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Cyber bullying and cyber victimization in adolescents with anxiety disorders: a controlled study

Year 2019, , 133 - 139, 29.12.2019


Purpose: The aim of this study was to compare adolescents with anxiety disorders (AD) and healthy controls in terms of cyber bullying, cyber victimization and sensivity to cyber victimization.

Materials and Methods: This cross - sectional study was performed in Selçuk University Medical Faculty Hospital. The sample of the study was consisted of 28 adolescents with AD and 39 healthy controls. Sociodemographic data form, Cyber Bullying Scale, Cyber Victim Sensitivity Scale, Cyber Victimhood Scale and Revised Child Anxiety and Depression Scale – Child Version were applied to all participants.

Results: In our study, the anxiety and depression scores of the AD group were significantly higher than the control group. When the two groups were compared in terms of cyber situations, it was found that cyber victimization scores were significantly higher in the AD group. There was a positive correlation between anxiety and depression scores and cyber victimization scores.

Conclusion: Adolescents with AD experienced more cyber victimization, and as the symptoms of anxiety and depression increased, the severity of cyber victimization increased. It was considered as a holistic approach to assess the situation of cyber victimization which may contribute positively to the diagnosis and treatment in the follow-up of anxiety disorders frequently seen during adolescence.


  • 1. Smith PK, Mahdavi J, Carvalho M, Fisher S, Russell S, Tippett N. Cyberbullying: Its nature and impact in secondary school pupils. J Child Psych Psych. 2008;49:376-385.
  • 2. Kowalski R, Limber S, Agatston P. Cyber Bullying: Bullying in the Digital Age. Wiley-Blackwell Publishing, 2nd ed. 2012.
  • 3. Madden M, Rainie N. Pew Internet and American Life Project. Washington, DC, USA: Pew Research Center, 2010.
  • 4. Slonje R, Smith PK, Frisén A. The nature of cyberbullying, and strategies for prevention. Comput Hum Behav. 2013;29:26-32.
  • 5. Lenhart A, Purcell K, Smith A, Zickuhr K. Social Media & Mobile Internet Use among Teens and Young Adults. Millennials. Pew internet & American life project. Washington, DC, USA: Pew Research Center, 2010.
  • 6. Rideout VJ, Foehr UG, Roberts DF. Generation M2: Media in the Lives of 8-to 18-Year-Olds. Henry J Kaiser Family Foundation Study. 2010.
  • 7. Arslan S, Savaser S, Hallett V, Balci S. Cyberbullying among primary school students in Turkey: Self-reported prevalence and associations with home and school life. Cyberpsyc Beh Soc N. 2012;15:527-533.
  • 8. Campbell MA. Cyber bullying: An old problem in a new guise? J Psychol Couns Sch. 2005;15:68-76.
  • 9. Juvonen J, Gross EF. Extending the school grounds? - Bullying experiences in cyberspace. J School health. 2008;78:496-505.
  • 10. Dilmac B. Psychological needs as a predictor of cyber bullying: A preliminary report on college students. Educ Sci-Theor Pract. 2009;9:1307-1325.
  • 11. Arıcak OT. Psychiatric symptomatology as a predictor of cyberbullying among university students. Eura J Educat Res. 2009; 34:167-184.
  • 12. McLoughlin C, Meyricke R, Burgess J. Bullies in cyberspace: How rural and regional Australian youth perceive the problem of cyberbullying and its impact. International Symposium for Innovation in Rural Education (ISFIRE)-Symposium Proceedings. 2009;p:178.
  • 13. DeHue F, Bolman C, Völlink T. Cyberbullying: Youngsters' experiences and parental perception. Cyberpsychol Behav. 2008;11:217-223.
  • 14. Beran T, Li Q. Cyber-harassment: A study of a new method for an old behavior. J Educ Comput Res. 2005;32:265.
  • 15. Mitchell KJ, Ybarra M, Finkelhor D. The relative importance of online victimization in understanding depression, delinquency, and substance use. Child Maltreatment. 2007;12:314-324.
  • 16. Tynes B, Giang M. P01-298 Online victimization, depression and anxiety among adolescents in the us. Eur Psychiat. 2009; 24:S686.
  • 17. Kendall PC, Compton SN, Walkup JT, et al. Clinical characteristics of anxiety disordered youth. J Anxiety Disord. 2010;24:360-365.
  • 18. Weissman MM, Wolk S, Wickramaratne P, et al. Children with prepubertal-onset major depressive disorder and anxiety grown up. Archiv Gen Psychiat. 1999;56:794-801.
  • 19. Fredstrom BK, Adams RE, Gilman R. Electronic and school-based victimization: Unique contexts for adjustment difficulties during adolescence. J Youth Adolescence. 2011;40:405-415.
  • 20. Wright MF. Cyber victimization and perceived stress: Linkages to late adolescents’ cyber aggression and psychological functioning. Youth Soc. 2015;47:789-810.
  • 21. Yuchang J, Junyi L, Junxiu A, Jing W, Mingcheng H. The differential victimization associated with depression and anxiety in cross-cultural perspective: A meta-analysis. Trauma Violence Abus. 2017; DOI:10.1177/1524838017726426.
  • 22. Chu X-W, Fan C-Y, Liu Q-Q, Zhou Z-K. Cyberbullying victimization and symptoms of depression and anxiety among Chinese adolescents: Examining hopelessness as a mediator and self-compassion as a moderator. Comput Hum Behav. 2018;86:377-386.
  • 23. Landoll RR, La Greca AM, Lai BS, Chan SF, Herge WM. Cyber victimization by peers: Prospective associations with adolescent social anxiety and depressive symptoms. J Adolescence. 2015;42:77-86.
  • 24. Kaufman J, Birmaher B, Brent D, et al. Schedule for affective disorders and schizophrenia for school-age children-present and lifetime version (K-SADS-PL): initial reliability and validity data. J Am Acad Child Psy. 1997;36:980-988.
  • 25. Gökler B, Ünal F, Pehlivantürk B, Kültür EÇ, Akdemir D, Taner Y. Okul Çaği Çocuklari İçin Duygulanim Bozukluklari ve Şizofreni Görüşme Çizelgesi-Şimdi ve Yaşam Boyu Şekli-Türkçe Uyarlamasinin Geçerlik ve Güvenirliği. Turk J Child Adolescent Ment Health. 2004;11:109-116.
  • 26. Aricak OT, Kinay H, Tanrikulu T. Siber Zorbalik Ölçegi'nin İlk Psikometrik Bulgulari. Journal of Hasan Ali Yücel Facul Educ (HAYEF). 2012;17:101-114.
  • 27. Tanrıkulu T, Kınay H, Arıcak OT. Siber zorbalığa ilişkin duyarlılık ölçeği: Geçerlik ve güvenirlik çalışması. Trakya Üniversitesi Eğitim Fakültesi Dergisi. 2013;3:38-47.
  • 28. Aricak Ot, Tanrikulu T, Kinay H. Siber mağduriyet ölçeği’nin ilk psikometrik bulguları. Akdeniz Eğitim Araştırmaları Dergisi. 2012;11:1-6.
  • 29. Gormez V, Kılınçaslan A, Orengul AC, et al. Psychometric properties of the Turkish version of the Revised Child Anxiety and Depression Scale–Child Version in a clinical sample. Psychiat Clin Psychopharmacol. 2017;27:84-92.
  • 30. Shariff S. Cyber-dilemmas in the new millennium: School obligations to provide student safety in a virtual school environment. McGill J Educ. 2005;40:467-487.
  • 31. Wang J, Iannotti RJ, Nansel TR. School bullying among adolescents in the United States: Physical, verbal, relational, and cyber. J Adolescent Health. 2009;45:368-375.
  • 32. Li Q. New bottle but old wine: A research of cyberbullying in schools. Comput Hum Behav. 2007;23:1777-1791.
  • 33. Wang J, Iannotti RJ, Luk JW, Nansel TR. Co-occurrence of victimization from five subtypes of bullying: Physical, verbal, social exclusion, spreading rumors, and cyber. J Pediat Psychol. 2010;35:1103-1112.
  • 34. Costello E, Mustillo S, Erkanli A, Keeler G, Angold A. Prevalence and development of psychiatric disorders in childhood and adolescence Arch Gen Psychiat. 2003;60:837–844.
  • 35. Aktepe E. Ergenlerde Siber Zorbalık ve Siber Mağduriyet. New/Yeni Sympos J. 2013; 51:31-36.

Kaygı bozukluğu olan ergenlerde siber zorbalık ve siber mağduriyet: kontrollü bir çalışma

Year 2019, , 133 - 139, 29.12.2019


Amaç: Bu çalışma kaygı bozukluğu (KB) olan ergenlerle sağlıklı ergenleri, siber zorbalık, siber zorbalığa duyarlılık ve siber mağduriyet durumları açısından karşılaştırmayı amaçlamıştır. 

Gereç ve Yöntem: Kesitsel bir desene sahip bu çalışma Selçuk Üniversitesi Tıp Fakültesi Hastanesinde gerçekleştirildi. Çalışmanın örneklemi 28 KB tanısı olan ergen ile herhangi bir psikopatoloji saptanmayan 39 sağlıklı kontrolden oluşturuldu. Tüm katılımcılara Sosyodemografik veri formu, Siber Zorbalık Ölçeği (SBÖ), Siber Zorbalığa İlişkin Duyarlılık Ölçeği (SZDÖ), Siber Mağduriyet Ölçeği (SMÖ) ve Çocuklarda Anksiyete ve Depresyon Ölçeği-Yenilenmiş (ÇADÖ-Y) uygulandı. 

Bulgular: Çalışmamızda KB grubunun kaygı ve depresyon puanlarının kontrol grubundan anlamlı olarak daha yüksek olduğu görüldü. Siber durumlar açısından iki grup karşılaştırıldığında ise siber mağduriyet puanlarının KB grubunda anlamlı olarak yüksek olduğu saptandı. Tüm grupta kaygı ve depresyon puanları ile siber mağduriyet puanları arasında pozitif yönlü bir ilişki belirlendi. 

Sonuç: KB olan ergenlerin daha fazla siber mağduriyet yaşadığı, kaygı ve depresyon belirtileri arttıkça siber mağduriyet şiddetinin de arttığı görülmüştür. Ergenlik döneminde sıkça görülen kaygı bozuklukların takibinde tanı ve tedaviyi şekillendirmemize olumlu katkı sağlayabilecek siber mağduriyet durumunu değerlendirmenin bütüncül bir yaklaşım olarak gerekli olabileceği düşünüldü.


  • 1. Smith PK, Mahdavi J, Carvalho M, Fisher S, Russell S, Tippett N. Cyberbullying: Its nature and impact in secondary school pupils. J Child Psych Psych. 2008;49:376-385.
  • 2. Kowalski R, Limber S, Agatston P. Cyber Bullying: Bullying in the Digital Age. Wiley-Blackwell Publishing, 2nd ed. 2012.
  • 3. Madden M, Rainie N. Pew Internet and American Life Project. Washington, DC, USA: Pew Research Center, 2010.
  • 4. Slonje R, Smith PK, Frisén A. The nature of cyberbullying, and strategies for prevention. Comput Hum Behav. 2013;29:26-32.
  • 5. Lenhart A, Purcell K, Smith A, Zickuhr K. Social Media & Mobile Internet Use among Teens and Young Adults. Millennials. Pew internet & American life project. Washington, DC, USA: Pew Research Center, 2010.
  • 6. Rideout VJ, Foehr UG, Roberts DF. Generation M2: Media in the Lives of 8-to 18-Year-Olds. Henry J Kaiser Family Foundation Study. 2010.
  • 7. Arslan S, Savaser S, Hallett V, Balci S. Cyberbullying among primary school students in Turkey: Self-reported prevalence and associations with home and school life. Cyberpsyc Beh Soc N. 2012;15:527-533.
  • 8. Campbell MA. Cyber bullying: An old problem in a new guise? J Psychol Couns Sch. 2005;15:68-76.
  • 9. Juvonen J, Gross EF. Extending the school grounds? - Bullying experiences in cyberspace. J School health. 2008;78:496-505.
  • 10. Dilmac B. Psychological needs as a predictor of cyber bullying: A preliminary report on college students. Educ Sci-Theor Pract. 2009;9:1307-1325.
  • 11. Arıcak OT. Psychiatric symptomatology as a predictor of cyberbullying among university students. Eura J Educat Res. 2009; 34:167-184.
  • 12. McLoughlin C, Meyricke R, Burgess J. Bullies in cyberspace: How rural and regional Australian youth perceive the problem of cyberbullying and its impact. International Symposium for Innovation in Rural Education (ISFIRE)-Symposium Proceedings. 2009;p:178.
  • 13. DeHue F, Bolman C, Völlink T. Cyberbullying: Youngsters' experiences and parental perception. Cyberpsychol Behav. 2008;11:217-223.
  • 14. Beran T, Li Q. Cyber-harassment: A study of a new method for an old behavior. J Educ Comput Res. 2005;32:265.
  • 15. Mitchell KJ, Ybarra M, Finkelhor D. The relative importance of online victimization in understanding depression, delinquency, and substance use. Child Maltreatment. 2007;12:314-324.
  • 16. Tynes B, Giang M. P01-298 Online victimization, depression and anxiety among adolescents in the us. Eur Psychiat. 2009; 24:S686.
  • 17. Kendall PC, Compton SN, Walkup JT, et al. Clinical characteristics of anxiety disordered youth. J Anxiety Disord. 2010;24:360-365.
  • 18. Weissman MM, Wolk S, Wickramaratne P, et al. Children with prepubertal-onset major depressive disorder and anxiety grown up. Archiv Gen Psychiat. 1999;56:794-801.
  • 19. Fredstrom BK, Adams RE, Gilman R. Electronic and school-based victimization: Unique contexts for adjustment difficulties during adolescence. J Youth Adolescence. 2011;40:405-415.
  • 20. Wright MF. Cyber victimization and perceived stress: Linkages to late adolescents’ cyber aggression and psychological functioning. Youth Soc. 2015;47:789-810.
  • 21. Yuchang J, Junyi L, Junxiu A, Jing W, Mingcheng H. The differential victimization associated with depression and anxiety in cross-cultural perspective: A meta-analysis. Trauma Violence Abus. 2017; DOI:10.1177/1524838017726426.
  • 22. Chu X-W, Fan C-Y, Liu Q-Q, Zhou Z-K. Cyberbullying victimization and symptoms of depression and anxiety among Chinese adolescents: Examining hopelessness as a mediator and self-compassion as a moderator. Comput Hum Behav. 2018;86:377-386.
  • 23. Landoll RR, La Greca AM, Lai BS, Chan SF, Herge WM. Cyber victimization by peers: Prospective associations with adolescent social anxiety and depressive symptoms. J Adolescence. 2015;42:77-86.
  • 24. Kaufman J, Birmaher B, Brent D, et al. Schedule for affective disorders and schizophrenia for school-age children-present and lifetime version (K-SADS-PL): initial reliability and validity data. J Am Acad Child Psy. 1997;36:980-988.
  • 25. Gökler B, Ünal F, Pehlivantürk B, Kültür EÇ, Akdemir D, Taner Y. Okul Çaği Çocuklari İçin Duygulanim Bozukluklari ve Şizofreni Görüşme Çizelgesi-Şimdi ve Yaşam Boyu Şekli-Türkçe Uyarlamasinin Geçerlik ve Güvenirliği. Turk J Child Adolescent Ment Health. 2004;11:109-116.
  • 26. Aricak OT, Kinay H, Tanrikulu T. Siber Zorbalik Ölçegi'nin İlk Psikometrik Bulgulari. Journal of Hasan Ali Yücel Facul Educ (HAYEF). 2012;17:101-114.
  • 27. Tanrıkulu T, Kınay H, Arıcak OT. Siber zorbalığa ilişkin duyarlılık ölçeği: Geçerlik ve güvenirlik çalışması. Trakya Üniversitesi Eğitim Fakültesi Dergisi. 2013;3:38-47.
  • 28. Aricak Ot, Tanrikulu T, Kinay H. Siber mağduriyet ölçeği’nin ilk psikometrik bulguları. Akdeniz Eğitim Araştırmaları Dergisi. 2012;11:1-6.
  • 29. Gormez V, Kılınçaslan A, Orengul AC, et al. Psychometric properties of the Turkish version of the Revised Child Anxiety and Depression Scale–Child Version in a clinical sample. Psychiat Clin Psychopharmacol. 2017;27:84-92.
  • 30. Shariff S. Cyber-dilemmas in the new millennium: School obligations to provide student safety in a virtual school environment. McGill J Educ. 2005;40:467-487.
  • 31. Wang J, Iannotti RJ, Nansel TR. School bullying among adolescents in the United States: Physical, verbal, relational, and cyber. J Adolescent Health. 2009;45:368-375.
  • 32. Li Q. New bottle but old wine: A research of cyberbullying in schools. Comput Hum Behav. 2007;23:1777-1791.
  • 33. Wang J, Iannotti RJ, Luk JW, Nansel TR. Co-occurrence of victimization from five subtypes of bullying: Physical, verbal, social exclusion, spreading rumors, and cyber. J Pediat Psychol. 2010;35:1103-1112.
  • 34. Costello E, Mustillo S, Erkanli A, Keeler G, Angold A. Prevalence and development of psychiatric disorders in childhood and adolescence Arch Gen Psychiat. 2003;60:837–844.
  • 35. Aktepe E. Ergenlerde Siber Zorbalık ve Siber Mağduriyet. New/Yeni Sympos J. 2013; 51:31-36.
There are 35 citations in total.


Primary Language Turkish
Subjects Psychiatry
Journal Section Research

Fatih Hilmi Çetin 0000-0002-2167-7542

Halit Necmi Uçar 0000-0002-2706-7454

Sevde Afife Ersoy This is me 0000-0003-4465-9803

Kübra Kılınç This is me 0000-0003-0746-8944

Hasan Ali Güler This is me 0000-0001-5342-9503

Serhat Türkoğlu 0000-0003-0440-1488

Publication Date December 29, 2019
Acceptance Date June 21, 2019
Published in Issue Year 2019


MLA Çetin, Fatih Hilmi et al. “Kaygı bozukluğu Olan Ergenlerde Siber zorbalık Ve Siber mağduriyet: Kontrollü Bir çalışma”. Cukurova Medical Journal, vol. 44, 2019, pp. 133-9, doi:10.17826/cumj.568993.