Etik İlkeler ve Yayın Politikası

The journal observes the highest standards in research ethics and adopts the international principles of research ethics defined below. It is the responsibility of the authors to ensure that the articles comply with ethical rules.
-The principles of integrity, quality and transparency must be ensured in designing the research, reviewing the design and conducting the research.
- The research team and participants, the purpose of the research, its methods and potential anticipated uses; They should be fully informed about the requirements and, if any, risks of participating in the study.
-Confidentiality of information provided by research participants and confidentiality of respondents must be ensured. Research should be designed to protect the autonomy and dignity of participants.
-Research participants must take part in the research voluntarily and must not be under any pressure.
-Harm to participants should be avoided. The research should be planned in a way that does not put participants at risk.
-There should be clarity regarding research independence; If there is a conflict of interest, it should be stated.
-In experimental studies, written informed consent must be obtained from participants who decide to participate in the research. The consent of the legal guardian of children and those under guardianship or with a certified mental illness must be obtained.
-If the study will be carried out in any institution or organization, approval must be obtained from this institution or organization.
-In studies involving a human element, it should be stated in the "method" section that "informed consent" was obtained from the participants and ethics committee approval was obtained from the institution where the study was conducted.

Son Güncelleme Zamanı: 24.07.2024 15:31:53