Research Article
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The Relationship Between Secondary School Students’ English Speaking Anxiety, English Speaking Self-Efficacy And Personality Traits

Year 2024, , 36 - 45, 09.12.2024


This study aims to investigate the relationship between secondary school students' English-speaking anxiety, English-speaking self-efficacy, and personality traits. Conducted as a correlational study, it involved 920 students from secondary schools in the central districts of Van, selected through the cluster sampling method. Data were collected using the "Five-Factor Personality Scale," "English Speaking Self-Efficacy Scale," and "English Speaking Anxiety Scale." The analysis employed Pearson Product-Moment Correlation Coefficient and stepwise regression techniques. The findings revealed significant interrelations among students' personality traits, English-speaking anxiety, and self-efficacy perceptions. Specifically, students' English-speaking self-efficacy and the personality traits of openness to experience, extraversion, neuroticism, and agreeableness collectively accounted for 27.1% of the variance in English-speaking anxiety. Given the critical role of English-speaking anxiety in language acquisition, it is recommended that teachers consider these variables when guiding students. They should create motivating and supportive learning environments that foster self-expression and establish a positive classroom atmosphere conducive to foreign language learning.


  • Alishah, A. R. (2015). A study of factors affecting Turkish EFL learners’ willingness to speak in English [Unpublished doctoral dissertation]. Gazi University.
  • Altın, M. (2018). The effect of quantum learning model on foreign language speaking skills, speaking anxiety and self-efficacy of secondary school students [Unpublished doctoral dissertation]. Adnan Menderes University.
  • Altın, M., & Saracaloğlu, A. (2019). The effect of quantum learning model on foreign language speaking skills, speaking anxiety and self-efficacy of secondary school students Journal of Language and Linguistic Studies, 15(3), 1083-1104.
  • Anyadubalu, C. C. (2010). Self-efficacy, anxiety, and performance in the English language among middle-school students in English language program in Satri Si Suriyothai School, Bangkok. International Journal of Human and Social Sciences, 5(3), 193-198.
  • Apple, M. T. (2011). The Big Five personality traits and foreign language speaking confidence among Japanese EFL students [Unpublished doctoral dissertation]. Temple University.
  • Asmalı, M. (2017). Big five personality traits and test anxiety among English as a foreign language learners. Iğdır University Journal of Social Sciences, 11(4), 1-21.
  • Ay, S. (2014). On individual differences affecting foreign language teaching. Journal of Language (Dil Dergisi), 163, 5-18.
  • Aydın, B. (1999). A study of sources of foreign language classroom anxiety in speaking and writing classes [Unpublished doctoral dissertation]. Anadolu University.
  • Balemir, S. H. (2009). The sources of foreign language speaking anxiety and the relationship between proficiency level and degree of foreign language speaking anxiety [Unpublished doctoral dissertation]. Bilkent University.
  • Bozok, D. (2018). Investigating speaking anxiety of university EFL students: The case of instructors and students [Unpublished master’s thesis]. Çanakkale Onsekiz Mart University.
  • Büyüköztürk, Ş., Çakmak, E. K., Akgün, Ö. E., Karadeniz, Ş., & Demirel, F. (2017). Scientific research methods. Pegem Publications.
  • Büyüköztürk, Ş. (2018). Handbook of data analysis for the social sciences. Pegem Publications.
  • Campbell C. M., & Ortiz, J. (1991). Helping students overcome foreign language anxiety: A foreign language anxiety workshop. In E. K. Horwitz and D. J. Young (Eds.), Language anxiety: From theory to research to classroom implications, (153-168). Englewood Cliffs, NJ: Prentice Hall.
  • Chen, H. Y. (2007). Relationship between EFL learners' self-efficacy beliefs and English performance [Unpublished doctoral dissertation]. Florida State University.
  • Cüceloğlu, D. (1996). Basic concepts of human and behavioral psychology. Remzi Publications.
  • Digman, J. M. (1990). Personality structure: Emergence of the five-factor model. Annual Review of Psychology, 41(1), 417-440.
  • Doğan, A. (2008). Foreign language anxiety affecting secondary school students’ English learning. Journal of Language, 139, 48-67.
  • Duman, B., Göral, G. N., & Bilgin, H. (2017). A qualitative study on university students’ foreign language speaking anxiety in the classroom environment. Adnan Menderes University Journal of Educational Sciences, 8(2), 13-27.
  • Ehrman, M. (1990). Owls and doves: Cognition, personality, and learning success. In Alatis, J. (Ed.), Linguistics, Language Teaching, and Language Acquisition: The Interdependence of Theory, Practice, and Research (pp. 413-437). Georgetown University Press.
  • Elsharkawy, N. (2019). An investigation into the factors that lead to speaking anxiety among EFL learners. International Journal of Media Culture and Literature, 5(1), 27-44.
  • El Shazly, R. (2021). Effects of artificial intelligence on English speaking anxiety and speaking performance: A case study. Expert Systems, 38(3), e12667.
  • Er, G. S., Dillon, D., & Samantha, G. Y. W. (2016). Predicting foreign language anxiety: Trait emotional intelligence and big-five personality traits. Asia-Pacific English language Teaching Conference.
  • Erton, İ. (2010). Relations between personality traits, language learning styles and success in foreign language achievement. Hacettepe University Journal of Education, 38(38), 115-126.
  • Febrianti, E. R. (2011). Teaching speaking of English as a foreign language: Problems and solutions. Journal Bahasa, 1(2), 133-146.
  • Gardner, R. C., & MacIntyre, P. D. (1993). On the measurement of affective variables in second language learning. Language learning, 43(2), 157-194.
  • Goldberg, L. R. (1990). An alternative description of personality: The big five factor structure. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 59(6), 1216-1229.
  • Haidara, Y. (2016). Psychological factors affecting English speaking performance for the English learners in Indonesia. Universal Journal of Educational Research, 4(7), 1501-1505.
  • Hamzadayı, E., & Büyükikiz, K. K. (2015). The relationship between personality traits and self‐efficacy perceptions of speaking skills of Turkish as a foreign language (TFL) learners. Turkish Journal of Social Research, 19(1), 297-312.
  • Hamzadayı, E., Bayat, N., & Gölpınar, Ş. (2018). The relationship between the level of speaking anxiety and speaking performance. Journal of Language Education and Research, 4(2), 75-85.
  • Horwitz, E. K., Horwitz, M. B., & Cope, J. (1986). Foreign language classroom anxiety. The Modern Language Journal, 70(2), 125-132.
  • Horwitz, E. (2001). Language anxiety and achievement. Annual Review of Applied Linguistics, 21, 112-126.
  • Horzum, M. B., Ayas, T., & Padır, M. A. (2017). Adaptation of big five personality traits scale to Turkish culture. Sakarya University Journal of Education, 7(2), 398-408.
  • Karagöl, İ., & Başbay, A. (2018). The relationship among attitude, anxiety and English speaking performance. Journal of Theoretical Educational Science, 11(4), 809-821.
  • Karasar, N. (2014). Scientific research methods. Nobel Publications.
  • Kiany, G. R. (1998). English proficiency and academic achievement in relation to extraversion: A preliminary study. International journal of applied linguistics, 8(1), 113-130.
  • Kozikoğlu, İ., & Kanat, F. (2018). Prediction of high school students’ English course participation based on their attitude towards English course and English speaking anxiety. Kastamonu Education Journal, 26(5), 1643-1652.
  • Köksal, O., Arslan, C., & Bakla, A. (2014). An investigation into foreign language learning anxiety, stress and personality in higher education. International Journal on New, 5(2), 199-208.
  • Krashen, S. D. (1981). Second language acquisition and second language learning. Oxford Publications.
  • Liu, M. (2006). Anxiety in Chinese EFL students at different proficiency levels. System, 34(3), 301-316.
  • Marcos‐Llinás, M., & Garau, M. J. (2009). Effects of language anxiety on three proficiency‐level courses of Spanish as a foreign language. Foreign Language Annals, 42(1), 94-111.
  • Maclntyre, P. D., & Charos, C. (1996). Personality, attitudes, and affect as predictors of second language communication. Journal of Language and Social Psychology, 15, 3-26.
  • McCrae, R. R., & Costa, P. T. (2008). Empirical and theoretical status of the five-factor model of personality traits. The SAGE Handbook of Personality Theory and Assessment, 1, 273-294.
  • Niazi, S. (2017). Personality traits as predictor of self-esteem of university students: Moderating role of openness to experience. Journal of Behavioural Sciences, 27(2), 102-119.
  • Özkan, C. (2019). The relationship between students' success and their level of foreign language anxiety and the primary sources of foreign language speaking anxiety [Unpublished master’s thesis]. Çağ University.
  • Öztürk, G., & Gürbüz, N. (2014). Speaking anxiety among Turkish EFL learners: The case at a state university. Journal of Language and Linguistic Studies, 10(1), 1-17.
  • Park, S. M. (2009). The effects of speaking anxiety on foreign language learning [Unpublished doctoral dissertation]. The University of Texas.
  • Piechurska-Kuciel, E. (2018). Openness to experience as a predictor of L2 WTC. System, 72, 190-200.
  • Şahin, M., Seçer, Ş. Y., & Erişen, Y. (2016). Perception of English’and motivation in learning English. Journal of Education and Training Studies, 4(9), 43-60.
  • Tahsildar, N., & Kabiri, A. (2019). The relationship between Afghanistan EFL students’ academic self-efficacy and English language speaking anxiety. Academy Journal of Educational Sciences, 3(2), 190-202.
  • Tanrıöver, A. S. (2012). Turkish EFL university students’ self-perceptions of and attitudes toward foreign language speaking [Unpublished master’s thesis] Atatürk University.
  • Tum, D., & Kunt, N. (2013). Speaking anxiety among EFL student teachers. Hacettepe University Journal of Education, 28(3), 385-399.
  • Tuncer, M., & Doğan, Y. (2015). Effect of foreign language classroom anxiety on Turkish university students’ academic achievement in foreign language learning. Journal of Education and Training Studies, 3(6), 14-19.
  • Vural, H. (2017). The relationship of personality traits with English speaking anxiety and English speaking self-efficiacy [Unpublished doctoral dissertation]. Gazi University.
  • Woodrow, L. (2006). Anxiety and speaking English as a second language. RELC Journal, 37(3), 308-328.
  • Young, D. J. (1990). An investigation of students' perspectives on anxiety and speaking. Foreign Language Annals, 23(6), 539-553.
  • Yule, G. (2016). The study of language. Cambridge University Press.
  • Zambak, A. (2016). Factors affecting foreign language speaking anxiety levels of 8th grade students at public secondary schools [Unpublished master’s thesis]. Çağ University.
  • Zhang, X., Ardasheva, Y., & Austin, B. W. (2020). Self-efficacy and English public speaking performance: A mixed method approach. English for Specific Purposes, 59, 1-1.

Ortaokul Öğrencilerinin İngilizce Konuşma Kaygısı, İngilizce Konuşma Öz-Yeterlikleri ve Kişilik Özellikleri Arasındaki İlişki

Year 2024, , 36 - 45, 09.12.2024


Bu araştırmanın amacı, ortaokul öğrencilerinin İngilizce konuşma kaygıları, İngilizce konuşma öz-yeterlikleri ve kişilik özellikleri arasındaki ilişkiyi incelemektir. İlişkisel tarama modeli olarak desenlenen bu araştırma, küme örnekleme yöntemi kullanılarak belirlenen ve Van ili merkez ilçelerinde (İpekyolu, Tuşba, Edremit) bulunan ortaokullarda öğrenim gören toplam 920 öğrenciyle yürütülmüştür. Araştırmada veri toplama araçları olarak “Beş Faktör Kişilik Ölçeği”, “İngilizce Konuşma Öz-Yeterlik Ölçeği” ve “İngilizce Konuşma Kaygısı Ölçeği” kullanılmıştır. Verilerin analizinde Pearson Çarpım Momentler Korelasyon Katsayısı ve basamaklı regresyon analizi kullanılmıştır. Araştırmada öğrencilerin kişilik özelikleri, İngilizce konuşma kaygısı ve konuşma öz-yeterlik algılarının anlamlı düzeyde ilişkili olduğu belirlenmiştir. Araştırmada öğrencilerin İngilizce konuşma öz-yeterliği ve deneyime açıklık, dışadönüklük, nevrotiklik, yumuşak başlılık kişilik özelliklerinin öğrencilerin İngilizce konuşma kaygılarındaki varyansın %27.1’ini açıklayacak güçte olduğu belirlenmiştir. İngilizce konuşma kaygısının yabancı dil öğrenimindeki önemi düşünüldüğünde, öğretmenlerin tüm bu değişkenleri göz önünde bulundurarak öğrencilere rehberlik etmeleri, onlara yabancı dili öğrenmek için motive edici ve teşvik edici öğrenme-öğretme durumları sağlamaları, öğrencilerin kendilerini rahat ifade edebilecekleri olumlu bir sınıf iklimi oluşturmaları önerilebilir.


  • Alishah, A. R. (2015). A study of factors affecting Turkish EFL learners’ willingness to speak in English [Unpublished doctoral dissertation]. Gazi University.
  • Altın, M. (2018). The effect of quantum learning model on foreign language speaking skills, speaking anxiety and self-efficacy of secondary school students [Unpublished doctoral dissertation]. Adnan Menderes University.
  • Altın, M., & Saracaloğlu, A. (2019). The effect of quantum learning model on foreign language speaking skills, speaking anxiety and self-efficacy of secondary school students Journal of Language and Linguistic Studies, 15(3), 1083-1104.
  • Anyadubalu, C. C. (2010). Self-efficacy, anxiety, and performance in the English language among middle-school students in English language program in Satri Si Suriyothai School, Bangkok. International Journal of Human and Social Sciences, 5(3), 193-198.
  • Apple, M. T. (2011). The Big Five personality traits and foreign language speaking confidence among Japanese EFL students [Unpublished doctoral dissertation]. Temple University.
  • Asmalı, M. (2017). Big five personality traits and test anxiety among English as a foreign language learners. Iğdır University Journal of Social Sciences, 11(4), 1-21.
  • Ay, S. (2014). On individual differences affecting foreign language teaching. Journal of Language (Dil Dergisi), 163, 5-18.
  • Aydın, B. (1999). A study of sources of foreign language classroom anxiety in speaking and writing classes [Unpublished doctoral dissertation]. Anadolu University.
  • Balemir, S. H. (2009). The sources of foreign language speaking anxiety and the relationship between proficiency level and degree of foreign language speaking anxiety [Unpublished doctoral dissertation]. Bilkent University.
  • Bozok, D. (2018). Investigating speaking anxiety of university EFL students: The case of instructors and students [Unpublished master’s thesis]. Çanakkale Onsekiz Mart University.
  • Büyüköztürk, Ş., Çakmak, E. K., Akgün, Ö. E., Karadeniz, Ş., & Demirel, F. (2017). Scientific research methods. Pegem Publications.
  • Büyüköztürk, Ş. (2018). Handbook of data analysis for the social sciences. Pegem Publications.
  • Campbell C. M., & Ortiz, J. (1991). Helping students overcome foreign language anxiety: A foreign language anxiety workshop. In E. K. Horwitz and D. J. Young (Eds.), Language anxiety: From theory to research to classroom implications, (153-168). Englewood Cliffs, NJ: Prentice Hall.
  • Chen, H. Y. (2007). Relationship between EFL learners' self-efficacy beliefs and English performance [Unpublished doctoral dissertation]. Florida State University.
  • Cüceloğlu, D. (1996). Basic concepts of human and behavioral psychology. Remzi Publications.
  • Digman, J. M. (1990). Personality structure: Emergence of the five-factor model. Annual Review of Psychology, 41(1), 417-440.
  • Doğan, A. (2008). Foreign language anxiety affecting secondary school students’ English learning. Journal of Language, 139, 48-67.
  • Duman, B., Göral, G. N., & Bilgin, H. (2017). A qualitative study on university students’ foreign language speaking anxiety in the classroom environment. Adnan Menderes University Journal of Educational Sciences, 8(2), 13-27.
  • Ehrman, M. (1990). Owls and doves: Cognition, personality, and learning success. In Alatis, J. (Ed.), Linguistics, Language Teaching, and Language Acquisition: The Interdependence of Theory, Practice, and Research (pp. 413-437). Georgetown University Press.
  • Elsharkawy, N. (2019). An investigation into the factors that lead to speaking anxiety among EFL learners. International Journal of Media Culture and Literature, 5(1), 27-44.
  • El Shazly, R. (2021). Effects of artificial intelligence on English speaking anxiety and speaking performance: A case study. Expert Systems, 38(3), e12667.
  • Er, G. S., Dillon, D., & Samantha, G. Y. W. (2016). Predicting foreign language anxiety: Trait emotional intelligence and big-five personality traits. Asia-Pacific English language Teaching Conference.
  • Erton, İ. (2010). Relations between personality traits, language learning styles and success in foreign language achievement. Hacettepe University Journal of Education, 38(38), 115-126.
  • Febrianti, E. R. (2011). Teaching speaking of English as a foreign language: Problems and solutions. Journal Bahasa, 1(2), 133-146.
  • Gardner, R. C., & MacIntyre, P. D. (1993). On the measurement of affective variables in second language learning. Language learning, 43(2), 157-194.
  • Goldberg, L. R. (1990). An alternative description of personality: The big five factor structure. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 59(6), 1216-1229.
  • Haidara, Y. (2016). Psychological factors affecting English speaking performance for the English learners in Indonesia. Universal Journal of Educational Research, 4(7), 1501-1505.
  • Hamzadayı, E., & Büyükikiz, K. K. (2015). The relationship between personality traits and self‐efficacy perceptions of speaking skills of Turkish as a foreign language (TFL) learners. Turkish Journal of Social Research, 19(1), 297-312.
  • Hamzadayı, E., Bayat, N., & Gölpınar, Ş. (2018). The relationship between the level of speaking anxiety and speaking performance. Journal of Language Education and Research, 4(2), 75-85.
  • Horwitz, E. K., Horwitz, M. B., & Cope, J. (1986). Foreign language classroom anxiety. The Modern Language Journal, 70(2), 125-132.
  • Horwitz, E. (2001). Language anxiety and achievement. Annual Review of Applied Linguistics, 21, 112-126.
  • Horzum, M. B., Ayas, T., & Padır, M. A. (2017). Adaptation of big five personality traits scale to Turkish culture. Sakarya University Journal of Education, 7(2), 398-408.
  • Karagöl, İ., & Başbay, A. (2018). The relationship among attitude, anxiety and English speaking performance. Journal of Theoretical Educational Science, 11(4), 809-821.
  • Karasar, N. (2014). Scientific research methods. Nobel Publications.
  • Kiany, G. R. (1998). English proficiency and academic achievement in relation to extraversion: A preliminary study. International journal of applied linguistics, 8(1), 113-130.
  • Kozikoğlu, İ., & Kanat, F. (2018). Prediction of high school students’ English course participation based on their attitude towards English course and English speaking anxiety. Kastamonu Education Journal, 26(5), 1643-1652.
  • Köksal, O., Arslan, C., & Bakla, A. (2014). An investigation into foreign language learning anxiety, stress and personality in higher education. International Journal on New, 5(2), 199-208.
  • Krashen, S. D. (1981). Second language acquisition and second language learning. Oxford Publications.
  • Liu, M. (2006). Anxiety in Chinese EFL students at different proficiency levels. System, 34(3), 301-316.
  • Marcos‐Llinás, M., & Garau, M. J. (2009). Effects of language anxiety on three proficiency‐level courses of Spanish as a foreign language. Foreign Language Annals, 42(1), 94-111.
  • Maclntyre, P. D., & Charos, C. (1996). Personality, attitudes, and affect as predictors of second language communication. Journal of Language and Social Psychology, 15, 3-26.
  • McCrae, R. R., & Costa, P. T. (2008). Empirical and theoretical status of the five-factor model of personality traits. The SAGE Handbook of Personality Theory and Assessment, 1, 273-294.
  • Niazi, S. (2017). Personality traits as predictor of self-esteem of university students: Moderating role of openness to experience. Journal of Behavioural Sciences, 27(2), 102-119.
  • Özkan, C. (2019). The relationship between students' success and their level of foreign language anxiety and the primary sources of foreign language speaking anxiety [Unpublished master’s thesis]. Çağ University.
  • Öztürk, G., & Gürbüz, N. (2014). Speaking anxiety among Turkish EFL learners: The case at a state university. Journal of Language and Linguistic Studies, 10(1), 1-17.
  • Park, S. M. (2009). The effects of speaking anxiety on foreign language learning [Unpublished doctoral dissertation]. The University of Texas.
  • Piechurska-Kuciel, E. (2018). Openness to experience as a predictor of L2 WTC. System, 72, 190-200.
  • Şahin, M., Seçer, Ş. Y., & Erişen, Y. (2016). Perception of English’and motivation in learning English. Journal of Education and Training Studies, 4(9), 43-60.
  • Tahsildar, N., & Kabiri, A. (2019). The relationship between Afghanistan EFL students’ academic self-efficacy and English language speaking anxiety. Academy Journal of Educational Sciences, 3(2), 190-202.
  • Tanrıöver, A. S. (2012). Turkish EFL university students’ self-perceptions of and attitudes toward foreign language speaking [Unpublished master’s thesis] Atatürk University.
  • Tum, D., & Kunt, N. (2013). Speaking anxiety among EFL student teachers. Hacettepe University Journal of Education, 28(3), 385-399.
  • Tuncer, M., & Doğan, Y. (2015). Effect of foreign language classroom anxiety on Turkish university students’ academic achievement in foreign language learning. Journal of Education and Training Studies, 3(6), 14-19.
  • Vural, H. (2017). The relationship of personality traits with English speaking anxiety and English speaking self-efficiacy [Unpublished doctoral dissertation]. Gazi University.
  • Woodrow, L. (2006). Anxiety and speaking English as a second language. RELC Journal, 37(3), 308-328.
  • Young, D. J. (1990). An investigation of students' perspectives on anxiety and speaking. Foreign Language Annals, 23(6), 539-553.
  • Yule, G. (2016). The study of language. Cambridge University Press.
  • Zambak, A. (2016). Factors affecting foreign language speaking anxiety levels of 8th grade students at public secondary schools [Unpublished master’s thesis]. Çağ University.
  • Zhang, X., Ardasheva, Y., & Austin, B. W. (2020). Self-efficacy and English public speaking performance: A mixed method approach. English for Specific Purposes, 59, 1-1.
There are 58 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Subjects Curriculum and Instration (Other)
Journal Section Research Articles

Nurullah Özcanlı 0000-0003-2279-1408

İshak Kozikoğlu 0000-0003-3772-4179

Early Pub Date December 9, 2024
Publication Date December 9, 2024
Submission Date February 16, 2024
Acceptance Date September 23, 2024
Published in Issue Year 2024


APA Özcanlı, N., & Kozikoğlu, İ. (2024). The Relationship Between Secondary School Students’ English Speaking Anxiety, English Speaking Self-Efficacy And Personality Traits. Educational Academic Research(55), 36-45.

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