Bio-Inspired Jumping Spider Optimization for Controller Tuning/Parameter Estimation of an Uncertain Aerodynamic MIMO System
Year 2024,
, 205 - 217, 31.07.2024
David Ezekiel
Ravi Samikannu
Oduetse Matsebe
The practical near impossibility of empirical attempts in estimating optimal controller gains makes the use of metaheuristics strategies inevitable to automatically obtain these gains by an iterative, heuristic simulation procedure. The convergence of the gains values to the local or global solutions occur with ease. In designing controllers for the Twin-Rotor MIMO System (TRMS), Jumping Spider Optimization Algorithm (JSOA), a novel neoteric population-based bio-inspired metaheuristic approach is used to obtain optimum values for the Proportional, Integral and Derivative (PID) controllers. With the k,p,i controller gains as the decision variables, the JSOA solution to a nonlinear multi-objective optimization problem subject to some intrinsic constraints spawned optimal values for the controllers’ variables. Counter to other algorithms (deterministic and stochastic) that get caught in local minima, JSOA evolved a solution after searchingly rummaging the entire solution search space in a vectorized fashion for an optimal value. Compared with several other versatile controllers (using GA, PSO, Pattern Search and Simulated Annealing), statistical results obtained showed JSOA technique provided a unique solution and found the gains of the PID controllers, marginally in relation to the others like optimization methods.
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Year 2024,
, 205 - 217, 31.07.2024
David Ezekiel
Ravi Samikannu
Oduetse Matsebe
- Agrawal, A. K., 2013 Optimal Controller Design for Twin Rotor
MIMO System .
- Al-Mahturi, A. and H. Wahid, 2017 Optimal Tuning of Linear
Quadratic Regulator Controller Using a Particle Swarm Optimization
for Two-Rotor Aerodynamical System.World Academy
of Science, Engineering and Technology-International Journal of
Electronics and Communication Engineering 11: 196–203.
- Basturk, H. I., 2006 Quasi-LPV Modelling and Control of Twin
Rotor Multiple-Input Multiple-Output System .
- Butt, S. S. and H. Aschemann, 2015 Multi-variable Integral Sliding
Mode Control of a Two Degrees of Freedom Helicopter. 8th
Vienna International Conference on Mathematical Modelling -
MATHMOD 2015 .
- Chaudhary, C. and A. Kumar, 2019a Control of Twin Rotor MIMO
System using PID and LQR Controller. Journal of Aircraft and
Spacecraft Technology 3: 211–220.
- Chaudhary, C. and A. Kumar, 2019b Control of Twin Rotor MIMO
System using PID and LQR Controller. Journal of Aircraft and
Spacecraft Technology 3: 211–220.
- Choudhary, S. K., 2017 H Optimal Feedback Control of a Twin
Rotor MIMO System. International Journal of Modelling and
Simulation 37: 46–53.
- Dimassi, H., S. H. Said, A. Loria, and F. M. M’Sahli, 2019 An
Adaptive Observer for a Class of Nonlinear Systems with a
High-Gain Approach. Application to the Twin-Rotor System.
International Journal of Control 3.
- Ezekiel, D. M., S. Ravi, and O. Matsebe, 2020a Modelling of the
Twin Rotor MIMO System (TRMS) Using the First Principles
Approach. IEEE: 2020 International Conference on Computer,
Communication, and Informatics (ICCCI) pp. 726–732.
- Ezekiel, D. M., S. Ravi, and O. Matsebe, 2020b Pitch and Yaw Angular
Motions (Rotations) Control of the 1-DOF and 2-DOF TRMS:
A Survey. Archives of Computational Methods in Engineering .
- Ghellab, M. Z., S. Zeghlache, and A. Bouguerra, 2018 Real-Time Implementation
of Fuzzy Gain-Scheduled PID Controller for Twin
Rotor MIMO System (TRMS). Advances in Modelling Analysis
73: 137–149.
- Instruments, F., 2000 Twin Rotor MIMO System Advanced Teaching
Manual 33-007-4M5 .
- Instruments, F., 2006 Twin Rotor MIMO System Control Experiments
Manual: 33949S .
- Juang, J.-G., R.-W. Lin, andW.-K. Liu, 2008 Comparison of Classical
Control and Intelligent Control for a MIMO System. Applied
Mathematics and Computation 205: 778–791.
- Klee, H. and R. Allen, 2018 Simulation of Dynamic Systems with
MATLAB and Simulink .
- Mondal, S., 2012a Adaptive Second Order Sliding Mode Control
Strategies For Uncertain Systems .
- Mondal, S., 2012b Adaptive Second Order Sliding Mode Control
Strategies For Uncertain Systems .
- Mondal, S. and C. Mahanta, 2012 Adaptive Second-Order Sliding-
Mode Controller for a Twin Rotor Multi-Input–Multi-Output
System. IET Control Theory and Applications 6: 2157–2167.
- Mones, M. and T. Diaa-Eldeen, 2017 Experimental Nonlinear Identification
of a Lab-Scale Helicopter System using MLP Neural
Network. 13th International Computer Engineering Conference
- Peraza-Vázquez, H., A. Peña-Delgado, P. Ranjan, C. Barde,
A. Choubey, et al., 2022 A Bio-Inspired Method for Mathematical
Optimization Inspired by Arachnida Salticidae. Mathematics 10:
- Raghavan, R. and S. Thomas, 2017 Practically Implementable
Model Predictive Controller for a Twin Rotor Multi-Input Multi-
Output System. Journal of Control, Automation, and Electrical
Systems 28: 358–370.
- Sodhi, P. and I. Kar, 2014 Adaptive Backstepping Control for A
Twin Rotor MIMO System .
- Tao, C. W., J. S. Taur, and Y. C. Chen, 2010 Design of a Parallel
Distributed Fuzzy LQR Controller for the Twin Rotor Multi-
Input Multi-Output System. Fuzzy Sets and Systems 161: 2081–
- Toha, S. F. and M. O. Tokhi, 2010 Augmented feedforward and
feedback control of a twin rotor system using real-coded moga.
In IEEE Congress on Evolutionary Computation, Barcelona, Spain.
- Toha, S. F. and M. O. Tokhi, 2011 PID and Inverse-Model-Based
Control of a Twin Rotor System. Robotica 29: 929–938.
- Wen, P. and T.-W. Lu, 2008 Decoupling Control of a Twin Rotor
MIMO System using Robust Deadbeat Control Technique. IET
Control Theory & Applications 2: 999–1007.
- Yang, X., J. Cui, D. Lao, and J. Chen, 2016 Input Shaping Enhanced
Active Disturbance Rejection Control for a Twin Rotor Multi-
Input Multi-Output System (TRMS). ISA Transactions 62: 287–