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Scapula’nın morfometrik analizi ve klinik önemi

Year 2019, , 788 - 793, 30.09.2019


Amaç: Bu çalışmanın amacı, omuz sentürünün önemli bir elemanı olan kuru kemik os scapula’nın morfometrik ve anatomik ölçümlerinin elde edilmesi ve toplumlar arası karşılaştırılmasıdır. 

Gereç ve Yöntem: Çalışmaya yaşı ve cinsiyeti belirsiz, toplam altmış dokuz (69) adet kuru kemik scapula dahil edildi. Ölçüm parametreleri; Scapula Maksimum Uzunluğu (SU), Scapula Maksimum Genişliği (SG), Spina Scapulae Uzunluğu (SSU), Cavitas Glenoidalis Superior Inferior Genişlik (CGSIG), Cavitas Glenoidalis Antero Posterior Genişlik (CGAPG), Medial Kenar Uzunluğu Supraspinata (MKUS), Medial Kenar Uzunluğu Infraspinata (MKUI), Lateral Kenar Uzunluğu (LKU), Acromion-Cavitas Glenoidalis Arası Mesafe (ACGM) ve Cavitas Glenoidalis-Processus Coracoideus Arası Mesafe (CGPCM)’dir. Ayrıca scapular indeks, glenoid indeks ve infraspinat indeks hesaplanmıştır. 

Bulgular: Altmış dokuz (69) adet kuru kemik scapula’dan 31 adet sağ, 38 adet sol taraf olarak bulunmuştur. Scapula’ya ait ölçüm parametreleri ve ortalamaları aşağıdaki gibidir: Scapula Maksimum Uzunluğu; 14,08±1,25 cm, Scapula Maksimum Genişliği; 9,85±0,80 cm, Spina Scapulae Uzunluğu; 8,19±0,87 cm, Cavitas Glenoidalis Superior Inferior Genişlik; 3,68±0,36 cm, Cavitas Glenoidalis Antero Posterior Genişlik; 2,51±0,27 cm, Medial Kenar Uzunluğu Supraspinata; 4,68±0,44 cm, Medial Kenar Uzunluğu Infraspinata; 10,71±1,11 cm, Lateral Kenar Uzunluğu; 12,25±1,15 cm, Acromion - Cavitas Glenoidalis Arası Mesafe; 2,63±0,42 cm ve Cavitas Glenoidalis - Processus Coracoideus Arası Mesafe 2,00±0,28 cm’dir. 

Sonuç: Scapula anatomisinin bilinmesi ve morfometrik ölçümlerinin elde edilmesi scapula’yı ilgilendiren patolojiler ve cerrahi girişimler açısından öneme sahiptir. 


  • Dere F. Anatomi Atlası ve Ders Kitabı. 5. baskı, Adana: Nobel Tıp Kitabevi, 2010.
  • Ozan H. Ozan Anatomi. 3. Baskı. Ankara, Klinisyen Tıp Kitabevleri, 2014.
  • Aktaş İ, Akgün K. Kanat skapula. Turk J Phys Med Rehab. 2007;53:113-7.
  • Kennedy K. Rehabilitation of the unstable shoulder. Oper Tech Sports Med 1993;1:311–24.
  • Kibler WB, McMullen J. Scapular dyskinesis and its relation to shoulder pain. J Am Acad Orthop Surg 2003;11(2):142-51.
  • Pekyavaş NÖ, Kunduracılar Z, Ersin A, Ergüneş C, Tonga E, Karataş M. Boyun ve omuz ağrılı olgularda skapular diskinezi, ağrı, eklem hareket açıklığı ve esneklik arasındaki ilişki. Ağrı. 2014;26(3):119-25.
  • Akman Ş, Demirhan M, Akpınar S. Kanat skapula sınıflama tanı ve tedavi prensipleri. Acta Orthop Traumatol Turc. 1998; 32: 73-8.
  • Tate AR, McClure P, Kareha S, Irwin D, Barbe MF. A clinical method for identifying scapular dyskinesis. J Athl Train 2009;44(2):165-73.
  • Costa ACO, Albuquerque PPF, Albuquerque PV, Oliveira BDR, Albuquerque YML, Caiaffo V. Morphometric analysis of the scapula and their differences between females and males. 2016;34(3):1164-8.
  • Gosavi SN, Jadhav SD, Garud RS. Morphometric study of Scapular glenoid cavity in Indian population. Journal of Dental and Medical Sciences, 2014;13(9):67-9.
  • Chhabra N, Prakash S, Mishra BK. Morphometric analysis of adult dry human scapulae. International Journal of Medical and Health Research. 2015;1(2):35-8.
  • Rengachary SS, Burr D, Lucas S, Hassanein KM, Mohn MP, Matzke H. Suprascapular entrapment neuropathy: a clinical, anatomical and comparative study. Part 1. Neurosurgery 1979;5:441-46.
  • Rengachary SS, Burr D, Lucas S, Hassanein KM, Mohn MP, Matzke H. Suprascapular entrapment neuropathy: a clinical, anatomical and comparative study. Part2. Neurosurgery 1979;5:447-51.
  • Pushpa NB , Bajpe R. Morphology of suprascapular notch: a study on 176 dry scapulae. International Journal of Anatomy and Research. 2015;3(4):1642-5.
  • Lingamdenne PE, Marapaka P. Measurement and analysis of anthropometric measurements of the human scapula in Telangana region, India. International Journal of Anatomy and Research. 2016; 4(3): 2677-83.
  • Wael Amin NE, Mona HMA. A morphometric study of the patterns and variations of the acromion glenoid cavity of the scapulae in Egyptian population. Journal of clinical and diagnostic research. 2015;9(8):08-11.
  • Sitha P, Nopparatn S, Aporn CD, The scapula: Osseous dimensions and gender dimorphismin. Thais Sriraj Hsop. 2004;56(7):356-65.
  • Paraskevas G, Tzaveas A, Papaziogas B, Kitsoulis P, Natsis K, Spanidou S. Morphological parameters of the acromion. Folia morphol. 2008;67:255-60.
  • Parmar AM, Vaghela B, Shah KP, Agarwal GC. Study of glenoid cavity of human scapula and ıts clinical importance. International Journal of Anatomy and Research. 2017; 5(3.2): 4177-81.
  • Chavan SR, Bhoir M, Verma S. A study of anthropometric measurements of the human scapula in Maharashtra, India. International Journal of Anatomy. 2017; 1(2): 23-6.
  • Singhal A. A study of measurements and indices of human scapula at Jamnagar Medical College. Int J Res Med. 2013; 2(1):65-8.
  • Krishnaiah M, Nagaraj S, Kumar P, Sherke AR. Study of scapular measurements and scapular indices of Andhra Pradesh region. IOSR-JDMS. 2014; 13(6):117-12.
  • Polguj M, Jedrzejewski KS, Podgorski M, Topol M. Correlation between morphometry of the suprascapular notch and anthropometric measurements of the scapula. Folia Morphol.2011;70(2);109-15.
  • Dhindsa GS, Singh Z. A study of morphology of glenoid cavity. Journal of Evolution of Medical and Dental Sciences. 2014;3:7036-43.

Morphometric analysis and clinical significance of scapula

Year 2019, , 788 - 793, 30.09.2019


Purpose: The aim of this study is to obtain morphometric and anatomic measurements of dry human scapula which is an important component of shoulder girdle and compared intercommunal.    

Materials and Methods: Sixty-nine (69) scapula of unknown gender and age of an Anatolian population are included in this study. Measurement parameters consist of scapula maximum length (SL), scapula maximum width (SW), spine of scapula length (SSL), glenoid cavity infero-superior width (CGSIW), glenoid cavity anteroposterior width (CGAPW), medial border length supraspinata (MBLS), medial border length infraspinata (MBLI), lateral border length (LBL), the distance between acromion and glenoid cavity (AGCD) and the distance between glenoid cavity and coracoid process (GCCPD). Also, scapular index (SI), glenoid index (GI) and infraspinat index (ISI) were calculated. 

Results: Sixty nine (69) scapula are divided into two; thirty one (31) right and thirty eight (38) left. The means of measurement parameters and measurements are found as below: Scapula maximum length; 14.08±1.25 cm, scapula maximum width; 9.85±0.80 cm, spine of scapula length; 8.19±0.87 cm, glenoid cavity supero inferior width; 3.68±0.36 cm, glenoid cavity antero-posterior width; 2.51±0.27 cm, medial border length supraspinata; 4.68±0.44 cm, medial border length infraspinata; 10.71±1.11 cm, lateral border length; 12.25±1.15 cm, the distance between acromion and glenoid cavity; 2.63±0.42 cm and the distance between glenoid cavity and coracoid process; 2.00±0.28 cm. 

Conclusion: Knowing the anatomy of the scapula and obtaining of the morphometric measurements of it, has importance in terms of surgical approaches and pathologies related to scapula.


  • Dere F. Anatomi Atlası ve Ders Kitabı. 5. baskı, Adana: Nobel Tıp Kitabevi, 2010.
  • Ozan H. Ozan Anatomi. 3. Baskı. Ankara, Klinisyen Tıp Kitabevleri, 2014.
  • Aktaş İ, Akgün K. Kanat skapula. Turk J Phys Med Rehab. 2007;53:113-7.
  • Kennedy K. Rehabilitation of the unstable shoulder. Oper Tech Sports Med 1993;1:311–24.
  • Kibler WB, McMullen J. Scapular dyskinesis and its relation to shoulder pain. J Am Acad Orthop Surg 2003;11(2):142-51.
  • Pekyavaş NÖ, Kunduracılar Z, Ersin A, Ergüneş C, Tonga E, Karataş M. Boyun ve omuz ağrılı olgularda skapular diskinezi, ağrı, eklem hareket açıklığı ve esneklik arasındaki ilişki. Ağrı. 2014;26(3):119-25.
  • Akman Ş, Demirhan M, Akpınar S. Kanat skapula sınıflama tanı ve tedavi prensipleri. Acta Orthop Traumatol Turc. 1998; 32: 73-8.
  • Tate AR, McClure P, Kareha S, Irwin D, Barbe MF. A clinical method for identifying scapular dyskinesis. J Athl Train 2009;44(2):165-73.
  • Costa ACO, Albuquerque PPF, Albuquerque PV, Oliveira BDR, Albuquerque YML, Caiaffo V. Morphometric analysis of the scapula and their differences between females and males. 2016;34(3):1164-8.
  • Gosavi SN, Jadhav SD, Garud RS. Morphometric study of Scapular glenoid cavity in Indian population. Journal of Dental and Medical Sciences, 2014;13(9):67-9.
  • Chhabra N, Prakash S, Mishra BK. Morphometric analysis of adult dry human scapulae. International Journal of Medical and Health Research. 2015;1(2):35-8.
  • Rengachary SS, Burr D, Lucas S, Hassanein KM, Mohn MP, Matzke H. Suprascapular entrapment neuropathy: a clinical, anatomical and comparative study. Part 1. Neurosurgery 1979;5:441-46.
  • Rengachary SS, Burr D, Lucas S, Hassanein KM, Mohn MP, Matzke H. Suprascapular entrapment neuropathy: a clinical, anatomical and comparative study. Part2. Neurosurgery 1979;5:447-51.
  • Pushpa NB , Bajpe R. Morphology of suprascapular notch: a study on 176 dry scapulae. International Journal of Anatomy and Research. 2015;3(4):1642-5.
  • Lingamdenne PE, Marapaka P. Measurement and analysis of anthropometric measurements of the human scapula in Telangana region, India. International Journal of Anatomy and Research. 2016; 4(3): 2677-83.
  • Wael Amin NE, Mona HMA. A morphometric study of the patterns and variations of the acromion glenoid cavity of the scapulae in Egyptian population. Journal of clinical and diagnostic research. 2015;9(8):08-11.
  • Sitha P, Nopparatn S, Aporn CD, The scapula: Osseous dimensions and gender dimorphismin. Thais Sriraj Hsop. 2004;56(7):356-65.
  • Paraskevas G, Tzaveas A, Papaziogas B, Kitsoulis P, Natsis K, Spanidou S. Morphological parameters of the acromion. Folia morphol. 2008;67:255-60.
  • Parmar AM, Vaghela B, Shah KP, Agarwal GC. Study of glenoid cavity of human scapula and ıts clinical importance. International Journal of Anatomy and Research. 2017; 5(3.2): 4177-81.
  • Chavan SR, Bhoir M, Verma S. A study of anthropometric measurements of the human scapula in Maharashtra, India. International Journal of Anatomy. 2017; 1(2): 23-6.
  • Singhal A. A study of measurements and indices of human scapula at Jamnagar Medical College. Int J Res Med. 2013; 2(1):65-8.
  • Krishnaiah M, Nagaraj S, Kumar P, Sherke AR. Study of scapular measurements and scapular indices of Andhra Pradesh region. IOSR-JDMS. 2014; 13(6):117-12.
  • Polguj M, Jedrzejewski KS, Podgorski M, Topol M. Correlation between morphometry of the suprascapular notch and anthropometric measurements of the scapula. Folia Morphol.2011;70(2);109-15.
  • Dhindsa GS, Singh Z. A study of morphology of glenoid cavity. Journal of Evolution of Medical and Dental Sciences. 2014;3:7036-43.
There are 24 citations in total.


Primary Language Turkish
Subjects Health Care Administration
Journal Section Research

Ayşe Gül Kabakcı 0000-0001-7144-8759

Sema Polat This is me 0000-0003-4695-0514

Ahmet Hilmi Yücel 0000-0002-2660-5388

Publication Date September 30, 2019
Acceptance Date January 2, 2019
Published in Issue Year 2019


MLA Kabakcı, Ayşe Gül et al. “Scapula’nın Morfometrik Analizi Ve Klinik önemi”. Cukurova Medical Journal, vol. 44, no. 3, 2019, pp. 788-93, doi:10.17826/cumj.470162.