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Retrospective Analysis of Cancer with Behcet"s Disease: Single Center Experience

Year 2014, , 19 - 25, 22.07.2014


Purpose: Behçet"s disease (BD) is a vasculitis of unknown origin. In autoimmune and vasculitic disorders the risk of malignancies has been extensively studied. In BD patients more than hundred cases associated with malignancies have been published. However, the direct relationship with BD has not been proved. We aimed to to investigate the incidence of malignancies in BD patients Material and Methods: Here in we assessed 105 cases retrospectively between 2005-2010 with BD diagnosed according to International Study Criteria (ISG) . The patient"s data were reviewed for development of histopathologically confirmed malignancy Results: One of our 105 patients with BD was found to have solid tumor in the rate of 0.9 %. The remaining 104 patients with BD were in follow up without any malignancy in this period. The malignancy that we reported was invasive right breast carcinoma in a 55-year-old woman with BD. A radically modified right mastectomy and axillary lymphadenectomy were performed and postoperative doxorubicin, cyclophosphamide therapy for four cycles and hormonal therapy with tamoxifen and leuprolide acetate was administered as adjuvant therapy. This patient had a history of 16 years colchicine usage as medication for BD. Conclusion:The rheumatologic diseases can predispose malignancy, the autoimmune nature of BD or the immunosupressive medicines could be possible causes of this carcinoma. However, in our study only one patient had malignancy. The another point of view; management and also prevention of cancer with BD is important entity.


  • 43 F O,G,S 120 Colchicine Prednisolone MRM+AD CTx,RT,Tmx 3 47 F O,P,S,A 45 Colchicine Prednisolone MRM CTx 10 38 F O, G, P Colchicine MRM CTx 10 34 F O, G, S 38 Colchicine Partial mastectomy CTx 10 72 F O, G, S 528 Colchicine MRM+AD Anastrazol 2 55 F O, G, S, A 180 Colchicine MRM+AD TMX, Leuprolide acetate Our case F:Female, O: Oral ulcer, G: Genital ulcer, S: Skin lesions, A: Arthritis, MRM: Modified radicallly mastectomy AD: Axillary dissection, CTx: Chemotherapy REFERENCES Behçet H. Uber rezidivierende aphtose, durch ein virus verursachte Geschwure am Mund; am Auge und an den Genitalien. Dermatol Wschr. 1937;105:1152
  • Kammori M, Tsuji E, Ogawa T, Takayoshi N, Kurabayashi R, Takubo K, et al. The pathological findings of vasculitis simultaneously occurring with carcinoma, invasive breast carcinoma in a patient with Behçet's disease.Breast Cancer. 2006;13:378
  • Cengiz M, Altundağ MK, Zorlu AF, Güllü IH, Özyar E, Atahan IL. Malignancy in Behçet’s Disease: A Report of 13 Cases and a Review of the Literature. Clin Rheumatol. 2001:20:239-44.
  • International Study Group for Behçet’s Disease. Criteria for diagnosis of Behçet’s disease.Lancet. 1990;335;1078-80.
  • Hamuryudan V, Fresko I, Direskeneli H et al. Evaluation of the Turkish translation of a disease activity form for Behçet's syndrome. Rheumatology. 1999;38:734–6.
  • Black KA, Zilko PJ, Dawkins RL, Armstrong BK, Mastaglia GL. Cancer in connective tissue disease. Arthritis Rheum. 1982;5:1130-3.
  • Barnes BE, Mawr B. Dermatomyositis and malignancy. A review of the literature. Ann Intern Med. 1976;84:68-76.
  • Canoso JJ, Cohen AS. Malignancy in a series of 70 patients with systemic lupus erythematosus.Arthritis Rheum.1974;17:383-90.
  • Abu-Shakra M, Guillemin F, Lee P. Cancer in systemic sclerosis. Arthritis Rheum. 1993;36:460-4.
  • Ahn JK, Oh JM, Lee J, Koh EM, Cha HS. Behcet's disease associated with malignancy in Korea: a single center experience.Rheumatol Int. 2010;30:831-5. Epub 2009 Dec 17.
  • Kaklamani VG, Tzonou A, Kaklamanis PG. Behçet's disease associated with malignancies. Report of two cases and review of the literature.Clin Exp Rheumatol. 2005;23:35-41.
  • Kural-Seyahi E, Fresko I, Seyahi N, Ozyazgan Y, Mat C, Hamuryudan V, et al. The long-term mortality and morbidity of Behçet syndrome: a 2-decade outcome survey of 387 patients followed at a dedicated center. Medicine (Baltimore). 2003;82:60
  • Direskeneli, H. Behçet's disease: infectious etiology, new autoantigens, and HLA-B51. Ann Rheum Dis. 2001;60:996.
  • Kaklamani VG, Sadim M, Koumantaki Y, Kaklamanis P, Pasche B. Role of polymorphisms in Adamantiades-Behçet's disease.J Rheumatol. 2008;35:2376-15. Epub 2008 Oct 15.
  • Pankhurst T, Savage CO, Gordon C, Harper L. Malignancy is increased in ANCA-associated vasculitis. Rheumatology (Oxford). 2004; 43(12):1532-5.
  • Sayek I, Aran O, Uzunalimoglu B, Hersek E. Intestinal Behçet's disease: surgical experience in seven cases. Hepatogastroenterology. 1991;38:81-3.
  • Paccagnella A, Turolla LM, Zanardo G, Cipolotti G, Rocco F, Salandin V, et al. Fatal progression of Behçet's disease after cardiac surgery.Thorac Cardiovasc Surg. 1989;37:320-1.
  • Fleck R, McNeese MD, Ellerbroek NA, Hunter TA, Holmes FA. Consequences of breast irradiation in patients with pre-existing collagen vascular diseases. Int J Radiat Oncol Biol Phys. 1989;17:829-33.
  • Ross JG, Hussey DH, Mayr NA, Davis CS. Acute and late reactions to radiation therapy in patients with collagen vascular diseases. Cancer. 1993;71:3744
  • Hernandez, RK, Sorensen, HT, Pedersen, L, et al. Tamoxifen treatment and risk of deep venous thrombosis and pulmonary embolism: a Danish population-based cohort study. Cancer. 2009;115:4442.
  • Vogel, VG, Constantino, JP, Wickerham, DL, et al. Effects of tamoxifen vs raloxifene on the risk of developing invasive breast cancer and other disease outcomes. JAMA. 2006;295:2727.
  • Seyahi, E, Melikoglu, M, Yazici, H. Clinical features and diagnosis of Behcet's syndrome. Int J Adv Rheumatol. 2007;5:8.
  • Bayraktar Y, Balkanci, F, Bayraktar, M, Calguneri M,et al. Budd-Chiari syndrome: A common complication of Behcet's disease. Am J Gastroenterol. 1997;92:858.
  • Ames, PR, Steuer, A, Pap, A, Denman, AM. Thrombosis in Behcet's disease: a retrospective survey from a single UK centre. Rheumatology (Oxford). 2001;40:652.
  • Sarica-Kucukoglu R., Akdag-Kose A, Kayabal M, Disci R et al. Vascular involvement in Behcet's disease: a retrospective analysis of 2319 cases. Int J Dermatol. 2006;45:919.
  • Saadoun D, Wechsler B, Desseaux K, Le Thi Huong D, Amoura Z, Resche-Rigon M, Cacoub P. Mortality in Behçet's disease. Arthritis Rheum. 2010;62: 2806
  • Yazışma Adresi / Address for Correspondence: Dr. Berna Bozkurt Duman Çukurova University Medical Faculty, Department of Oncology, 01330 Balcalı / ADANA e mail: geliş tarihi/received :27.09.2013 kabul tarihi/accepted:14.10.2013

Behçet Hastalığı ve Kanser İlişkisi: Retrospektif Analiz Tek Merkez Deneyimi

Year 2014, , 19 - 25, 22.07.2014


Amaç: Behçet Hastalığı vaskülitik bir hastalıktır. Behçet Hastalığı ile kanser birlikteliği çok sık değildir. Biz çalışmamızda Behçet Hastalığı kanser ilşkisini araştırdık. Hastalar ve Yöntem: 2005-2010 yılları arasında takip edilmiş 105 Behçet Hastası ça lışmaya alındı. Histopatolojik olarak konfirme edilmiş malignensisi olan hastalar belirlendi. Bulgular: Bu takip süresinde klavuzlara uygun olarak düzenli taramaları yapılan hastalardan sadece birinde malignensi gözlendi. Bu hasta 55 yaşında meme kanseri tanısı aldı ve 16 yıl kolşisin kullanımı mevcuttu. Meme kanserine yönelik olarak modifiye radikal mastektomi ve 4 kür doksorubisin; siklofosfamid kombinasyonu uygulandıktan sonra tedaviye Tamoksifen ve LHRH anologu ile devam edildi. Sonuç: Bazı romatolojik hastalıklar kanser gelişimine predispozisyon yaratabilir. Hastalığın natürü ve kullanılan immunsupresif ilaçlar bundan sorumlu olabilir. Bizim çalışmamızda direk böyle bir ilişki gösterilemedi. Ama diğer bir yandan önemle vurgulanması gereken Behçet Hastalığı ile malignensi birlikteliğinde her 2 hastalığın birlikte dikkatlice yönetimidir.


  • 43 F O,G,S 120 Colchicine Prednisolone MRM+AD CTx,RT,Tmx 3 47 F O,P,S,A 45 Colchicine Prednisolone MRM CTx 10 38 F O, G, P Colchicine MRM CTx 10 34 F O, G, S 38 Colchicine Partial mastectomy CTx 10 72 F O, G, S 528 Colchicine MRM+AD Anastrazol 2 55 F O, G, S, A 180 Colchicine MRM+AD TMX, Leuprolide acetate Our case F:Female, O: Oral ulcer, G: Genital ulcer, S: Skin lesions, A: Arthritis, MRM: Modified radicallly mastectomy AD: Axillary dissection, CTx: Chemotherapy REFERENCES Behçet H. Uber rezidivierende aphtose, durch ein virus verursachte Geschwure am Mund; am Auge und an den Genitalien. Dermatol Wschr. 1937;105:1152
  • Kammori M, Tsuji E, Ogawa T, Takayoshi N, Kurabayashi R, Takubo K, et al. The pathological findings of vasculitis simultaneously occurring with carcinoma, invasive breast carcinoma in a patient with Behçet's disease.Breast Cancer. 2006;13:378
  • Cengiz M, Altundağ MK, Zorlu AF, Güllü IH, Özyar E, Atahan IL. Malignancy in Behçet’s Disease: A Report of 13 Cases and a Review of the Literature. Clin Rheumatol. 2001:20:239-44.
  • International Study Group for Behçet’s Disease. Criteria for diagnosis of Behçet’s disease.Lancet. 1990;335;1078-80.
  • Hamuryudan V, Fresko I, Direskeneli H et al. Evaluation of the Turkish translation of a disease activity form for Behçet's syndrome. Rheumatology. 1999;38:734–6.
  • Black KA, Zilko PJ, Dawkins RL, Armstrong BK, Mastaglia GL. Cancer in connective tissue disease. Arthritis Rheum. 1982;5:1130-3.
  • Barnes BE, Mawr B. Dermatomyositis and malignancy. A review of the literature. Ann Intern Med. 1976;84:68-76.
  • Canoso JJ, Cohen AS. Malignancy in a series of 70 patients with systemic lupus erythematosus.Arthritis Rheum.1974;17:383-90.
  • Abu-Shakra M, Guillemin F, Lee P. Cancer in systemic sclerosis. Arthritis Rheum. 1993;36:460-4.
  • Ahn JK, Oh JM, Lee J, Koh EM, Cha HS. Behcet's disease associated with malignancy in Korea: a single center experience.Rheumatol Int. 2010;30:831-5. Epub 2009 Dec 17.
  • Kaklamani VG, Tzonou A, Kaklamanis PG. Behçet's disease associated with malignancies. Report of two cases and review of the literature.Clin Exp Rheumatol. 2005;23:35-41.
  • Kural-Seyahi E, Fresko I, Seyahi N, Ozyazgan Y, Mat C, Hamuryudan V, et al. The long-term mortality and morbidity of Behçet syndrome: a 2-decade outcome survey of 387 patients followed at a dedicated center. Medicine (Baltimore). 2003;82:60
  • Direskeneli, H. Behçet's disease: infectious etiology, new autoantigens, and HLA-B51. Ann Rheum Dis. 2001;60:996.
  • Kaklamani VG, Sadim M, Koumantaki Y, Kaklamanis P, Pasche B. Role of polymorphisms in Adamantiades-Behçet's disease.J Rheumatol. 2008;35:2376-15. Epub 2008 Oct 15.
  • Pankhurst T, Savage CO, Gordon C, Harper L. Malignancy is increased in ANCA-associated vasculitis. Rheumatology (Oxford). 2004; 43(12):1532-5.
  • Sayek I, Aran O, Uzunalimoglu B, Hersek E. Intestinal Behçet's disease: surgical experience in seven cases. Hepatogastroenterology. 1991;38:81-3.
  • Paccagnella A, Turolla LM, Zanardo G, Cipolotti G, Rocco F, Salandin V, et al. Fatal progression of Behçet's disease after cardiac surgery.Thorac Cardiovasc Surg. 1989;37:320-1.
  • Fleck R, McNeese MD, Ellerbroek NA, Hunter TA, Holmes FA. Consequences of breast irradiation in patients with pre-existing collagen vascular diseases. Int J Radiat Oncol Biol Phys. 1989;17:829-33.
  • Ross JG, Hussey DH, Mayr NA, Davis CS. Acute and late reactions to radiation therapy in patients with collagen vascular diseases. Cancer. 1993;71:3744
  • Hernandez, RK, Sorensen, HT, Pedersen, L, et al. Tamoxifen treatment and risk of deep venous thrombosis and pulmonary embolism: a Danish population-based cohort study. Cancer. 2009;115:4442.
  • Vogel, VG, Constantino, JP, Wickerham, DL, et al. Effects of tamoxifen vs raloxifene on the risk of developing invasive breast cancer and other disease outcomes. JAMA. 2006;295:2727.
  • Seyahi, E, Melikoglu, M, Yazici, H. Clinical features and diagnosis of Behcet's syndrome. Int J Adv Rheumatol. 2007;5:8.
  • Bayraktar Y, Balkanci, F, Bayraktar, M, Calguneri M,et al. Budd-Chiari syndrome: A common complication of Behcet's disease. Am J Gastroenterol. 1997;92:858.
  • Ames, PR, Steuer, A, Pap, A, Denman, AM. Thrombosis in Behcet's disease: a retrospective survey from a single UK centre. Rheumatology (Oxford). 2001;40:652.
  • Sarica-Kucukoglu R., Akdag-Kose A, Kayabal M, Disci R et al. Vascular involvement in Behcet's disease: a retrospective analysis of 2319 cases. Int J Dermatol. 2006;45:919.
  • Saadoun D, Wechsler B, Desseaux K, Le Thi Huong D, Amoura Z, Resche-Rigon M, Cacoub P. Mortality in Behçet's disease. Arthritis Rheum. 2010;62: 2806
  • Yazışma Adresi / Address for Correspondence: Dr. Berna Bozkurt Duman Çukurova University Medical Faculty, Department of Oncology, 01330 Balcalı / ADANA e mail: geliş tarihi/received :27.09.2013 kabul tarihi/accepted:14.10.2013
There are 27 citations in total.


Primary Language Turkish
Journal Section Research

Berna Bozkurt Duman This is me

Oğuz İsmail Kara This is me

Eren Erken This is me

Publication Date July 22, 2014
Published in Issue Year 2014


MLA Duman, Berna Bozkurt et al. “Behçet Hastalığı Ve Kanser İlişkisi: Retrospektif Analiz Tek Merkez Deneyimi”. Cukurova Medical Journal, vol. 39, no. 1, 2014, pp. 19-25, doi:10.17826/cutf.77043.