1. Infante-Cossio P, Prats-Golczer V, Gonzalez-Perez L.M., Belmonte-Caro R., Martinez-DE-Fuentes R, Torres-Carranza E, et al. Treatment of recurrent mandibular ameloblastoma. Exp Ther Med 2013;6(2): 579–83
2. McClary A C, West R B, Pollack J R, Fischbein N J, Holsinger C F, et al. Ameloblastoma: A clinical review and trends in management. Eur Arch Otorhinolaryngol. 2016; 273(7):1649-61.
3. Bijjargi S, Rani S R A, Jaishankar H P, Shashidara R, Patil V. Acanthomatous Ameloblastoma treated with Hemimandibulectomy. J Adv Med Dent Scie 2014; 2(1):114-19.
4. Ram R. Ameloblastoma relapse after 16 years of resection in symphysis of mandible sparing the bone graft. Natl J Maxillofac Surg. 2010; 1(2):190-193.
5. Rastogi V, Pandilwar P K, Maitra S. Ameloblastoma: an evidence based study. J. Maxillofac Oral Surg. 2010; 9(2):173–77
6. Bhargava A, Saigal S, Chalishazar M. Acanthomatous Ameloblastoma of Mandible. Journal of Dental Sciences and Research 2011; 2(2):1-15.
7. Adebiyi K E, Ugboko V I, Omoniyi-Esan G O, Ndukwe K C, Oginni F O. Clinicopathological analysis of histological variants of ameloblastoma in a suburban Nigerian population. Head Face Med 2006; 2(42):1-8
8. Medeiros M, Porto G G, Filho JRL, Portela L, Vascocellos R H. Ameloblastoma in the Mandible. Rev Bras Otorhinolaringol 2008;74(3):478
9. Angadi PV. Head and Neck: Odontogenic tumor: Ameloblastoma. Atlas Genet Cytogenet Oncol Haematol 2011;15(2):223-29
10. Yang R, Liu Z, Gokavarapu S, Peng C, Ji T, Cao W. Recurrence and cancerization of ameloblastoma: multivariate analysis of 87 recurrent craniofacial ameloblastoma to assess risk factors associated with early recurrence and secondary ameloblastic carcinoma. Chin J Cancer Res. 2017; 29(3):189–195.
11. Laborde A, Nicot R, Wojcik T, Ferri J, Raoul G. Ameloblastoma of the jaws: Management and recurrence rate. Eur Ann Otorhinolaryngol Head Neck Dis. 2017; 134(1):7-11.
12. Ding CS, Wang Q, Gao ZR, Zhang ZL. Clinical analysis of 108 cases of jaw ameloblastoma. Shanghai Kou Qiang Yi Xue. 2014; 23(4):494-7.
13. Arotiba GT, Effiom AO, Ayodele AS, Ogundana MO, Gbotolorun MO, Olasoji HO et al. A classification system for recurrent ameloblastoma of the jaws--review of 30 cases in Nigerians. Nig Q J Hosp Med. 2012; 22(1):44-51.
14. Hertog D, Schulten EA, Leemans CR, Winters HA, Van der Waal I. Management of recurrent ameloblastoma of the jaws; a 40-year single institution experience. Oral Oncol. 2011 ;47(2):145-6.
15. E.R.Fregnani, D.E.da Cruz Perez,O.P.de Almeida,L.P.Kowalski,F.A.Soares,F.de Abreu Alves. Clinicopathological study and treatment outcomes of 121 cases of ameloblastomas. Int. J. Oral Maxillofac. Surg. 2010;39(2):145-149
16. Krishnapillai R, Angadi PV. A clinical, radiographic, and histologic review of 73 cases of ameloblastoma in an Indian population. Quintessence Int. 2010;41(5):e90-100.
17. Hong J, Yun PY, Chung IH, Myoung H, Suh JD, Seo BM, Lee JH, Choung PH. Long-term follow up on recurrence of 305 ameloblastoma cases. Int J Oral Maxillofac Surg. 2007; 36(4):283-8.
18. Kamath J,Kini R, Naik V. Solid multicystic ameloblastoma misdiagnosed radiographically as a periapical cyst : A Case report. J.Dent. Indones 2018; 25(1), 65-68.
19. Menezes J D S,Imada T S N, Bernini G F,Yaedú R Y F,Sakima V,Suguimati W Y et al. Recurrence of Multicystic Ameloblastoma: Case Report. Landmark Res. J. Med. Med.Sci 2014;1(2) :27-30
1. Infante-Cossio P, Prats-Golczer V, Gonzalez-Perez L.M., Belmonte-Caro R., Martinez-DE-Fuentes R, Torres-Carranza E, et al. Treatment of recurrent mandibular ameloblastoma. Exp Ther Med 2013;6(2): 579–83
2. McClary A C, West R B, Pollack J R, Fischbein N J, Holsinger C F, et al. Ameloblastoma: A clinical review and trends in management. Eur Arch Otorhinolaryngol. 2016; 273(7):1649-61.
3. Bijjargi S, Rani S R A, Jaishankar H P, Shashidara R, Patil V. Acanthomatous Ameloblastoma treated with Hemimandibulectomy. J Adv Med Dent Scie 2014; 2(1):114-19.
4. Ram R. Ameloblastoma relapse after 16 years of resection in symphysis of mandible sparing the bone graft. Natl J Maxillofac Surg. 2010; 1(2):190-193.
5. Rastogi V, Pandilwar P K, Maitra S. Ameloblastoma: an evidence based study. J. Maxillofac Oral Surg. 2010; 9(2):173–77
6. Bhargava A, Saigal S, Chalishazar M. Acanthomatous Ameloblastoma of Mandible. Journal of Dental Sciences and Research 2011; 2(2):1-15.
7. Adebiyi K E, Ugboko V I, Omoniyi-Esan G O, Ndukwe K C, Oginni F O. Clinicopathological analysis of histological variants of ameloblastoma in a suburban Nigerian population. Head Face Med 2006; 2(42):1-8
8. Medeiros M, Porto G G, Filho JRL, Portela L, Vascocellos R H. Ameloblastoma in the Mandible. Rev Bras Otorhinolaringol 2008;74(3):478
9. Angadi PV. Head and Neck: Odontogenic tumor: Ameloblastoma. Atlas Genet Cytogenet Oncol Haematol 2011;15(2):223-29
10. Yang R, Liu Z, Gokavarapu S, Peng C, Ji T, Cao W. Recurrence and cancerization of ameloblastoma: multivariate analysis of 87 recurrent craniofacial ameloblastoma to assess risk factors associated with early recurrence and secondary ameloblastic carcinoma. Chin J Cancer Res. 2017; 29(3):189–195.
11. Laborde A, Nicot R, Wojcik T, Ferri J, Raoul G. Ameloblastoma of the jaws: Management and recurrence rate. Eur Ann Otorhinolaryngol Head Neck Dis. 2017; 134(1):7-11.
12. Ding CS, Wang Q, Gao ZR, Zhang ZL. Clinical analysis of 108 cases of jaw ameloblastoma. Shanghai Kou Qiang Yi Xue. 2014; 23(4):494-7.
13. Arotiba GT, Effiom AO, Ayodele AS, Ogundana MO, Gbotolorun MO, Olasoji HO et al. A classification system for recurrent ameloblastoma of the jaws--review of 30 cases in Nigerians. Nig Q J Hosp Med. 2012; 22(1):44-51.
14. Hertog D, Schulten EA, Leemans CR, Winters HA, Van der Waal I. Management of recurrent ameloblastoma of the jaws; a 40-year single institution experience. Oral Oncol. 2011 ;47(2):145-6.
15. E.R.Fregnani, D.E.da Cruz Perez,O.P.de Almeida,L.P.Kowalski,F.A.Soares,F.de Abreu Alves. Clinicopathological study and treatment outcomes of 121 cases of ameloblastomas. Int. J. Oral Maxillofac. Surg. 2010;39(2):145-149
16. Krishnapillai R, Angadi PV. A clinical, radiographic, and histologic review of 73 cases of ameloblastoma in an Indian population. Quintessence Int. 2010;41(5):e90-100.
17. Hong J, Yun PY, Chung IH, Myoung H, Suh JD, Seo BM, Lee JH, Choung PH. Long-term follow up on recurrence of 305 ameloblastoma cases. Int J Oral Maxillofac Surg. 2007; 36(4):283-8.
18. Kamath J,Kini R, Naik V. Solid multicystic ameloblastoma misdiagnosed radiographically as a periapical cyst : A Case report. J.Dent. Indones 2018; 25(1), 65-68.
19. Menezes J D S,Imada T S N, Bernini G F,Yaedú R Y F,Sakima V,Suguimati W Y et al. Recurrence of Multicystic Ameloblastoma: Case Report. Landmark Res. J. Med. Med.Sci 2014;1(2) :27-30