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Seroprevalence of Toxocariasis in Children in East- Azerbaijan Province, Iran

Year 2013, , 581 - 586, 01.12.2013


Purpose: Toxocariasis is a zoonotic disease caused by the ascarid of dogs and cats, the main representative of which is a Toxocara canis. Distribution of the disease is world wide and is more prevalent in children. The present study was carried out in children of East Azerbaijan Province, Iran, to determine the toxocariasis seropositivity. Material and Methods: For the present seroepidemiological study, blood samples were collected at random from children of all the five districts of the East Azerbaijan Province. A total of 336 children, 187 males and 149 females in age group of 0-15 years were selected for the present study. ELISA was used for detection of IgG antibodies against Toxocara excretory secretary antigen. A questionnaire interview was conducted to obtain the data concerning their age, sex and habits. The particular points in the questionnaire asked were recorded on the format right on the spot. Results: Gender was found to be a significant risk factor for the Toxocara infection in children population. Male children were found more infected (41.71% as compared to females (24.16%). The total seroprevalence of T. canis antibodies in children of East Azerbaijan Province was 29.46 %. The risk factors that were found associated with the infection of toxocariasis in children population of East Azerbaijan Province include family back ground, status of living conditions, awareness, etc. Conclusion: The present study reveals high prevalence of T. canis infection in children of East Azerbaijan Province. It is important to raise the awareness of health professionals, public and educators to the fact that toxocariasis is a public health problem. Health promotion by means of a school based educational approach, diagnosis and continuous programme of treatment are necessary.


  • Glickman LT, Schantz PM. Epidemiology and pathogenesis of zoonotic toxocariasis.Epi Rev. 1981; 3:230-50.
  • Gillespie SH. The clinical spectrum of human toxocariasis. In: Lewis JW and Maizel RM, Editoris. Toxocara and toxocariasis, clinical, epidemiological and molecular perspectives: British society of parasitology, London. 1993; 55-61.
  • Mirdha BR, Khokar SK. Ocular toxocariasis in a north Indian population. J of Trop Ped. 2002; 48:328-330.
  • Shimizu Y, Imai M, Fukasawa A, Iijima H. Premacular membrane peeling without removal of sub retinal granuloma in an eye with ocular toxocariasis. Acta Opthamologia Scandinavica. 2005;14:395-96.
  • Fomda BA, Ahmad Z, Khan NN, Tanveer S, Wani SAOcular toxocariasis in a child:A case report from Kashmir, North India. Indian Journal of Medical Microbiology. 2007; 25:411-2.
  • Fenoy S1 Cuellar C, Guillen JL. Seroprevalence of toxocariasis in children and adults in Madrid and Tenerife. Spain J Helm. 1996; 70:109-13.
  • Kenny JV, Maccabe RJ, Smith HV, Holland C. Serological evidence for the presence of toxocariasis in Turkara district of Kenya. Trans Roy Soc Trop Med Hyg. 1995; 89:377-78.
  • De Savigny DH, Voller A, Woodreff AW. Toxocariasis: Serological diagnosis by enzyme immunoassay. J S Pathol. 1979; 32:284-88.
  • Fan CK, SUKE. Cross Reactions with Ascaris suum antigens of sera from mice infected with A. suum, Toxocara canis and Angiostronglus contonensis. Parasitology International. 2004; 53:263-271.
  • Glickman LT, Grieve RB, Lauria SS, Jones DL. Serodiagnosis of Ocular toxocariasis; a comparison of two antigens. J Clin Pathol. 1985; 38:103-07.
  • Malla N, Aggarwal AK, Mahajan RC. A serological study of human toxocariasis in north India. The National Medical Journal of India. 2002; 15:145-47.
  • Ahmad B, Bhatti G, Thokar MA, Malla N. Human toxocariasis and Ascariasis: concomitant parasitism in Srinagar, Kashmir, India. Indian J Pathol Microbiol. 2002; 45:315-318.
  • Hakim SL, Mak JW, Lam PLM, Nazma S and Normaznah H. Seroprevalence of toxocariasis canis antibodies among Orang Asli (Aborigines) in Peninsular Malaysia. SE Asian J Trop Med Publ Hlth. 1992; 23:493-496.
  • Thompson DS, Budy DAP, Cooper ES, Schantz PM. Epidemiological characteristics of Toxocara canis zoonotic infection of children in Caribbean community. Bull WHO. 1986; 64:283-90.
  • Havasiova K, Dubinsky P, Stefancikova A. A seroepidemiological study of human Toxocara infection in the Slovak Republic. Journal of Helminthology. 2006; 67:291-6.
  • Fan CK, Hung CC, DU Wen-Yuan, Liau Chen-Wei, Su-Kua-Euyre. Seroepidemiology of Toxocaracanis infection among mountain aboriginal school children living in contaminated districts in Eastern Taiwan. Tropical Medicine and international Health. 2004; 9:1312-8.
  • Fan CK, Liano CW, Kao TC, Li MH, Du WY, Su KE. Seroepidemiology of Toxocara canis infection among aboriginal school children in the mountainous areas of north-eastern Taiwan. Ann Trop Med Parasitol.;2005; 99: 593-600.
  • Sadjjadi SM, Khosravi M, Mehraabani D, Oryan A. Seroprevalence of Toxocara infection in school children of Shiraz, Southern Iran. J of Trop Ped. 2000; 46:327-30.
  • Figueiredo SDP, Taddei JAAC, Menezes JJC, Novo NF, Silva EOM, Crislovao HLG, Cury MCFS. Clinicalepidemiological study of Toxocariasis in a pediatric population. J Pediatrics. 2009; 81: 126-32.
  • Holland CV, O’Loracin P, Taylor MRH, Kelly A. Seroepidemiology of Toxocariasis in school children. Parasitology. 1995; 110: 535-45.
  • Hayashi E, Tuda J, Imada M, Akao N, Fujita K. The high prevalence of asymptomatic Toxocara infection among school children in Manado, Indonesia. South East Asian J Trop Med Public Health. 2005; 36:1399140
  • Abe N, Yasukawa A. Prevalence of Toxocara spp. eggs in sand pits in Osaka city, Japan, with notes on the prevention of egg contamination by fence construction. Vet Med Sci. 1996; 59:79--80.
  • Dar ZA, Tanveer S, yattoo GN, sofi BA , Wani SA, Dar PA, fomda BA. Seroprevalence of Toxocariasis in children in Kashmir,J&K state,India. Iranian J parasitol. 2008; 3:45-50.
  • Garedaghi Y, safar mashaei S. Prevalence of gastrointestinal helminthic infestation in pet and stray dogs in Tabriz ,Iran. Journal of animal and veterinary advances. 2011; 10: 1477-9.
  • Ishiyama, S., K. Ono, S.K. Rai and S. Uga. Method for detecting circulating Toxocara canis antigen and its application in human serum samples. Nepal Med. Coll. J. 2009; 11: 9-13. PMID: 19769229.
  • Neelam, T. and S. Meenu. Enhancement of plant growth and decontamination of nickel-spiked soil using PGPR. Journal of Basic Microbiology. 2009; 49: 195-204.
  • Shane, H.L., J.R. Verani, B. Abudho, S.P. Montgomery and A.J. Blackstock et al. Evaluation of urine CCA assays for detection of Schistosoma mansoni infection in Western Kenya. Plos Negl. Trop. Dis. 2011; e951-e951. DOI: 1371/journal.pntd.0000951.
  • Shoiab, M. and M. Irshadulla. Protein profile of male and female Haemonchus contortus. J. Vet. Parasitol., 2009; 23: 147-9.
  • Zibaei, M., S.M. Sadjjadi, S. Ishiyama, B. Sarkari and S. Uga. Production of monoclonal antibody against Toxocara cati second-stage larvae and its application for the detection of circulating antigens. Hybridoma. 2010; 29: 217-20. DOI: 1089/hyb.2009.0108.
  • Walker, J.M. Gradient SDS Polyacrylamide Gel Electrophoresis of Proteins. In: The Protein Protocols Handbook, Walker, J.M. (Ed.), Springer, Totowa, NJ., ISBN-10: 0896039404. 2012; 69-72.
  • Woodward T.M. Update on CAA (aka-AcanthomaPathology, 40: 93–106. tous Epulis). Animal Dental Care. Web: www.wellpets. com. Retrieved on 002012. 2011; 40:93-106.
  • Yazışma Adresi / Address for Correspondence: Dr. Garedaghi Yagoob Islamic Azad University Department of Parasitology, Tabriz Branch Tabriz, Iran. e-mail: geliş tarihi/received :18.02.2013 kabul tarihi/accepted:20.03.2013

İran Doğu Azerbaycan Eyaletinde Çocuklarda Toksokariyazis Seroprevalansı

Year 2013, , 581 - 586, 01.12.2013


Amaç: Toksokariyazis; temel temsilcisi toxocara canis olan, köpek ve kedi bağırsak solucanlarının neden olduğu, hayvanlardan insanlara bulaşan zoonotik bir hastalıktır. Bu hastalık dünyanın her tarafında görülebilen ve en çok da çocukları etkileyen bir hastalıktır. Bu çalışma İran Doğu Azerbaycan Eyaletindeki çocukların toksokariyazis seropozitifliğinin belirlenmesi amaçlandı. Materyal ve Metod: Çalışma için Doğu Azerbaycan Eyaletinin 5 farklı bölgesinden rastgele seçilmiş çocuklardan kan örnekleri toplandı. Bu çalışmada 0 ile 15 yaşları arasında 187"si erkek, 149"u kız olan 336 çocuk seçilmiştir. Toxocara boşaltım salgısı antijenine karşı IgG antikorlarını belirlemek için ELİSA yöntemi kullanılmıştır. Çocukların yaşlarını, cinsiyetlerini ve yaşadıkları ortamları öğrenmek amacıyla anket düzenlendi. Anketteki önemli sorular yerinde kaydedildi. Bulgular: Cinsiyetin çocuk populasyonlarında toksokara enfeksiyonu için önemli bir risk faktörü olduğu bulundu. Erkek çocukların (%41,7) kız çocuklara (%24,16) nazaran daha çok etkilendiği gözlendi. Doğu Azerbaycan Eyaletinde çocuklarda gözlenen T.canis antikorun seroprevelansı %29,46 idi. Doğu Azerbaycan Eyaletinde ki çocuk populasyonlarında gözlenen toksokara enfeksiyonun aile öyküsü, yaşam statüsü ve bilinçli olma gibi parametrelerle ilişkili olduğu tespit edildi. Sonuç: Bu çalışmada Doğu Azerbaycan Eyaleti çocuklarında T. Canis enfeksiyonunun yüksek prevalansa sahip olduğu belirlenmiştir. Toksokariyazis bir halk sağlığı problemidir ve bu nedenle sağlık uzmanlarının ve eğitmenlerinin bu konuda bilinçlendirilmesi oldukça önemlidir. Ayrıca bu konudaki okul temelli eğitimsel yaklaşımların, teşhis ve devam eden tedavi programlarının da geliştirilmesi gereklidir.


  • Glickman LT, Schantz PM. Epidemiology and pathogenesis of zoonotic toxocariasis.Epi Rev. 1981; 3:230-50.
  • Gillespie SH. The clinical spectrum of human toxocariasis. In: Lewis JW and Maizel RM, Editoris. Toxocara and toxocariasis, clinical, epidemiological and molecular perspectives: British society of parasitology, London. 1993; 55-61.
  • Mirdha BR, Khokar SK. Ocular toxocariasis in a north Indian population. J of Trop Ped. 2002; 48:328-330.
  • Shimizu Y, Imai M, Fukasawa A, Iijima H. Premacular membrane peeling without removal of sub retinal granuloma in an eye with ocular toxocariasis. Acta Opthamologia Scandinavica. 2005;14:395-96.
  • Fomda BA, Ahmad Z, Khan NN, Tanveer S, Wani SAOcular toxocariasis in a child:A case report from Kashmir, North India. Indian Journal of Medical Microbiology. 2007; 25:411-2.
  • Fenoy S1 Cuellar C, Guillen JL. Seroprevalence of toxocariasis in children and adults in Madrid and Tenerife. Spain J Helm. 1996; 70:109-13.
  • Kenny JV, Maccabe RJ, Smith HV, Holland C. Serological evidence for the presence of toxocariasis in Turkara district of Kenya. Trans Roy Soc Trop Med Hyg. 1995; 89:377-78.
  • De Savigny DH, Voller A, Woodreff AW. Toxocariasis: Serological diagnosis by enzyme immunoassay. J S Pathol. 1979; 32:284-88.
  • Fan CK, SUKE. Cross Reactions with Ascaris suum antigens of sera from mice infected with A. suum, Toxocara canis and Angiostronglus contonensis. Parasitology International. 2004; 53:263-271.
  • Glickman LT, Grieve RB, Lauria SS, Jones DL. Serodiagnosis of Ocular toxocariasis; a comparison of two antigens. J Clin Pathol. 1985; 38:103-07.
  • Malla N, Aggarwal AK, Mahajan RC. A serological study of human toxocariasis in north India. The National Medical Journal of India. 2002; 15:145-47.
  • Ahmad B, Bhatti G, Thokar MA, Malla N. Human toxocariasis and Ascariasis: concomitant parasitism in Srinagar, Kashmir, India. Indian J Pathol Microbiol. 2002; 45:315-318.
  • Hakim SL, Mak JW, Lam PLM, Nazma S and Normaznah H. Seroprevalence of toxocariasis canis antibodies among Orang Asli (Aborigines) in Peninsular Malaysia. SE Asian J Trop Med Publ Hlth. 1992; 23:493-496.
  • Thompson DS, Budy DAP, Cooper ES, Schantz PM. Epidemiological characteristics of Toxocara canis zoonotic infection of children in Caribbean community. Bull WHO. 1986; 64:283-90.
  • Havasiova K, Dubinsky P, Stefancikova A. A seroepidemiological study of human Toxocara infection in the Slovak Republic. Journal of Helminthology. 2006; 67:291-6.
  • Fan CK, Hung CC, DU Wen-Yuan, Liau Chen-Wei, Su-Kua-Euyre. Seroepidemiology of Toxocaracanis infection among mountain aboriginal school children living in contaminated districts in Eastern Taiwan. Tropical Medicine and international Health. 2004; 9:1312-8.
  • Fan CK, Liano CW, Kao TC, Li MH, Du WY, Su KE. Seroepidemiology of Toxocara canis infection among aboriginal school children in the mountainous areas of north-eastern Taiwan. Ann Trop Med Parasitol.;2005; 99: 593-600.
  • Sadjjadi SM, Khosravi M, Mehraabani D, Oryan A. Seroprevalence of Toxocara infection in school children of Shiraz, Southern Iran. J of Trop Ped. 2000; 46:327-30.
  • Figueiredo SDP, Taddei JAAC, Menezes JJC, Novo NF, Silva EOM, Crislovao HLG, Cury MCFS. Clinicalepidemiological study of Toxocariasis in a pediatric population. J Pediatrics. 2009; 81: 126-32.
  • Holland CV, O’Loracin P, Taylor MRH, Kelly A. Seroepidemiology of Toxocariasis in school children. Parasitology. 1995; 110: 535-45.
  • Hayashi E, Tuda J, Imada M, Akao N, Fujita K. The high prevalence of asymptomatic Toxocara infection among school children in Manado, Indonesia. South East Asian J Trop Med Public Health. 2005; 36:1399140
  • Abe N, Yasukawa A. Prevalence of Toxocara spp. eggs in sand pits in Osaka city, Japan, with notes on the prevention of egg contamination by fence construction. Vet Med Sci. 1996; 59:79--80.
  • Dar ZA, Tanveer S, yattoo GN, sofi BA , Wani SA, Dar PA, fomda BA. Seroprevalence of Toxocariasis in children in Kashmir,J&K state,India. Iranian J parasitol. 2008; 3:45-50.
  • Garedaghi Y, safar mashaei S. Prevalence of gastrointestinal helminthic infestation in pet and stray dogs in Tabriz ,Iran. Journal of animal and veterinary advances. 2011; 10: 1477-9.
  • Ishiyama, S., K. Ono, S.K. Rai and S. Uga. Method for detecting circulating Toxocara canis antigen and its application in human serum samples. Nepal Med. Coll. J. 2009; 11: 9-13. PMID: 19769229.
  • Neelam, T. and S. Meenu. Enhancement of plant growth and decontamination of nickel-spiked soil using PGPR. Journal of Basic Microbiology. 2009; 49: 195-204.
  • Shane, H.L., J.R. Verani, B. Abudho, S.P. Montgomery and A.J. Blackstock et al. Evaluation of urine CCA assays for detection of Schistosoma mansoni infection in Western Kenya. Plos Negl. Trop. Dis. 2011; e951-e951. DOI: 1371/journal.pntd.0000951.
  • Shoiab, M. and M. Irshadulla. Protein profile of male and female Haemonchus contortus. J. Vet. Parasitol., 2009; 23: 147-9.
  • Zibaei, M., S.M. Sadjjadi, S. Ishiyama, B. Sarkari and S. Uga. Production of monoclonal antibody against Toxocara cati second-stage larvae and its application for the detection of circulating antigens. Hybridoma. 2010; 29: 217-20. DOI: 1089/hyb.2009.0108.
  • Walker, J.M. Gradient SDS Polyacrylamide Gel Electrophoresis of Proteins. In: The Protein Protocols Handbook, Walker, J.M. (Ed.), Springer, Totowa, NJ., ISBN-10: 0896039404. 2012; 69-72.
  • Woodward T.M. Update on CAA (aka-AcanthomaPathology, 40: 93–106. tous Epulis). Animal Dental Care. Web: www.wellpets. com. Retrieved on 002012. 2011; 40:93-106.
  • Yazışma Adresi / Address for Correspondence: Dr. Garedaghi Yagoob Islamic Azad University Department of Parasitology, Tabriz Branch Tabriz, Iran. e-mail: geliş tarihi/received :18.02.2013 kabul tarihi/accepted:20.03.2013
There are 32 citations in total.


Primary Language Turkish
Subjects Health Care Administration
Journal Section Research

Yagoob Garedaghi This is me

Publication Date December 1, 2013
Published in Issue Year 2013


MLA Garedaghi, Yagoob. “İran Doğu Azerbaycan Eyaletinde Çocuklarda Toksokariyazis Seroprevalansı”. Cukurova Medical Journal, vol. 38, no. 4, 2013, pp. 581-6, doi:10.17826/cutf.55222.

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