[1] American Diabetes Association. Classification and diagnosis
of diabetes: standards of medical care in Diabetes-2018.
Diabetes Care 2018;41:13–27.
[2] American Diabetes Association. Standards of medical care in
diabetes. J Clin Appl Res Educ 2017;40(Supp 1):1–142.
[3] Karuranga Suvi, Fernandes Joao da Rocha, Huang Yadi MB. IDF
Diabetes Atlas. Int Diabetes Fed 2017;Eighth edition:46.
[4] Karcaaltincaba D, Kandemir O, Yalvac S, Güvendag-Guven S,
Haberal A. Prevalence of gestational diabetes mellitus and
gestational impaired glucose tolerance in pregnant women
evaluated by National Diabetes Data Group and Carpenter and
Coustan criteria. Int J Gynecol Obstet 2009;106(3):246–249.
[5] Ozyurt R, Asicioglu O, Gultekin T, Gungorduk K, Boran B.
The Prevalence of gestational diabetes mellitus in pregnant
women who were admitted to Istanbul Teaching and Research
Hospital Obstetric and Gynecology Department. Jinekoloji
Obstet Pediatr ve Pediatr Cerrahi Derg 2013;5(1):7–12.
[6] Metzger BE, Buchanan TA, Coustan DR, de Leiva A, Dunger
DB, Hadden DR, Hod M, Kitzmiller JL, Kjos SL, Oats JN, Pettitt
DJ, Sacks DA, Zoupas C. Summary and recommendations of
the Fifth International Workshop-Conference on Gestational
Diabetes Mellitus. Diabetes Care 2007;30(Supplement 2):251–
[7] Reece AE, Homko CJ. Diabetes mellitus and pregnancy. In:
Gibbs RS, Karlan BY, Haney AF, Nygaard IE, editors. Danforth’s
Obstetrics and Gynecology. 10th ed. 2008. p. 246–257.
[8] Jain A, Agarwal R, Sankar MJ, Deorari A, Paul VK. Hypocalcemia
in the newborn. Indian J Pediatr 2010;77(10):1123–1128.
[9] Üstün G. Gestasyonel diyabeti olan/olmayan kadınların
emzirme durumlarının incelenmesi. Yüksek Lisans Tezi, T.C.
Dokuz Eylül Üniversitesi Sağlık Bilimleri Enstitüsü, 2013.
[10] Finkelstein SA, Keely E, Feig DS, Tu X, Yasseen AS, Walker M.
Breastfeeding in women with diabetes: lower rates despite
greater rewards. A population-based study. Diabet Med
[11] De Bortoli J, Amir LH. Is onset of lactation delayed in women
with diabetes in pregnancy? A systematic review. Diabet Med
[12] Haile ZT, Oza-Frank R, Azulay Chertok IR, Passen N. Association
between history of gestational diabetes and exclusive
breastfeeding at hospital discharge. J Hum Lact 2016;32(3):36–
[13] Dennis CL. Theoretical underpinnings of breastfeeding
confidence: A self-efficacy framework. J Hum Lact
[14] Aluş Tokat M. Antenatal dönemde verilen eğitimin annelerin
emzirme öz-yeterlilik algısına ve emzirme başarısına etkisi.
Doğum ve Kadın Hastalıkları Hemşireliği Doktora Tezi, T.C.
Dokuz Eylül Üniversitesi Sağlık Bilimleri Enstitüsü, 2009.
[15] Dennis CL, Faux S. Development and psychometric testing
of the Breastfeeding Self-Efficacy Scale. Res Nurs Heal
[16] Lustman PJ, Penckofer SM, Clouse RE. Recent advances in
understanding depression in adults with diabetes. Curr Diab
Rep 2007;7(2):114–122.
[17] Black PH. The inflammatory consequences of psychologic stress:
Relationship to insulin resistance, obesity, atherosclerosis and
diabetes mellitus, type II. Med Hypotheses 2006;67(4):879–
[18] Byrn M, Penckofer S. The relationship between gestational
diabetes and antenatal depression. J Obstet Gynecol Neonatal
Nurs 2015;44(2):246–255.
[19] Mautner E, Greimel E, Trutnovsky G, Daghofer F, Egger JW,
Lang U. Quality of life outcomes in pregnancy and postpartum
complicated by hypertensive disorders, gestational
diabetes, and preterm birth. J Psychosom Obstet Gynaecol
[20] Huang T, Rifas-Shiman SL, Ertel KA, Rich-Edwards J, Kleinman K,
Gillman MW, Oken E, James-Todd T. Pregnancy hyperglycaemia
and risk of prenatal and postpartum depressive symptoms.
Paediatr Perinat Epidemiol 2015;29(4):281–289.
[21] Natasha K, Hussain A, Khan AKA. Prevalence of depression
among subjects with and without gestational diabetes mellitus
in Bangladesh: a hospital based study. J Diabetes Metab Disord
[22] Haga SM, Ulleberg P, Slinning K, Kraft P, Steen TB, Staff A. A
longitudinal study of postpartum depressive symptoms:
Multilevel growth curve analyses of emotion regulation
strategies, breastfeeding self-efficacy, and social support. Arch
Womens Ment Health 2012;15(3):175–184.
[23] Zubaran C, Foresti K. The correlation between breastfeeding
self-efficacy and maternal postpartum depression in southern
Brazil. Sex Reprod Healthc 2013;4(1):9–15.
[24] Pişirgen TN. Riskli gebeliklerde depresyon ve anksiyete
düzeylerinin değerlendirilmesi. Tıpta Uzmanlık Tezi, Eskişehir
Osmangazi Üniversitesi Tıp Fakültesi, 2011. (Turkish)
[25] Erdoğan S, Nahcivan N, Esin MN. Hemşirelikte araştırma: Süreç,
uygulama ve kritik. Nobel Tıp Kitabevleri; 2014. (Turkish)
[26] Cox JL, Holden JM, Sagovsky R. Detection of postnatal
depression: development of the 10-item Edinburgh Postnatal
Depression Scale. Br J Psychiatry 1987;150(6):782-786.
[27] Murray D, Cox JL. Screening for depression during pregnancy
with the edinburgh depression scale (EDDS). J Reprod Infant
Psychol 1990;8(2):99–107.
[28] Engindeniz AN, Küey L, Kültür S. Edinburgh Doğum Sonrası
Depresyon Ölçeği Türkçe formu geçerlilik ve güvenirlilik
çalışması. Bahar sempozyumları-1 kitabı, Psikiyatr Derneği
Yayınları 1996;51–52. (Turkish)
[29] Dennis C. The Breastfeeding Self-Efficacy Scale: Psychometric
assessment of the short form. J Obstet Gynecol Neonatal Nurs
[30] Aluş Tokat M, Okumuş H, Dennis CL. Translation and
psychometric assessment of the Breast-feeding Self-Efficacy
Scale-Short Form among pregnant and postnatal women in
Turkey. Midwifery 2010;26(1):101–108.
[31] Byrn M, Pencofer S. Relationship between gestational diabetes
and postpartum depression. JOGNN 2015;44:246–255.
[32] Chertok IRA, Sherby E. Breastfeeding self-efficacy of women
with and without gestational diabetes. MCN, Am J Matern
Nurs 2016;41(3):173–178.
[33] Oza-Frank R, Gunderson EP. In-hospital breastfeeding
experiences among women with gestational Diabetes
[34] Jagiello KP, Azulay Chertok IR. Women’s experiences with
early breastfeeding after gestational diabetes. JOGNN
[35] Jafari-Shobeiri M, Ghojazadeh M, Azami-Aghdash S, Naghavi Behzad M, Piri R, Pourali-Akbar Y, Nasrollah-Zadeh R, Bayat Khajeh P, Mohammadi M. Prevalence and risk factors of
gestational diabetes in Iran: A systematic review and meta analysis. Iran J Public Health 2015;44(8):1036–1044.
[36] Rajput R, Yadav Y, Nanda S, Rajput M. Prevalence of gestational
diabetes mellitus & associated risk factors at a tertiary care
hospital in Haryana. Indian J Med Res 2013;137(4):728–733.
[37] Mwanri AW, Kinabo J, Ramaiya K, Feskens EJM. Gestational
diabetes mellitus in sub-Saharan Africa: Systematic review and
metaregression on prevalence and risk factors. Trop Med Int
Heal 2015;20(8):983–1002.
[38] Leng J, Shao P, Zhang C, Tian H, Zhang F, Zhang S, Dong L, Li L, Yu
Z, Chan JCN, Hu G, Yang X. Prevalence of gestational diabetes
mellitus and its risk factors in Chinese pregnant women: A
prospective population-based study in Tianjin, China. PLoS
One 2015;10(3):1–12.
[39] Varela P, Spyropoulou AC, Kalogerakis Z, Vousoura E, Moraitou
M, Zervas IM. Association between gestational diabetes and
perinatal depressive symptoms: Evidence from a Greek cohort
study. Prim Heal Care Res Dev 2017;18(5):441–447.
[40] Zwolinska-Kloc M, Zabel M, Czajkowski K, Ostasz-Wazny J,
Kokoszka A. Relations between gestational diabetes and
postpartum depressive disorders and symptoms. Arch
Psychiatry Psychother 2017;19(1):43–46.
[41] Beka Q, Bowker S, Savu A, Kingston D, Johnson JA, Kaul P.
Development of perinatal mental illness in women with
gestational diabetes mellitus: A population-based cohort
study. Can J Diabetes 2018;42(4):350-355.
[42] Hinkle SN, Buck Louis GM, Rawal S, Zhu Y, Albert PS, Zhang
C. A longitudinal study of depression and gestational diabetes
in pregnancy and the postpartum period. Diabetologia
[43] Silverman ME, Reichenberg A, Savitz DA, Cnattingius S,
Lichtenstein P, Hultman CM, Larsson H, Sandin S. The risk
factors for postpartum depression: A population-based study.
Depress Anxiety 2017;34(2):178–87.
[44] Clark CE, Rasgon NL, Reed DE, Robakis TK. Depression
precedes, but does not follow, gestational diabetes. Acta
Psychiatr Scand 2019;139(4):311-321.
[45] Pace R, Rahme E, Da Costa D, Dasgupta K. Association between
gestational diabetes mellitus and depression in parents: a
retrospective cohort study. Clin Epidemiol 2018; 10: 1827–
[46] Damé P, Cherubini K, Goveia P, Pena G, Galliano L, Façanha C,
Nunes MA. Depressive symptoms in women with gestational
diabetes mellitus: The LINDA-Brazil study. J Diabetes Res
[47] Dalfra MG, Nicolucci A, Bisson T, Bonsembiante B, Lapolla
A. Quality of life in pregnancy and post-partum: A study in
diabetic patients. Qual Life Res 2012;21(2):291–298.
[48] Larrabure-Torrealva GT, Martinez S, Luque-Fernandez MA,
Sanchez SE, Mascaro PA, Ingar H, Castillo W, Zumaeta R, Grande
M, Motta V, Pacora P, Gelaye B, Williams MA. Prevalence and
risk factors of gestational diabetes mellitus: Findings from a
universal screening feasibility program in Lima, Peru. BMC
Pregnancy Childbirth 2018;18(1):1–9.
[49] Mak JKL, Lee AH, Pham NM, Tang L, Pan X-F, Binns CW, Sun
X. Gestational diabetes and postnatal depressive symptoms: A
prospective cohort study in Western China. Women and Birth
[50] Dennis CL, McQueen K. Does maternal postpartum depressive
symptomatology influence infant feeding outcomes?
The Effect of Gestational Diabetes on Depression and Breastfeeding Self-Efficacy in Pregnancy and Postpartum Period
Objective: The purpose of this study was to explore the effect of gestational diabetes mellitus (GDM) on depression and breastfeeding self-efficacy during pregnancy and the postpartum period.
Methods: This descriptive study was conducted in Obstetrics and Perinatology clinics of two university hospitals in Turkey between July 2016 and June 2017. Women were followed up two times. The first follow-up was performed face-to-face in the gestational week 34th to 38th and the second one was performed by telephone in the 8th week of the postpartum period. In the first follow-up, 104 pregnant women with GDM and 133 pregnant with non-GDM women were interviewed. In the second follow up, 30 women could not be reached in both groups. Data were collected by the Individual Description Form, Edinburgh Postpartum Depression Scale, and Breastfeeding Self-Efficacy Scale-Short Form. Descriptive statistics, repeated measures analysis of variance and correlation analysis were used in the data analysis.
Results: The depression risk of mothers with GDM was found higher compared to non- GDM mothers. No significant difference was found between the depression and breastfeeding self-efficacy mean scores in the antenatal and postpartum period of women by the presence of GDM. There was no significant difference between the depression and breastfeeding self-efficacy mean scores in the antenatal and postpartum period by the presence of GDM and some confounding variables. As the breastfeeding self-efficacy level of mothers with GDM both in the antenatal and postpartum period increased, the depression risk decreased.
Conclusion: In the study, it has been concluded that GDM does not have an impact on depression and breastfeeding self-efficacy during pregnancy and in the postpartum period.
[1] American Diabetes Association. Classification and diagnosis
of diabetes: standards of medical care in Diabetes-2018.
Diabetes Care 2018;41:13–27.
[2] American Diabetes Association. Standards of medical care in
diabetes. J Clin Appl Res Educ 2017;40(Supp 1):1–142.
[3] Karuranga Suvi, Fernandes Joao da Rocha, Huang Yadi MB. IDF
Diabetes Atlas. Int Diabetes Fed 2017;Eighth edition:46.
[4] Karcaaltincaba D, Kandemir O, Yalvac S, Güvendag-Guven S,
Haberal A. Prevalence of gestational diabetes mellitus and
gestational impaired glucose tolerance in pregnant women
evaluated by National Diabetes Data Group and Carpenter and
Coustan criteria. Int J Gynecol Obstet 2009;106(3):246–249.
[5] Ozyurt R, Asicioglu O, Gultekin T, Gungorduk K, Boran B.
The Prevalence of gestational diabetes mellitus in pregnant
women who were admitted to Istanbul Teaching and Research
Hospital Obstetric and Gynecology Department. Jinekoloji
Obstet Pediatr ve Pediatr Cerrahi Derg 2013;5(1):7–12.
[6] Metzger BE, Buchanan TA, Coustan DR, de Leiva A, Dunger
DB, Hadden DR, Hod M, Kitzmiller JL, Kjos SL, Oats JN, Pettitt
DJ, Sacks DA, Zoupas C. Summary and recommendations of
the Fifth International Workshop-Conference on Gestational
Diabetes Mellitus. Diabetes Care 2007;30(Supplement 2):251–
[7] Reece AE, Homko CJ. Diabetes mellitus and pregnancy. In:
Gibbs RS, Karlan BY, Haney AF, Nygaard IE, editors. Danforth’s
Obstetrics and Gynecology. 10th ed. 2008. p. 246–257.
[8] Jain A, Agarwal R, Sankar MJ, Deorari A, Paul VK. Hypocalcemia
in the newborn. Indian J Pediatr 2010;77(10):1123–1128.
[9] Üstün G. Gestasyonel diyabeti olan/olmayan kadınların
emzirme durumlarının incelenmesi. Yüksek Lisans Tezi, T.C.
Dokuz Eylül Üniversitesi Sağlık Bilimleri Enstitüsü, 2013.
[10] Finkelstein SA, Keely E, Feig DS, Tu X, Yasseen AS, Walker M.
Breastfeeding in women with diabetes: lower rates despite
greater rewards. A population-based study. Diabet Med
[11] De Bortoli J, Amir LH. Is onset of lactation delayed in women
with diabetes in pregnancy? A systematic review. Diabet Med
[12] Haile ZT, Oza-Frank R, Azulay Chertok IR, Passen N. Association
between history of gestational diabetes and exclusive
breastfeeding at hospital discharge. J Hum Lact 2016;32(3):36–
[13] Dennis CL. Theoretical underpinnings of breastfeeding
confidence: A self-efficacy framework. J Hum Lact
[14] Aluş Tokat M. Antenatal dönemde verilen eğitimin annelerin
emzirme öz-yeterlilik algısına ve emzirme başarısına etkisi.
Doğum ve Kadın Hastalıkları Hemşireliği Doktora Tezi, T.C.
Dokuz Eylül Üniversitesi Sağlık Bilimleri Enstitüsü, 2009.
[15] Dennis CL, Faux S. Development and psychometric testing
of the Breastfeeding Self-Efficacy Scale. Res Nurs Heal
[16] Lustman PJ, Penckofer SM, Clouse RE. Recent advances in
understanding depression in adults with diabetes. Curr Diab
Rep 2007;7(2):114–122.
[17] Black PH. The inflammatory consequences of psychologic stress:
Relationship to insulin resistance, obesity, atherosclerosis and
diabetes mellitus, type II. Med Hypotheses 2006;67(4):879–
[18] Byrn M, Penckofer S. The relationship between gestational
diabetes and antenatal depression. J Obstet Gynecol Neonatal
Nurs 2015;44(2):246–255.
[19] Mautner E, Greimel E, Trutnovsky G, Daghofer F, Egger JW,
Lang U. Quality of life outcomes in pregnancy and postpartum
complicated by hypertensive disorders, gestational
diabetes, and preterm birth. J Psychosom Obstet Gynaecol
[20] Huang T, Rifas-Shiman SL, Ertel KA, Rich-Edwards J, Kleinman K,
Gillman MW, Oken E, James-Todd T. Pregnancy hyperglycaemia
and risk of prenatal and postpartum depressive symptoms.
Paediatr Perinat Epidemiol 2015;29(4):281–289.
[21] Natasha K, Hussain A, Khan AKA. Prevalence of depression
among subjects with and without gestational diabetes mellitus
in Bangladesh: a hospital based study. J Diabetes Metab Disord
[22] Haga SM, Ulleberg P, Slinning K, Kraft P, Steen TB, Staff A. A
longitudinal study of postpartum depressive symptoms:
Multilevel growth curve analyses of emotion regulation
strategies, breastfeeding self-efficacy, and social support. Arch
Womens Ment Health 2012;15(3):175–184.
[23] Zubaran C, Foresti K. The correlation between breastfeeding
self-efficacy and maternal postpartum depression in southern
Brazil. Sex Reprod Healthc 2013;4(1):9–15.
[24] Pişirgen TN. Riskli gebeliklerde depresyon ve anksiyete
düzeylerinin değerlendirilmesi. Tıpta Uzmanlık Tezi, Eskişehir
Osmangazi Üniversitesi Tıp Fakültesi, 2011. (Turkish)
[25] Erdoğan S, Nahcivan N, Esin MN. Hemşirelikte araştırma: Süreç,
uygulama ve kritik. Nobel Tıp Kitabevleri; 2014. (Turkish)
[26] Cox JL, Holden JM, Sagovsky R. Detection of postnatal
depression: development of the 10-item Edinburgh Postnatal
Depression Scale. Br J Psychiatry 1987;150(6):782-786.
[27] Murray D, Cox JL. Screening for depression during pregnancy
with the edinburgh depression scale (EDDS). J Reprod Infant
Psychol 1990;8(2):99–107.
[28] Engindeniz AN, Küey L, Kültür S. Edinburgh Doğum Sonrası
Depresyon Ölçeği Türkçe formu geçerlilik ve güvenirlilik
çalışması. Bahar sempozyumları-1 kitabı, Psikiyatr Derneği
Yayınları 1996;51–52. (Turkish)
[29] Dennis C. The Breastfeeding Self-Efficacy Scale: Psychometric
assessment of the short form. J Obstet Gynecol Neonatal Nurs
[30] Aluş Tokat M, Okumuş H, Dennis CL. Translation and
psychometric assessment of the Breast-feeding Self-Efficacy
Scale-Short Form among pregnant and postnatal women in
Turkey. Midwifery 2010;26(1):101–108.
[31] Byrn M, Pencofer S. Relationship between gestational diabetes
and postpartum depression. JOGNN 2015;44:246–255.
[32] Chertok IRA, Sherby E. Breastfeeding self-efficacy of women
with and without gestational diabetes. MCN, Am J Matern
Nurs 2016;41(3):173–178.
[33] Oza-Frank R, Gunderson EP. In-hospital breastfeeding
experiences among women with gestational Diabetes
[34] Jagiello KP, Azulay Chertok IR. Women’s experiences with
early breastfeeding after gestational diabetes. JOGNN
[35] Jafari-Shobeiri M, Ghojazadeh M, Azami-Aghdash S, Naghavi Behzad M, Piri R, Pourali-Akbar Y, Nasrollah-Zadeh R, Bayat Khajeh P, Mohammadi M. Prevalence and risk factors of
gestational diabetes in Iran: A systematic review and meta analysis. Iran J Public Health 2015;44(8):1036–1044.
[36] Rajput R, Yadav Y, Nanda S, Rajput M. Prevalence of gestational
diabetes mellitus & associated risk factors at a tertiary care
hospital in Haryana. Indian J Med Res 2013;137(4):728–733.
[37] Mwanri AW, Kinabo J, Ramaiya K, Feskens EJM. Gestational
diabetes mellitus in sub-Saharan Africa: Systematic review and
metaregression on prevalence and risk factors. Trop Med Int
Heal 2015;20(8):983–1002.
[38] Leng J, Shao P, Zhang C, Tian H, Zhang F, Zhang S, Dong L, Li L, Yu
Z, Chan JCN, Hu G, Yang X. Prevalence of gestational diabetes
mellitus and its risk factors in Chinese pregnant women: A
prospective population-based study in Tianjin, China. PLoS
One 2015;10(3):1–12.
[39] Varela P, Spyropoulou AC, Kalogerakis Z, Vousoura E, Moraitou
M, Zervas IM. Association between gestational diabetes and
perinatal depressive symptoms: Evidence from a Greek cohort
study. Prim Heal Care Res Dev 2017;18(5):441–447.
[40] Zwolinska-Kloc M, Zabel M, Czajkowski K, Ostasz-Wazny J,
Kokoszka A. Relations between gestational diabetes and
postpartum depressive disorders and symptoms. Arch
Psychiatry Psychother 2017;19(1):43–46.
[41] Beka Q, Bowker S, Savu A, Kingston D, Johnson JA, Kaul P.
Development of perinatal mental illness in women with
gestational diabetes mellitus: A population-based cohort
study. Can J Diabetes 2018;42(4):350-355.
[42] Hinkle SN, Buck Louis GM, Rawal S, Zhu Y, Albert PS, Zhang
C. A longitudinal study of depression and gestational diabetes
in pregnancy and the postpartum period. Diabetologia
[43] Silverman ME, Reichenberg A, Savitz DA, Cnattingius S,
Lichtenstein P, Hultman CM, Larsson H, Sandin S. The risk
factors for postpartum depression: A population-based study.
Depress Anxiety 2017;34(2):178–87.
[44] Clark CE, Rasgon NL, Reed DE, Robakis TK. Depression
precedes, but does not follow, gestational diabetes. Acta
Psychiatr Scand 2019;139(4):311-321.
[45] Pace R, Rahme E, Da Costa D, Dasgupta K. Association between
gestational diabetes mellitus and depression in parents: a
retrospective cohort study. Clin Epidemiol 2018; 10: 1827–
[46] Damé P, Cherubini K, Goveia P, Pena G, Galliano L, Façanha C,
Nunes MA. Depressive symptoms in women with gestational
diabetes mellitus: The LINDA-Brazil study. J Diabetes Res
[47] Dalfra MG, Nicolucci A, Bisson T, Bonsembiante B, Lapolla
A. Quality of life in pregnancy and post-partum: A study in
diabetic patients. Qual Life Res 2012;21(2):291–298.
[48] Larrabure-Torrealva GT, Martinez S, Luque-Fernandez MA,
Sanchez SE, Mascaro PA, Ingar H, Castillo W, Zumaeta R, Grande
M, Motta V, Pacora P, Gelaye B, Williams MA. Prevalence and
risk factors of gestational diabetes mellitus: Findings from a
universal screening feasibility program in Lima, Peru. BMC
Pregnancy Childbirth 2018;18(1):1–9.
[49] Mak JKL, Lee AH, Pham NM, Tang L, Pan X-F, Binns CW, Sun
X. Gestational diabetes and postnatal depressive symptoms: A
prospective cohort study in Western China. Women and Birth
[50] Dennis CL, McQueen K. Does maternal postpartum depressive
symptomatology influence infant feeding outcomes?
Işık, G., & Egelioğlu Cetişli, N. (2022). The Effect of Gestational Diabetes on Depression and Breastfeeding Self-Efficacy in Pregnancy and Postpartum Period. Clinical and Experimental Health Sciences, 12(2), 323-330. https://doi.org/10.33808/clinexphealthsci.770882
Işık G, Egelioğlu Cetişli N. The Effect of Gestational Diabetes on Depression and Breastfeeding Self-Efficacy in Pregnancy and Postpartum Period. Clinical and Experimental Health Sciences. June 2022;12(2):323-330. doi:10.33808/clinexphealthsci.770882
Işık, Gülşen, and Nuray Egelioğlu Cetişli. “The Effect of Gestational Diabetes on Depression and Breastfeeding Self-Efficacy in Pregnancy and Postpartum Period”. Clinical and Experimental Health Sciences 12, no. 2 (June 2022): 323-30. https://doi.org/10.33808/clinexphealthsci.770882.
Işık G, Egelioğlu Cetişli N (June 1, 2022) The Effect of Gestational Diabetes on Depression and Breastfeeding Self-Efficacy in Pregnancy and Postpartum Period. Clinical and Experimental Health Sciences 12 2 323–330.
G. Işık and N. Egelioğlu Cetişli, “The Effect of Gestational Diabetes on Depression and Breastfeeding Self-Efficacy in Pregnancy and Postpartum Period”, Clinical and Experimental Health Sciences, vol. 12, no. 2, pp. 323–330, 2022, doi: 10.33808/clinexphealthsci.770882.
Işık, Gülşen - Egelioğlu Cetişli, Nuray. “The Effect of Gestational Diabetes on Depression and Breastfeeding Self-Efficacy in Pregnancy and Postpartum Period”. Clinical and Experimental Health Sciences 12/2 (June 2022), 323-330. https://doi.org/10.33808/clinexphealthsci.770882.
Işık G, Egelioğlu Cetişli N. The Effect of Gestational Diabetes on Depression and Breastfeeding Self-Efficacy in Pregnancy and Postpartum Period. Clinical and Experimental Health Sciences. 2022;12:323–330.
Işık, Gülşen and Nuray Egelioğlu Cetişli. “The Effect of Gestational Diabetes on Depression and Breastfeeding Self-Efficacy in Pregnancy and Postpartum Period”. Clinical and Experimental Health Sciences, vol. 12, no. 2, 2022, pp. 323-30, doi:10.33808/clinexphealthsci.770882.
Işık G, Egelioğlu Cetişli N. The Effect of Gestational Diabetes on Depression and Breastfeeding Self-Efficacy in Pregnancy and Postpartum Period. Clinical and Experimental Health Sciences. 2022;12(2):323-30.