There are 4 main stages in the evaluation of an article submitted to Çankaya University Journal of Science and Engineering.
1. Pre-Evaluation Process
A Field Editor/Editor is assigned to the article based on the subject area. This Field Editor/Editor performs a pre-evaluation of the article submitted by the author in accordance with the "Aim and Scope" and "Publication Policies" of the journal. Articles are also checked for similarity using iThenticate software. Then, at least two referees are assigned for each article if they pass pre-review process.
2.Evaluation by the Referees
The referees evaluate the scientific content of the article in a double-blind review process and provide a detailed referee report to the field editor/editor.
3.Final Decision Process
In accordance with the evaluations made by the referees, the Field Editor/editor recommends a publication decision such as “accept”, “minor revisions”, “major revisions” or “reject” together with an evaluation report. Based on this recommendation, the Editor-in-Chief performs the final acceptance decision and sends the decision letter to the authors.
Note that revised articles follow the same procedure.
4. Accepted Papers
Accepted papers will be sent for English proofreading and final editing for layout. A final proof will be provided to the authors for verification. After these steps are completed, the papers will be published online in one of the forthcoming issues of the journal.
Upon acceptance of an article for publication, the author(s) are requested to assign copyright to the publisher using the following copyright transfer form.