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Letter to Editor
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Nadir bir duodenal perforasyon nedeni: koledokal stente bağlı erken dönem luminal perforasyon

Year 2024, Volume: 49 Issue: 3, 841 - 843, 30.09.2024


65 yaşında kadın hasta koledokolitiazis ile başvurdu. Endoskopik retrograd kolanjiyografi işleminde taşın çıkarılamaması nedeniyle ortak safra kanalına amsterdam tipi stent yerleştirildi. Erken stent migrasyonuna bağlı olarak karşı duvar duodenal perforasyonu gelişen nadir bir olguyu ve hastanın cerrahi dışı izlemi sunulmuştur.


  • Johanson JF, Schmalz MJ, Geenen JE. Incidence and risk factors for biliary and pancreatic stent migration. Gastrointest Endosc. 1992;38:341–46.
  • Arhan M, Ödemiş B, Parlak E, Ertuǧrul I, Başar Ö. Migration of biliary plastic stents: Experience of a tertiary center. Surg Endosc Other Interv Tech. 2009;23:769–75.
  • Paspatis GA, Dumonceau JM, Barthet M, Meisner S, Repici A, Saunders BP et al. Diagnosis and management of iatrogenic endoscopic perforations: European Society of Gastrointestinal Endoscopy (ESGE) Position Statement. Endoscopy. 2014;46:693-711.
  • Neri V, Ambrosi A, Fersini A, Valentino TP. Duodenal perforation in course of endoscopic retrograde cholangiopancreatography-endoscopic sphincterotomy. Therapeutic considerations. Ann Ital Chir. 2006;77:161–4.
  • Fatima J, Baron TH, Topazian MD, Houghton SG, Iqbal CW, Ott BJ et al. Pancreaticobiliary and duodenal perforations after periampullary endoscopic procedures: Diagnosis and management. Archives of Surgery. 2007;142:448–54

A rare cause of duodenal perforation: choledochal stent-related early luminal perforation

Year 2024, Volume: 49 Issue: 3, 841 - 843, 30.09.2024


A 65-year-old female patient was admitted with choledocholithiasis. An amsterdam type stent was placed in the common bile duct due to non-removal stone in endoscopic retrograde cholangiography procedure. We will report a rare case of opposite wall duodenal perforation due to early stent migration and the non-surgical follow-up of the patient.


  • Johanson JF, Schmalz MJ, Geenen JE. Incidence and risk factors for biliary and pancreatic stent migration. Gastrointest Endosc. 1992;38:341–46.
  • Arhan M, Ödemiş B, Parlak E, Ertuǧrul I, Başar Ö. Migration of biliary plastic stents: Experience of a tertiary center. Surg Endosc Other Interv Tech. 2009;23:769–75.
  • Paspatis GA, Dumonceau JM, Barthet M, Meisner S, Repici A, Saunders BP et al. Diagnosis and management of iatrogenic endoscopic perforations: European Society of Gastrointestinal Endoscopy (ESGE) Position Statement. Endoscopy. 2014;46:693-711.
  • Neri V, Ambrosi A, Fersini A, Valentino TP. Duodenal perforation in course of endoscopic retrograde cholangiopancreatography-endoscopic sphincterotomy. Therapeutic considerations. Ann Ital Chir. 2006;77:161–4.
  • Fatima J, Baron TH, Topazian MD, Houghton SG, Iqbal CW, Ott BJ et al. Pancreaticobiliary and duodenal perforations after periampullary endoscopic procedures: Diagnosis and management. Archives of Surgery. 2007;142:448–54
There are 5 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Subjects Gastroenterology and Hepatology
Journal Section Letter to the Editor

Ahmed Ramiz Baykan 0000-0001-6798-0240

Yılmaz Özdemir 0000-0002-5480-1140

Publication Date September 30, 2024
Acceptance Date January 20, 2024
Published in Issue Year 2024 Volume: 49 Issue: 3


MLA Baykan, Ahmed Ramiz and Yılmaz Özdemir. “A Rare Cause of Duodenal Perforation: Choledochal Stent-Related Early Luminal Perforation”. Cukurova Medical Journal, vol. 49, no. 3, 2024, pp. 841-3, doi:10.17826/cumj.1370495.