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Using Various Types of Location Quotients to Disaggregate Turkey’s Input-Output Table: An Application to the Production Structure of Region TR33

Yıl 2021, , 273 - 284, 30.06.2021


As many other developing countries, the statistical office of Turkey displays an input-output table at the national level only and it is not regularly updated. Yet, the need for regional-level information is growing because numerous publicly-funded development projects and private investments have taken place at the sub-national level over the recent years. In this paper we create an input-output table for one region, TR33, for the year 2014 by regionalizing and updating the national table through a location quotient approach. It allows us to calculate the regional employment and output multipliers across 35 sectors and to verify if their ranking varies across location quotient techniques. We expect our conclusions will help policy-makers and private investors take an informed decision when investing in TR33.

Destekleyen Kurum

Scientific and Technological Research Council of Turkey

Proje Numarası



  • Atan S. (2011) “A Study into the Inter-sectoral Linkage Structure with Reference to Input-Output Approach: Domestic Product and Imported Intermediate Goods Decomposition”, Ekonomik Yaklaşım, 22(80), 59- 78.
  • Ayas N. (2017) “Import Dependency of Sectors and Major Determinants: an Input Output Analysis”, European Journal of Sustainable Development Research, Vol.2, Issue 1, pp. 1-16
  • Aydın H. (2007) “An Analysis of Input-Output Inter Industry Linkages in the Turkish Economy”, 16th International Input- Output Conference, İstanbul, July 02-06, 2007.
  • Aydoğuş O., Değer Ç., Çalışkan E.T. and Günal G.G. (2015-a) “Import Dependency in Turkey: an Input-Output Analysis”, Ege University Working Papers in Economics, Working Paper No: 15 / 02.
  • Aydoğuş O., Değer Ç., Çalışkan E.T. and Günal G.G. (2015-b) “Regional Input-Output Analysis of A Mega-Event: Possible Impact of EXPO on Izmir Economy”, Anadolu University Journal of Social Sciences, Vol: 15, No: 2, 75-84.
  • Aydoğuş O., Değer Ç., Çalışkan E.T. and Günal G.G. (2015-c) “An Application of the Hybrid Approach to Constructing Regional Input-Output Tables: Case of İzmir, Turkey”, İktisat İşletme ve Finans 30(348), 9-34.
  • Aydoğuş O., Değer Ç., Çalışkan E.T. and Günal G.G. (2017) “An Input–Output Model of Exchange-Rate Pass- Through”, Economic Systems Research, https://doi. org/10.1080/09535314.2017. 1374243
  • BAKKA - Western Black Sea Development Agency (2014), TR81 Düzey 2 Bölgesinin Sektörel Yapı ve Rekabet Gücünün Girdi-Çıktı Modeli İle Analizi, upload/dokumandosya/Sektorel-YapY-ve-Rekabet-Gucunun- Girdi-CYktY-Modeliyle-Analizi-01.04.2015.23.21.09. pdf
  • Bon R., Birgonul T. and Ozdogan I. (1999) “An Input-Output Analysis of the Turkish Construction Sector, 1973-1990: A Note”, Construction Management and Economics, 17, 543-551.
  • Çalışkan E.T. and Aydoğuş O. (2011) “Sources of Industrial Growth in Turkish Economy: An Empirical Analysis with Input-Output Model (1985-2002)”, Ege Academic Review, 11(4), 499-510.
  • Celebioglu F. and Dall’erba S. (2010), “Spatial Disparities across the Regions of Turkey: An Exploratory Spatial Data Analysis”, the Annals of Regional Science, Vol: 45(2), 379-400.
  • Davutyan N. (2008) “Estimating the Size of Turkey’s Informal Sector: an Expenditure-Based Approach”, Journal of Economic Policy Reform, 11(4), 261-271
  • DBT - Development Bank of Turkey (2012), Türkiye İmalat Sanayiinin Analizi – The Analysis of Turkish Manufacturing Industry, Department of Economic and Social Researches, Ankara.
  • Dilber İ. (2007) “The Evaluating of Tourism Sector’s Effect on Turkish Economy Through Input-Output Table”, Yönetim ve Ekonomi, 14(2), 205-220.
  • Erdoğan E. (2011) “ Multi-regional Social Accounting Matrix and Multiplier Analysis: An Application for Turkish Economy”, The Graduate School of Social Sciences of Middle East Technical University (METU), Unpublished Master Thesis, Ankara.
  • Ersungur Ş.M. and Kızıltan A. (2007) “Türkiye Ekonomisinde İthalata Bağımlılığın Girdi-Çıktı Yöntemiyle Analizi”, Atatürk University, Journal of Graduate School of Social Science, 9 (1), 267-278.
  • Flegg A. T., Webber C. D. and Elliott M. V. (1995) “On the Appropriate Use of Location Quotients in Generating Regional Input–Output Tables”, Regional Studies, 29:6, 547-561, DOI Number: 10.1080/00343409512331349173.
  • Flegg A. T. and Webber C. D. (2000) “Regional Size, Regional Specialization and the FLQ Formula”, Regional Studies, 34, 563–569.
  • Flegg A.T. and Tohmo T. (2013) “Regional Input–Output Tables and the FLQ Formula: A Case Study of Finland”, Regional Studies, 47(5), pp. 703-721.
  • Flegg A.T. and Tohmo T. (2016) “Estimating Regional Input Coefficients and Multipliers: The Use of FLQ is Not a Gamble”, Regional Studies, 50(2), pp.310-325.
  • Flegg A.T., Mastronardi L.J. and Romero C.A. (2016) “Evaluating the FLQ and AFLQ Formulae for Estimating Regional Input Coefficients: Empirical Evidence for the Province of Córdoba, Argentina”, Economic Systems Research, 28(1), pp.21-37.
  • Gezici F. and Hewings G.J.D. (2004) “Regional Convergence and the Economic Performance of Peripheral Areas in Turkey”, Review of Urban & Regional Development Studies, Vol. 16, No. 2, pp.113-132.
  • Günçavdı Ö. and Küçükçifçi S. (2008) “Openness to Trade and Structural Changes in the Sources of Economic Growth and Labour Demand in Turkey”, MPRA Paper No. 9624, http://
  • Günçavdı Ö., Küçükçifçi S. and McKay A. (2003) “Adjustment, Stabilization and the Analysis of the Employment Structure in Turkey: An Input-Output Approach”, Economics of Planning, 36, 315–331.
  • Hewings G.J.D. and Jensen R.C. (1987) Handbook of Regional and Urban Economics, Volume 1 (Regional Economics), 1st Edition, Editor: Peter Nijkamp, North Holland Press, Netherlands.
  • İlhan B. and Yaman H. (2011) “A Comparative Input-Output Analysis of the Construction Sector in Turkey and EU Countries”, Engineering, Construction and Architectural Management, 18 (3), 248-265.
  • İZKA-İzmir Regional Development Agency (2012) İzmir Bölgesi Girdi-Çıktı Analizi, Izmir_Bolgesel_GC_Modeli_Raporu_web.pdf
  • Karkacier O. and Goktolga Z.G.(2005) “Input-Output Analysis of Energy Use in Agriculture”, Energy Conversion and Management, 46, 1513–1521.
  • Kaya A.A. (2006) “Regional Specialization and Location of Industrial Activity in Turkey”, Regional Studies Association International Conference, 8th and 9th June 2006, Leuven, Belgium.
  • Kızıltan A. and Ersungur Ş.M. (2005) “Türkiye Ekonomisinde Sektörlerin İstihdama Etkisindeki Değişim: Girdi-Çıktı Yaklaşımıyla Bir Uygulama”, Atatürk University, Journal of Economics and Administrative Sciences, 19(2), 31-47.
  • Lagendijk A., Kayasu S. and Yasar S. (2009) “The Role of Regional Development Agencies in Turkey: From Implementing EU Directives To Supporting Regional Business Communities?”, European Urban and Regional Studies, 16 (4), 383-396.
  • McCann P. and Dewhurst J. H. L. (1998) “Regional Size, Industrial Location and Input-Output Expenditure Coefficients”, Regional Studies, 32, 435–444.
  • Miller R. (1997) Regional and Interregional Input-output Analysis , in: Isard W., Aziz I., Drennen M., Miller R., Saltzman S., Thorbecke E. (Eds.), Methods of Interregional and Regional Analysis, pp. 41-133, Ashgate Publishing: Regional Science Studies Series.
  • Miller R.E. and Blair P.D. (2009) Input–Output Analysis - Foundations and Extensions, Cambridge University Press, NewYork.
  • Okamoto N., Zhang Y. and Zhao K. (2005) “Non-Survey Methods for Estimating Regional and Interregional Input–Output Multipliers”, in book: Spatial Structure and Regional Development in China: An Interregional Input–Output Approach (Edited by Nobuhiro Okamoto and Takeo Ihara), Palgrave Macmillan, New York.
  • Round J. I. (1978) “An Interregional Input-Output Approach to the Evaluation of Non-survey Methods” Journal of Regional Science, 18(2), 179–194.
  • Sarıışık M., Akova O., Türkay O. and Sarı D. (2011)” An Evaluation of the Impact of Tourism on Turkey’s Economy by Input- Output Analysis”, International Conference on Eurasian Economies, 12-14 October 2011 – Bishkek, KYRGYZSTAN, 210-216.
  • Sel A. and Göktolga Z.G. (2016) “Sivas İli Temel Sektörlerinin Girdi Çikti Yöntemiyle Analizi”, Cumhuriyet Üniversitesi, İktisadi ve İdari Bilimler Dergisi, Vol. 17(2), 1-21.
  • Smith P. and Morrison W.I. (2007) Simulating the Urban Economy - Experiments with Input-Output Techniques, Routledge Publishing, UK.
  • SPO (2000) Main Plan of East Anatolia Project (Strategy and Reconstruction Scenarios), Ankara, content/DAP/DAPANAPLAN/PDF/ana_plan.pdf
  • Taşçı K. (2013) “The Importance of ICT Sector for Turkish Economy by Employing Input-Output Analysis Approach”, Akademik Bakış Dergisi, 34, 1-20.
  • Tekin A. B. and Evcim H.U. (2011) “Input-Output Structure of Turkish Agriculture”, Bulgarian Journal of Agricultural Science, 17 (2), 258-268.
  • The Law on the Establishment, Coordination and Task of Development Agencies, Law no: 5449, January 25, 2006. The Law on the Turkish Statistics, Law no: 5429, October 11, 2005.
  • Development Bank of Turkey - TKB (2014-a) “Kütahya İli Potansiyel Yatırım Konuları Araştırması”, (Prepared by Fulya Bayraktar and Mehmet Emin Karaca; Coordinated by Oktay Küçükkiremitçi, Ömür Genç and Mustafa Şimşek), March, Ankara, Turkey.
  • Development Bank of Turkey - TKB (2014-b) “TR83 Bölgesi Uygun Yatırım Alanları Araştırması – Samsun İli”, (Prepared by Fulya Bayraktar and Faruk Sekmen; Coordinated by Oktay Küçükkiremitçi, Ömür Genç, Mustafa Şimşek and Belgin ÖZOĞUL), December, Ankara, Turkey.
  • TİM - Turkish Exporters Assembly (2014), tr/en/export-export-figures
  • Topcuoğlu A. (2015) “Comparative Structural Analysis of Ardahan and Iğdır: an Application through Static Input-Output Model”, Ph.D. Dissertation (Advisor: Ş. Mustafa Ersungur), Atatürk University Social Science Institute Department of Economics, Erzurum.
  • TUİK - Turkish Statistical Institute (2010), Annual Industry and Service Statistics.
  • TUİK - Turkish Statistical Institute (2017) National Level I-O Tables, do?alt_id=1021
  • TUİK - Turkish Statistical Institute (2017) Some Basic Indicators by Local Units,
  • YSH_2015/turkce/downloads/10.yerel-birim-faaliyetlerine- goere-bazii-teme.xls
  • Zafer Development Agency – ZEKA (2014) “Determination and Analysis of Manufacturing Structure and Level of TR33 Region (originally in Turkish: TR33 Bölgesinin Üretim Yapısının ve Düzeyinin Tespiti ve Analizi), Kütahya, Turkey.
  • Zafer Development Agency – ZEKA (2016) “Analysis of Current Situation in TR33” (originally in Turkish: Mevcut Durum Analizi), Kütahya, Turkey.
  • Zafer Development Agency – ZEKA (2017) “TR33 Region Info”, tr33region. html
  • Zengin H. and Tütüncü A. (2016) “Kayıtdışı Ekonominin Tahmini ve Vergi Gelirleri ile Arasındaki İlişki”, Finans Politik & Ekonomik Yorumlar, 53, 73-86.
Yıl 2021, , 273 - 284, 30.06.2021


Proje Numarası



  • Atan S. (2011) “A Study into the Inter-sectoral Linkage Structure with Reference to Input-Output Approach: Domestic Product and Imported Intermediate Goods Decomposition”, Ekonomik Yaklaşım, 22(80), 59- 78.
  • Ayas N. (2017) “Import Dependency of Sectors and Major Determinants: an Input Output Analysis”, European Journal of Sustainable Development Research, Vol.2, Issue 1, pp. 1-16
  • Aydın H. (2007) “An Analysis of Input-Output Inter Industry Linkages in the Turkish Economy”, 16th International Input- Output Conference, İstanbul, July 02-06, 2007.
  • Aydoğuş O., Değer Ç., Çalışkan E.T. and Günal G.G. (2015-a) “Import Dependency in Turkey: an Input-Output Analysis”, Ege University Working Papers in Economics, Working Paper No: 15 / 02.
  • Aydoğuş O., Değer Ç., Çalışkan E.T. and Günal G.G. (2015-b) “Regional Input-Output Analysis of A Mega-Event: Possible Impact of EXPO on Izmir Economy”, Anadolu University Journal of Social Sciences, Vol: 15, No: 2, 75-84.
  • Aydoğuş O., Değer Ç., Çalışkan E.T. and Günal G.G. (2015-c) “An Application of the Hybrid Approach to Constructing Regional Input-Output Tables: Case of İzmir, Turkey”, İktisat İşletme ve Finans 30(348), 9-34.
  • Aydoğuş O., Değer Ç., Çalışkan E.T. and Günal G.G. (2017) “An Input–Output Model of Exchange-Rate Pass- Through”, Economic Systems Research, https://doi. org/10.1080/09535314.2017. 1374243
  • BAKKA - Western Black Sea Development Agency (2014), TR81 Düzey 2 Bölgesinin Sektörel Yapı ve Rekabet Gücünün Girdi-Çıktı Modeli İle Analizi, upload/dokumandosya/Sektorel-YapY-ve-Rekabet-Gucunun- Girdi-CYktY-Modeliyle-Analizi-01.04.2015.23.21.09. pdf
  • Bon R., Birgonul T. and Ozdogan I. (1999) “An Input-Output Analysis of the Turkish Construction Sector, 1973-1990: A Note”, Construction Management and Economics, 17, 543-551.
  • Çalışkan E.T. and Aydoğuş O. (2011) “Sources of Industrial Growth in Turkish Economy: An Empirical Analysis with Input-Output Model (1985-2002)”, Ege Academic Review, 11(4), 499-510.
  • Celebioglu F. and Dall’erba S. (2010), “Spatial Disparities across the Regions of Turkey: An Exploratory Spatial Data Analysis”, the Annals of Regional Science, Vol: 45(2), 379-400.
  • Davutyan N. (2008) “Estimating the Size of Turkey’s Informal Sector: an Expenditure-Based Approach”, Journal of Economic Policy Reform, 11(4), 261-271
  • DBT - Development Bank of Turkey (2012), Türkiye İmalat Sanayiinin Analizi – The Analysis of Turkish Manufacturing Industry, Department of Economic and Social Researches, Ankara.
  • Dilber İ. (2007) “The Evaluating of Tourism Sector’s Effect on Turkish Economy Through Input-Output Table”, Yönetim ve Ekonomi, 14(2), 205-220.
  • Erdoğan E. (2011) “ Multi-regional Social Accounting Matrix and Multiplier Analysis: An Application for Turkish Economy”, The Graduate School of Social Sciences of Middle East Technical University (METU), Unpublished Master Thesis, Ankara.
  • Ersungur Ş.M. and Kızıltan A. (2007) “Türkiye Ekonomisinde İthalata Bağımlılığın Girdi-Çıktı Yöntemiyle Analizi”, Atatürk University, Journal of Graduate School of Social Science, 9 (1), 267-278.
  • Flegg A. T., Webber C. D. and Elliott M. V. (1995) “On the Appropriate Use of Location Quotients in Generating Regional Input–Output Tables”, Regional Studies, 29:6, 547-561, DOI Number: 10.1080/00343409512331349173.
  • Flegg A. T. and Webber C. D. (2000) “Regional Size, Regional Specialization and the FLQ Formula”, Regional Studies, 34, 563–569.
  • Flegg A.T. and Tohmo T. (2013) “Regional Input–Output Tables and the FLQ Formula: A Case Study of Finland”, Regional Studies, 47(5), pp. 703-721.
  • Flegg A.T. and Tohmo T. (2016) “Estimating Regional Input Coefficients and Multipliers: The Use of FLQ is Not a Gamble”, Regional Studies, 50(2), pp.310-325.
  • Flegg A.T., Mastronardi L.J. and Romero C.A. (2016) “Evaluating the FLQ and AFLQ Formulae for Estimating Regional Input Coefficients: Empirical Evidence for the Province of Córdoba, Argentina”, Economic Systems Research, 28(1), pp.21-37.
  • Gezici F. and Hewings G.J.D. (2004) “Regional Convergence and the Economic Performance of Peripheral Areas in Turkey”, Review of Urban & Regional Development Studies, Vol. 16, No. 2, pp.113-132.
  • Günçavdı Ö. and Küçükçifçi S. (2008) “Openness to Trade and Structural Changes in the Sources of Economic Growth and Labour Demand in Turkey”, MPRA Paper No. 9624, http://
  • Günçavdı Ö., Küçükçifçi S. and McKay A. (2003) “Adjustment, Stabilization and the Analysis of the Employment Structure in Turkey: An Input-Output Approach”, Economics of Planning, 36, 315–331.
  • Hewings G.J.D. and Jensen R.C. (1987) Handbook of Regional and Urban Economics, Volume 1 (Regional Economics), 1st Edition, Editor: Peter Nijkamp, North Holland Press, Netherlands.
  • İlhan B. and Yaman H. (2011) “A Comparative Input-Output Analysis of the Construction Sector in Turkey and EU Countries”, Engineering, Construction and Architectural Management, 18 (3), 248-265.
  • İZKA-İzmir Regional Development Agency (2012) İzmir Bölgesi Girdi-Çıktı Analizi, Izmir_Bolgesel_GC_Modeli_Raporu_web.pdf
  • Karkacier O. and Goktolga Z.G.(2005) “Input-Output Analysis of Energy Use in Agriculture”, Energy Conversion and Management, 46, 1513–1521.
  • Kaya A.A. (2006) “Regional Specialization and Location of Industrial Activity in Turkey”, Regional Studies Association International Conference, 8th and 9th June 2006, Leuven, Belgium.
  • Kızıltan A. and Ersungur Ş.M. (2005) “Türkiye Ekonomisinde Sektörlerin İstihdama Etkisindeki Değişim: Girdi-Çıktı Yaklaşımıyla Bir Uygulama”, Atatürk University, Journal of Economics and Administrative Sciences, 19(2), 31-47.
  • Lagendijk A., Kayasu S. and Yasar S. (2009) “The Role of Regional Development Agencies in Turkey: From Implementing EU Directives To Supporting Regional Business Communities?”, European Urban and Regional Studies, 16 (4), 383-396.
  • McCann P. and Dewhurst J. H. L. (1998) “Regional Size, Industrial Location and Input-Output Expenditure Coefficients”, Regional Studies, 32, 435–444.
  • Miller R. (1997) Regional and Interregional Input-output Analysis , in: Isard W., Aziz I., Drennen M., Miller R., Saltzman S., Thorbecke E. (Eds.), Methods of Interregional and Regional Analysis, pp. 41-133, Ashgate Publishing: Regional Science Studies Series.
  • Miller R.E. and Blair P.D. (2009) Input–Output Analysis - Foundations and Extensions, Cambridge University Press, NewYork.
  • Okamoto N., Zhang Y. and Zhao K. (2005) “Non-Survey Methods for Estimating Regional and Interregional Input–Output Multipliers”, in book: Spatial Structure and Regional Development in China: An Interregional Input–Output Approach (Edited by Nobuhiro Okamoto and Takeo Ihara), Palgrave Macmillan, New York.
  • Round J. I. (1978) “An Interregional Input-Output Approach to the Evaluation of Non-survey Methods” Journal of Regional Science, 18(2), 179–194.
  • Sarıışık M., Akova O., Türkay O. and Sarı D. (2011)” An Evaluation of the Impact of Tourism on Turkey’s Economy by Input- Output Analysis”, International Conference on Eurasian Economies, 12-14 October 2011 – Bishkek, KYRGYZSTAN, 210-216.
  • Sel A. and Göktolga Z.G. (2016) “Sivas İli Temel Sektörlerinin Girdi Çikti Yöntemiyle Analizi”, Cumhuriyet Üniversitesi, İktisadi ve İdari Bilimler Dergisi, Vol. 17(2), 1-21.
  • Smith P. and Morrison W.I. (2007) Simulating the Urban Economy - Experiments with Input-Output Techniques, Routledge Publishing, UK.
  • SPO (2000) Main Plan of East Anatolia Project (Strategy and Reconstruction Scenarios), Ankara, content/DAP/DAPANAPLAN/PDF/ana_plan.pdf
  • Taşçı K. (2013) “The Importance of ICT Sector for Turkish Economy by Employing Input-Output Analysis Approach”, Akademik Bakış Dergisi, 34, 1-20.
  • Tekin A. B. and Evcim H.U. (2011) “Input-Output Structure of Turkish Agriculture”, Bulgarian Journal of Agricultural Science, 17 (2), 258-268.
  • The Law on the Establishment, Coordination and Task of Development Agencies, Law no: 5449, January 25, 2006. The Law on the Turkish Statistics, Law no: 5429, October 11, 2005.
  • Development Bank of Turkey - TKB (2014-a) “Kütahya İli Potansiyel Yatırım Konuları Araştırması”, (Prepared by Fulya Bayraktar and Mehmet Emin Karaca; Coordinated by Oktay Küçükkiremitçi, Ömür Genç and Mustafa Şimşek), March, Ankara, Turkey.
  • Development Bank of Turkey - TKB (2014-b) “TR83 Bölgesi Uygun Yatırım Alanları Araştırması – Samsun İli”, (Prepared by Fulya Bayraktar and Faruk Sekmen; Coordinated by Oktay Küçükkiremitçi, Ömür Genç, Mustafa Şimşek and Belgin ÖZOĞUL), December, Ankara, Turkey.
  • TİM - Turkish Exporters Assembly (2014), tr/en/export-export-figures
  • Topcuoğlu A. (2015) “Comparative Structural Analysis of Ardahan and Iğdır: an Application through Static Input-Output Model”, Ph.D. Dissertation (Advisor: Ş. Mustafa Ersungur), Atatürk University Social Science Institute Department of Economics, Erzurum.
  • TUİK - Turkish Statistical Institute (2010), Annual Industry and Service Statistics.
  • TUİK - Turkish Statistical Institute (2017) National Level I-O Tables, do?alt_id=1021
  • TUİK - Turkish Statistical Institute (2017) Some Basic Indicators by Local Units,
  • YSH_2015/turkce/downloads/10.yerel-birim-faaliyetlerine- goere-bazii-teme.xls
  • Zafer Development Agency – ZEKA (2014) “Determination and Analysis of Manufacturing Structure and Level of TR33 Region (originally in Turkish: TR33 Bölgesinin Üretim Yapısının ve Düzeyinin Tespiti ve Analizi), Kütahya, Turkey.
  • Zafer Development Agency – ZEKA (2016) “Analysis of Current Situation in TR33” (originally in Turkish: Mevcut Durum Analizi), Kütahya, Turkey.
  • Zafer Development Agency – ZEKA (2017) “TR33 Region Info”, tr33region. html
  • Zengin H. and Tütüncü A. (2016) “Kayıtdışı Ekonominin Tahmini ve Vergi Gelirleri ile Arasındaki İlişki”, Finans Politik & Ekonomik Yorumlar, 53, 73-86.
Toplam 55 adet kaynakça vardır.


Birincil Dil İngilizce
Konular Ekonomi
Bölüm Makaleler

Fatih Çelebioğlu 0000-0003-1591-2881

Sandy Dall'erba Bu kişi benim 0000-0002-1920-6100

Proje Numarası 1059B191300514
Yayımlanma Tarihi 30 Haziran 2021
Kabul Tarihi 18 Haziran 2021
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2021

Kaynak Göster

APA Çelebioğlu, F., & Dall’erba, S. (2021). Using Various Types of Location Quotients to Disaggregate Turkey’s Input-Output Table: An Application to the Production Structure of Region TR33. Ege Academic Review, 21(3), 273-284.
AMA Çelebioğlu F, Dall’erba S. Using Various Types of Location Quotients to Disaggregate Turkey’s Input-Output Table: An Application to the Production Structure of Region TR33. eab. Haziran 2021;21(3):273-284. doi:10.21121/eab.970405
Chicago Çelebioğlu, Fatih, ve Sandy Dall’erba. “Using Various Types of Location Quotients to Disaggregate Turkey’s Input-Output Table: An Application to the Production Structure of Region TR33”. Ege Academic Review 21, sy. 3 (Haziran 2021): 273-84.
EndNote Çelebioğlu F, Dall’erba S (01 Haziran 2021) Using Various Types of Location Quotients to Disaggregate Turkey’s Input-Output Table: An Application to the Production Structure of Region TR33. Ege Academic Review 21 3 273–284.
IEEE F. Çelebioğlu ve S. Dall’erba, “Using Various Types of Location Quotients to Disaggregate Turkey’s Input-Output Table: An Application to the Production Structure of Region TR33”, eab, c. 21, sy. 3, ss. 273–284, 2021, doi: 10.21121/eab.970405.
ISNAD Çelebioğlu, Fatih - Dall’erba, Sandy. “Using Various Types of Location Quotients to Disaggregate Turkey’s Input-Output Table: An Application to the Production Structure of Region TR33”. Ege Academic Review 21/3 (Haziran 2021), 273-284.
JAMA Çelebioğlu F, Dall’erba S. Using Various Types of Location Quotients to Disaggregate Turkey’s Input-Output Table: An Application to the Production Structure of Region TR33. eab. 2021;21:273–284.
MLA Çelebioğlu, Fatih ve Sandy Dall’erba. “Using Various Types of Location Quotients to Disaggregate Turkey’s Input-Output Table: An Application to the Production Structure of Region TR33”. Ege Academic Review, c. 21, sy. 3, 2021, ss. 273-84, doi:10.21121/eab.970405.
Vancouver Çelebioğlu F, Dall’erba S. Using Various Types of Location Quotients to Disaggregate Turkey’s Input-Output Table: An Application to the Production Structure of Region TR33. eab. 2021;21(3):273-84.