Objective: The aim of this study was to investigate the validity and reliability of the Turkish version of the Exercise Health Belief Model Scale (EHBMS).
Methods: This methodological study was conducted in 2018-2019 academic year with students from two universities located in east and west provinces of Turkey (n= 743). The sociodemographic data and those from the EHBM scale were collected. This five-point likert-type scale consists of 32 items and five factors. Construct and content validities were used to evaluate the validity of the scale, and its reliability was investigated with item-total correlation, internal consistency and test-retest method.
Results: The content validity index (CVI) of the scale was 0.98. While the Cronbach Alpha coefficient of the scale was 0.87, the alpha values of the factors were as following: 0.87 for general health value, 0.76 for beliefs about the vulnerability of not exercising, 0.87 for beliefs about the severity of not exercising, 0.87 for beliefs that exercising can reduce threats, and 0.77 for beliefs that the benefits exceed the costs of exercising. The test-retest correlation value was 0.88 (p<0.05) for the whole scale. The model fit indices of the five-factor structure of the scale were found to be good.
Conclusion: The Turkish version of the Exercise Health Belief Model Scale was found to be a valid and reliable scale.