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Effects of foot reflexology on dysmenorrhea: a randomized controlled trial

Year 2019, , 54 - 60, 29.12.2019


Purpose: The present study aimed to determine the effects of foot reflexology on dysmenorrhea.

Materials and Methods: A randomize controlled trial design was used. This study included 29 student is in the intervention, 29 student in placebo groups. In the reflexology group, the subjects received 8 reflexology sessions (30 minutes each) in two consecutive mense cycles. The placebo groups , the subjects received 8 foot massage  sessions (30 minutes each) in two consecutive mense cycles. To assess the severity of dysmenorrhea, Visual Anolog Scala and Verbal category scale were used in this study.

Results: When VAS mean scores of the experimental and placebo groups during 4 follow-up periods were compared, it was found that there is not  a statistically significant difference between experimental and placebo groups. 

Conclusion: Results showed that reflexology and placebo foot massage might be effective in decreasing dysmenorrhea. It is recommended that the students suffering from dysmenorrhea problems should be informed on the foot and reflexology massage.


  • 1. Şirin A, Kavlak O. Women’s Health 2.nd ed., Nobel Tıp Kitapevi,Istanbul (Turkey) 2015 :94-109.2. Kazama M, Maruyama K, Nakamura K Prevalence of dysmenorrhea and its correlating lifestyle factors in Japanese female junior high school students. Tohoku J Exp Med 2015; 236:107-113.3. Hailemeskel S, Demissie A, Assefa N. Primary dysmenorrhea magnitude, associated risk factors, and its effect on academic performance: evidence from female university students in Ethiopia. Int J Womens Health 2016;8:489-4964. Subasinghe AK , Happo L , Jayasinghe YL., Garland SM, Gorelik A, Wark JD. Prevalence and severity of dysmenorrhoea, and management options reported by young Australian women. Aust Fam Physician 2016; 45:829-834.5. Habibi N, Huang MSL, Gan WY, Zulida R, Safavi SM. Prevalence of primary dysmenorrhea and factors associated with its in,tensity among undergraduate students: a cross-sectional study. Pain Manag Nurs 2015;16:855-8616. Cunningham S, Tan D. Dysmenorrhoea and acupuncture: a review of the literature. Nursing Standard 2011;24(44):39-47.7. Taskın L. Birth and Women’s Health nursing. 13.nd ed., Özyurt Press Ankara (Turkey), 2016;623-625.8. Zahradnik HP, Beck AH, Groth K.Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs and hormonal contraceptives for pain relief from dysmenorrhea:a review. Contraception 2010; 8:1185-11969. Sanctis VD, Soliman AT, Elsedfy H, Soliman NA, Soliman R, El Kholy M .Dysmenorrhea in adolescents and young adults: a review in different country. ABM 2018;87(3). 233-46.10. Sanctis VD, Soliman A, Bernasconi S, Bianchin L, Bona G, Bozzola M, et al . Primary Dysmenorrhea in Adolescents: Prevalence, Impact and Recent Knowledge. Pediatr Endocrinol Rev 2015; 13. 512-20.11. Chen HY, Lin YH, Su İH, Chen YC, Yang S, Chen J. Investigation on Chinese herbal medicine for primary dysmenorrhea: Implication from a nationwide prescription database in Taiwan. Complementary Therapies in Medicine 2014; 22:116-125.12. Spears A .Narrative review of medical, chiropractic, and alternative health practices in the treatment of primary dysmenorrhea. Journal of Chıropractıc Medicine 2005; 4(2):76-88.13. Ernst E, Posadzki P, Lee MS. Reflexology: an update of a systematic review of randomised clinical trials. Maturitas 2011; 6:116-120.14. Ernst E.Is reflexology an effective intervention? A systematic review of randomised controlled trials. MJA 2009;191:5-715. Kim YH, Cho SH. The effect of foot reflexology on premenstrual syndrome and dysmenorrhea in female college students. Korean J Women Health Nurs 2002; 8(2):212-22116. Valiani M, Babaei E, Heshmat R, Zare Z . Comparing the effects of reflexology methods and Ibuprofen administration on dysmenorrhea in female students of Isfahan University of Medical Sciences. IJNMR 2010; (15):371-378 17. Aslan F.E. The Nature Of Pain. 2.nd.ed., Akademisyen Kitabevi (Turkey) 2014; 169-121.18. French L. Dysmenorrhea. American Family Physician 2005; 71(2) :285-291.19. Wong CL, Lai KY, Tse HM. Effects of SP6 acupressure on pain and menstrual distress in young women with dysmenorrhea. Complementary Therapies in Clinical Practice 2010;16 :64-69.20. Potur D, Bilgin NC, Kömürcü N. Prevalence of dysmenorrhea in university students in Turkey: Effect on daily activities and evaluation of different pain management methods. Pain Management Nursing 2013; 1-10.21. Larroy C. Comparing Visual-Analog and Numeric Scales for Assessing Menstrual Pain. Behavioral Medicine 2002;27(4):179-181.22. Hannan P, Claydon LS . Some physiotherapy treatments may relieve menstrual pain in women with primary dysmenorrhea: A systematic review. Journal of Physiotherapy 2014; 60 : 13-21.23. Wu . BK. Effect of foot reflexology dysmenorrhea adolescents:randomised controlled trial in,School of Nursing and Widwifery,Doctor of Philolopshy, Unpublished Phd Thesis. Griffit Universty , Taiwan;200924. Ajorpaz N.M.,. Hajbaghery M.A, Mosaebi F. The effects of acupressure on primary dysmenorrhea: A randomized controlled trial. Complementary Therapies in Clinical Practice 2011; 1733-36.25. Witt C, Reinhold T, Brinkhaus B, et al. Acupuncture in patients with dysmenorrhea: a randomized study on clinical effectiveness and cost-effectiveness in usual care. Am J Obstet Gynecol,2008; 198:166-174.26. Mee Y.Effects of aroma-foot-reflexology on premenstrual syndrome, dysmenorrhea and lower abdominal skin temperature of nursing students. Korean J Adult 2011; 23: 472-481.27. Kim YJ, Lee MS, Yang YS, et al. Self-aromatherapy massage of the abdomen for the reduction of menstrual pain and anxiety during menstruation in nurses: A placebo- controlled clinical trial. European Journal of Integrative Medicine 2011;165-168.28. Apay SE, Arslan S, Akpinar RP, et al . Effect of aromatherapy massage on dysmenorrhea in Turkish students. Pain Management Nursing 2012;13:236-240.29. Marzouk TMF, El-Nemer AMR, Baraka HN. The effect of aromatherapy abdominal massage on alleviating menstrual pain in nursing students: a prospective randomized cross-over study evidence-based. Complementary and Alternative Medicine 2013; 1-630. Potur DC, Kömürcü N. The effects of local low-dose heat application on dysmenorrhea. J Pediatr Adoles Gynecol 2013;1-6.31. Reis CAS, Hardy E, Sousa MH. The effectiveness of connective tissue massage in thetreatment of primary dysmenorrhea among young women. Rev Bras Saúde Matern Infant 2010; 10:247-256.32. Rahbar N, Asgharzadeh N, Ghorbani R. Effect of omega-3 fatty acids on intensity of primary dysmenorrhea. International Journal of Gynecology and Obstetrics 2012; 117:45-4733. Eryilmaz G., Pasinlioglu T. Dysmenorrhea prevalence among adolescents in eastern Turkey: Its effects on school performance and relationships with family and friends. J Pediatr Adolesc Gynecol 2010; 23:267-272.34. Mohamed EM. Epidemiology of dysmenorrhea among adolescent students in Assiut City. Egypt. Life Science Journal 2012; 9:348-35235. Aghabati A, Mohammad E, Esmaiel ZP. The effect of therapeutic touch on pain and fatigue of cancer patients undergoing chemotherapy. CAM 2010;7:375-381.36. Marta IER, Baldan SS, Berton AF, et al The effectiveness of therapeutic touch on pain,depression and sleep in patients with chronic pain: clinical trial. Rev Esc Enferm 2010;44: 1094-1100.37. Jackson E, Kelley M, McNeil P, et al.Does therapeutic touch help reduce pain and anxiety in patients with cancer? Clinical Journal of Oncology Nursing 2008;12:113-120

Ayak refleksolojisinin dismenore üzerine etkileri: randomize kontrollü bir çalışma

Year 2019, , 54 - 60, 29.12.2019


Amaç: Bu çalışma ayak refleksolojinin dismenore üzerine etkisini belirlemek amacıyla yapılmıştır. 

Gereç ve Yöntem: Randomize kontrollü çalışma dızaynı kullanılmıştır. Bu çalışmada 29 öğrenci müdahale grubunda, 29 öğrenci placebo grubunda yer almıştır. Refleksoloji grubu, birbirini izleyen iki menstrual siklus 8 refleksoloji oturumu (her biri 30 dakika) yapılmıştır. Plasebo grubu ise birbirini izleyen iki mentrual siklus 8 ayak masajı oturumu (her biri 30 dakika) yapılmıştır. Bu çalışmada dismenorenin şiddeti Visual Analog Skala ve Sözel Kategori Ölçeği ile değerlendirilmiştir. 

Bulgular: Dört izlem periyodunda deney ve placebo grubu karşılaştırıldığında gruplar arasında istatistiksel olarak fark olmadığı bulunmuştur. 

Sonuç: Çalışmanın sonuçları refleksoloji ve plasebo ayak masajının dismenoeyi azaltmada etkili olduğunu göstermektedir. Dismenore problem olan öğrencilere ayak ve refleksoloji masajı hakkında bilgilendirme yapılması önerilebilir. 


  • 1. Şirin A, Kavlak O. Women’s Health 2.nd ed., Nobel Tıp Kitapevi,Istanbul (Turkey) 2015 :94-109.2. Kazama M, Maruyama K, Nakamura K Prevalence of dysmenorrhea and its correlating lifestyle factors in Japanese female junior high school students. Tohoku J Exp Med 2015; 236:107-113.3. Hailemeskel S, Demissie A, Assefa N. Primary dysmenorrhea magnitude, associated risk factors, and its effect on academic performance: evidence from female university students in Ethiopia. Int J Womens Health 2016;8:489-4964. Subasinghe AK , Happo L , Jayasinghe YL., Garland SM, Gorelik A, Wark JD. Prevalence and severity of dysmenorrhoea, and management options reported by young Australian women. Aust Fam Physician 2016; 45:829-834.5. Habibi N, Huang MSL, Gan WY, Zulida R, Safavi SM. Prevalence of primary dysmenorrhea and factors associated with its in,tensity among undergraduate students: a cross-sectional study. Pain Manag Nurs 2015;16:855-8616. Cunningham S, Tan D. Dysmenorrhoea and acupuncture: a review of the literature. Nursing Standard 2011;24(44):39-47.7. Taskın L. Birth and Women’s Health nursing. 13.nd ed., Özyurt Press Ankara (Turkey), 2016;623-625.8. Zahradnik HP, Beck AH, Groth K.Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs and hormonal contraceptives for pain relief from dysmenorrhea:a review. Contraception 2010; 8:1185-11969. Sanctis VD, Soliman AT, Elsedfy H, Soliman NA, Soliman R, El Kholy M .Dysmenorrhea in adolescents and young adults: a review in different country. ABM 2018;87(3). 233-46.10. Sanctis VD, Soliman A, Bernasconi S, Bianchin L, Bona G, Bozzola M, et al . Primary Dysmenorrhea in Adolescents: Prevalence, Impact and Recent Knowledge. Pediatr Endocrinol Rev 2015; 13. 512-20.11. Chen HY, Lin YH, Su İH, Chen YC, Yang S, Chen J. Investigation on Chinese herbal medicine for primary dysmenorrhea: Implication from a nationwide prescription database in Taiwan. Complementary Therapies in Medicine 2014; 22:116-125.12. Spears A .Narrative review of medical, chiropractic, and alternative health practices in the treatment of primary dysmenorrhea. Journal of Chıropractıc Medicine 2005; 4(2):76-88.13. Ernst E, Posadzki P, Lee MS. Reflexology: an update of a systematic review of randomised clinical trials. Maturitas 2011; 6:116-120.14. Ernst E.Is reflexology an effective intervention? A systematic review of randomised controlled trials. MJA 2009;191:5-715. Kim YH, Cho SH. The effect of foot reflexology on premenstrual syndrome and dysmenorrhea in female college students. Korean J Women Health Nurs 2002; 8(2):212-22116. Valiani M, Babaei E, Heshmat R, Zare Z . Comparing the effects of reflexology methods and Ibuprofen administration on dysmenorrhea in female students of Isfahan University of Medical Sciences. IJNMR 2010; (15):371-378 17. Aslan F.E. The Nature Of Pain. 2.nd.ed., Akademisyen Kitabevi (Turkey) 2014; 169-121.18. French L. Dysmenorrhea. American Family Physician 2005; 71(2) :285-291.19. Wong CL, Lai KY, Tse HM. Effects of SP6 acupressure on pain and menstrual distress in young women with dysmenorrhea. Complementary Therapies in Clinical Practice 2010;16 :64-69.20. Potur D, Bilgin NC, Kömürcü N. Prevalence of dysmenorrhea in university students in Turkey: Effect on daily activities and evaluation of different pain management methods. Pain Management Nursing 2013; 1-10.21. Larroy C. Comparing Visual-Analog and Numeric Scales for Assessing Menstrual Pain. Behavioral Medicine 2002;27(4):179-181.22. Hannan P, Claydon LS . Some physiotherapy treatments may relieve menstrual pain in women with primary dysmenorrhea: A systematic review. Journal of Physiotherapy 2014; 60 : 13-21.23. Wu . BK. Effect of foot reflexology dysmenorrhea adolescents:randomised controlled trial in,School of Nursing and Widwifery,Doctor of Philolopshy, Unpublished Phd Thesis. Griffit Universty , Taiwan;200924. Ajorpaz N.M.,. Hajbaghery M.A, Mosaebi F. The effects of acupressure on primary dysmenorrhea: A randomized controlled trial. Complementary Therapies in Clinical Practice 2011; 1733-36.25. Witt C, Reinhold T, Brinkhaus B, et al. Acupuncture in patients with dysmenorrhea: a randomized study on clinical effectiveness and cost-effectiveness in usual care. Am J Obstet Gynecol,2008; 198:166-174.26. Mee Y.Effects of aroma-foot-reflexology on premenstrual syndrome, dysmenorrhea and lower abdominal skin temperature of nursing students. Korean J Adult 2011; 23: 472-481.27. Kim YJ, Lee MS, Yang YS, et al. Self-aromatherapy massage of the abdomen for the reduction of menstrual pain and anxiety during menstruation in nurses: A placebo- controlled clinical trial. European Journal of Integrative Medicine 2011;165-168.28. Apay SE, Arslan S, Akpinar RP, et al . Effect of aromatherapy massage on dysmenorrhea in Turkish students. Pain Management Nursing 2012;13:236-240.29. Marzouk TMF, El-Nemer AMR, Baraka HN. The effect of aromatherapy abdominal massage on alleviating menstrual pain in nursing students: a prospective randomized cross-over study evidence-based. Complementary and Alternative Medicine 2013; 1-630. Potur DC, Kömürcü N. The effects of local low-dose heat application on dysmenorrhea. J Pediatr Adoles Gynecol 2013;1-6.31. Reis CAS, Hardy E, Sousa MH. The effectiveness of connective tissue massage in thetreatment of primary dysmenorrhea among young women. Rev Bras Saúde Matern Infant 2010; 10:247-256.32. Rahbar N, Asgharzadeh N, Ghorbani R. Effect of omega-3 fatty acids on intensity of primary dysmenorrhea. International Journal of Gynecology and Obstetrics 2012; 117:45-4733. Eryilmaz G., Pasinlioglu T. Dysmenorrhea prevalence among adolescents in eastern Turkey: Its effects on school performance and relationships with family and friends. J Pediatr Adolesc Gynecol 2010; 23:267-272.34. Mohamed EM. Epidemiology of dysmenorrhea among adolescent students in Assiut City. Egypt. Life Science Journal 2012; 9:348-35235. Aghabati A, Mohammad E, Esmaiel ZP. The effect of therapeutic touch on pain and fatigue of cancer patients undergoing chemotherapy. CAM 2010;7:375-381.36. Marta IER, Baldan SS, Berton AF, et al The effectiveness of therapeutic touch on pain,depression and sleep in patients with chronic pain: clinical trial. Rev Esc Enferm 2010;44: 1094-1100.37. Jackson E, Kelley M, McNeil P, et al.Does therapeutic touch help reduce pain and anxiety in patients with cancer? Clinical Journal of Oncology Nursing 2008;12:113-120
There are 1 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Subjects Traditional, Complementary and Integrative Medicine
Journal Section Research

Figen Alp Yılmaz 0000-0001-6022-0978

Mürüvvet Başer This is me 0000-0003-4565-2275

Publication Date December 29, 2019
Acceptance Date May 4, 2019
Published in Issue Year 2019


MLA Alp Yılmaz, Figen and Mürüvvet Başer. “Effects of Foot Reflexology on Dysmenorrhea: A Randomized Controlled Trial”. Cukurova Medical Journal, vol. 44, 2019, pp. 54-60, doi:10.17826/cumj.550663.