Investigating Feed-Forward Back-Propagation Neural Network with Different Hyperparameters for Inverse Kinematics of a 2-DoF Robotic Manipulator: A Comparative Study
Inverse kinematics is a significant challenge in robotic manipulators, and finding practical solutions plays a crucial role in achieving precise control. This paper presents a study on solving inverse kinematics problems using the Feed-Forward Back-Propagation Neural Network (FFBP-NN) and examines its performance with different hyperparameters. By utilizing the FFBP-NN, our primary objective is to ascertain the joint angles required to attain precise Cartesian coordinates for the end-effector of the manipulator. To accomplish this, we first formed three input-output datasets (a fixed-step-size dataset, a random-step-size dataset, and a sinusoidal-signal-based dataset) of joint positions and their respective Cartesian coordinates using direct geometrical formulations of a two-degree-of-freedom (2-DoF) manipulator. Thereafter, we train the FFBP-NN with the generated datasets using the MATLAB Neural Network Toolbox and investigate its potential by altering the hyperparameters (e.g., number of hidden neurons, number of hidden layers, and training optimizer). Three different training optimizers are considered, namely the Levenberg-Marquardt (LM) algorithm, the Bayesian Regularization (BR) algorithm, and the Scaled Conjugate Gradient (SCG) algorithm. The Mean Squared Error is used as the main performance metric to evaluate the training accuracy of the FFBP-NN. The comparative outcomes offer valuable insights into the capabilities of various network architectures in addressing inverse kinematics challenges. Therefore, this study explores the application of the FFBP-NNs in tackling the inverse kinematics, and facilitating the choice of the most appropriate network design by achieving a portfolio of various experimental results by considering and varying different hyperparameters of the FFBP-NN.
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Bouzid, R., J. Narayan, and H. Gritli, 2024d Solving inverse kinematics
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with varied dataset formats. In Complex Systems and Their
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Cagigas-Muñiz, D., 2023 Artificial neural networks for inverse
kinematics problem in articulated robots. Engineering Applications
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Cimen, M. E., Z. Garip, M. A. Pala, A. F. Boz, and A. Akgül, 2019
Modelling of a chaotic system motion in video with artificial
neural networks. Chaos Theory and Applications 1: 38 – 50.
Darba, A., N. B. Sushmi, and D. Subbulekshmi, 2022 Performance
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environmental variables: A case study in chennai. Mathematical
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Dash, K. K., B. B. Choudury, and S. K. Senapati, 2017 A inverse
kinematic solution of a 6-DOF industrial robot using ANN. Indian
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Del Rosario Martinez-Blanco, M., V. H. Castañeda-Miranda,
G. Ornelas-Vargas, H. A. Guerrero-Osuna, L. O. Solis-Sanchez,
et al., 2016 Generalized regression neural networks with application
in neutron spectrometry. In Artificial Neural Networks, edited
by J. L. G. Rosa, chapter 3, IntechOpen, Rijeka.
Denavit, J. and R. S. Hartenberg, 1955 A kinematic notation for
lower-pair mechanisms based on matrices. Journal of Applied
Mechanics 22: 215–221.
Di Pietro, A., D. Torresi, M. Zadro, L. Cosentino, C. Ducoin, et al.,
2012 The inverse kinematics thick target scattering method as
a tool to study cluster states in exotic nuclei. Journal of Physics:
Conference Series 366: 012013.
Duka, A.-V., 2014 Neural network based inverse kinematics solution
for trajectory tracking of a robotic arm. Procedia Technology
12: 20–27.
Dumitriu, D. N., O. D. Melinte, and M. Ionescu, 2020 Neural networks
kinematics guidance of lewansoul learm 5r serial manipulator.
Acta Electrotehnica 61.
Ganapathy, S., 1984 Decomposition of transformation matrices for
robot vision. Pattern Recognition Letters 2: 401–412.
Gao, B., Z. Zhu, J. Zhao, and L. Jiang, 2017 Inverse kinematics and
workspace analysis of a 3 DOF flexible parallel humanoid neck
robot. Journal of Intelligent & Robotic Systems 87: 211–229.
Gao, R., 2020 Inverse kinematics solution of robotics based on
neural network algorithms. Journal of Ambient Intelligence and
Humanized Computing 11: 6199–6209.
García-Samartín, J. F. and A. Barrientos, 2023 Kinematic modelling
of a 3RRR planar parallel robot using genetic algorithms and
neural networks. Machines 11.
Ghaleb, N. M. and A. A. Aly, 2018 Modeling and control of 2-
DOF robot arm. International Journal of Emerging Engineering
Research and Technology 6: 24–31.
Handayani, A. N., N. Lathifah, H. W. Herwanto, R. A. Asmara,
and K. Arai, 2018 Neural network bayesian regularization backpropagation
to solve inverse kinematics on planar manipulator.
In 2018 Joint 7th International Conference on Informatics, Electronics
& Vision (ICIEV) and 2018 2nd International Conference on Imaging,
Vision & Pattern Recognition (icIVPR), pp. 99–104, IEEE.
Huo, L. and L. Baron, 2008 The joint-limits and singularity avoidance
in robotic welding. Industrial Robot: An International Journal
35: 456–464.
Ibarra-Pérez, T., J. M. Ortiz-Rodríguez, F. Olivera-Domingo, H. A.
Guerrero-Osuna, H. Gamboa-Rosales, et al., 2022 A novel inverse
kinematic solution of a six-DOF robot using neural networks
based on the taguchi optimization technique. Applied Sciences
12: 9512.
Jenhani, S., H. Gritli, and G. Carbone, 2022 Comparison between
some nonlinear controllers for the position control of Lagrangiantype
robotic systems. Chaos Theory and Applications 4: 179 –
Karaca, Y., 2023 Computational complexity-based fractional-order
neural network models for the diagnostic treatments and predictive
transdifferentiability of heterogeneous cancer cell propensity.
Chaos Theory and Applications 5: 34 – 51.
Kayri, M., 2016 Predictive abilities of Bayesian regularization and
Levenberg–Marquardt algorithms in artificial neural networks:
a comparative empirical study on social data. Mathematical and
Computational Applications 21: 20.
Kele¸s, Z., G. Sonugür, and M. Alçın, 2023 The modeling of the
rucklidge chaotic system with artificial neural networks. Chaos
Theory and Applications 5: 59 – 64.
Kim, J. S., Y. H. Jeong, and J. H. Park, 2016 A geometric approach
for forward kinematics analysis of a 3-sps/s redundant motion
manipulator with an extra sensor using conformal geometric
algebra. Meccanica 51: 2289–2304.
Köker, R., C. Öz, T. Çakar, and H. Ekiz, 2004 A study of neural
network based inverse kinematics solution for a three-joint robot.
Robotics and autonomous systems 49: 227–234.
Kumar, P. et al., 2018 Artificial neural network based geometric
error correction model for enhancing positioning accuracy of
a robotic sewing manipulator. Procedia Computer Science 133:
Lathifah, N., A. N. Handayani, H. W. Herwanto, and S. Sendari,
2018 Solving inverse kinematics trajectory tracking of planar
manipulator using neural network. In 2018 International Conference
on Information and Communications Technology (ICOIACT),
pp. 483–488, IEEE.
Li, H. and A. V. Savkin, 2018 An algorithm for safe navigation of
mobile robots by a sensor network in dynamic cluttered industrial
environments. Robotics and Computer-Integrated Manufacturing
54: 65–82.
Liu,W., D. Chen, and J. Steil, 2017 Analytical inverse kinematics
solver for anthropomorphic 7-DOF redundant manipulators
with human-like configuration constraints. Journal of Intelligent
& Robotic Systems 86: 63–79.
Madhuraghava, P., B. D. Fakruddin, R. V. Subhash, and N. Sunil,
2018 Modelling and structural, analysis of a 6-DOF robot spray
coating manipulator. The International Journal of Engineering
and Science 7: 48–56.
Mahajan, A., H. Singh, and N. Sukavanam, 2017 An unsupervised
learning based neural network approach for a robotic manipulator.
International Journal of Information Technology 9: 1–6.
Martinez-garcia, J. A., A. M. Gonzalez-zapata, E. J. Rechy-ramirez,
and E. Tlelo-cuautle, 2022 On the prediction of chaotic time
series using neural networks. Chaos Theory and Applications 4:
94 – 103.
Møller, M. F., 1993 A scaled conjugate gradient algorithm for fast
supervised learning. Neural networks 6: 525–533.
Narayan, J., M. Abbas, B. Patel, and S. K. Dwivedy, 2023 Adaptive
RBF neural network-computed torque control for a pediatric gait
exoskeleton system: an experimental study. Intelligent Service
Robotics 232: 726–732.
Narayan, J., S. Banerjee, D. Kamireddy, and S. K. Dwivedy, 2022
Fuzzy membership functions in ANFIS for kinematic modeling
of 3R manipulator. In Handbook of Smart Materials, Technologies,
and Devices: Applications of Industry 4.0, edited by C. M. Hussain
and P. Di Sia, pp. 1101 – 119, Springer International Publishing,
Narayan, J. and A. Singla, 2017a ANFIS based kinematic analysis
of a 4-DOFs SCARA robot. In 2017 4th International Conference on
Signal Processing, Computing and Control (ISPCC), pp. 205–211.
Narayan, J. and A. G. Singla, 2017b Inverse Kinematic Study of Spatial
Serial Manipulators using ANFIS Approach. Ph.D. thesis, Thapar
Institute of Engineering and Technology.
Narayan, J., E. Singla, S. Soni, and A. Singla, 2018 Adaptive neurofuzzy
inference system–based path planning of 5-degrees-offreedom
spatial manipulator for medical applications. Proceedings
of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part H: Journal
of Engineering in Medicine 232: 726–732.
Noorani, I. and F. Mehrdoust, 2022 Parameter estimation of uncertain
differential equation by implementing an optimized artificial
neural network. Chaos, Solitons & Fractals 165: 112769.
Petrescu, R. V., R. Aversa, B. Akash, R. Bucinell, J. Corchado, et al.,
2017 Inverse kinematics at the anthropomorphic robots, by a
trigonometric method. American Journal of Engineering and
Applied Sciences 10: 394–411.
Ranganathan, A., 2004 The levenberg-marquardt algorithm. Tutoral
on LM algorithm 11: 101–110.
Rea Minango, S. N. and J. C. E. Ferreira, 2017 Combining the stepnc
standard and forward and inverse kinematics methods for
generating manufacturing tool paths for serial and hybrid robots.
International Journal of Computer Integrated Manufacturing 30:
Reiter, A., A. Müller, and H. Gattringer, 2018 On higher order
inverse kinematics methods in time-optimal trajectory planning
for kinematically redundant manipulators. IEEE Transactions
on Industrial Informatics 14: 1681–1690.
Snieder, R., 1998 The role of nonlinearity in inverse problems.
Inverse problems 14: 387.
Takatani, H., N. Araki, T. Sato, and Y. Konishi, 2019 Neural
network-based construction of inverse kinematics model for
serial redundant manipulators. Artificial Life and Robotics 24:
Theofanidis, M., S. I. Sayed, J. Cloud, J. Brady, and F. Makedon,
2018 Kinematic estimation with neural networks for robotic
manipulators. In Artificial Neural Networks and Machine Learning–
ICANN 2018: 27th International Conference on Artificial Neural
Networks, Rhodes, Greece, October 4-7, 2018, Proceedings, Part III
27, pp. 795–802, Springer.
Wagaa, N., H. Kallel, and N. Mellouli, 2023 Analytical and deep
learning approaches for solving the inverse kinematic problem
of a high degrees of freedom robotic arm. Engineering Applications
of Artificial Intelligence 123: 106301.
Wang, W., G. Yu, M. Xu, and D.Walker, 2014 Coordinate transformation
of an industrial robot and its application in deterministic
optical polishing. Optical Engineering 53: 055102–055102.
Xu,W., Z. Mu, T. Liu, and B. Liang, 2017 A modified modal method
for solving the mission-oriented inverse kinematics of hyperredundant
space manipulators for on-orbit servicing. Acta Astronautica
139: 54–66.
Zhao, D., Y. Bi, and Y. Ke, 2018 Kinematic modeling and inverse
kinematics solution of a new six-axis machine tool for oval hole
drilling in aircraft wing assembly. The International Journal of
Advanced Manufacturing Technology 96: 2231–2243.
There are 61 citations in total.
Primary Language
Control Engineering, Mechatronics and Robotics (Other)
Bouzid, R., Gritli, H., & Narayan, J. (2024). Investigating Feed-Forward Back-Propagation Neural Network with Different Hyperparameters for Inverse Kinematics of a 2-DoF Robotic Manipulator: A Comparative Study. Chaos Theory and Applications, 6(2), 90-110.