Service. (2020) htt ps : // N.pd f
  • [4] S. Yu, X. Liu, Strain of life under lockdown sparks divorce surge in China, Financial Times, 04.04.2020, Beijing.
  • [5] L. Hawryluck, W.L. Gold, S. Robinson, S. Pogorski, S. Galea, R. Styra, SARS control and psychological effects of quarantine, Toronto, Canada. Emerging Infectious Diseases, 10(7), (2004) 1206–1212.
  • [6] A.D. Cliff, M.R. Smallman-Raynor, Quarantine: Spatial Strategies, In A. D. Cliff, M. R. Smallman-Raynor (Eds.), Oxford Textbook of Infectious Disease Control: A Geographical Analysis from Medieval Quarantine to Global Eradication, 2013, (pp.64-97). Oxford: Oxford University Press.
  • [7] L. Lima, M.S. Lemos, How children made sense of the flu pandemic, In M. Deng, F. Raia, & M. M. Vaccarella (Eds.), Relational Concepts in Medicine, 2011, (pp. 181-191). Oxfordshire, United Kingdom: Inter-disciplinary Press.
  • [8] B. Pfefferbaum,, J.B. Houston, C.S. North, J.L. Regens, Child reactions to disasters and the factors that influence their response, The Prevention Researcher, 15, (2008), 3–6.
  • [9] L. Vygotsky, Thought and language, In Studies in communication. (E. Hanfmann & G. Vakar, Eds.). Cambridge: MIT Press, 1962.
  • [10] J.B. Houston, J. First, M.L. Spialek, M.E. Sorenson, M. Koch, Public disaster communication and child and family disaster mental health: A review of theoretical frameworks and empirical evidence, Current Psychiatry Reports, 18, (2016), 1–9.
  • [11] British Association of Social Workers. Voices of 1200 social workers through BASW Covid-19 survey set agenda for safety and effective practice during pandemic. through-basw-covid-19-survey-set-agenda-safety-and (Date of access: 04.04.2020).
  • [12] Markel, H. (2020, January 27). Will the Largest Quarantine in History Just Make Things Worse? The New York Times, 27.01.2020. google1tap (Date of access: 04.04.2020)
  • [13] A. Bish, S. Michie, Demographic and attitudinal determinants of protective behaviours during a pandemic: a review, Br J Health Psychol, 15, (2010), 797-824.
  • [14] Gul M, Application of Pythagorean fuzzy AHP and VIKOR methods in occupational health and safety risk assessment: the case of a gun and rifle barrel external surface oxidation and colouring unit, Int. J. Occup. Saf. Ergon., 26(4), (2020), 705–718, DOI: 10.1080/10803548.2018.1492251
  • [15] E. Ilkbahar, A. Karasan, S. Cebi, C. Kahraman, A novel approach to risk assessment for occupational health and safety using Pythagorean fuzzy AHP & fuzzy inference system, Safety Science 103, (2018), 124–136. DOI: 10.1016/j.ssci.2017.10.025
  • [16] A. Karasan, E. Ilkbahar, S. Cebi, C. Kahraman, A new risk assessment approach: Safety and Critical Effect Analysis (SCEA) and its extension with Pythagorean fuzzy sets, Safety Science, 108, (2018), 173–187, DOI: 10.1016/j.ssci.2018.04.031
  • [17] R.Y.M. Li, K.W. Chau, F.F. Zeng, Ranking of Risks for Existing and New Building Works, Sustainability, 11, (2019), 2863, DOI:10.3390/su11102863 [18] S. Mahmudova, Z. Jabrailova, Development of an algorithm using the AHP method for selecting software according to its functionality, Soft Computing, 44, (2020), 8495–8502, DOI:10.1007/s00500-020-04902-y
  • [19] S. Mete, Assessing occupational risks in pipeline construction using FMEA based AHP-MOORA integrated ap- proach under Pythagorean fuzzy environment, Human.Ecol. Risk Assess.Int. J., 25(7), (2019), 1645–1660, DOI: 10.1080/10807039.2018.1546115.
  • [20] M. Yucesan, G. Kahraman, Risk evaluation and prevention in hydropower plant operations: A model based on Pythagorean fuzzy AHP, Energy Policy, 126, (2019), 343–351, DOI:10.1016/j.enpol.2018.11.039
  • [21] S. Zhang, B. Sun, L. Yan, C. Wang, Risk identification on hydropower project using the IAHP and extension of TOPSIS methods under interval-valued fuzzy environment, Nat. Hazards, 65(1), (2013), 359–373.
  • [22] X.L. Zhang, Z.S. Xu, Extension of TOPSIS to multi-criteria decision making with Pythagorean fuzzy sets, Int. J. Intell. Syst., 29, (2014), 1061—1078.
  • [23] J. Ye, Pediatric mental and behavioral health in the period of quarantine and social distancing (COVID-19), JMIR Pediatr. Parent., 3, (2020), e19867, DOI: 10.2196/19867
  • [24] K.S. Saurabh, S. Ranjan, Compliance and Psychological Impact of Quarantine in Children and Adolescents due to Covid-19 Pandemic, The Indian Journal of Pediatrics, 87(7), (2020), 532–536, DOI: 10.1007/s12098-020-03347-3
  • [25] S.K. Brooks, R.K. Webster, L.E. Smith, L. Woodland, S. Wessely, N. Greenberg, G.J. Rubin, The psychological impact of quarantine and how to reduce it: rapid review of the evidence, The Lancet, Volume 395, (2020), 912–920, DOI: 10.1016/S0140-6736(20)30460-8
  • [26] W.Y. Jiao, L.N. Wang, J. Liu, S.F. Fang, F.Y. Jiao, M. Pettoello-Mantovani, E. Somekh, Behavioral and emo- tional disorders in children during the COVID-19 epidemic, The Journal of Pediatrics, 221, (2020), 264–266.e1, DOI:10.1016/j.jpeds.2020.03.013
  • [27] P. Green P, Risks to children and young people during COVID-19 pandemic, BMJ, 369, (2020), m1669.
  • [28] D.L. King, P.H. Delfabbro, J. Billieux, M.N. Potenza, Problematic online gaming and the COVID-19 pandemic, J Behav Addict., 2020 April 29 [Epub ahead of print].
  • [29] J.J. Liu, Y. Bao, X. Huang, J. Shi, L. Lu, Mental health considerations for children quarantined because of COVID-19, Lancet Child Adolesc Health. 4, (2020), 347–349.
  • [30] D.L. Oh, P. Jerman, S. Silve ́rio Marques S, et al. Systematic review of pediatric health outcomes associated with childhood adversity, BMC Pediatr., 18, (2018), 83.
  • [31] S.K.B. Purewal, V. Au, K. Koita, et al., Ameliorating the biological impacts of childhood adversity: a review of intervention programs, Child Abuse Negl., 81, (2018), 82–105.
  • [32] D. Karabulut, T. Bekler, Effects of Natural Disasters on Children and Adolescents, Artvin C ̧ oruh University Journal of Natural Hazards and Environment, 5 (2019), 368–376.
  • [33] L. A. Zadeh, Fuzzy sets, Inf. Comp. 8, (1965), 338–353.
  • [34] K. Atanassov, Intuitionistic fuzzy sets, Fuzzy Sets Syst., 20, (1986), 87–96.
  • [35] R. R. Yager, Pythagorean fuzzy subsets, In: Proc Joint IFSA World Congress and NAFIPS Annual M eeting, Edmonton, Canada; (2013), 57—61.
  • [36] R. R. Yager, Pythagorean membership grades in multicriteria decision making IEEE Trans Fuzzy Syst., 22, (2014), 958—965.
  • [37] F. Smarandache, Neutrosophic Set is a Generalization of Intuitionistic Fuzzy Set, Inconsistent Intuitionistic Fuzzy Set (Picture Fuzzy Set, Ternary Fuzzy Set), Pythagorean Fuzzy Set (Atanassov’s Intuitionistic Fuzzy Set of second type), q-Rung Orthopair Fuzzy Set, Spherical Fuzzy Set, and n-HyperSpherical Fuzzy Set, while Neutrosophication is a Generalization of Regret Theory, Grey System Theory, and Three-Ways Decision (revisited) Journal of New Theory 29, (2019), 01–31.
  • [38] R. R. Yager, A. M. Abbasov, Pythagorean membership grades, complex numbers, and decision makin, Int J Intell Syst. 28, (2013), 436-–452.
  • [39] W.R.W. Mohd, L. Abdullah, Pythagorean fuzzy analytic hierarchy process to multi-criteria decision-making, AIP Confer- ence Proceedings, 1905, (2017). DOI: 10.1063/1.5012208
  • [40] R. Bonita, R. Beaglehole, T. Kjellstro ̈m, Basic Epidemiology (2nd edition). Geneva: World Health Organization, 2006.

Risk Assessment of Cognitive and Behavioral Development of Early Childhood Children in Quarantine Days: An AHP Approach

Yıl 2021, Cilt: 4 Sayı: 3, 137 - 149, 30.09.2021


The world is faced with disasters caused by natural or human effects from time to time. The various political, economic, health, and social consequences of these disasters affect people for different periods of time. In natural disasters and especially in epidemic diseases, some measures are taken to protect people from the negative effects of the situation. One of the measures that can be taken is quarantine. The target audience of this study is children aged 5-6 in early childhood. Children of this age group are in the process of gaining skills in expressing their feelings during this period. In addition, the emotional responses of these children can be noticed by a careful observer or even an expert. The aim of the paper is to evaluate the risks of the impacts of quarantine status related to the COVID-19 pandemic on the cognition and behavior of children staying at home. Risks of the quarantine process in children in early childhood were evaluated using the Pythagorean fuzzy AHP method.


  • [1] T.L. Saaty, The analytical hierarchy process, planning, priority. Resource Allocation. RWS Publications, USA, 1980.
  • [2] F. Tuysuz, C. Kahraman, Project risk evaluation using a fuzzy analytic hierarchy process: an application to information technology projects, Int. J. Intell. Syst. 21(6), (2006), 559–584.
  • [3] A. Delivorias, N. Scholz, Economic impact of epidemics and pandemics, European Parliamentary Research Service. (2020) htt ps : // N.pd f
  • [4] S. Yu, X. Liu, Strain of life under lockdown sparks divorce surge in China, Financial Times, 04.04.2020, Beijing.
  • [5] L. Hawryluck, W.L. Gold, S. Robinson, S. Pogorski, S. Galea, R. Styra, SARS control and psychological effects of quarantine, Toronto, Canada. Emerging Infectious Diseases, 10(7), (2004) 1206–1212.
  • [6] A.D. Cliff, M.R. Smallman-Raynor, Quarantine: Spatial Strategies, In A. D. Cliff, M. R. Smallman-Raynor (Eds.), Oxford Textbook of Infectious Disease Control: A Geographical Analysis from Medieval Quarantine to Global Eradication, 2013, (pp.64-97). Oxford: Oxford University Press.
  • [7] L. Lima, M.S. Lemos, How children made sense of the flu pandemic, In M. Deng, F. Raia, & M. M. Vaccarella (Eds.), Relational Concepts in Medicine, 2011, (pp. 181-191). Oxfordshire, United Kingdom: Inter-disciplinary Press.
  • [8] B. Pfefferbaum,, J.B. Houston, C.S. North, J.L. Regens, Child reactions to disasters and the factors that influence their response, The Prevention Researcher, 15, (2008), 3–6.
  • [9] L. Vygotsky, Thought and language, In Studies in communication. (E. Hanfmann & G. Vakar, Eds.). Cambridge: MIT Press, 1962.
  • [10] J.B. Houston, J. First, M.L. Spialek, M.E. Sorenson, M. Koch, Public disaster communication and child and family disaster mental health: A review of theoretical frameworks and empirical evidence, Current Psychiatry Reports, 18, (2016), 1–9.
  • [11] British Association of Social Workers. Voices of 1200 social workers through BASW Covid-19 survey set agenda for safety and effective practice during pandemic. through-basw-covid-19-survey-set-agenda-safety-and (Date of access: 04.04.2020).
  • [12] Markel, H. (2020, January 27). Will the Largest Quarantine in History Just Make Things Worse? The New York Times, 27.01.2020. google1tap (Date of access: 04.04.2020)
  • [13] A. Bish, S. Michie, Demographic and attitudinal determinants of protective behaviours during a pandemic: a review, Br J Health Psychol, 15, (2010), 797-824.
  • [14] Gul M, Application of Pythagorean fuzzy AHP and VIKOR methods in occupational health and safety risk assessment: the case of a gun and rifle barrel external surface oxidation and colouring unit, Int. J. Occup. Saf. Ergon., 26(4), (2020), 705–718, DOI: 10.1080/10803548.2018.1492251
  • [15] E. Ilkbahar, A. Karasan, S. Cebi, C. Kahraman, A novel approach to risk assessment for occupational health and safety using Pythagorean fuzzy AHP & fuzzy inference system, Safety Science 103, (2018), 124–136. DOI: 10.1016/j.ssci.2017.10.025
  • [16] A. Karasan, E. Ilkbahar, S. Cebi, C. Kahraman, A new risk assessment approach: Safety and Critical Effect Analysis (SCEA) and its extension with Pythagorean fuzzy sets, Safety Science, 108, (2018), 173–187, DOI: 10.1016/j.ssci.2018.04.031
  • [17] R.Y.M. Li, K.W. Chau, F.F. Zeng, Ranking of Risks for Existing and New Building Works, Sustainability, 11, (2019), 2863, DOI:10.3390/su11102863 [18] S. Mahmudova, Z. Jabrailova, Development of an algorithm using the AHP method for selecting software according to its functionality, Soft Computing, 44, (2020), 8495–8502, DOI:10.1007/s00500-020-04902-y
  • [19] S. Mete, Assessing occupational risks in pipeline construction using FMEA based AHP-MOORA integrated ap- proach under Pythagorean fuzzy environment, Human.Ecol. Risk Assess.Int. J., 25(7), (2019), 1645–1660, DOI: 10.1080/10807039.2018.1546115.
  • [20] M. Yucesan, G. Kahraman, Risk evaluation and prevention in hydropower plant operations: A model based on Pythagorean fuzzy AHP, Energy Policy, 126, (2019), 343–351, DOI:10.1016/j.enpol.2018.11.039
  • [21] S. Zhang, B. Sun, L. Yan, C. Wang, Risk identification on hydropower project using the IAHP and extension of TOPSIS methods under interval-valued fuzzy environment, Nat. Hazards, 65(1), (2013), 359–373.
  • [22] X.L. Zhang, Z.S. Xu, Extension of TOPSIS to multi-criteria decision making with Pythagorean fuzzy sets, Int. J. Intell. Syst., 29, (2014), 1061—1078.
  • [23] J. Ye, Pediatric mental and behavioral health in the period of quarantine and social distancing (COVID-19), JMIR Pediatr. Parent., 3, (2020), e19867, DOI: 10.2196/19867
  • [24] K.S. Saurabh, S. Ranjan, Compliance and Psychological Impact of Quarantine in Children and Adolescents due to Covid-19 Pandemic, The Indian Journal of Pediatrics, 87(7), (2020), 532–536, DOI: 10.1007/s12098-020-03347-3
  • [25] S.K. Brooks, R.K. Webster, L.E. Smith, L. Woodland, S. Wessely, N. Greenberg, G.J. Rubin, The psychological impact of quarantine and how to reduce it: rapid review of the evidence, The Lancet, Volume 395, (2020), 912–920, DOI: 10.1016/S0140-6736(20)30460-8
  • [26] W.Y. Jiao, L.N. Wang, J. Liu, S.F. Fang, F.Y. Jiao, M. Pettoello-Mantovani, E. Somekh, Behavioral and emo- tional disorders in children during the COVID-19 epidemic, The Journal of Pediatrics, 221, (2020), 264–266.e1, DOI:10.1016/j.jpeds.2020.03.013
  • [27] P. Green P, Risks to children and young people during COVID-19 pandemic, BMJ, 369, (2020), m1669.
  • [28] D.L. King, P.H. Delfabbro, J. Billieux, M.N. Potenza, Problematic online gaming and the COVID-19 pandemic, J Behav Addict., 2020 April 29 [Epub ahead of print].
  • [29] J.J. Liu, Y. Bao, X. Huang, J. Shi, L. Lu, Mental health considerations for children quarantined because of COVID-19, Lancet Child Adolesc Health. 4, (2020), 347–349.
  • [30] D.L. Oh, P. Jerman, S. Silve ́rio Marques S, et al. Systematic review of pediatric health outcomes associated with childhood adversity, BMC Pediatr., 18, (2018), 83.
  • [31] S.K.B. Purewal, V. Au, K. Koita, et al., Ameliorating the biological impacts of childhood adversity: a review of intervention programs, Child Abuse Negl., 81, (2018), 82–105.
  • [32] D. Karabulut, T. Bekler, Effects of Natural Disasters on Children and Adolescents, Artvin C ̧ oruh University Journal of Natural Hazards and Environment, 5 (2019), 368–376.
  • [33] L. A. Zadeh, Fuzzy sets, Inf. Comp. 8, (1965), 338–353.
  • [34] K. Atanassov, Intuitionistic fuzzy sets, Fuzzy Sets Syst., 20, (1986), 87–96.
  • [35] R. R. Yager, Pythagorean fuzzy subsets, In: Proc Joint IFSA World Congress and NAFIPS Annual M eeting, Edmonton, Canada; (2013), 57—61.
  • [36] R. R. Yager, Pythagorean membership grades in multicriteria decision making IEEE Trans Fuzzy Syst., 22, (2014), 958—965.
  • [37] F. Smarandache, Neutrosophic Set is a Generalization of Intuitionistic Fuzzy Set, Inconsistent Intuitionistic Fuzzy Set (Picture Fuzzy Set, Ternary Fuzzy Set), Pythagorean Fuzzy Set (Atanassov’s Intuitionistic Fuzzy Set of second type), q-Rung Orthopair Fuzzy Set, Spherical Fuzzy Set, and n-HyperSpherical Fuzzy Set, while Neutrosophication is a Generalization of Regret Theory, Grey System Theory, and Three-Ways Decision (revisited) Journal of New Theory 29, (2019), 01–31.
  • [38] R. R. Yager, A. M. Abbasov, Pythagorean membership grades, complex numbers, and decision makin, Int J Intell Syst. 28, (2013), 436-–452.
  • [39] W.R.W. Mohd, L. Abdullah, Pythagorean fuzzy analytic hierarchy process to multi-criteria decision-making, AIP Confer- ence Proceedings, 1905, (2017). DOI: 10.1063/1.5012208
  • [40] R. Bonita, R. Beaglehole, T. Kjellstro ̈m, Basic Epidemiology (2nd edition). Geneva: World Health Organization, 2006.
Toplam 39 adet kaynakça vardır.


Birincil Dil İngilizce
Konular Matematik
Bölüm Makaleler

Murat Kirisci

Nihat Topaç

Musa Bardak 0000-0001-5585-8002

İbrahim Demir 0000-0002-2734-4116

Yayımlanma Tarihi 30 Eylül 2021
Gönderilme Tarihi 1 Ağustos 2021
Kabul Tarihi 31 Ağustos 2021
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2021 Cilt: 4 Sayı: 3

Kaynak Göster

APA Kirisci, M., Topaç, N., Bardak, M., Demir, İ. (2021). Risk Assessment of Cognitive and Behavioral Development of Early Childhood Children in Quarantine Days: An AHP Approach. Communications in Advanced Mathematical Sciences, 4(3), 137-149.
AMA Kirisci M, Topaç N, Bardak M, Demir İ. Risk Assessment of Cognitive and Behavioral Development of Early Childhood Children in Quarantine Days: An AHP Approach. Communications in Advanced Mathematical Sciences. Eylül 2021;4(3):137-149. doi:10.33434/cams.977437
Chicago Kirisci, Murat, Nihat Topaç, Musa Bardak, ve İbrahim Demir. “Risk Assessment of Cognitive and Behavioral Development of Early Childhood Children in Quarantine Days: An AHP Approach”. Communications in Advanced Mathematical Sciences 4, sy. 3 (Eylül 2021): 137-49.
EndNote Kirisci M, Topaç N, Bardak M, Demir İ (01 Eylül 2021) Risk Assessment of Cognitive and Behavioral Development of Early Childhood Children in Quarantine Days: An AHP Approach. Communications in Advanced Mathematical Sciences 4 3 137–149.
IEEE M. Kirisci, N. Topaç, M. Bardak, ve İ. Demir, “Risk Assessment of Cognitive and Behavioral Development of Early Childhood Children in Quarantine Days: An AHP Approach”, Communications in Advanced Mathematical Sciences, c. 4, sy. 3, ss. 137–149, 2021, doi: 10.33434/cams.977437.
ISNAD Kirisci, Murat vd. “Risk Assessment of Cognitive and Behavioral Development of Early Childhood Children in Quarantine Days: An AHP Approach”. Communications in Advanced Mathematical Sciences 4/3 (Eylül 2021), 137-149.
JAMA Kirisci M, Topaç N, Bardak M, Demir İ. Risk Assessment of Cognitive and Behavioral Development of Early Childhood Children in Quarantine Days: An AHP Approach. Communications in Advanced Mathematical Sciences. 2021;4:137–149.
MLA Kirisci, Murat vd. “Risk Assessment of Cognitive and Behavioral Development of Early Childhood Children in Quarantine Days: An AHP Approach”. Communications in Advanced Mathematical Sciences, c. 4, sy. 3, 2021, ss. 137-49, doi:10.33434/cams.977437.
Vancouver Kirisci M, Topaç N, Bardak M, Demir İ. Risk Assessment of Cognitive and Behavioral Development of Early Childhood Children in Quarantine Days: An AHP Approach. Communications in Advanced Mathematical Sciences. 2021;4(3):137-49.

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