Monitoring Blood Pressure Variability via Chaotic Global Metrics using Local Field Potential Oscillations
Year 2023,
, 65 - 77, 31.07.2023
David Garner
Shouyan Wang
Ashley Raghu
Vitor Valenti
Tipu Aziz
Alexander Green
The intention was to associate blood pressure (BP) variability (BPV) measurements to Local field potentials (LFPs). Thus, assessing how LFPs can co-vary with BPV to permit implantable brain devices (via LFPs) to control output. Elevated BPV is a considerable cardiovascular disease risk factor. Often patients are resistant to pharmacotherapies. An alternative treatment is Deep Brain Stimulation (DBS). Mathematical techniques based on nonlinear dynamics assessed their correlation of BPV chaotic global metrics to LFPs. Chaos Forward Parameter (CFP6) was computed for LFPs, at three electrode depths in the mid-brain and sensory thalamus. Mean, root mean square of the successive differences (RMSSD) and the chaotic global metrics (CFP1 to CFP7) were computed for the BP signal. The right ventroposterolateral (RVPL) nucleus provided a substantial correlation via CFP6 for BP with R-squared up to approximately 79% by means of LFP gamma oscillations. Investigation of BPV via LFPs as a proxy marker might allow therapies to be attuned in a closed-loop system. Whilst all patients were chronic pain patients the chaotic global relationship should be unperturbed. LFPs correlation does not unconditionally predict its causation. There is no certainty DBS in these locations would be therapeutic but can be used as an assessment tool.
Supporting Institution
National Institute of Health (NIHR) Oxford Biomedical Research Centre.
Project Number
Study number 05 Q1605 47
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