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Effects of Combined Inhalation of Coal Dust and Cigarette Smoking on Haematobiochemical Parameters

Year 2013, Volume: 38 Issue: 4, 547 - 552, 01.12.2013


Aim of this study was have to known an effect of inhaled particulate matter coal dust and smoking on hematobiochemical profile of worker in coal analysis laboratoy. Twenty nine workers, were randomly divided into three groups, one control group (n=5), one group who exposed to coal dust but non smoking (CDNS) (n=15), and one group exposed to coal dust and smoking (CDS) (n=9). Control group are subject who working in administrative division which none exposed to coal dust. Exposed group are subject who working in coal dust material analysis who divided into smoker and non smoker. The duration of working are less than 10 years. Mean of eosinofil and monocytes counts were decreased significantly in both of coal dust exposure compared to control group (p


  • Pinho RA, Silveira, PCL, Silva, LA, Steck EL, DalPizzol F, Moreira JCF. N-acetylsisteine and deferoxamine reduce pulmonary oxidative stress and inflammation in rats after coal dust exposure. Environ Res. 2005; 99:355-60.
  • Hendryx M, Zullig KJ. Higher coronary artery disease and heart attack morbidity in Appalachian coal mining regions. Prevent Med. 2009; 49:355-9.
  • Zhang Q, Dai J, Ali A, Chen L, Huang X. Roles of bioavailable iron and calcium in coal dust-induced oxidative stress: Possible implications in coal workers’ lung disease. Free Rad Res. 2002; 36285– 2
  • Zhang Q, Huang X. (2002). Induction of ferritin and lipid peroxidation by coal samples with different prevalence of coal workers’ pneumoconiosis: role of iron in the coals. Am J Ind Med. 2002; 42:171–9.
  • Armutcu, F., Gun. B.D., Altin, R., Gurel, A. (2007). Examination of lung toxicity, oxidant/antioxidant status and effect of erdosteine in rats kept in coal mine ambience. Environ Toxicol Pharmacol. 2007; 24:106-13.
  • Junior SA, Possamai FP, Budni P, Backes P, Parisotto EB, Rizelio VM. Occupational airborne contamination in South Brazil: oxidative stress detected in blood of coal miners. Ecotoxicol. 2009; 18:1150-57.
  • Ulker OC, Yucesoy B, Demir O, Tekin IO, Karakaya A. Serum and BAL cytokine and antioxidant enzyme level at different stages of pneumoconiosis in coal workers. Human Exp Toxicol. 2008; 27:871-7.
  • Donaldson K, Brown GM, Brown DM, Robertson MD, Slight J, Cowie H, Jones AD, Bolton RE, Davis JM. Contrasting bronchoalveolar leukocyte responses in rats inhaling coal mine dust, quartz, or titanium dioxide: effects of coal rank, airborne mass concentration, and cessation of exposure. Environ Res. 1990; 52:62–76.
  • Kung MH, Yukata K, O’Keefe RJ. Zuscik MJ. Aryl hydrocarbon receptor-mediated impairmentof chondrogenesis and fracture healing by cigarette smoke and benzo( α)pyrene. J Cell Physiol. 2012; 227:1062-70.
  • Noor Z, Setiawan B. Combined inhalation of cigarette smoke and particulate matter 10 increase bone iron level in rat. J Exp Integr Med. 2013; 3:69
  • Otitoloju AA, Osunkalu VO, Oduware R, Obe IA, Adewale AO. Haematological effects of radiofrequency radiation from GSM base stations on four succesive generations (F 1 -F 4 ) of albino mice, Mus musculus. J Environ Occup Sci. 2012; 1:17-22.
  • Jabit M, Wahyuni FS, Khalid R, Israf DA, Shaari K, Lajis NH, Stanslas J. Cytotoxic and nitric oxide inhibitory activities of methanolic extract of garcinia species. Pharm Biol. 2009; 47:1019-26.
  • Udani JK, Singh BB, Barret ML, Singh VJ. Evaluation of mangosteen juice blend on biomarkers of inflammation in obese subsjects: a pilot, dose finding study. Nutr J. 2009; 8:48.
  • Madjid M, Awan I, Willerson JT, Casscells SW. Leukocyte count and coronary heart disease: implications for risk assessment. J Am Coll Cardiol. 2004; 44:1945–56.
  • Asadollahi K, Beeching NJ, Gill GV. Leukocytosis as a predictor for noninfective mortality and morbidity. QJM. 2012; 103:285–92.
  • Amaro A, Gonzalez-Juanatey JR, Iglesias C, Martinez-Sande L, Trillo R, et al. Leukocyte count as a predictor of the severity ischaemic heart disease as evaluated by coronary angiography. Rev Port Cardiol. 1993; 12:913–7.
  • Schlant RC, Forman S, Stamler J, Canner PL. The natural history of coronary heart disease: prognostic factors after recovery from myocardial infarction in 2789 men. The 5-year findings of the coronary drug project. Circulation. 1982; 66:401–14.
  • Min D, Brooks B, Wong J, Salomon R, Bao W, Harrisberg B, Twigg Sm. Yue DK, McLennan SV. Alterations in monocyte CD16 in association with diabetes complications. Mediators of Inflammation 2012; 10 pages. doi:10.1155/2012/649083.
  • Stadler N, Eggermann J, Voo S, Kranz A, Waltenberger J. Smoking-induced monocyte dysfunction is reversed by vitamin C supplementation in vivo. Arteriosc Thromb Vasc Biol. 2007; 27:120-6.
  • Setiawan B, Darsuni A, Muttaqien F, Widodo MA. Cholesterol lowering effect of subchronic inhalation particulate matter 10 coal dust on rats. Med-Sci 2013; doi: 5455/medscience.2013.02.
  • Kania N, Setiawan B, Widjajanto E, Nurdiana N, Widodo MA, Kusuma HMSC. Peroxidative index as novel marker of hydrogen peroxide involvement in lipid peroxidation from coal dust exposure. Oxid Antioxid Med Sci. 2013; 1:209-15.
  • Jensen EJ, Pedersen B, Frederiksen R, Dahl R. Prospective study on the effect of smoking and nicotine substitution on leucocyte blood counts and relation between blood leucocytes and lung function. Thorax. 1998; 53:784-9.
  • Kaufmann FK, Neukirch F, Korobaeff M, Marne MJ, Claud JR, Lellouch J, Eosinophils, smoking, and lung function. Am Rev Respir Dis. 1986; 134:1172-5.
  • Corre F. Lellouch J, Schwartz D, Smoking and leucocyte counts. Lancet. 1971; 2:632-4.
  • Jensen EJ, Pedersen B, Narvestadt E, Dahl R. Blood eosinophil and monocyte counts are related to smoking and lung function. Respir Med. 1998; 92:63
  • Husain TM, Kim DH. C-reactive protein and erythrocytes sedimentation rat in orthopaedics. The University of Pennsylvania Orthopaedic J. 2002; 15:13Yazışma Adresi / Address for Correspondence: Nia Kania, MD., PhD
  • Department of Pathology, Ulin General Hospital, Faculty of Medicine, University of Lambung Mangkurat Jl. A. Yani Km 2 No 43 Banjarmasin, South Kalimantan, Indonesia Phone +62811504532 geliş tarihi/received :18.02.2013 kabul tarihi/accepted:20.03.2013

Kömür Tozu Solunması ve Sigaranın Hematobiokimyasal Parametreler Üzerine Etkisi

Year 2013, Volume: 38 Issue: 4, 547 - 552, 01.12.2013


Bu çalışmanın amacı, solunan kömür tozu partiküllerinin ve sigaranın, kömür analiz labaratuvarlarında çalışan işçilerin hematibiokimyasal profilleri üzerindeki etkisini saptamaktır. 29 işçi rastgele biçimde; kontrol (n=5),kömür tozuna maruz kalmış ancak sigara içmeyen (CDNS) (n=15) ve kömür tozuna maruz kalmış ve sigara içen (CDS) (n=9) olmak üzere üç gruba ayrılmıştır. Kontrol grubundaki bireyler idare ile ilgili birimde çalışan ve kömür tozuna maruz kalmayan bireylerden oluşmaktadır. Maruziyet grubundaki bireyler kömür tozu materyali ile çalışan bireyler olup sigara içen ve içmeyen olarak 2 gruba ayrılmıştır. Bireylerin kurumdaki çalışma süresi 10 yıldan azdır. Eozinofil ve monosit sayıları kontrol grupla karşılaştırıldığında kömür tozuna maruz kalan her 2 grupta da anlamlı şekilde azalmıştır (p


  • Pinho RA, Silveira, PCL, Silva, LA, Steck EL, DalPizzol F, Moreira JCF. N-acetylsisteine and deferoxamine reduce pulmonary oxidative stress and inflammation in rats after coal dust exposure. Environ Res. 2005; 99:355-60.
  • Hendryx M, Zullig KJ. Higher coronary artery disease and heart attack morbidity in Appalachian coal mining regions. Prevent Med. 2009; 49:355-9.
  • Zhang Q, Dai J, Ali A, Chen L, Huang X. Roles of bioavailable iron and calcium in coal dust-induced oxidative stress: Possible implications in coal workers’ lung disease. Free Rad Res. 2002; 36285– 2
  • Zhang Q, Huang X. (2002). Induction of ferritin and lipid peroxidation by coal samples with different prevalence of coal workers’ pneumoconiosis: role of iron in the coals. Am J Ind Med. 2002; 42:171–9.
  • Armutcu, F., Gun. B.D., Altin, R., Gurel, A. (2007). Examination of lung toxicity, oxidant/antioxidant status and effect of erdosteine in rats kept in coal mine ambience. Environ Toxicol Pharmacol. 2007; 24:106-13.
  • Junior SA, Possamai FP, Budni P, Backes P, Parisotto EB, Rizelio VM. Occupational airborne contamination in South Brazil: oxidative stress detected in blood of coal miners. Ecotoxicol. 2009; 18:1150-57.
  • Ulker OC, Yucesoy B, Demir O, Tekin IO, Karakaya A. Serum and BAL cytokine and antioxidant enzyme level at different stages of pneumoconiosis in coal workers. Human Exp Toxicol. 2008; 27:871-7.
  • Donaldson K, Brown GM, Brown DM, Robertson MD, Slight J, Cowie H, Jones AD, Bolton RE, Davis JM. Contrasting bronchoalveolar leukocyte responses in rats inhaling coal mine dust, quartz, or titanium dioxide: effects of coal rank, airborne mass concentration, and cessation of exposure. Environ Res. 1990; 52:62–76.
  • Kung MH, Yukata K, O’Keefe RJ. Zuscik MJ. Aryl hydrocarbon receptor-mediated impairmentof chondrogenesis and fracture healing by cigarette smoke and benzo( α)pyrene. J Cell Physiol. 2012; 227:1062-70.
  • Noor Z, Setiawan B. Combined inhalation of cigarette smoke and particulate matter 10 increase bone iron level in rat. J Exp Integr Med. 2013; 3:69
  • Otitoloju AA, Osunkalu VO, Oduware R, Obe IA, Adewale AO. Haematological effects of radiofrequency radiation from GSM base stations on four succesive generations (F 1 -F 4 ) of albino mice, Mus musculus. J Environ Occup Sci. 2012; 1:17-22.
  • Jabit M, Wahyuni FS, Khalid R, Israf DA, Shaari K, Lajis NH, Stanslas J. Cytotoxic and nitric oxide inhibitory activities of methanolic extract of garcinia species. Pharm Biol. 2009; 47:1019-26.
  • Udani JK, Singh BB, Barret ML, Singh VJ. Evaluation of mangosteen juice blend on biomarkers of inflammation in obese subsjects: a pilot, dose finding study. Nutr J. 2009; 8:48.
  • Madjid M, Awan I, Willerson JT, Casscells SW. Leukocyte count and coronary heart disease: implications for risk assessment. J Am Coll Cardiol. 2004; 44:1945–56.
  • Asadollahi K, Beeching NJ, Gill GV. Leukocytosis as a predictor for noninfective mortality and morbidity. QJM. 2012; 103:285–92.
  • Amaro A, Gonzalez-Juanatey JR, Iglesias C, Martinez-Sande L, Trillo R, et al. Leukocyte count as a predictor of the severity ischaemic heart disease as evaluated by coronary angiography. Rev Port Cardiol. 1993; 12:913–7.
  • Schlant RC, Forman S, Stamler J, Canner PL. The natural history of coronary heart disease: prognostic factors after recovery from myocardial infarction in 2789 men. The 5-year findings of the coronary drug project. Circulation. 1982; 66:401–14.
  • Min D, Brooks B, Wong J, Salomon R, Bao W, Harrisberg B, Twigg Sm. Yue DK, McLennan SV. Alterations in monocyte CD16 in association with diabetes complications. Mediators of Inflammation 2012; 10 pages. doi:10.1155/2012/649083.
  • Stadler N, Eggermann J, Voo S, Kranz A, Waltenberger J. Smoking-induced monocyte dysfunction is reversed by vitamin C supplementation in vivo. Arteriosc Thromb Vasc Biol. 2007; 27:120-6.
  • Setiawan B, Darsuni A, Muttaqien F, Widodo MA. Cholesterol lowering effect of subchronic inhalation particulate matter 10 coal dust on rats. Med-Sci 2013; doi: 5455/medscience.2013.02.
  • Kania N, Setiawan B, Widjajanto E, Nurdiana N, Widodo MA, Kusuma HMSC. Peroxidative index as novel marker of hydrogen peroxide involvement in lipid peroxidation from coal dust exposure. Oxid Antioxid Med Sci. 2013; 1:209-15.
  • Jensen EJ, Pedersen B, Frederiksen R, Dahl R. Prospective study on the effect of smoking and nicotine substitution on leucocyte blood counts and relation between blood leucocytes and lung function. Thorax. 1998; 53:784-9.
  • Kaufmann FK, Neukirch F, Korobaeff M, Marne MJ, Claud JR, Lellouch J, Eosinophils, smoking, and lung function. Am Rev Respir Dis. 1986; 134:1172-5.
  • Corre F. Lellouch J, Schwartz D, Smoking and leucocyte counts. Lancet. 1971; 2:632-4.
  • Jensen EJ, Pedersen B, Narvestadt E, Dahl R. Blood eosinophil and monocyte counts are related to smoking and lung function. Respir Med. 1998; 92:63
  • Husain TM, Kim DH. C-reactive protein and erythrocytes sedimentation rat in orthopaedics. The University of Pennsylvania Orthopaedic J. 2002; 15:13Yazışma Adresi / Address for Correspondence: Nia Kania, MD., PhD
  • Department of Pathology, Ulin General Hospital, Faculty of Medicine, University of Lambung Mangkurat Jl. A. Yani Km 2 No 43 Banjarmasin, South Kalimantan, Indonesia Phone +62811504532 geliş tarihi/received :18.02.2013 kabul tarihi/accepted:20.03.2013
There are 27 citations in total.


Primary Language Turkish
Journal Section Research

Nia Kania This is me

Bambang Setiawan This is me

Edi Widjajanto This is me

M Aris Widodo This is me

Sutiman Bambang Sumitro This is me

Hms Chandra Kusuma This is me

Publication Date December 1, 2013
Published in Issue Year 2013 Volume: 38 Issue: 4


MLA Kania, Nia et al. “Kömür Tozu Solunması Ve Sigaranın Hematobiokimyasal Parametreler Üzerine Etkisi”. Cukurova Medical Journal, vol. 38, no. 4, 2013, pp. 547-52.