Case Report
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Non-occlusive mesenteric ischemia after gynecological surgery

Year 2017, , 584 - 586, 30.09.2017


Non-occlusive mesenteric ischemia is a type of acute mesenteric ischemia diagnosis and treatment are important for survival. There are medical reasons such as hypotension, dialysis, digital use, alpha-adrenergic agonists in the underlying causes of non-occlusive mesenteric ischemia. It can also be seen after heavy surgery (especially cardiac surgery). There is no such information about occurrence of non-mesenteric ischemia after gynecological surgery. We aimed to present a case, developing non-occlusive mesenteric ischemia after a gynecological operation.


  • 1. Hoff E, Prayson RA. Incidental Granulomatous Inflammation of the Uterus. South Med J. 2002;95:884-8.
  • 2. Trompeter M, Brazda T, Remy CT, Vestring T, Reimer P. Nonocclusive mesenteric ischemia: etiology, diagnosis, and interventional therapy. Eur Radiol. 2002;12:1179-87.
  • 3. Grendell JH, Ockner RK. Vascular diseases of the bowel. In: Gastrointestinal Disease, 3rd ed. (Eds MH Sleisenger, JS Fordtran): Philadelphia, WB Saunders Company. 1983;1543-68.
  • 4. Chaudhuri N, James J, Sheikh A, Grayson AD, Fabri BM. Intestinal ischaemia following cardiac surgery: a multivariate risk model. Eur J Cardiothorac Surg. 2006;29:971-7.
  • 5. Smerud MJ, Johnson CD, Stephens DH. Diagnosis of bowel infarction: a comparison of plain films and CT scans in 23 cases. AJR Am J Roentgenol. 1990;154:99-103.
  • 6. Dilege Ş. Mezenter damar hastalıkları. In: Genel Cerrahi, 1st ed. (Eds. G Kalaycı):883. İstanbul, Nobel Tıp Kitapevleri; 2002.
  • 7. Lobo-Martinez E, Merono CE, Sacco O, Martinez ME. Embolectomy in mesenteric ischemia. Rev Esp Enferm Dig. 1993; 83:351-4.
  • 8. Nilsson J, Hansson E, Andersson B. Intestinal ischemia after cardiac surgery: analysis of a large registry. J Cardiothorac Surg. 2013;8:156.
  • 9. Byard RW. Acute mesenteric ischaemia and unexpected death. J Forensic Leg Med. 2012;19:185-90.

Jinekolojik operasyon sonrası non-oklüziv mezenterik iskemi

Year 2017, , 584 - 586, 30.09.2017


Non-oklüziv mezenterik iskemi, akut mezenter iskeminin bir tipidir ve tanısı, tedavisi sağkalım açısından önemlidir. Non-oklüziv mezenterik iskeminin altta yatan nedenleri arasında diyaliz, digital kullanımı, alfa-adrenerjik agonist, hipotansiyon gibi medikal nedenler vardır. Ağır cerrahi operasyonlardan sonra da (özellikle kardiyak cerrahi) görülebilir. Jinekolojik cerrahilerden sonra gelişen non-oklüziv mezenter iskemiye literatürde hiç rastlanılmamıştır. Bu olguda jinekolojik bir operasyondan sonra gelişen non-oklüziv mezenter iskemi tablosu aktarılmıştır. 


  • 1. Hoff E, Prayson RA. Incidental Granulomatous Inflammation of the Uterus. South Med J. 2002;95:884-8.
  • 2. Trompeter M, Brazda T, Remy CT, Vestring T, Reimer P. Nonocclusive mesenteric ischemia: etiology, diagnosis, and interventional therapy. Eur Radiol. 2002;12:1179-87.
  • 3. Grendell JH, Ockner RK. Vascular diseases of the bowel. In: Gastrointestinal Disease, 3rd ed. (Eds MH Sleisenger, JS Fordtran): Philadelphia, WB Saunders Company. 1983;1543-68.
  • 4. Chaudhuri N, James J, Sheikh A, Grayson AD, Fabri BM. Intestinal ischaemia following cardiac surgery: a multivariate risk model. Eur J Cardiothorac Surg. 2006;29:971-7.
  • 5. Smerud MJ, Johnson CD, Stephens DH. Diagnosis of bowel infarction: a comparison of plain films and CT scans in 23 cases. AJR Am J Roentgenol. 1990;154:99-103.
  • 6. Dilege Ş. Mezenter damar hastalıkları. In: Genel Cerrahi, 1st ed. (Eds. G Kalaycı):883. İstanbul, Nobel Tıp Kitapevleri; 2002.
  • 7. Lobo-Martinez E, Merono CE, Sacco O, Martinez ME. Embolectomy in mesenteric ischemia. Rev Esp Enferm Dig. 1993; 83:351-4.
  • 8. Nilsson J, Hansson E, Andersson B. Intestinal ischemia after cardiac surgery: analysis of a large registry. J Cardiothorac Surg. 2013;8:156.
  • 9. Byard RW. Acute mesenteric ischaemia and unexpected death. J Forensic Leg Med. 2012;19:185-90.
There are 9 citations in total.


Subjects Health Care Administration
Journal Section Case Report

Yakup Yalçın

İsmail Zihni This is me

Çaglar Özçelik This is me

Burak Tatar This is me

Ebru Erdemoğlu This is me

Evrim Erdemoğlu This is me

Publication Date September 30, 2017
Acceptance Date December 15, 2016
Published in Issue Year 2017


MLA Yalçın, Yakup et al. “Non-Occlusive Mesenteric Ischemia After Gynecological Surgery”. Cukurova Medical Journal, vol. 42, no. 3, 2017, pp. 584-6, doi:10.17826/cutf.324566.