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Acil serviste akut koroner sendrom karar yardımcılarının karşılaştırılması

Year 2024, Volume: 49 Issue: 4, 1030 - 1043, 30.12.2024


Amaç: Bu çalışma, Emergency Department Assessment of Chest Pain Score (EDACS), History, Electrocardiography, Age, Risk Factors, Troponin (HEART) ve Thrombolysis in Myocardial Infarction (TIMI) skorlarının düşük riskli akut koroner sendrom (AKS), hastalarını belirleme ve 30 günlük majör istenmeyen kardiyak olayları (MİKO) öngörme performanslarını karşılaştırmayı amaçlamıştır.
Gereç ve Yöntem: Bu prospektif çalışmaya, travmatik olmayan göğüs ağrısı ile AS’ye başvuran ve AKS açısından değerlendirilen 18 yaş ve üzeri hastalar dahil edilmiştir. HEART, TIMI, EDACS ve EDACS-ADP skorları hesaplanmıştır. Miyokard enfarktüsü, acil revaskülarizasyon veya ölüm MİKO olarak tanımlanmış ve telefonla takip yoluyla doğrulanmıştır. Tanısal performans, eğri altındaki alan (EAA) analizleri ile değerlendirilmiştir.
Bulgular: Çalışmaya 408 hasta dahil edilmiş ve 64’ünde (%15.7) MİKO gelişmiştir. En yüksek EAA değeri HEART skoruna (0,823) aitken, bunu TIMI (0,784), EDACS-ADP (0,769) ve EDACS (0,716) takip etmiştir. HEART, en yüksek duyarlılık (%90,6) ve negatif prediktif değer (NPD, %97,2) göstermiştir. TIMI’nin ≤1 kesim değerinde duyarlılık %81,3 ve NPD %94,7 iken, kesim değerinin <1’e düşürülmesi duyarlılığı %96,8 ve NPD’yi %98,8’e çıkarmıştır. EDACS, %56,2 duyarlılık ve %90,3 NPD gösterirken, EDACS-ADP %82,8 duyarlılık ve %95,7 NPD göstermiştir.
Sonuç: HEART skoru, 30 günlük MİKO’yu öngörmede TIMI, EDACS ve EDACS-ADP’den üstün performans göstermiş, en iyi duyarlılık ve NPD’ye sahip olmuştur. TIMI kesim değerinin ayarlanması tanısal performansı artırabilir, ancak AS'de kalış süresini uzatabilir. HEART skoru, düşük riskli AKS hastalarını belirlemek ve güvenli taburculuk kararlarını desteklemek için en güvenilir araçtır.

Ethical Statement

Study approval was obtained from the clinical ethics committee of Ordu University Faculty of Medicine. Ethics Committee Decision Date: 23.09.2021. Decision Number: 2021/211.

Supporting Institution

The authors received no financial support for the research, authorship and/or publication of this article.




  • Stopyra J, Snavely AC, Hiestand B, Wells BJ, Lenoir KM, Herrington D et al. Comparison of accelerated diagnostic pathways for acute chest pain risk stratification. Heart. 2020;106:977–84.
  • Brown JE. Chest Pain. In: Rosen's Emergency Medicine: Concepts and Clinical Practice. 9th ed (Eds Walls RM, Hockberger RS, Gausche-Hill M): Philedelphia, Elsevier. 2018;2014-12.
  • Laging R. Acute coronary syndromes. In Textbook of Adult Emergency Medicine. 5th ed (Eds Cameron P, Little M, Mitra B, Deasy C):199-204. Edinburgh, Elsevier. 2020.
  • Gulati M, Levy PD, Mukherjee D, Amsterdam E, Bhatt DL, Birtcher KK et al. 2021 AHA/ACC/ASE/CHEST/SAEM/SCCT/SCMR Guideline for the Evaluation and Diagnosis of Chest Pain: A Report of the American College of Cardiology/American Heart Association Joint Committee on Clinical Practice Guidelines. Circulation. 2021;144:e368–454.
  • Poldervaart JM, Langedijk M, Backus BE, Dekker IMC, Six AJ, Doevendans PA et al. Comparison of the GRACE, HEART and TIMI score to predict major adverse cardiac events in chest pain patients at the emergency department. Int J Cardiol. 2017;227:656–61.
  • Thomas JJ, Brady WJ. Acute coronary syndrome. In: Rosen's Emergency Medicine : Concepts and Clinical Practice. 9th ed (Eds RM Walls, RS Hockberger, M Gausche-Hill): 891-928. Philedelphia, Elsevier, 2018.
  • Diercks DB, Hollander JE. Acute coronary syndromes. In: Tintinalli's Emergency Medicine A Comprehensive Study Guide. 9th ed (Eds JE Tintinalli, OJ Ma, DM Yealy, GD Meckler, JS Stapczynski, DM Cline):334-52. New York, Mc Graw Hill., 2019.
  • Giugliano RP, Cannon CP, Braunwald E. Non-ST-segment elevation acute coronary syndrome (Non-ST-segment elevation myocardial infarction and unstable angina). In: Harrison’s Principles of Internal Medicine. 20th ed (Eds JL Jameson, DL Kasper, DL Longo, AS Fauci, SL Hauser, J Loscalzo):1866-72. New York, Mc Graw Hill, 2018.
  • Poldervaart JM, Reitsma JB, Backus BE, Koffijberg H, Veldkamp RF, Ten Haaf ME et al. Effect of using the heart score in patients with chest pain in the emergency department: a stepped-wedge, cluster randomized trial. Ann Intern Med. 2017;166:689–97.
  • Sakamoto JT, Liu N, Koh ZX, Fung NX, Heldeweg ML, Ng JC et al. Comparing HEART, TIMI, and GRACE scores for prediction of 30-day major adverse cardiac events in high acuity chest pain patients in the emergency department. Int J Cardiol. 2016;221:759–64.
  • Torralba F, Navarro A, la Hoz JC, Ortiz C, Botero A, Alarcón F et al. HEART, TIMI, and GRACE Scores for prediction of 30-day major adverse cardiovascular events in the era of high-sensitivity troponin. Arq Bras Cardiol. 2020;114:795–802.
  • Boyle RSJ, Body R. The diagnostic accuracy of the Emergency Department Assessment of Chest Pain (EDACS) score: a systematic review and meta-analysis. Ann Emerg Med. 2021;77:433–41.
  • Backus BE, Six AJ, Kelder JC, Bosschaert MA, Mast EG, Mosterd A et al. A prospective validation of the HEART score for chest pain patients at the emergency department. Int J Cardiol. 2013;168:2153-8.
  • Antman EM, Cohen M, Bernink PJ, McCabe CH, Horacek T, Papuchis G et al. The TIMI risk score for unstable angina/non-ST elevation MI: A method for prognostication and therapeutic decision making. JAMA. 2000;284:835-42.
  • Than M, Flaws D, Sanders S, Doust J, Glasziou P, Kline J et al. Development and validation of the Emergency Department Assessment of Chest pain Score and 2 h accelerated diagnostic protocol. Emerg Med Australas. 2014;26:34-44.
  • Shin YS, Ahn S, Kim YJ, Ryoo SM, Sohn CH, Kim WY. External validation of the emergency department assessment of chest pain score accelerated diagnostic pathway (EDACS-ADP). Am J Emerg Med. 2020;38:2264–70.
  • Hess EP, Agarwal D, Chandra S, Murad MH, Erwin PJ, Hollander JE et al. Diagnostic accuracy of the TIMI risk score in patients with chest pain in the emergency department: a meta-analysis. CMAJ. 2010;182:1039-44.
  • Shin YS, Ahn S, Kim YJ, Ryoo SM, Sohn CH, Kim WY. Risk stratification of patients with chest pain or anginal equivalents in the emergency department. Intern Emerg Med. 2020;15:319–26.
  • Body R, Morris N, Reynard C, Collinson PO. Comparison of four decision aids for the early diagnosis of acute coronary syndromes in the emergency department. Emerg Med J. 2020;37:8–13.
  • Akoglu H. User’s guide to sample size estimation in diagnostic accuracy studies. Turkish J Emerg Med. 2022;22:177–185.
  • Wamala H, Aggarwal L, Bernard A, Scott IA. Comparison of nine coronary risk scores in evaluating patients presenting to hospital with undifferentiated chest pain. Int J Gen Med. 2018;11:473–81.
  • Laureano-Phillips J, Robinson RD, Aryal S, Blair S, Wilson D, Boyd K et al. HEART score risk stratification of low-risk chest pain patients in the emergency department: a systematic review and meta-analysis. Ann Emerg Med. 2019;74:187–203.
  • Leite L, Baptista R, Leitão J, Cochicho J, Breda F, Elvas L et al. Chest pain in the emergency department: risk stratification with Manchester triage system and HEART score. BMC Cardiovasc Disord. 2015;15:48.
  • Wong CP, Lui CT, Sung JG, Lam H, Fung HT, Yam PW. Prognosticating clinical prediction scores without clinical gestalt for patients with chest pain in the emergency department. J Emerg Med. 2018;54:176–85.
  • Smith LM, Simon AM. Chest Pain. In: Tintinalli's Emergency Medicine A Comprehensive Study Guide. 9th ed ((Eds JE Tintinalli, OJ Ma, DM Yealy, GD Meckler, JS Stapczynski, DM Cline):329-3. New York, Mc Graw Hill., 2019..
  • Flaws D, Than M, Scheuermeyer FX, Christenson J, Boychuk B, Greenslade JH et al. External validation of the emergency department assessment of chest pain score accelerated diagnostic pathway (EDACS-ADP). Emerg Med J. 2016;33:618–25.
  • Collet JP, Thiele H, Barbato E, Barthélémy O, Bauersachs J, Bhatt DL et al. ; ESC Scientific Document Group. 2020 ESC Guidelines for the management of acute coronary syndromes in patients presenting without persistent ST-segment elevation. Eur Heart J. 2021;42:1289-367.
  • Moliterno DJ, Januzzi JL. Evaluaton and managment of non ST-Segment elevation myocardial infarction. In Hurst’s The Heart. 14th ed (Eds V Fuster, J Narula, RA Harrington, Z Eapen):995-1016. New York, Mc Graw Hill., 2017.

Comparison of acute coronary syndrome decision aids in the emergency department

Year 2024, Volume: 49 Issue: 4, 1030 - 1043, 30.12.2024


Purpose: This study compared the performance of the Emergency Department Assessment of Chest Pain Score (EDACS), History, Electrocardiography, Age, Risk Factors, Troponin (HEART), and Thrombolysis in Myocardial Infarction (TIMI) in identifying low-risk acute coronary syndrome (ACS) patients and predicting 30-day major adverse cardiac events (MACE).
Materials and Methods: This prospective study included patients aged ≥18 years with nontraumatic chest pain evaluated for ACS. HEART, TIMI, EDACS, and EDACS-ADP scores were calculated. MACE, including myocardial infarction, urgent revascularization, or death, was determined via telephone follow-up. Diagnostic performance was assessed using area under the curve (AUC) analysis.
Results: Among 408 patients, 64 (15.7%) developed MACE. The HEART score had the highest AUC (0.823), followed by TIMI (0.784), EDACS-ADP (0.769), and EDACS (0.716). HEART had the highest sensitivity (90.6%) and negative predictive value (NPV; 97.2%). TIMI, at a ≤1 cut-off, had sensitivity of 81.3% and NPV of 94.7%; reducing the cut-off to <1 increased sensitivity to 96.8% and NPV to 98.8%. EDACS showed sensitivity of 56.2% and NPV of 90.3%, whereas EDACS-ADP had sensitivity of 82.8% and NPV of 95.7%.
Conclusion: The HEART score outperformed TIMI, EDACS, and EDACS-ADP in predicting 30-day MACE, with superior sensitivity and NPV. Adjusting the TIMI cut-off enhances diagnostic performance but may increase ED stay. The HEART score is the most reliable tool for identifying low-risk patients with ACS and enabling safe discharge.

Ethical Statement

Study approval was obtained from the clinical ethics committee of Ordu University Faculty of Medicine. Ethics Committee Decision Date: 23.09.2021. Decision Number: 2021/211

Supporting Institution

All authors received no financial support for the research, authorship and/or publication of this article.




  • Stopyra J, Snavely AC, Hiestand B, Wells BJ, Lenoir KM, Herrington D et al. Comparison of accelerated diagnostic pathways for acute chest pain risk stratification. Heart. 2020;106:977–84.
  • Brown JE. Chest Pain. In: Rosen's Emergency Medicine: Concepts and Clinical Practice. 9th ed (Eds Walls RM, Hockberger RS, Gausche-Hill M): Philedelphia, Elsevier. 2018;2014-12.
  • Laging R. Acute coronary syndromes. In Textbook of Adult Emergency Medicine. 5th ed (Eds Cameron P, Little M, Mitra B, Deasy C):199-204. Edinburgh, Elsevier. 2020.
  • Gulati M, Levy PD, Mukherjee D, Amsterdam E, Bhatt DL, Birtcher KK et al. 2021 AHA/ACC/ASE/CHEST/SAEM/SCCT/SCMR Guideline for the Evaluation and Diagnosis of Chest Pain: A Report of the American College of Cardiology/American Heart Association Joint Committee on Clinical Practice Guidelines. Circulation. 2021;144:e368–454.
  • Poldervaart JM, Langedijk M, Backus BE, Dekker IMC, Six AJ, Doevendans PA et al. Comparison of the GRACE, HEART and TIMI score to predict major adverse cardiac events in chest pain patients at the emergency department. Int J Cardiol. 2017;227:656–61.
  • Thomas JJ, Brady WJ. Acute coronary syndrome. In: Rosen's Emergency Medicine : Concepts and Clinical Practice. 9th ed (Eds RM Walls, RS Hockberger, M Gausche-Hill): 891-928. Philedelphia, Elsevier, 2018.
  • Diercks DB, Hollander JE. Acute coronary syndromes. In: Tintinalli's Emergency Medicine A Comprehensive Study Guide. 9th ed (Eds JE Tintinalli, OJ Ma, DM Yealy, GD Meckler, JS Stapczynski, DM Cline):334-52. New York, Mc Graw Hill., 2019.
  • Giugliano RP, Cannon CP, Braunwald E. Non-ST-segment elevation acute coronary syndrome (Non-ST-segment elevation myocardial infarction and unstable angina). In: Harrison’s Principles of Internal Medicine. 20th ed (Eds JL Jameson, DL Kasper, DL Longo, AS Fauci, SL Hauser, J Loscalzo):1866-72. New York, Mc Graw Hill, 2018.
  • Poldervaart JM, Reitsma JB, Backus BE, Koffijberg H, Veldkamp RF, Ten Haaf ME et al. Effect of using the heart score in patients with chest pain in the emergency department: a stepped-wedge, cluster randomized trial. Ann Intern Med. 2017;166:689–97.
  • Sakamoto JT, Liu N, Koh ZX, Fung NX, Heldeweg ML, Ng JC et al. Comparing HEART, TIMI, and GRACE scores for prediction of 30-day major adverse cardiac events in high acuity chest pain patients in the emergency department. Int J Cardiol. 2016;221:759–64.
  • Torralba F, Navarro A, la Hoz JC, Ortiz C, Botero A, Alarcón F et al. HEART, TIMI, and GRACE Scores for prediction of 30-day major adverse cardiovascular events in the era of high-sensitivity troponin. Arq Bras Cardiol. 2020;114:795–802.
  • Boyle RSJ, Body R. The diagnostic accuracy of the Emergency Department Assessment of Chest Pain (EDACS) score: a systematic review and meta-analysis. Ann Emerg Med. 2021;77:433–41.
  • Backus BE, Six AJ, Kelder JC, Bosschaert MA, Mast EG, Mosterd A et al. A prospective validation of the HEART score for chest pain patients at the emergency department. Int J Cardiol. 2013;168:2153-8.
  • Antman EM, Cohen M, Bernink PJ, McCabe CH, Horacek T, Papuchis G et al. The TIMI risk score for unstable angina/non-ST elevation MI: A method for prognostication and therapeutic decision making. JAMA. 2000;284:835-42.
  • Than M, Flaws D, Sanders S, Doust J, Glasziou P, Kline J et al. Development and validation of the Emergency Department Assessment of Chest pain Score and 2 h accelerated diagnostic protocol. Emerg Med Australas. 2014;26:34-44.
  • Shin YS, Ahn S, Kim YJ, Ryoo SM, Sohn CH, Kim WY. External validation of the emergency department assessment of chest pain score accelerated diagnostic pathway (EDACS-ADP). Am J Emerg Med. 2020;38:2264–70.
  • Hess EP, Agarwal D, Chandra S, Murad MH, Erwin PJ, Hollander JE et al. Diagnostic accuracy of the TIMI risk score in patients with chest pain in the emergency department: a meta-analysis. CMAJ. 2010;182:1039-44.
  • Shin YS, Ahn S, Kim YJ, Ryoo SM, Sohn CH, Kim WY. Risk stratification of patients with chest pain or anginal equivalents in the emergency department. Intern Emerg Med. 2020;15:319–26.
  • Body R, Morris N, Reynard C, Collinson PO. Comparison of four decision aids for the early diagnosis of acute coronary syndromes in the emergency department. Emerg Med J. 2020;37:8–13.
  • Akoglu H. User’s guide to sample size estimation in diagnostic accuracy studies. Turkish J Emerg Med. 2022;22:177–185.
  • Wamala H, Aggarwal L, Bernard A, Scott IA. Comparison of nine coronary risk scores in evaluating patients presenting to hospital with undifferentiated chest pain. Int J Gen Med. 2018;11:473–81.
  • Laureano-Phillips J, Robinson RD, Aryal S, Blair S, Wilson D, Boyd K et al. HEART score risk stratification of low-risk chest pain patients in the emergency department: a systematic review and meta-analysis. Ann Emerg Med. 2019;74:187–203.
  • Leite L, Baptista R, Leitão J, Cochicho J, Breda F, Elvas L et al. Chest pain in the emergency department: risk stratification with Manchester triage system and HEART score. BMC Cardiovasc Disord. 2015;15:48.
  • Wong CP, Lui CT, Sung JG, Lam H, Fung HT, Yam PW. Prognosticating clinical prediction scores without clinical gestalt for patients with chest pain in the emergency department. J Emerg Med. 2018;54:176–85.
  • Smith LM, Simon AM. Chest Pain. In: Tintinalli's Emergency Medicine A Comprehensive Study Guide. 9th ed ((Eds JE Tintinalli, OJ Ma, DM Yealy, GD Meckler, JS Stapczynski, DM Cline):329-3. New York, Mc Graw Hill., 2019..
  • Flaws D, Than M, Scheuermeyer FX, Christenson J, Boychuk B, Greenslade JH et al. External validation of the emergency department assessment of chest pain score accelerated diagnostic pathway (EDACS-ADP). Emerg Med J. 2016;33:618–25.
  • Collet JP, Thiele H, Barbato E, Barthélémy O, Bauersachs J, Bhatt DL et al. ; ESC Scientific Document Group. 2020 ESC Guidelines for the management of acute coronary syndromes in patients presenting without persistent ST-segment elevation. Eur Heart J. 2021;42:1289-367.
  • Moliterno DJ, Januzzi JL. Evaluaton and managment of non ST-Segment elevation myocardial infarction. In Hurst’s The Heart. 14th ed (Eds V Fuster, J Narula, RA Harrington, Z Eapen):995-1016. New York, Mc Graw Hill., 2017.
There are 28 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Subjects Emergency Medicine
Journal Section Research

Mehmet Seyfettin Sarıbaş 0000-0002-2037-0522

Atakan Savrun 0000-0001-7468-4159

Ali Aygun 0000-0002-5190-1445

Şeyda Tuba Savrun 0000-0002-6512-2987

Publication Date December 30, 2024
Submission Date May 31, 2024
Acceptance Date December 16, 2024
Published in Issue Year 2024 Volume: 49 Issue: 4


MLA Sarıbaş, Mehmet Seyfettin et al. “Comparison of Acute Coronary Syndrome Decision Aids in the Emergency Department”. Cukurova Medical Journal, vol. 49, no. 4, 2024, pp. 1030-43, doi:10.17826/cumj.1493062.