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Cytogenetic evaluation of 661 prenatal samples

Yıl 2024, Cilt: 49 Sayı: 2, 248 - 259, 30.06.2024


Purpose: Fetal karyotyping is commonly used to detect chromosomal abnormalities in high-risk pregnancies. Our study is intended to evaluate the results of fetal karyotyping performed in our laboratory for six years and to determine the frequency of chromosomal abnormalities, thus revealing their clinical significance.
Materials and Methods: The cytogenetic results of 661 prenatal samples with an indication for invasive prenatal procedures (amniocentesis, cordocentesis) who had a chromosome analysis and FISH testing between February 2013 and March 2019 were analyzed in our study.
Results: A total of 72 (10.8%) abnormal fetal karyotypes were observed in the study group. Trisomy 21 was the most common numerical aberration (29%, n = 23), followed by trisomy 18 (16%, n = 13), trisomy 13 (2.6%, n = 2), triploid (2.6%, n = 2), sex chromosome aneuploidies (5.2%, n = 4), and rare mosaic autosomal aneuploidies (2.6%, n = 2). Inversions (16%, n = 13), inherited translocations (7.8%, n = 6), unbalanced/de novo translocations (6.5%, n = 5), deletions (5.2%, n = 4), additional chromosomes (1.3%, n = 1), isochromosomes (1.3%, n = 1), and derivative chromosomes (1.3%, n = 1) were identified as structural abnormalities. Of the 18 cases that underwent FISH testing, trisomy 18 was detected in 1 case and tetrasomy 12p was detected in 1 case.
Conclusion: Fetal karyotyping is still an effective and valuable method in the diagnosis of fetal anomalies and provision of effective genetic counseling. In addition, fetal karyotyping should be supported by complementary methods and advanced technologies for accurate and rapid prenatal genetic diagnosis.


  • Caceres V, Murray T, Myers C, Parbhoo K. Prenatal genetic testing and screening: a focused review. Semin Pediatr Neurol. 2022;42:100976.
  • Li H, Li Y, Zhao R, Zhang Y. Cytogenetic analysis of amniotic fluid cells in 4206 cases of high-risk pregnant women. Iran J Public Health. 2019;48:126–31.
  • Donze SH, Srebniak MI, Diderich KEM, van den Born M, Galjaard RJ, Govaerts LCP et al. Limited additional value of karyotyping cultured amniotic fluid cell colonies in addition to microarray on uncultured cells for confirmation of abnormal non-invasive prenatal testing results. Prenat Diagn. 2023; doi: 10.1002/pd.6499.
  • Manasatienkij C, Nimnual A, Jantarasaengaram S. Accuracy of prenatal diagnosis of common aneuploidies using QF-PCR comparing with standard karyotyping in Thai pregnant women. Glob J Health Sci. 2022;31:341–52.
  • Carlson LM, Vora NL. Prenatal diagnosis: screening and diagnostic tools. Obstet Gynecol Clin North Am. 2017;44:245-56.
  • Grati FR. Chromosomal mosaicism in human feto-placental development: implications for prenatal diagnosis. J Clin Med. 2014;3:809-37.
  • Lim KMX, Mahyuddin AP, Gosavi AT, Choolani M. Genetics in prenatal diagnosis. Singapore Med J. 2023;64:27-36.
  • Zhang S, Yin M, Xu JZ, Lei CX, Wun JP, Sun XX et al. Cytogenetic analysis for fetal chromosomal abnormalities by amniocentesis : review of over 40,000 consecutive cases in a single center. Reprod Dev. 2017;1:84–8.
  • Shaffer LG, McGowan-Jordan J, Schmid M. International Standing Committee on Human Cytogenetic Nomenclature. ISCN: An International System for Human Cytogenetic Nomenclature. Basel, Karger, 2013.
  • Gardner RJ, Sutherland GR. Chromosome Abnormalities and Genetic Counselling. 233–246. New York, Oxford University Press, 2004.
  • Neagos D, Cretu R, Sfetea RC, Bohiltea LC. The importance of screening and prenatal diagnosis in the identification of the numerical chromosomal abnormalities. Maedica. 2011;6;179–84.
  • Türkyılmaz A, Budak T. Laboratuvarımıza prenatal tanı için sevk edilen ailelerde endikasyon ve sonuç uygunluklarının değerlendirilmesi. Dicle Tıp Dergisi. 2007;34:258–63.
  • Taşdemir Ş, Yılmaz M, Şahin İ, Erdem HB, Al RA, İngeç M et al. Retrospective analysis of 1429 cases who underwent amniocentesis and cordocentesis. Perinatal Journal. 2014;22:138-41.
  • Sala E, Conconi D, Crosti F, Villa N, Redaelli S, Roversi G. Interphase FISH: A helpful assay in prenatal cytogenetics diagnosis. OBM Genetics. 2019;3:1-12.
  • Simsek S, Turkyilmaz A, Oral D, Yalınkaya A, Tekes S, Isı H. The outcomes of prenatal karyotype analysis in amniocentesis and fetal blood sampling. International Archives of Medical Research. 2011;2:57–9.
  • An N, Li LL, Wang RX, Li LL, Yue JM, Liu RZ. Clinical and cytogenetic results of a series of amniocentesis cases from Northeast China : a report of 2500 cases. Genet Mol Res. 2015;14:15660–7.
  • Soler-Mademont I, Morales C, Clusellas N, Soler A, Sanchez A. Prenatal cytogenetic diagnosis in Spain : analysis and evaluation of the results obtained from amniotic fluid samples during the last decade. Eur J Obstet Gynecol Reprod Biol. 2011;157:156–60.
  • Xiao H, Yang YL, Zhang CY, Liao EJ, Zhao HR, Liao SX. Karyotype analysis with amniotic fluid in 12365 pregnant women with indications for genetic amniocentesis and strategies of prenatal diagnosis. J Obstet Gynaecol. 2016;36:293–6.
  • Sheth F, Rahman M, Liehr T, Desai M, Patel B, Modi C. Prenatal screening of cytogenetic anomalies – a Western Indian experience. BMC Pregnancy Childbirth. 2015;15:90.
  • Nishiyama M, Yan J, Yotsumoto J, Sawai H, Sekizawa A, Kamei Y et al. Chromosome abnormalities diagnosed in utero : a Japanese study of 28 983 amniotic fluid specimens collected before 22 weeks gestations. J Hum Genet. 2015;60:133-7.
  • Acar A, Ercan F, Yildirim S, Gorkemli H, Gezginc K, Balci O et al. Genetic amniocentesis results : analysis of the 3721 cases. The Medical Bulletin of Sisli Etfal Hospital. 2016;50:33–8.
  • Tao H, Xiao J, Yang C, Wang J, Tang Y, Guo C et al. Retrospective analysis of 4761 cases who underwent amniocentesis in southeast China. J Obstet Gynaecol. 2018;38:38–41.
  • Zhang S, Lei C, Wu J, Sun H, Yang Y, Zhang Y et al. A retrospective study of cytogenetic results from amniotic fluid in 5328 fetuses with abnormal obstetric sonographic findings. J Med Ultrasound. 2017;36:1809–17.
  • Andrew C, Koshy T, Gopal S, Paul SFD. A retrospective exploratory study of fetal genetic invasive procedures at a University Hospital. J Obstet Gynaecol. 2018;38:906–10.
  • Durmaz B, Bolat H, Cengisiz Z, Akercan F, Sözen Türk T, Parıltay E et al. 20-year experience on prenatal diagnosis in a reference university medical genetics center in Turkey. Turk J Med Sci. 2021;51:1775-80.
  • Bozdoğan Tuğ S, Büyükkurt S, Özer S, Bişgin A. Evaluation of the results of patients who applied to the Çukurova University, Medical Genetics Department for prenatal diagnosis and determination of genetic counseling principles. Turk J Med Sci. 2021;51:657-60.
  • Younesi S, Taheri Amin MM, Hantoushzadeh S, Saadati P, Jamali S, Modarressi MH et al. Karyotype analysis of amniotic fluid cells and report of chromosomal abnormalities in 15,401 cases of Iranian women. Sci Rep. 2021;11:19402.
  • López Rivera JJ, Zapata Arizabaleta M, Castañeda Soler DP, Carrillo YD, Gualdron López O, Forero-Castro M. Prenatal cytogenetic diagnosis: results obtained in the specialized laboratory of Clínica Universitaria Colombia from 2013 to 2019. J Matern Fetal Neonatal Med. 2022;35:7430-7.
  • Moczulska H, Chrzanowska-Steglinska M, Skoczylas B, Wojda K, Borowiec M, Sieroszewski P. Prenatal karyotype results from 2169 invasive tests. Ginekol Pol. 2023; doi:10.5603/GP.a2022.0143.
  • Wang T, Ren C, Chen D, Lu J, Guo L, Zheng L et al. Prenatal diagnosis of Pallister-Killian syndrome using cord blood samples. Mol Cytogenet. 2019;12:39.
  • Mishra R, Paththinige CS, Sirisena ND, Nanayakkara S, Kariyawasam UGIU, Dissanayake VHW. Partial trisomy 16q21 ➔ qter due to an unbalanced segregation of a maternally inherited balanced translocation review of literature. BMC Pediatr. 2018;18:4.
  • Nevin NC, Coffey WW, Nevin J, Reid M. Partial trisomy 16q in two boys resulting from a maternal translocation, t(15;16)(p12; q11). Clin Genet. 1983;24:375–9.
  • Simioni M, Artiguenave F, Meyer V, Sgardioli IC, Viguetti-Campos NL, Lopes Monlleó I et al. Genomic investigation of balanced chromosomal rearrangements in patients with abnormal phenotypes. Mol Syndromol. 2017;8:187-94.
  • Ali MK, Shazly SA, Ali AH, Abdelbadee AY, Abbas AM. Ultrasonographic soft markers of aneuploidy in second trimester fetuses. Middle East Fertil Soc J. 2012;17:145–51.
  • Wang Y, Cao L, Liang D, Meng L, Wu Y, Qiao F et al. Prenatal chromosomal microarray analysis in fetuses with congenital heart disease: a prospective cohort study. Am J Obstet Gynecol. 2018;218:244.e1-17.
  • Zhuang J, Zhang N, Chen Y, Jiang Y, Chen X, Chen W et al. Prenatal diagnosis and molecular cytogenetic characterization of fetuses with central nervous system anomalies using chromosomal microarray analysis: a seven-year single-center retrospective study. Sci Rep. 2024;14:2271.
  • Chen Y, He Z, Shi Y, Zhou Q, Cai Z, Yu B et al. Not all chromosome aberrations can be detected by NIPT in women at advanced maternal age: A multicenter retrospective study. Clin Chim Acta. 2018;486:232–6.

661 prenatal örneğin sitogenetik değerlendirmesi

Yıl 2024, Cilt: 49 Sayı: 2, 248 - 259, 30.06.2024


Amaç: Fetal karyotipleme, yüksek riskli gebeliklerde kromozomal anomalilerin belirlenmesinde yaygın olarak kullanılmaktadır. Çalışmamızda, laboratuvarımızda altı yıl boyunca gerçekleştirilen fetal karyotipleme sonuçlarını değerlendirmek ve kromozomal anormalliklerin sıklığını belirleyerek klinik önemini ortaya koymak amaçlanmaktadır.
Gereç ve Yöntem: Şubat 2013 ve Mart 2019 arasında kromozom analizi ve FISH testi yaptıran ve invaziv prenatal işlem (amniyosentez, kordosentez) endikasyonu olan 661 prenatal numunenin sitogenetik sonuçları incelenmiştir.
Bulgular: Çalışma grubunda toplam 72 (%10,8) anormal fetal karyotip gözlenmiştir. Trizomi 21 en yaygın sayısal aberasyon olup (%29, n = 23), bunu trizomi 18 (%16, n = 13), trizomi 13 (%2,6, n = 2), triploidi (%2,6, n = 2), cinsiyet kromozomu anöploidileri (%5,2, n = 4) ve nadir mozaik otozomal anöploidiler (%2,6, n = 2) izlemiştir. Yapısal anormallikler olarak inversiyonlar (%16, n = 13), kalıtsal translokasyonlar (%7,8, n = 6), dengesiz/de novo translokasyonlar (%6,5, n = 5), delesyonlar (%5,2, n = 4), ilave kromozomlar (%1,3, n = 1), izokromozomlar (%1,3, n = 1) ve derivatif kromozomlar (%1,3, n = 1) tespit edilmiştir. FISH testi yapılan 18 vakanın birinde trizomi 18 ve birinde tetrazomi 12p saptanmıştır.
Sonuç: Sonuçlarımız, fetal karyotiplemenin fetal anomalilerin tanısında ve etkin genetik danışmanlığın sağlanmasında hala etkili ve değerli bir yöntem olduğunu göstermektedir. Ayrıca doğru ve hızlı prenatal genetik tanı için fetal karyotiplemenin tamamlayıcı yöntemler ve ileri teknolojilerle desteklenmesi gerekmektedir.


  • Caceres V, Murray T, Myers C, Parbhoo K. Prenatal genetic testing and screening: a focused review. Semin Pediatr Neurol. 2022;42:100976.
  • Li H, Li Y, Zhao R, Zhang Y. Cytogenetic analysis of amniotic fluid cells in 4206 cases of high-risk pregnant women. Iran J Public Health. 2019;48:126–31.
  • Donze SH, Srebniak MI, Diderich KEM, van den Born M, Galjaard RJ, Govaerts LCP et al. Limited additional value of karyotyping cultured amniotic fluid cell colonies in addition to microarray on uncultured cells for confirmation of abnormal non-invasive prenatal testing results. Prenat Diagn. 2023; doi: 10.1002/pd.6499.
  • Manasatienkij C, Nimnual A, Jantarasaengaram S. Accuracy of prenatal diagnosis of common aneuploidies using QF-PCR comparing with standard karyotyping in Thai pregnant women. Glob J Health Sci. 2022;31:341–52.
  • Carlson LM, Vora NL. Prenatal diagnosis: screening and diagnostic tools. Obstet Gynecol Clin North Am. 2017;44:245-56.
  • Grati FR. Chromosomal mosaicism in human feto-placental development: implications for prenatal diagnosis. J Clin Med. 2014;3:809-37.
  • Lim KMX, Mahyuddin AP, Gosavi AT, Choolani M. Genetics in prenatal diagnosis. Singapore Med J. 2023;64:27-36.
  • Zhang S, Yin M, Xu JZ, Lei CX, Wun JP, Sun XX et al. Cytogenetic analysis for fetal chromosomal abnormalities by amniocentesis : review of over 40,000 consecutive cases in a single center. Reprod Dev. 2017;1:84–8.
  • Shaffer LG, McGowan-Jordan J, Schmid M. International Standing Committee on Human Cytogenetic Nomenclature. ISCN: An International System for Human Cytogenetic Nomenclature. Basel, Karger, 2013.
  • Gardner RJ, Sutherland GR. Chromosome Abnormalities and Genetic Counselling. 233–246. New York, Oxford University Press, 2004.
  • Neagos D, Cretu R, Sfetea RC, Bohiltea LC. The importance of screening and prenatal diagnosis in the identification of the numerical chromosomal abnormalities. Maedica. 2011;6;179–84.
  • Türkyılmaz A, Budak T. Laboratuvarımıza prenatal tanı için sevk edilen ailelerde endikasyon ve sonuç uygunluklarının değerlendirilmesi. Dicle Tıp Dergisi. 2007;34:258–63.
  • Taşdemir Ş, Yılmaz M, Şahin İ, Erdem HB, Al RA, İngeç M et al. Retrospective analysis of 1429 cases who underwent amniocentesis and cordocentesis. Perinatal Journal. 2014;22:138-41.
  • Sala E, Conconi D, Crosti F, Villa N, Redaelli S, Roversi G. Interphase FISH: A helpful assay in prenatal cytogenetics diagnosis. OBM Genetics. 2019;3:1-12.
  • Simsek S, Turkyilmaz A, Oral D, Yalınkaya A, Tekes S, Isı H. The outcomes of prenatal karyotype analysis in amniocentesis and fetal blood sampling. International Archives of Medical Research. 2011;2:57–9.
  • An N, Li LL, Wang RX, Li LL, Yue JM, Liu RZ. Clinical and cytogenetic results of a series of amniocentesis cases from Northeast China : a report of 2500 cases. Genet Mol Res. 2015;14:15660–7.
  • Soler-Mademont I, Morales C, Clusellas N, Soler A, Sanchez A. Prenatal cytogenetic diagnosis in Spain : analysis and evaluation of the results obtained from amniotic fluid samples during the last decade. Eur J Obstet Gynecol Reprod Biol. 2011;157:156–60.
  • Xiao H, Yang YL, Zhang CY, Liao EJ, Zhao HR, Liao SX. Karyotype analysis with amniotic fluid in 12365 pregnant women with indications for genetic amniocentesis and strategies of prenatal diagnosis. J Obstet Gynaecol. 2016;36:293–6.
  • Sheth F, Rahman M, Liehr T, Desai M, Patel B, Modi C. Prenatal screening of cytogenetic anomalies – a Western Indian experience. BMC Pregnancy Childbirth. 2015;15:90.
  • Nishiyama M, Yan J, Yotsumoto J, Sawai H, Sekizawa A, Kamei Y et al. Chromosome abnormalities diagnosed in utero : a Japanese study of 28 983 amniotic fluid specimens collected before 22 weeks gestations. J Hum Genet. 2015;60:133-7.
  • Acar A, Ercan F, Yildirim S, Gorkemli H, Gezginc K, Balci O et al. Genetic amniocentesis results : analysis of the 3721 cases. The Medical Bulletin of Sisli Etfal Hospital. 2016;50:33–8.
  • Tao H, Xiao J, Yang C, Wang J, Tang Y, Guo C et al. Retrospective analysis of 4761 cases who underwent amniocentesis in southeast China. J Obstet Gynaecol. 2018;38:38–41.
  • Zhang S, Lei C, Wu J, Sun H, Yang Y, Zhang Y et al. A retrospective study of cytogenetic results from amniotic fluid in 5328 fetuses with abnormal obstetric sonographic findings. J Med Ultrasound. 2017;36:1809–17.
  • Andrew C, Koshy T, Gopal S, Paul SFD. A retrospective exploratory study of fetal genetic invasive procedures at a University Hospital. J Obstet Gynaecol. 2018;38:906–10.
  • Durmaz B, Bolat H, Cengisiz Z, Akercan F, Sözen Türk T, Parıltay E et al. 20-year experience on prenatal diagnosis in a reference university medical genetics center in Turkey. Turk J Med Sci. 2021;51:1775-80.
  • Bozdoğan Tuğ S, Büyükkurt S, Özer S, Bişgin A. Evaluation of the results of patients who applied to the Çukurova University, Medical Genetics Department for prenatal diagnosis and determination of genetic counseling principles. Turk J Med Sci. 2021;51:657-60.
  • Younesi S, Taheri Amin MM, Hantoushzadeh S, Saadati P, Jamali S, Modarressi MH et al. Karyotype analysis of amniotic fluid cells and report of chromosomal abnormalities in 15,401 cases of Iranian women. Sci Rep. 2021;11:19402.
  • López Rivera JJ, Zapata Arizabaleta M, Castañeda Soler DP, Carrillo YD, Gualdron López O, Forero-Castro M. Prenatal cytogenetic diagnosis: results obtained in the specialized laboratory of Clínica Universitaria Colombia from 2013 to 2019. J Matern Fetal Neonatal Med. 2022;35:7430-7.
  • Moczulska H, Chrzanowska-Steglinska M, Skoczylas B, Wojda K, Borowiec M, Sieroszewski P. Prenatal karyotype results from 2169 invasive tests. Ginekol Pol. 2023; doi:10.5603/GP.a2022.0143.
  • Wang T, Ren C, Chen D, Lu J, Guo L, Zheng L et al. Prenatal diagnosis of Pallister-Killian syndrome using cord blood samples. Mol Cytogenet. 2019;12:39.
  • Mishra R, Paththinige CS, Sirisena ND, Nanayakkara S, Kariyawasam UGIU, Dissanayake VHW. Partial trisomy 16q21 ➔ qter due to an unbalanced segregation of a maternally inherited balanced translocation review of literature. BMC Pediatr. 2018;18:4.
  • Nevin NC, Coffey WW, Nevin J, Reid M. Partial trisomy 16q in two boys resulting from a maternal translocation, t(15;16)(p12; q11). Clin Genet. 1983;24:375–9.
  • Simioni M, Artiguenave F, Meyer V, Sgardioli IC, Viguetti-Campos NL, Lopes Monlleó I et al. Genomic investigation of balanced chromosomal rearrangements in patients with abnormal phenotypes. Mol Syndromol. 2017;8:187-94.
  • Ali MK, Shazly SA, Ali AH, Abdelbadee AY, Abbas AM. Ultrasonographic soft markers of aneuploidy in second trimester fetuses. Middle East Fertil Soc J. 2012;17:145–51.
  • Wang Y, Cao L, Liang D, Meng L, Wu Y, Qiao F et al. Prenatal chromosomal microarray analysis in fetuses with congenital heart disease: a prospective cohort study. Am J Obstet Gynecol. 2018;218:244.e1-17.
  • Zhuang J, Zhang N, Chen Y, Jiang Y, Chen X, Chen W et al. Prenatal diagnosis and molecular cytogenetic characterization of fetuses with central nervous system anomalies using chromosomal microarray analysis: a seven-year single-center retrospective study. Sci Rep. 2024;14:2271.
  • Chen Y, He Z, Shi Y, Zhou Q, Cai Z, Yu B et al. Not all chromosome aberrations can be detected by NIPT in women at advanced maternal age: A multicenter retrospective study. Clin Chim Acta. 2018;486:232–6.
Toplam 37 adet kaynakça vardır.


Birincil Dil İngilizce
Konular Tıbbi Genetik (Kanser Genetiği hariç), Kadın Hastalıkları ve Doğum
Bölüm Araştırma

Seda Eren Keskin 0000-0002-8315-646X

Buket Doğruoğlu 0000-0002-1138-7680

Zeynep İlkay 0000-0001-7256-6992

Deniz Sünnetçi Akkoyunlu 0000-0001-9297-8222

Naci Çine 0000-0001-9063-1073

Hakan Savlı 0000-0001-8214-1496

Yasemin Doğan 0000-0002-2614-4411

Gülseren Yücesoy 0000-0003-1506-6646

Yayımlanma Tarihi 30 Haziran 2024
Gönderilme Tarihi 24 Ekim 2023
Kabul Tarihi 6 Nisan 2024
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2024 Cilt: 49 Sayı: 2

Kaynak Göster

MLA Eren Keskin, Seda vd. “Cytogenetic Evaluation of 661 Prenatal Samples”. Cukurova Medical Journal, c. 49, sy. 2, 2024, ss. 248-59, doi:10.17826/cumj.1380467.