Lossless Image Encryption using Robust Chaos-based Dynamic DNA Coding, XORing and Complementing
Year 2023,
, 178 - 187, 30.11.2023
Vinod Patidar
Gurpreet Kaur
In this paper, we present a lossless image encryption algorithm utilizing robust chaos based dynamic DNA coding and DNA operations (DNA XOR and DNA Complement). The entire process of encryption is controlled by the pseudo-random number sequences generated through a 1D robust chaos map that exhibits chaotic behaviour in a very large region of parameter space with no apparent periodic window and therefore possesses a fairly large key space. Due to peculiar feed-forward and feedback mechanisms, which modify the synthetic image (created to initiate the encryption process) at the encryption of each pixel, the proposed algorithm possesses extreme sensitivity to the plain image, cipher image and secret key. The performance analysis proves that the proposed algorithm exhibits excellent features (as expected from ideal image encryption algorithms) and is robust against various statistical and cryptanalytic attacks.
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Year 2023,
, 178 - 187, 30.11.2023
Vinod Patidar
Gurpreet Kaur
- Adleman, L. M., 1994 Molecular computation of solutions to combinatorial
problems. science 266: 1021–1024.
- Andrecut, M. and M. Ali, 2001 Robust chaos in smooth unimodal
maps. Physical Review E 64: 025203.
- Chai, X., X. Fu, Z. Gan, Y. Lu, and Y. Chen, 2019 A color image cryptosystem
based on dynamic dna encryption and chaos. Signal
Processing 155: 44–62.
- Dagadu, J. C., J. Li, E. O. Aboagye, and F. K. Deynu, 2019 Medical
image encryption scheme based on multiple chaos and dna
coding. Int. J. Netw. Secur. 21: 83–90.
- Gehani, A., T. LaBean, and J. Reif, 2004 Dna-based cryptography.
Aspects of molecular computing: essays dedicated to tom head,
on the occasion of his 70th birthday pp. 167–188.
- Hennelly, B. M. and J. T. Sheridan, 2003 Image encryption and the
fractional fourier transform. Optik 114: 251–265.
- Kaur, G., R. Agarwal, and V. Patidar, 2022a Color image encryption
scheme based on fractional hartley transform and chaotic
substitution–permutation. The Visual Computer 38: 1027–1050.
- Kaur, G., R. Agarwal, and V. Patidar, 2022b Image encryption
using fractional integral transforms: Vulnerabilities, threats, and
future scope. Frontiers in Applied Mathematics and Statistics 8:
- Patidar, V., 2022 Development of new designs of secure image
encryption schemes utilizing robust chaos & discrete fractional
transforms. SERB India MATRICS Project Completion Report,
SERB/MTR/2018/000203 .
- Patidar, V. and G. Kaur, 2023 A novel conservative chaos driven
dynamic dna coding for image encryption. Frontiers in Applied
Mathematics and Statistics 8: 1100839.
- Patidar, V., N. Pareek, G. Purohit, and K. Sud, 2011 A robust and
secure chaotic standard map based pseudorandom permutationsubstitution
scheme for image encryption. Optics communications
284: 4331–4339.
- Shannon, C. E., 1949 Communication theory of secrecy systems.
The Bell system technical journal 28: 656–715.
- Teh, J. S., M. Alawida, and Y. C. Sii, 2020 Implementation and practical
problems of chaos-based cryptography revisited. Journal of
Information Security and Applications 50: 102421.
- Wang, X., Y. Wang, X. Zhu, and C. Luo, 2020 A novel chaotic
algorithm for image encryption utilizing one-time pad based on
pixel level and dna level. Optics and Lasers in Engineering 125:
- Wang, X.-Y., Y.-Q. Zhang, and X.-M. Bao, 2015 A novel chaotic
image encryption scheme using dna sequence operations. Optics
and Lasers in Engineering 73: 53–61.
- Wu, Y., J. P. Noonan, S. Agaian, et al., 2011 Npcr and uaci randomness
tests for image encryption. Cyber journals: multidisciplinary
journals in science and technology, Journal of Selected
Areas in Telecommunications (JSAT) 1: 31–38.
- Xiao, G., M. Lu, L. Qin, and X. Lai, 2006 New field of cryptography:
Dna cryptography. Chinese Science Bulletin 51: 1413–1420.
- Xue, X., D. Zhou, and C. Zhou, 2020 New insights into the existing
image encryption algorithms based on dna coding. Plos one 15:
- Zeraoulia, E., 2012 Robust chaos and its applications, volume 79.
World Scientific.
- Zhang, J., D. Fang, and H. Ren, 2014 Image encryption algorithm
based on dna encoding and chaotic maps. Mathematical Problems
in Engineering 2014: 1–10.