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Kırmızı Biberde (Capsicum annuum L. cv. Kapya) Bazı Hasat Sonrası Uygulamaların Depolama Kalitesi Üzerine Etkileri

Year 2015, Volume: 3 Issue: 2, 45 - 53, 01.12.2015


Kapya biber çeşidi, özellikle Marmara, Ege ve Akdeniz Bölgelerinde taze tüketim ve endüstriyel açıdan oldukça büyük üretim ve ihracat potansiyeline sahiptir. Çalışmada, Kapya biber çeşidinde farklı hasat sonrası uygulamaların etkileri incelenmiştir. Bu amaçla; Çanakkale ili Merkez ilçesi Çıplak köyünde özel üretici bahçesinden hasat edilen Kapya biberinin meyvelerine hasat sonrası farklı konsantrasyonlarda çörek otu yağı, CaCl2 ve SemperfreshTM uygulaması yapılmıştır. Uygulama yapılan ürünler, 7,5±0,5°C arası sıcaklık ve %90 oransal nem koşullarında 15 ve 30 gün süreyle depolanmışlardır. Her depolama süresi sonunda, depodan çıkarılan biberler 2 gün süreyle 18–20°C sıcaklıktaki raf ömrü koşullarında tutulmuşlardır. Depolama ve 2 günlük raf ömrü sonunda biberlerde bazı kalite özellikleri incelenmiştir. İncelenen bu kalite özellikleri; ağırlık kaybı (%), renk (h°), suda çözünebilir kuru madde oranı (%), titre edilebilir toplam asitlik miktarı (%), pH değeri, toplam fenolik bileşik içeriği (mg GAE /100 g) ile depolama süresince çürüme ve bozulma oranıdır (%). Kapya biber çeşidinde yapılan uygulamalar ve depolama sonucunda 15 gün süre ile yapılan depolamada daha fazla olumlu sonuç alınmış, depolama sıcaklığının yapılan uygulamalara etki ettiği gözlemlenmiştir. Çürüme ve bozulma oranı incelendiğinde çörekotu yağı 600 ppm uygulaması başarılı olmuştur. Depolama süreleri uzadıkça meyvedeki bozulmalar artmış özellikle meyvenin uç kısmından sapa doğru giden bozulmalar gözlemlenmiştir


  • Anonim, 1995. FAO General procedure for fruits and vegetable preservation. Agricultural Service Bulletin. 119, 37–116.
  • Anonim, 2003. Stepac modifiye atmosfer torbaları tanıtım broşürü.
  • Anonim, 2012. Çanakkale ilinde sebze üretimi. sebze_uretimi.html.
  • Anonim, 2013. FAO İstatistik verileri. (Erişim tarihi: 14 Aralık 2015).
  • Anonim, 2014. Türkiye İstatsitik Kurumu Bitkisel Üretim Veri Tabanı. (Erişim tarihi: 14 Aralık 2015).
  • Anoymous 1968. International federation of fruit juice producers. No: 3.
  • Bayındırlı, L., Sümnü, G., Kamadan, K., 2007. Effects of semperfresh and jonfresh fruit coatings on poststorage quality of "satsuma" mandarins. J. Food Process Pres. 19 (5): 399 – 407
  • Bosland, P.W., Votava, E.J., 2000. Peppers: Vegetable and spice capsicums. CAB Publishing, ISBN 0 85199 3354, p 199.
  • Cantwell, M., 1991. Quality and postharvest phisiology of napolitios and tunac. Proc. Second Annual Texas Prickly Pear Conference, Texas. 50–66.
  • Cantwell, M., 2007. Reccomendation for maintainig postharvest quality: Bell Pepper. Produce/ProduceFacts /Veg/pepper.shtml Updated April 14, 2007 , /Veg/pepper.shtml.
  • Güldaş, M., Dağlıoğlu, F., 2008. Kalsiyum klorürün meyve ve sebze işlemede kullanılması. 10. Gıda Kongresi. Erzurum
  • Halloran, N., Yanmaz, R., Kasım, M.U., Kasım, R., 2000. Modified atmospheric storage of kandil bell pepper cultivar. Gıda. 25(2): 129–132.
  • Hardenburg, R.E., Watada, A.E., Wang, C.Y., 1986. The commercial storage of fruits, vegetables and florist and nursery stocks. U.S. Dept. Agric. Handbook.
  • Kader, A.A., 1985. Ethylene–ınduced senescence and physiological disorders in harvested horticultural crops. Hort. Science. 20: 54–57.
  • Kaynaş, K., Özelkök, İ.S., Sürmeli, N., 1995. Bazı sebze türlerinin kontrollü ve modifiye atmosfer depolama olanakları üzerinde araştırmalar. Sonuç Raporu. TOGTAG–1017. Yalova.
  • Kaynaş, K., Özelkök, S., Ertan, Ü., Büyükyılmaz, M., 1992. Bazı elma ve armut çeşitlerinde "semperfresh" kullanımının meyvelerin derim sonrası özelliklerine etkisi. Atatürk Bahçe Kült. Araş. Enst., Yalova. 28 s.
  • Kozukue, N., Ogata, K.., 1972. Physiological and chemical studies of chilling injury in pepper fruits. J. Food Sci. 37: 708–711.
  • Kzahandi, F., Thomas, J., Ihasnullah, J., 2008. Effects of gamma ırradition on extraction yield total phenolic content and free radicaiscavenging activity of Nigella sativa Seed. Food Chemistry. 110: 967–972.
  • Lerdthanangkul, S., Kroctha, J.M., 1996. Edible coating effects on postharvest quality of green bell peppers. J. Food Sci. 61 (1): 176–179.
  • Lurie, S., Shapiro, B., Chen, Z.E., Ben–Yehoshua, S., 1986. Effect of water stress and degree of ripeness on rate of senesence of harvested bell pepper fruit. J. Am. Soc. Hort. Sci. 111: 880–885.
  • McMolloch, L.P., 1962. Chiling ınjury and alternaria rot of bell peppers. USDA Marketing Research Report, No. 536, USA.
  • Moline, H.E., Hruschka, H.W., 1977. Storage and handling of california wonder sweet peppers (Capsicum annum L.,) Acta Horticulturae. 62: 257–266.
  • Öz, A.T., Ulukanlı, Z., 2011. Application of edible starch– based coating ıncluding glycerol plus Oleum nigella on arils from long–stared whole pomegranate fruits, Bahçe. 23: 81–95.
  • Park, I.K., Lee, S.G., Chai, D.H., Park, J.D., Ahn, Y.J., 2003. Insecticidal activities of constituents identified in the essential oil from leaves of Chamaecyparis A. against Collosobruches chinensis L. and Sitophslus arzyzae L., Journal of Stores Products Research. 39: 375–384.
  • Rao, R.T.V., Gol, N.B., Shah, K.K., 2011. Effect of postharvest treatments and storage temperatures on quality and shelf life of sweet pepper ( Capsicum annum L. ). Scientia Hoticulturae, Elsevier.
  • Risse, L.A., 1989. Individual film wrapping of florida fresh fruit and vegetables. Acta Hort. 258: 263–270.
  • Ryall, A.L., Lipton, W.J., 1983. Handling, transportation and storage of fruits an vegetables. AVI Publ. Westport, CT, Vol I.
  • Snowdon, A.L., 1992. Color atlas of postharvest diseases and disorders of fruit and vegetables, Vol 2. Walfe Publishing, Aylesbury. 416.
  • Watkins, C.B., 2002. Ethylene synthesis, mode of action consequencesand control. Knee, M. (Ed.). Fruit Quality and Its Biological Basis, Sheffield Academic Press. 180–224.
  • Zheng, W., Wang, S.Y., 2001. Antioxidant Activity and Phenolic Compounds in Selected Herbs. J. Agric Food
  • Chem. 49: 5165–5170.

The Effects of Some Postharvest Applications on Storage Quality of Red Pepper (Capsicum annuum L. cv. Capia)

Year 2015, Volume: 3 Issue: 2, 45 - 53, 01.12.2015


Red pepper cv. Capia has a quite large potential both for industry in terms of processing, exporting and for fresh consumption particularly in Marmara, Aegean and Mediterranean regions. The effects of different postharvest applications on red pepper cv. Capia were investigated in this study. For this purpose, black cumin oil, CaCl2 and SemperfreshTM were applied at different concentrations to red pepper cv. Capia fruits which harvested from a farmers‟ field in Çıplak village, Çanakkale. Treated fruits were stored at 7.5±0.5°C temperature and 90% relative humidity conditions for 15 and 30 days. Red pepper fruits were removed from storage and kept at 18–20°C temperature conditions for 2 days as shelf life at the end of each storage period. Some quality traits of red pepper fruits were examined at the end of each storage period. The quality traits examined are; weight loss (%), color (h°), soluble solid content (%), titrable acidity (%), pH in fruit pulp, total phenolic compounds content (GAE mg/100g) and deterioration and decay rate of red pepper fruits (%). More favorable results were obtained from 15 days of storage and it has been observed that applications were affected by the temperatures. 600 ppm black cumin oil was found successful in the rate of decay and deterioration. Deterioration indices on red pepper fruits increased and decays were observed by the end to stem of the fruits with the prolonged storage


  • Anonim, 1995. FAO General procedure for fruits and vegetable preservation. Agricultural Service Bulletin. 119, 37–116.
  • Anonim, 2003. Stepac modifiye atmosfer torbaları tanıtım broşürü.
  • Anonim, 2012. Çanakkale ilinde sebze üretimi. sebze_uretimi.html.
  • Anonim, 2013. FAO İstatistik verileri. (Erişim tarihi: 14 Aralık 2015).
  • Anonim, 2014. Türkiye İstatsitik Kurumu Bitkisel Üretim Veri Tabanı. (Erişim tarihi: 14 Aralık 2015).
  • Anoymous 1968. International federation of fruit juice producers. No: 3.
  • Bayındırlı, L., Sümnü, G., Kamadan, K., 2007. Effects of semperfresh and jonfresh fruit coatings on poststorage quality of "satsuma" mandarins. J. Food Process Pres. 19 (5): 399 – 407
  • Bosland, P.W., Votava, E.J., 2000. Peppers: Vegetable and spice capsicums. CAB Publishing, ISBN 0 85199 3354, p 199.
  • Cantwell, M., 1991. Quality and postharvest phisiology of napolitios and tunac. Proc. Second Annual Texas Prickly Pear Conference, Texas. 50–66.
  • Cantwell, M., 2007. Reccomendation for maintainig postharvest quality: Bell Pepper. Produce/ProduceFacts /Veg/pepper.shtml Updated April 14, 2007 , /Veg/pepper.shtml.
  • Güldaş, M., Dağlıoğlu, F., 2008. Kalsiyum klorürün meyve ve sebze işlemede kullanılması. 10. Gıda Kongresi. Erzurum
  • Halloran, N., Yanmaz, R., Kasım, M.U., Kasım, R., 2000. Modified atmospheric storage of kandil bell pepper cultivar. Gıda. 25(2): 129–132.
  • Hardenburg, R.E., Watada, A.E., Wang, C.Y., 1986. The commercial storage of fruits, vegetables and florist and nursery stocks. U.S. Dept. Agric. Handbook.
  • Kader, A.A., 1985. Ethylene–ınduced senescence and physiological disorders in harvested horticultural crops. Hort. Science. 20: 54–57.
  • Kaynaş, K., Özelkök, İ.S., Sürmeli, N., 1995. Bazı sebze türlerinin kontrollü ve modifiye atmosfer depolama olanakları üzerinde araştırmalar. Sonuç Raporu. TOGTAG–1017. Yalova.
  • Kaynaş, K., Özelkök, S., Ertan, Ü., Büyükyılmaz, M., 1992. Bazı elma ve armut çeşitlerinde "semperfresh" kullanımının meyvelerin derim sonrası özelliklerine etkisi. Atatürk Bahçe Kült. Araş. Enst., Yalova. 28 s.
  • Kozukue, N., Ogata, K.., 1972. Physiological and chemical studies of chilling injury in pepper fruits. J. Food Sci. 37: 708–711.
  • Kzahandi, F., Thomas, J., Ihasnullah, J., 2008. Effects of gamma ırradition on extraction yield total phenolic content and free radicaiscavenging activity of Nigella sativa Seed. Food Chemistry. 110: 967–972.
  • Lerdthanangkul, S., Kroctha, J.M., 1996. Edible coating effects on postharvest quality of green bell peppers. J. Food Sci. 61 (1): 176–179.
  • Lurie, S., Shapiro, B., Chen, Z.E., Ben–Yehoshua, S., 1986. Effect of water stress and degree of ripeness on rate of senesence of harvested bell pepper fruit. J. Am. Soc. Hort. Sci. 111: 880–885.
  • McMolloch, L.P., 1962. Chiling ınjury and alternaria rot of bell peppers. USDA Marketing Research Report, No. 536, USA.
  • Moline, H.E., Hruschka, H.W., 1977. Storage and handling of california wonder sweet peppers (Capsicum annum L.,) Acta Horticulturae. 62: 257–266.
  • Öz, A.T., Ulukanlı, Z., 2011. Application of edible starch– based coating ıncluding glycerol plus Oleum nigella on arils from long–stared whole pomegranate fruits, Bahçe. 23: 81–95.
  • Park, I.K., Lee, S.G., Chai, D.H., Park, J.D., Ahn, Y.J., 2003. Insecticidal activities of constituents identified in the essential oil from leaves of Chamaecyparis A. against Collosobruches chinensis L. and Sitophslus arzyzae L., Journal of Stores Products Research. 39: 375–384.
  • Rao, R.T.V., Gol, N.B., Shah, K.K., 2011. Effect of postharvest treatments and storage temperatures on quality and shelf life of sweet pepper ( Capsicum annum L. ). Scientia Hoticulturae, Elsevier.
  • Risse, L.A., 1989. Individual film wrapping of florida fresh fruit and vegetables. Acta Hort. 258: 263–270.
  • Ryall, A.L., Lipton, W.J., 1983. Handling, transportation and storage of fruits an vegetables. AVI Publ. Westport, CT, Vol I.
  • Snowdon, A.L., 1992. Color atlas of postharvest diseases and disorders of fruit and vegetables, Vol 2. Walfe Publishing, Aylesbury. 416.
  • Watkins, C.B., 2002. Ethylene synthesis, mode of action consequencesand control. Knee, M. (Ed.). Fruit Quality and Its Biological Basis, Sheffield Academic Press. 180–224.
  • Zheng, W., Wang, S.Y., 2001. Antioxidant Activity and Phenolic Compounds in Selected Herbs. J. Agric Food
  • Chem. 49: 5165–5170.
There are 31 citations in total.


Other ID JA33CC88ZC
Journal Section Articles

Ayşe Öykü Erdoğmuş This is me

Kenan Kaynaş This is me

Seçkin Kaya This is me

Publication Date December 1, 2015
Published in Issue Year 2015 Volume: 3 Issue: 2


APA Erdoğmuş, A. Ö., Kaynaş, K., & Kaya, S. (2015). The Effects of Some Postharvest Applications on Storage Quality of Red Pepper (Capsicum annuum L. cv. Capia). COMU Journal of Agriculture Faculty, 3(2), 45-53.