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Yıl 2023, , 219 - 236, 10.05.2023



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The Effect of Perceived Pay Equity on Counterproductive Work Behaviors: The Mediating Role of Organizational Cynicism

Yıl 2023, , 219 - 236, 10.05.2023


The influence of pay equity perception has been ignored largely in the human resource literature so far. The aim of this study was to fill this gap by investigating the effect of perceived pay equity on counterproductive work behaviors and whether organizational cynicism had mediating role on this effect. Data were gathered via e-mail survey from 252 white-collar employees working at various private companies in Istanbul. In data analysis, besides the frequency distributions of demographic variables, correlation and regression analyzes were also used. The results of the study demonstrated that organizational cynicism did not play a mediating role, since pay equity did not affect counterproductive work behaviors. However, it has been observed that perceived pay equity affected organizational cynicism negatively and organizational cynicism also affected counterproductive work behaviors positively. In addition to these, it was determined that pay equity, CWBs and organizational cynicism showed a significant difference according to some demographic characteristics. Various theoretical and practical implications were presented in the discussion and conclusions section of the research.


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Toplam 115 adet kaynakça vardır.


Birincil Dil İngilizce
Konular İşletme
Bölüm Araştırma Makalesi

Gülçin Eren 0000-0002-7090-1897

Rıza Demir 0000-0002-2896-1271

Erken Görünüm Tarihi 4 Mayıs 2023
Yayımlanma Tarihi 10 Mayıs 2023
Kabul Tarihi 17 Şubat 2023
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2023

Kaynak Göster

APA Eren, G., & Demir, R. (2023). The Effect of Perceived Pay Equity on Counterproductive Work Behaviors: The Mediating Role of Organizational Cynicism. Ege Academic Review, 23(2), 219-236.
AMA Eren G, Demir R. The Effect of Perceived Pay Equity on Counterproductive Work Behaviors: The Mediating Role of Organizational Cynicism. eab. Mayıs 2023;23(2):219-236. doi:10.21121/eab.1103337
Chicago Eren, Gülçin, ve Rıza Demir. “The Effect of Perceived Pay Equity on Counterproductive Work Behaviors: The Mediating Role of Organizational Cynicism”. Ege Academic Review 23, sy. 2 (Mayıs 2023): 219-36.
EndNote Eren G, Demir R (01 Mayıs 2023) The Effect of Perceived Pay Equity on Counterproductive Work Behaviors: The Mediating Role of Organizational Cynicism. Ege Academic Review 23 2 219–236.
IEEE G. Eren ve R. Demir, “The Effect of Perceived Pay Equity on Counterproductive Work Behaviors: The Mediating Role of Organizational Cynicism”, eab, c. 23, sy. 2, ss. 219–236, 2023, doi: 10.21121/eab.1103337.
ISNAD Eren, Gülçin - Demir, Rıza. “The Effect of Perceived Pay Equity on Counterproductive Work Behaviors: The Mediating Role of Organizational Cynicism”. Ege Academic Review 23/2 (Mayıs 2023), 219-236.
JAMA Eren G, Demir R. The Effect of Perceived Pay Equity on Counterproductive Work Behaviors: The Mediating Role of Organizational Cynicism. eab. 2023;23:219–236.
MLA Eren, Gülçin ve Rıza Demir. “The Effect of Perceived Pay Equity on Counterproductive Work Behaviors: The Mediating Role of Organizational Cynicism”. Ege Academic Review, c. 23, sy. 2, 2023, ss. 219-36, doi:10.21121/eab.1103337.
Vancouver Eren G, Demir R. The Effect of Perceived Pay Equity on Counterproductive Work Behaviors: The Mediating Role of Organizational Cynicism. eab. 2023;23(2):219-36.