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Yıl 2014, Cilt: 36 Sayı: 3, 415 - 421, 01.09.2014


The physical morphology of bone marrow and peripheral blood cells has to be well known to achieve more accurate results with flow cytometric analysis. In flow cytometry; FS, SS and through the gate of CD45, it is possible to obtain a good knowledge about the characteristic of bone marrow cellular components. it is very important to understand the structure of normal bone marrow for the identification of pathological conditions. As a result, to recognize healthy bone marrow and blood samples correctly by flow cytometry enables us to make better immunophenotyping.


  • O’Gorman MRG. Role of flow cytometry in the diagnosis and monitoring of primary immunodeficiency disease. Clin Lab Med 2007; 27: 591-626.
  • C. Darrell Jennings and Kenneth A. Foon Recent Advances in Flow Cytometry: Application to the Diagnosis of Hematologic Malignancy. Blood 1997 90: 2863
  • Dilli D, Oguz SS, Dilmen U, Koker MY, Kizilgun M. Predictive values of neutrophil CD64 expression compared with interleukin-6 and C-reactive protein in early diagnosis of neonatal sepsis. J Clin Lab Anal 2010; 24: 363-70. McKenna RW, Washington LT, Aquino DB, Picker LJ, Kroft SH. Immunophenotypic analysis of hematogones (B-lymphocyte precursors) in 662 consecutive bone marrow specimens by 4-color flow cytometry. Blood 2001; 98: 2498-507.
  • Rimsza LM, Larson RS, Winter SS, Foucar K, Chong YY, Garner KW, Leith CP. Benign hematogone-rich lymphoid proliferations can be distinguished from Blineage acute lymphoblastic leukemia by integration of morphology, immunophenotype, adhesion molecule expression, and architectural features. Am. J. Clin. Pathol 2000; 114: 66-75.

Sağlıklı kemik iliği ve kan örneklerinde akım sitometri uygulamaları

Yıl 2014, Cilt: 36 Sayı: 3, 415 - 421, 01.09.2014



Akım sitometrik analiz ile daha doğru sonuçlara ulaşabilmek için kemik iliği ve periferik kan hücrelerinin fiziksel morfolojisinin iyi bilinmesi gereklidir. Akım sitometride; FS, SS ve CD45 kapısı ile kemik iliği hücresel bileşenleri ve onların karakterleri hakkında iyi bir bilgi edinmek mümkündür. Normal kemik iliği yapısını anlamak, patolojik durumların tanımlanmasında oldukça önemlidir. Sonuç olarak, sağlıklı kemik iliği ve kan örneklerinin akım sitometri ile doğru tanıyabilmek bizim daha iyi immün-fenotiplendirme yapmamızı sağlar.

Anahtar sözcükler: Kemik iliği, antikor, blastik hücre, akım sitometri



The physical morphology of bone marrow and peripheral blood cells has to be well known to achieve more accurate results with flow cytometric analysis. In flow cytometry; FS, SS and through the gate of CD45, it is possible to obtain a good knowledge about the characteristic of bone marrow cellular components. it is very important to understand the structure of normal bone marrow for the identification of pathological conditions. As a result, to recognize healthy bone marrow and blood samples correctly by flow cytometry enables us to make better immuno-phenotyping.

Keywords: Bone marrow, antibody, blastic cell, flow cytometry


  • O’Gorman MRG. Role of flow cytometry in the diagnosis and monitoring of primary immunodeficiency disease. Clin Lab Med 2007; 27: 591-626.
  • C. Darrell Jennings and Kenneth A. Foon Recent Advances in Flow Cytometry: Application to the Diagnosis of Hematologic Malignancy. Blood 1997 90: 2863
  • Dilli D, Oguz SS, Dilmen U, Koker MY, Kizilgun M. Predictive values of neutrophil CD64 expression compared with interleukin-6 and C-reactive protein in early diagnosis of neonatal sepsis. J Clin Lab Anal 2010; 24: 363-70. McKenna RW, Washington LT, Aquino DB, Picker LJ, Kroft SH. Immunophenotypic analysis of hematogones (B-lymphocyte precursors) in 662 consecutive bone marrow specimens by 4-color flow cytometry. Blood 2001; 98: 2498-507.
  • Rimsza LM, Larson RS, Winter SS, Foucar K, Chong YY, Garner KW, Leith CP. Benign hematogone-rich lymphoid proliferations can be distinguished from Blineage acute lymphoblastic leukemia by integration of morphology, immunophenotype, adhesion molecule expression, and architectural features. Am. J. Clin. Pathol 2000; 114: 66-75.
Toplam 4 adet kaynakça vardır.


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Bölüm Derlemeler

Hüseyin Avcılar

Mustafa Köker

Bülent Eser

Yayımlanma Tarihi 1 Eylül 2014
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2014Cilt: 36 Sayı: 3

Kaynak Göster

AMA Avcılar H, Köker M, Eser B. Sağlıklı kemik iliği ve kan örneklerinde akım sitometri uygulamaları. CMJ. Eylül 2014;36(3):415-421. doi:10.7197/cmj.v36i3.5000067260