Araştırma Makalesi
BibTex RIS Kaynak Göster
Yıl 2023, Cilt: 23 Sayı: 3, 489 - 506, 24.07.2023



  • Adler PS and Saek-Woo K (2002) Social capital: Prospects for a new concept. Academy of Management Review 27(1):17–40.
  • Arsel Z. and Craig JT (2011) Demythologizing consumption practices: How consumers protect their field-dependent capital from devaluing marketplace myths. Journal of Consumer Research 37(5):791–806.
  • Arsel Z and Jonathan B (2013) Taste regimes and market-mediated practice. Journal of Consumer Research 39(5):899–917.
  • Askegaard S, Arnould EJ and Kjeldgaard D (2005) Postassimilationist ethnic consumer research: Qualifications and extensions. Journal of Consumer Research 32(1):160–70.
  • Askegaard S and Linnet J (2011) Towards an epistemology of consumer culture theory: Phenomenology and the context of context. Marketing Theory 11(4):381–404.
  • Béji-Bécheur A, Ozcaglar-Toulouse N and Zouaghi S (2012) Ethnicity introspected: Researchers in search of their identity Journal of Business Research 65(4):504-510.
  • Berger JA and Ward M (2010) Subtle signals of inconspicuous consumption. Journal of Consumer Research 37(4):555-569.
  • Boratav K (1999) 80’li yıllarda Türkiye’de sosyal sınıflar ve bölüşüm. Istanbul:Gerçek.
  • Borjas GJ (1992) Ethnic capital and intergenerational mobility. The Quarterly Journal of Economics 107(1):123–150.
  • Bouchet D (1995) Marketing and the redefinition of ethnicity. In: Costa JA and Bamossy G (eds) Marketing in a Multicultural World. Thousand Oaks:Sage,pp. 68-104
  • Bourdieu P (1984) Distinction: A social critique of the judgement of taste. translated by R.Nice. Cambridge:Routledge.
  • Bourdieu P (1986) The forms of capital. In: Richardson JG (ed) Handbook of Theory and Research for the Sociology of Education. NY:Greenwood Press, pp.241–258.
  • Bourdieu P (2005) Principles of an economic anthropology. In: Smelser N and Swedberg R(eds) the Handbook of Economic Sociology. Princeton:Princeton University Press, pp.75-89.
  • Bourdieu P and Wacquant L (1992) An invitation to reflexive sociology. Chicago:The University of Chicago Press.
  • Coskuner-Balli G and Thompson C (2013) The status costs of subordinate cultural capital: At-home fathers’ collective pursuit of cultural legitimacy through capitalizing consumption practices. Journal of Consumer Research 40(1):19-41.
  • Cutler D, Glaeser E and Vigdor J (2005) Ghettos and the transmission of ethnic capital. In Glenn LC, Modood T and Teles SM (eds)Ethnicity, Social Mobility, and Public Policy Comparing the USA and UK.Cambridge:Cambridge University Press, pp.204-221.
  • Daloz JP (2007) Elite distinction: Grand theory and comparative perspectives. Comparative Sociology 6(12):27-74.
  • Eckhardt GM, Belk RW and Wilson JAJ (2015) The rise of inconspicuous consumption. Journal of Marketing Management 31(7-8):807-826.
  • Erder S (1999) Where do you hail from? Localism and networks in Istanbul. In Keyder C (ed) Istanbul:Between the Global and the Local.UK:Roman and Littlefield, pp.161-171.
  • Firat F (1992) "Postmodernism and the marketing organization Journal of Organizational Change Management 5(1):79-83.
  • Gayo‐Cal M, Savage M and Warde A (2006) A cultural map of the United Kingdom 2003.” Cultural Trends 15(2-3):213-237.
  • Ger G, Karababa E, Kuruoglu A, Ture M, Ustuner T and Yenicioglu B (2018) Debunking the myths of global consumer culture literature.” In: Kravets O, Maclaran P, Miles S, and Venkatesh A (eds) The Sage Handbook of Consumer Culture. Thousand Oaks:Sage, pp.79–101.
  • Gibbs , G.R. (2002). Qualitative Data Analysis, Open University Press, Buckingham.
  • Gokce B (2009) Bir bölgesel dönüşüm projesi olarak gap: gap‟ın dünü ve bugüne etkileri”, VI. Ulusal Sosyoloji Kongresi Aydın.
  • Gowricharn R (2019) Practices in taste maintenance: The case of Indian diaspora markets. Journal of Consumer Culture 19(3):398–416.
  • Haq, M., Johanson, M., Davies, J., Ng, W., & Dana, L. P. (2023). Bourdieusian and resource-based perspectives on ethnic minority microbusinesses: The construction of a culture-induced entrepreneurship model. Journal of Small Business Management, 1-34.
  • Hamlett J, Bailey AR, Alexander A, and Shaw G (2008) Ethnicity and consumption: South asian food shopping patterns in Britain, 1947-75 1. Journal of Consumer Culture, 8(1):91–116.
  • Holt DB (1997) Poststructuralist lifestyle analysis: Analyzing the patterning of consumption in postmodernity. Journal of Consumer Research 23(4):326–350.
  • Holt DB(1998) Does cultural capital structure American consumption? Journal of Consumer Research 25(1):1–25.
  • Iqbal, K., & Modood, T. (2023). Students' educational drive and ethnic capital. Journal of Community Psychology.
  • Jamal A (2003) Marketing in a multicultural world: The interplay of marketing, ethnicity and consumption. European Journal of Marketing 37(11/12):1599-1620.
  • Joppke C (1986) The cultural dimensions of class formation and class struggle: On the social theory of Pierre Bourdieu. Berkeley Journal of Sociology (21):53-78.
  • Kandiyoti D(2002) Introduction: Reading the fragments. In: Kandiyoti D and Saktanber A (eds) Fragments of Culture: The Everyday of Modern Turkey London:Tauris&Co. Ltd, pp.1-21.
  • Karademir-Hazir I (2017) Wearing class: A study on clothes, bodies and emotions in Turkey. Journal of Consumer Culture 17(2):413–432.
  • Kates SM (2002) The protean quality of subcultural consumption: An ethnographic account of gay consumers. Journal of Consumer Research 29(3):383–399.
  • Keyman FE (2018) Istanbul: A Space of untranslatability, a city always arising from its ashes like a phoenix. In: Fisher-Onar N, Pearce SC and Keyman EF (eds) Istanbul: Living with Difference in a Global City. London: Rutgers, pp.xi-xii.
  • Luedicke MK (2015) Indigenes’ responses to immigrants’ consumer acculturation: A relational configuration analysis Journal of Consumer Research 42(1):109–129.
  • Moran L (2016) Constructions of race: Symbolic ethnic capital and the performance of youth identity in multicultural Australia. Ethnic and Racial Studies 39(4):708-726.
  • Mukherjee A and Pattnaik BK (2021) Assimilation, heterolocalism and ethnic capital: The case of an immigrant indian community in America. Sociological Bulletin 70(1):24–41.
  • Oswald LR (1999) Culture swapping: Consumption and the ethnogenesis of middle-class Haitian immigrants. Journal of Consumer Research 25(4):303–318.
  • Ourahmoune N and Ozcaglar-Toulouse N (2012) Exogamous weddings and fashion in a rising consumer culture: Kabyle minority dynamics of structure and agency Marketing Theory 12(1):81–99.
  • Oktem K (2004) Incorporating the time and space of the ethnic ‘other’: Nationalism and space in southeast Turkey in the nineteenth and twentieth centuries. Nations and Nationalism 10:559-578.
  • Ozbay F(1999) Gendered space: A new look at Turkish modernisation. Gender & History 11(3):555-568.
  • Tore EO and Som SK (2009) Sosyo-Mekansal Ayrışmada Korunaklı Konut Yerleşmeleri: İstanbul Örneği. Megaron Journal 4(3):121-130
  • Paddock J (2018) Consumption, class, taste. In: Kravets O, Maclaran P, Miles S, and Venkatesh A (eds) The Sage Handbook of Consumer Culture. Thousand Oaks:Sage, pp. 61-76.
  • Penaloza L (1994) Atravesando fronteras/border crossings: A critical ethnographic study of the consumer acculturation of Mexican immigrants Journal of Consumer Research 21(1):32–54.
  • Saatcioglu B and Ozanne J (2013) Moral habitus and status negotiation in a marginalized working-class neighborhood Journal of Consumer Research 40(4):692–710.
  • Sandikci O and Ger G (2002) in-between modernities and postmodernities: Theorizing Turkish consumptionscape. In: Broniarczyk SM and Nakamato K (eds) NA-Advances in Consumer Research 29, GA:Association for Consumer Research, pp.465-470.
  • Sandikci O and Ger G (2010) Veiling in style: How does a stigmatized practice become fashionable? Journal of Consumer Research 37(1):15-36.
  • Sandikci O, Ekici A and Tari B (2006). Consumer acculturation as a dialogical process: Case studies from rural-to-urban migrants in Turkey. In: Pechmann C and Linda Price L (eds) NA-Advances in Consumer Research 33, MN:Association for Consumer Research, pp. 429-434.
  • Schouten JW and McAlexander JH (1995) Subcultures of consumption: An Ethnography of the new bikers Journal of Consumer Research 22(1):43–61.
  • Secor AJ. (2003) Citizenship in the city: Identity, community, and rights among women migrants to Istanbul Urban Geography 24(2):147-168.
  • Sekhon YK (2015) Ethnic consumer decision making. In: Jamal A, Penaloza L and Laroche M (eds) The Routledge Companion to Ethnic Marketing. UK:Routledge, pp.211-221.
  • Shah B, Dwyer C and Modood T (2010) Explaining educational achievement and career aspirations among young British Pakistanis: Mobilizing ‘ethnic capital’? Sociology 44(6):1109–1127.
  • Simmel G (1957) Fashion. American Journal of Sociology 62(6):541-558.
  • Skandalis A, Banister E and Byrom J (2018) The spatial aspects of musical taste: Conceptualizing consumers’ place-dependent identity investments. Marketing Theory 18(2):249–265.
  • Swartz D (1997) Culture and power: The sociology of Pierre Bourdieu. Chicago:University of Chicago Press. Tambyah SK and Thompson CJ (2012) Social branding and the mythic reinvention of ethnic identity. In: Ruvio AA and Belk RW (eds) The Routledge Companion to Identity and Consumption. USA:Routledge, pp. 325-335.
  • Ustuner T and Holt DB (2007) Dominated consumer acculturation: The social construction of poor migrant women‟s consumer identity projects in a Turkish squatter. Journal of Consumer Research 34(1):41–56.
  • Ustuner T and Holt DB (2010) toward a theory of status consumption in less industrialized countries. Journal of Consumer Research 37(1):37–56.
  • Ustuner T and Thompson CJ (2012) How marketplace performances produce interdependent status games and contested forms of cultural capital. Journal of Consumer Research 38(5):796–814.
  • Vallejo JA (2009) Latina spaces: middle–class ethnic capital and professional associations in the Latino community. City & Community 8(2):129–154.
  • Veblen T [1899]2015 The Theory of the Leisure Class. USA: Newington.
  • Veresiu E and Giesler M (2018) Beyond acculturation: Multiculturalism and the institutional shaping of an ethnic consumer subject. Journal of Consumer Research 45(3):553–570.
  • Vicdan H. and Firat A. F. (2013) ,"Constructing and Experiencing the ‘Other’: Space and Identity Politics in New Retail Contexts ". In Cornelissen G., Reutskaja E. and Valenzuela A. (eds). E-European Advances in Consumer Research 10. Duluth, MN:Association for Consumer Research, 171-171.
  • Vikas RM, Varman R and Belk RW (2015) Status, caste, and market in a changing Indian village. Journal of Consumer Research 42(3):472-498.
  • Visconti LM, Jafari A, Batat W, Broeckerhoff A, Özhan-Dedeoglu A, Demangeot C, Kipnis E et al. (2014) Consumer ethnicity three decades after: A TCR agenda. Journal of Marketing Management 30(17–18):1882–1922.
  • Wang JJ, Joy A, Belk RW and Sherry JF (2020) “One country, two systems”: Consumer acculturation of Hong Kong locals. European Journal of Marketing 54(1):1-25.
  • Warde A (2011a) Cultural hostility re-considered. Cultural Sociology 5(3):341–366. Warde, Warde A (2011b) Symbolic accoutrements of power: Appropriation of culture within the British managerial elite. Comparative Sociology, 10(4):456-487.
  • Wilk RR (1997) A critique of desire: Distaste and dislike in consumer behavior. Consumption Markets and Culture 1(2):175-196.
  • Zhou M and Lin M (2005) Community transformation and the formation of ethnic capital: Immigrant Chinese communities in the United States Journal of Chinese Overseas 1(2):260-284.

Status Consumption and Negotiation of Tastes: Anchoring on Ethnic Capital

Yıl 2023, Cilt: 23 Sayı: 3, 489 - 506, 24.07.2023


This study examines status consumption and socio-cultural tensions between wealthy Turkish indigenes and newly enriched Kurdish migrants in Şanlıurfa, an underdeveloped city in Turkey. The article focuses on ethnicity, which enables the construction and negotiation of consumer identities and (re)production of distinctions between competing groups under the conditions of marketization. Ethnic capital, a subcategory of social and cultural capital, refers to the dispositions, rituals, and skills of an ethnic group and its members and serves as a source of social power to reproduce group distinctions. The findings contribute to the literature by revealing that, in a context where modernity is not completely entrenched, ethnic capital can explain the scope of competitive status consumption and power struggles. Consumers can still remain attached to their ethnic capital, as they move between different competitive positions in the field of consumption. It has been found that ethnic groups see themselves as having superior qualities—and yet a need to improve—and try to reflect this not by emulating necessarily ‘the’ or ‘an’ other but by emulating lifestyle consumption.


  • Adler PS and Saek-Woo K (2002) Social capital: Prospects for a new concept. Academy of Management Review 27(1):17–40.
  • Arsel Z. and Craig JT (2011) Demythologizing consumption practices: How consumers protect their field-dependent capital from devaluing marketplace myths. Journal of Consumer Research 37(5):791–806.
  • Arsel Z and Jonathan B (2013) Taste regimes and market-mediated practice. Journal of Consumer Research 39(5):899–917.
  • Askegaard S, Arnould EJ and Kjeldgaard D (2005) Postassimilationist ethnic consumer research: Qualifications and extensions. Journal of Consumer Research 32(1):160–70.
  • Askegaard S and Linnet J (2011) Towards an epistemology of consumer culture theory: Phenomenology and the context of context. Marketing Theory 11(4):381–404.
  • Béji-Bécheur A, Ozcaglar-Toulouse N and Zouaghi S (2012) Ethnicity introspected: Researchers in search of their identity Journal of Business Research 65(4):504-510.
  • Berger JA and Ward M (2010) Subtle signals of inconspicuous consumption. Journal of Consumer Research 37(4):555-569.
  • Boratav K (1999) 80’li yıllarda Türkiye’de sosyal sınıflar ve bölüşüm. Istanbul:Gerçek.
  • Borjas GJ (1992) Ethnic capital and intergenerational mobility. The Quarterly Journal of Economics 107(1):123–150.
  • Bouchet D (1995) Marketing and the redefinition of ethnicity. In: Costa JA and Bamossy G (eds) Marketing in a Multicultural World. Thousand Oaks:Sage,pp. 68-104
  • Bourdieu P (1984) Distinction: A social critique of the judgement of taste. translated by R.Nice. Cambridge:Routledge.
  • Bourdieu P (1986) The forms of capital. In: Richardson JG (ed) Handbook of Theory and Research for the Sociology of Education. NY:Greenwood Press, pp.241–258.
  • Bourdieu P (2005) Principles of an economic anthropology. In: Smelser N and Swedberg R(eds) the Handbook of Economic Sociology. Princeton:Princeton University Press, pp.75-89.
  • Bourdieu P and Wacquant L (1992) An invitation to reflexive sociology. Chicago:The University of Chicago Press.
  • Coskuner-Balli G and Thompson C (2013) The status costs of subordinate cultural capital: At-home fathers’ collective pursuit of cultural legitimacy through capitalizing consumption practices. Journal of Consumer Research 40(1):19-41.
  • Cutler D, Glaeser E and Vigdor J (2005) Ghettos and the transmission of ethnic capital. In Glenn LC, Modood T and Teles SM (eds)Ethnicity, Social Mobility, and Public Policy Comparing the USA and UK.Cambridge:Cambridge University Press, pp.204-221.
  • Daloz JP (2007) Elite distinction: Grand theory and comparative perspectives. Comparative Sociology 6(12):27-74.
  • Eckhardt GM, Belk RW and Wilson JAJ (2015) The rise of inconspicuous consumption. Journal of Marketing Management 31(7-8):807-826.
  • Erder S (1999) Where do you hail from? Localism and networks in Istanbul. In Keyder C (ed) Istanbul:Between the Global and the Local.UK:Roman and Littlefield, pp.161-171.
  • Firat F (1992) "Postmodernism and the marketing organization Journal of Organizational Change Management 5(1):79-83.
  • Gayo‐Cal M, Savage M and Warde A (2006) A cultural map of the United Kingdom 2003.” Cultural Trends 15(2-3):213-237.
  • Ger G, Karababa E, Kuruoglu A, Ture M, Ustuner T and Yenicioglu B (2018) Debunking the myths of global consumer culture literature.” In: Kravets O, Maclaran P, Miles S, and Venkatesh A (eds) The Sage Handbook of Consumer Culture. Thousand Oaks:Sage, pp.79–101.
  • Gibbs , G.R. (2002). Qualitative Data Analysis, Open University Press, Buckingham.
  • Gokce B (2009) Bir bölgesel dönüşüm projesi olarak gap: gap‟ın dünü ve bugüne etkileri”, VI. Ulusal Sosyoloji Kongresi Aydın.
  • Gowricharn R (2019) Practices in taste maintenance: The case of Indian diaspora markets. Journal of Consumer Culture 19(3):398–416.
  • Haq, M., Johanson, M., Davies, J., Ng, W., & Dana, L. P. (2023). Bourdieusian and resource-based perspectives on ethnic minority microbusinesses: The construction of a culture-induced entrepreneurship model. Journal of Small Business Management, 1-34.
  • Hamlett J, Bailey AR, Alexander A, and Shaw G (2008) Ethnicity and consumption: South asian food shopping patterns in Britain, 1947-75 1. Journal of Consumer Culture, 8(1):91–116.
  • Holt DB (1997) Poststructuralist lifestyle analysis: Analyzing the patterning of consumption in postmodernity. Journal of Consumer Research 23(4):326–350.
  • Holt DB(1998) Does cultural capital structure American consumption? Journal of Consumer Research 25(1):1–25.
  • Iqbal, K., & Modood, T. (2023). Students' educational drive and ethnic capital. Journal of Community Psychology.
  • Jamal A (2003) Marketing in a multicultural world: The interplay of marketing, ethnicity and consumption. European Journal of Marketing 37(11/12):1599-1620.
  • Joppke C (1986) The cultural dimensions of class formation and class struggle: On the social theory of Pierre Bourdieu. Berkeley Journal of Sociology (21):53-78.
  • Kandiyoti D(2002) Introduction: Reading the fragments. In: Kandiyoti D and Saktanber A (eds) Fragments of Culture: The Everyday of Modern Turkey London:Tauris&Co. Ltd, pp.1-21.
  • Karademir-Hazir I (2017) Wearing class: A study on clothes, bodies and emotions in Turkey. Journal of Consumer Culture 17(2):413–432.
  • Kates SM (2002) The protean quality of subcultural consumption: An ethnographic account of gay consumers. Journal of Consumer Research 29(3):383–399.
  • Keyman FE (2018) Istanbul: A Space of untranslatability, a city always arising from its ashes like a phoenix. In: Fisher-Onar N, Pearce SC and Keyman EF (eds) Istanbul: Living with Difference in a Global City. London: Rutgers, pp.xi-xii.
  • Luedicke MK (2015) Indigenes’ responses to immigrants’ consumer acculturation: A relational configuration analysis Journal of Consumer Research 42(1):109–129.
  • Moran L (2016) Constructions of race: Symbolic ethnic capital and the performance of youth identity in multicultural Australia. Ethnic and Racial Studies 39(4):708-726.
  • Mukherjee A and Pattnaik BK (2021) Assimilation, heterolocalism and ethnic capital: The case of an immigrant indian community in America. Sociological Bulletin 70(1):24–41.
  • Oswald LR (1999) Culture swapping: Consumption and the ethnogenesis of middle-class Haitian immigrants. Journal of Consumer Research 25(4):303–318.
  • Ourahmoune N and Ozcaglar-Toulouse N (2012) Exogamous weddings and fashion in a rising consumer culture: Kabyle minority dynamics of structure and agency Marketing Theory 12(1):81–99.
  • Oktem K (2004) Incorporating the time and space of the ethnic ‘other’: Nationalism and space in southeast Turkey in the nineteenth and twentieth centuries. Nations and Nationalism 10:559-578.
  • Ozbay F(1999) Gendered space: A new look at Turkish modernisation. Gender & History 11(3):555-568.
  • Tore EO and Som SK (2009) Sosyo-Mekansal Ayrışmada Korunaklı Konut Yerleşmeleri: İstanbul Örneği. Megaron Journal 4(3):121-130
  • Paddock J (2018) Consumption, class, taste. In: Kravets O, Maclaran P, Miles S, and Venkatesh A (eds) The Sage Handbook of Consumer Culture. Thousand Oaks:Sage, pp. 61-76.
  • Penaloza L (1994) Atravesando fronteras/border crossings: A critical ethnographic study of the consumer acculturation of Mexican immigrants Journal of Consumer Research 21(1):32–54.
  • Saatcioglu B and Ozanne J (2013) Moral habitus and status negotiation in a marginalized working-class neighborhood Journal of Consumer Research 40(4):692–710.
  • Sandikci O and Ger G (2002) in-between modernities and postmodernities: Theorizing Turkish consumptionscape. In: Broniarczyk SM and Nakamato K (eds) NA-Advances in Consumer Research 29, GA:Association for Consumer Research, pp.465-470.
  • Sandikci O and Ger G (2010) Veiling in style: How does a stigmatized practice become fashionable? Journal of Consumer Research 37(1):15-36.
  • Sandikci O, Ekici A and Tari B (2006). Consumer acculturation as a dialogical process: Case studies from rural-to-urban migrants in Turkey. In: Pechmann C and Linda Price L (eds) NA-Advances in Consumer Research 33, MN:Association for Consumer Research, pp. 429-434.
  • Schouten JW and McAlexander JH (1995) Subcultures of consumption: An Ethnography of the new bikers Journal of Consumer Research 22(1):43–61.
  • Secor AJ. (2003) Citizenship in the city: Identity, community, and rights among women migrants to Istanbul Urban Geography 24(2):147-168.
  • Sekhon YK (2015) Ethnic consumer decision making. In: Jamal A, Penaloza L and Laroche M (eds) The Routledge Companion to Ethnic Marketing. UK:Routledge, pp.211-221.
  • Shah B, Dwyer C and Modood T (2010) Explaining educational achievement and career aspirations among young British Pakistanis: Mobilizing ‘ethnic capital’? Sociology 44(6):1109–1127.
  • Simmel G (1957) Fashion. American Journal of Sociology 62(6):541-558.
  • Skandalis A, Banister E and Byrom J (2018) The spatial aspects of musical taste: Conceptualizing consumers’ place-dependent identity investments. Marketing Theory 18(2):249–265.
  • Swartz D (1997) Culture and power: The sociology of Pierre Bourdieu. Chicago:University of Chicago Press. Tambyah SK and Thompson CJ (2012) Social branding and the mythic reinvention of ethnic identity. In: Ruvio AA and Belk RW (eds) The Routledge Companion to Identity and Consumption. USA:Routledge, pp. 325-335.
  • Ustuner T and Holt DB (2007) Dominated consumer acculturation: The social construction of poor migrant women‟s consumer identity projects in a Turkish squatter. Journal of Consumer Research 34(1):41–56.
  • Ustuner T and Holt DB (2010) toward a theory of status consumption in less industrialized countries. Journal of Consumer Research 37(1):37–56.
  • Ustuner T and Thompson CJ (2012) How marketplace performances produce interdependent status games and contested forms of cultural capital. Journal of Consumer Research 38(5):796–814.
  • Vallejo JA (2009) Latina spaces: middle–class ethnic capital and professional associations in the Latino community. City & Community 8(2):129–154.
  • Veblen T [1899]2015 The Theory of the Leisure Class. USA: Newington.
  • Veresiu E and Giesler M (2018) Beyond acculturation: Multiculturalism and the institutional shaping of an ethnic consumer subject. Journal of Consumer Research 45(3):553–570.
  • Vicdan H. and Firat A. F. (2013) ,"Constructing and Experiencing the ‘Other’: Space and Identity Politics in New Retail Contexts ". In Cornelissen G., Reutskaja E. and Valenzuela A. (eds). E-European Advances in Consumer Research 10. Duluth, MN:Association for Consumer Research, 171-171.
  • Vikas RM, Varman R and Belk RW (2015) Status, caste, and market in a changing Indian village. Journal of Consumer Research 42(3):472-498.
  • Visconti LM, Jafari A, Batat W, Broeckerhoff A, Özhan-Dedeoglu A, Demangeot C, Kipnis E et al. (2014) Consumer ethnicity three decades after: A TCR agenda. Journal of Marketing Management 30(17–18):1882–1922.
  • Wang JJ, Joy A, Belk RW and Sherry JF (2020) “One country, two systems”: Consumer acculturation of Hong Kong locals. European Journal of Marketing 54(1):1-25.
  • Warde A (2011a) Cultural hostility re-considered. Cultural Sociology 5(3):341–366. Warde, Warde A (2011b) Symbolic accoutrements of power: Appropriation of culture within the British managerial elite. Comparative Sociology, 10(4):456-487.
  • Wilk RR (1997) A critique of desire: Distaste and dislike in consumer behavior. Consumption Markets and Culture 1(2):175-196.
  • Zhou M and Lin M (2005) Community transformation and the formation of ethnic capital: Immigrant Chinese communities in the United States Journal of Chinese Overseas 1(2):260-284.
Toplam 70 adet kaynakça vardır.


Birincil Dil İngilizce
Konular İşletme
Bölüm Araştırma Makalesi

Ayşe Karaçizmeli 0000-0002-0783-5057

Ayla Özhan Dedeoğlu 0000-0002-0179-0644

Erken Görünüm Tarihi 5 Temmuz 2023
Yayımlanma Tarihi 24 Temmuz 2023
Kabul Tarihi 2 Mayıs 2023
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2023 Cilt: 23 Sayı: 3

Kaynak Göster

APA Karaçizmeli, A., & Özhan Dedeoğlu, A. (2023). Status Consumption and Negotiation of Tastes: Anchoring on Ethnic Capital. Ege Academic Review, 23(3), 489-506.
AMA Karaçizmeli A, Özhan Dedeoğlu A. Status Consumption and Negotiation of Tastes: Anchoring on Ethnic Capital. eab. Temmuz 2023;23(3):489-506. doi:10.21121/eab.1215376
Chicago Karaçizmeli, Ayşe, ve Ayla Özhan Dedeoğlu. “Status Consumption and Negotiation of Tastes: Anchoring on Ethnic Capital”. Ege Academic Review 23, sy. 3 (Temmuz 2023): 489-506.
EndNote Karaçizmeli A, Özhan Dedeoğlu A (01 Temmuz 2023) Status Consumption and Negotiation of Tastes: Anchoring on Ethnic Capital. Ege Academic Review 23 3 489–506.
IEEE A. Karaçizmeli ve A. Özhan Dedeoğlu, “Status Consumption and Negotiation of Tastes: Anchoring on Ethnic Capital”, eab, c. 23, sy. 3, ss. 489–506, 2023, doi: 10.21121/eab.1215376.
ISNAD Karaçizmeli, Ayşe - Özhan Dedeoğlu, Ayla. “Status Consumption and Negotiation of Tastes: Anchoring on Ethnic Capital”. Ege Academic Review 23/3 (Temmuz 2023), 489-506.
JAMA Karaçizmeli A, Özhan Dedeoğlu A. Status Consumption and Negotiation of Tastes: Anchoring on Ethnic Capital. eab. 2023;23:489–506.
MLA Karaçizmeli, Ayşe ve Ayla Özhan Dedeoğlu. “Status Consumption and Negotiation of Tastes: Anchoring on Ethnic Capital”. Ege Academic Review, c. 23, sy. 3, 2023, ss. 489-06, doi:10.21121/eab.1215376.
Vancouver Karaçizmeli A, Özhan Dedeoğlu A. Status Consumption and Negotiation of Tastes: Anchoring on Ethnic Capital. eab. 2023;23(3):489-506.