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Effect of conception time and maternal age upon fetal sex ratio in Çukurova population, Adana-Turkey

Year 2014, , 248 - 255, 22.07.2014


Purpose: This investigation was conducted to determine whether the month of conception, parental age, and environmental factors such as seasonal variation, consumption of alcohol and cigarette by parents, play a role on sex ratio at pregnancy in Çukurova region and surrounding area population (Turkey). Materials and Methods: We have analyzed tha data of patients who were referred to our prenatal diagnosis laboratory for amniosynthesis with the purpose of karyotyping between the years of 2005-2007. We used Pearsen Chi-square, Fisher"s exact and T-tests for statistical analyses. Result(s): No association was established between the primary sex ratio and time for pregnancy. Differences in primary sex ratio among the months were not statistically significant, but the difference for the month of September was noted. For september, we have found statistically significant distortion of sex ratio toward male, (males:females ratio=1.8). Conclusion: In conclusion, our speculation is that the climate change in September may affect the primary sex ratio under the summer/autumn photoperiod.


  • Weijin Z, Olsen J. Offspring sex ratio as an indicator of reproductive hazards. Occup Environ Med 1996; 53:503-4.
  • Clutton Brock TH, Iason GR. Sex ratio variation in mammals. Q Rev Biol. 1986;61:339–74.
  • Roenneberg T, Aschoff J. Annual rhythm of human reproduction: II. Environmental correlations. J Biol Rhythms 1990;5:217-39.
  • Cavalli-Sforza L, Bodmer WF. The Genetics of Human Populations. San Francisco, USA, Freeman, 19 Henry L, Blum A. Techniques d’analyse en démographie historique. Paris/INED: INSTITUT DE LA STATISTIQUE DU QUÉBEC, 19 l/ 20htm. (page consulted on 8 March 2002).
  • Sieff DF. Explaining biased sex ratios in human populations: a critique of recent studies. Curr Anthropol. 1990;31:25-48.
  • Caselli G, Vallin J. Dynamique de la population : mouvement et structure. In: Caselli G, Valin J, Wunsch G, et al, Editors. Démographie : analyse et synthèse. Paris/INED, La dynamique des populations, 2001;I:35-79.
  • James WH. The human sex ratio. Part 1: a review of the literature. Hum Biol. 1987;59:721-52.
  • Chahnazarian A. Determinants of the sex ratio at birth: review of recent literature. Soc Biol. 1988; 35:214-35.
  • Allan BB, Brant R, Seidel JE, Jarrell JF. Declining sex ratios in Canada. Can Med Assoc J. 1997; 156:37-41.
  • Lerchl A. Sex ratios at birth and environmental temperatures. Naturwissenschaften 1999;86:340-2.
  • Lerchl A. Seasonality of sex ratio in Germany. Hum Reprod 1998;13:1401-2.
  • Nonaka K, Desjardins B, Charbonneau H, Legare J, Miura T. Marriage season, promptness of successful pregnancy and first-born sex ratio in a historical natural fertility population: evidence for sexdependent early pregnancy loss?. Int J Biometeorol 1998;42:89-92.
  • Nonaka K, Desjardins B, Charbonneau H, Legare J, Miura T. Human sex ratio at birth and mother’s birth season: multivariate analysis . Hum Biol 1999; 71:875-84.
  • Clutton-Brock TH, Iason GR. Sex ratio variation in mammals. Q Rev Biol 1986;61:339-74.
  • Keye WR, Chang RJ, Rebar RW, Soules MR. Infertility; evaluation and treatment. Philadelphia, USA, WB Saunders, 1995.
  • Smits LJM, Bie RA, Essed GG and Piet A, Brandt VD. Time to pregnancy and sex of offspring: cohort study. BMJ 2005;331:1437-8.
  • James WH. Male reproductive hazards and occupation. Lancet 1996;347:773.
  • Jongbloet PH, Groenewound JMM, Zielhuis GA. Further concepts on regulators of the sex ratio in human offspring. Non-optimal maturation of oocytes and the sex ratio. Hum Reprod 1996;11:2-9.
  • Maconochie N and Roman E. Sex ratios: are there natural variations within the human population?. Br J Obstet Gynaecol 1997; 104:1050-3.
  • Legner EF. Temperature, humidity and depth of habitat influencing host destruction and fecun- dity of muscoid fly parasites. Entomophaga 1977; 22:19920
  • Moriya K, Hiroshige T. Sex ratio of offsprings of rats bred at 5 degrees C. Int J Biometeorol 1978; 22:312– van Zelst SJ, Zupp JL, Hayman DL, Setchell BP. XY chromosome dissociation in mice and rats exposed to increased testicular or environmental temperatures. Reprod Fertil Dev 1995; 7:1117–21.
  • Lerchl A. Impact of environmental temperature on human scrotal temperatures. In: Hocevar A, Crepinsek Z, Kajfez-Bogataj L, editors: 215–221. 14th International Congress of Biometeorology, 1996. Tremblay pM, Vezina H, Houde eL. Demographic
  • Determinants of the Sex Ratio at Birth in the Saguenay Population, Quebec, Institut National d’Etudes Démographiques. Population 2003; 58:383
  • Teitelbaum MS. Factors associated with the sex ratio in human populations. In: Harrison GA, Boyce AJ, editors: 90-109. The Structure of Human Populations, London, Oxford University Press, 1972.
  • Erickson JD. The secondary sex ratio in the United States 1969-71: association with race, parental ages, birth order, paternal education and legitimacy. Ann Hum Genet. 1976; 40:205-12.
  • Manning JT, Anderton RH, Shutt M. Parental age gap skews child sex ratio. Nature 1997; 389:344.
  • Arnold F, Rutstein S. Sex ratio unaffected by parental age gap. Nature 1997; 390:242.
  • Boklage CE. Sex ratio unaffected by parental age gap. Nature 1997; 390:243.
  • James WH. Sex ratio unaffected by parental age gap. Nature 1997b; 390:242-3.
  • James WH. Hormonal control of the sex ratio. J Theor Biol 1986; 118:427–41.
  • Yazışma Adresi / Address for Correspondence: Dr. Erdal Tunç Çukurova University Faculty of Medicine, Department of Medical Biology and Genetics 01330 Balcalı-ADANA Tel. 90 322 3386060-3498 Fax. 90 322 3386572 e-mail: geliş tarihi/received :29.07.2013 kabul tarihi/accepted:16.09.2013

Çukurova Populasyonunda Gebelik Zamanı ve Maternal Yaşın Fetal Cinsiyet Oranı Üzerine Olan Etkisi

Year 2014, , 248 - 255, 22.07.2014


Amaç: Bu çalışmanın amacı, çukurova ve çevresindeki populasyonda konsepsiyon ayı, ebeveynlerin yaşları, mevsimsel değişimler, ebeveynlerin alkol ve sigara kullanım durumları gibi çevresel değişkenlerin fetal cinsiyet oranını etkileyip etkilemediklerini tespit etmektir. Materyal ve Metod: Bu çalışmada, 2005-2007 yılları arasında amniyosentez maksadıyla prenatal tanı laboratuvarımıza yönlendirilen hastaların verilerini analiz ettik. Istatistiksel analiz için ki-kare, Fisher"s exact ve T testlerini uyguladık. Bulgular: Konsepsiyon zamanı ile primer cinsiyet oranı arasında bir ilişki tespit edilemedi. Aylara göre primer cinsiyet oranındaki değişimlerin istatistiksel olarak anlamlı olmadığı gözlendi. İstisna olarak eylül ayındaki değişim kaydedildi. Eylül ayında istatistiksel olarak anlamlı bir şekilde cinsiyet oranının erkeğe doğru değiştiği saptandı (erkek:kadın oranı=1.8). Sonuç: Yaz/sonbahar fotoperiyodunda bulunan eylül ayındaki iklimsel değişimin, cinsiyet oranındaki bu farklılaşmayı etkilediğini düşünmekteyiz.


  • Weijin Z, Olsen J. Offspring sex ratio as an indicator of reproductive hazards. Occup Environ Med 1996; 53:503-4.
  • Clutton Brock TH, Iason GR. Sex ratio variation in mammals. Q Rev Biol. 1986;61:339–74.
  • Roenneberg T, Aschoff J. Annual rhythm of human reproduction: II. Environmental correlations. J Biol Rhythms 1990;5:217-39.
  • Cavalli-Sforza L, Bodmer WF. The Genetics of Human Populations. San Francisco, USA, Freeman, 19 Henry L, Blum A. Techniques d’analyse en démographie historique. Paris/INED: INSTITUT DE LA STATISTIQUE DU QUÉBEC, 19 l/ 20htm. (page consulted on 8 March 2002).
  • Sieff DF. Explaining biased sex ratios in human populations: a critique of recent studies. Curr Anthropol. 1990;31:25-48.
  • Caselli G, Vallin J. Dynamique de la population : mouvement et structure. In: Caselli G, Valin J, Wunsch G, et al, Editors. Démographie : analyse et synthèse. Paris/INED, La dynamique des populations, 2001;I:35-79.
  • James WH. The human sex ratio. Part 1: a review of the literature. Hum Biol. 1987;59:721-52.
  • Chahnazarian A. Determinants of the sex ratio at birth: review of recent literature. Soc Biol. 1988; 35:214-35.
  • Allan BB, Brant R, Seidel JE, Jarrell JF. Declining sex ratios in Canada. Can Med Assoc J. 1997; 156:37-41.
  • Lerchl A. Sex ratios at birth and environmental temperatures. Naturwissenschaften 1999;86:340-2.
  • Lerchl A. Seasonality of sex ratio in Germany. Hum Reprod 1998;13:1401-2.
  • Nonaka K, Desjardins B, Charbonneau H, Legare J, Miura T. Marriage season, promptness of successful pregnancy and first-born sex ratio in a historical natural fertility population: evidence for sexdependent early pregnancy loss?. Int J Biometeorol 1998;42:89-92.
  • Nonaka K, Desjardins B, Charbonneau H, Legare J, Miura T. Human sex ratio at birth and mother’s birth season: multivariate analysis . Hum Biol 1999; 71:875-84.
  • Clutton-Brock TH, Iason GR. Sex ratio variation in mammals. Q Rev Biol 1986;61:339-74.
  • Keye WR, Chang RJ, Rebar RW, Soules MR. Infertility; evaluation and treatment. Philadelphia, USA, WB Saunders, 1995.
  • Smits LJM, Bie RA, Essed GG and Piet A, Brandt VD. Time to pregnancy and sex of offspring: cohort study. BMJ 2005;331:1437-8.
  • James WH. Male reproductive hazards and occupation. Lancet 1996;347:773.
  • Jongbloet PH, Groenewound JMM, Zielhuis GA. Further concepts on regulators of the sex ratio in human offspring. Non-optimal maturation of oocytes and the sex ratio. Hum Reprod 1996;11:2-9.
  • Maconochie N and Roman E. Sex ratios: are there natural variations within the human population?. Br J Obstet Gynaecol 1997; 104:1050-3.
  • Legner EF. Temperature, humidity and depth of habitat influencing host destruction and fecun- dity of muscoid fly parasites. Entomophaga 1977; 22:19920
  • Moriya K, Hiroshige T. Sex ratio of offsprings of rats bred at 5 degrees C. Int J Biometeorol 1978; 22:312– van Zelst SJ, Zupp JL, Hayman DL, Setchell BP. XY chromosome dissociation in mice and rats exposed to increased testicular or environmental temperatures. Reprod Fertil Dev 1995; 7:1117–21.
  • Lerchl A. Impact of environmental temperature on human scrotal temperatures. In: Hocevar A, Crepinsek Z, Kajfez-Bogataj L, editors: 215–221. 14th International Congress of Biometeorology, 1996. Tremblay pM, Vezina H, Houde eL. Demographic
  • Determinants of the Sex Ratio at Birth in the Saguenay Population, Quebec, Institut National d’Etudes Démographiques. Population 2003; 58:383
  • Teitelbaum MS. Factors associated with the sex ratio in human populations. In: Harrison GA, Boyce AJ, editors: 90-109. The Structure of Human Populations, London, Oxford University Press, 1972.
  • Erickson JD. The secondary sex ratio in the United States 1969-71: association with race, parental ages, birth order, paternal education and legitimacy. Ann Hum Genet. 1976; 40:205-12.
  • Manning JT, Anderton RH, Shutt M. Parental age gap skews child sex ratio. Nature 1997; 389:344.
  • Arnold F, Rutstein S. Sex ratio unaffected by parental age gap. Nature 1997; 390:242.
  • Boklage CE. Sex ratio unaffected by parental age gap. Nature 1997; 390:243.
  • James WH. Sex ratio unaffected by parental age gap. Nature 1997b; 390:242-3.
  • James WH. Hormonal control of the sex ratio. J Theor Biol 1986; 118:427–41.
  • Yazışma Adresi / Address for Correspondence: Dr. Erdal Tunç Çukurova University Faculty of Medicine, Department of Medical Biology and Genetics 01330 Balcalı-ADANA Tel. 90 322 3386060-3498 Fax. 90 322 3386572 e-mail: geliş tarihi/received :29.07.2013 kabul tarihi/accepted:16.09.2013
There are 31 citations in total.


Primary Language Turkish
Journal Section Research

Erdal Tunç This is me

Osman Demirhan This is me

Ayfer Pazarbaşı This is me

Deniz Taştemir This is me

Ali İrfan Güzel This is me

Mülkiye Kasap This is me

Fatma Tuncay Özgünen This is me

Bertan Yılmaz This is me

Sabriye Kocatürk-sel This is me

Publication Date July 22, 2014
Published in Issue Year 2014


MLA Tunç, Erdal et al. “Çukurova Populasyonunda Gebelik Zamanı Ve Maternal Yaşın Fetal Cinsiyet Oranı Üzerine Olan Etkisi”. Cukurova Medical Journal, vol. 39, no. 2, 2014, pp. 248-55, doi:10.17826/cutf.53278.