Research Article
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The Attitudes of Secondary School Students Studying in Different School Types Towards Physical Education and Sports Lessons: Comparison of Village and City

Year 2025, Issue: 56


The main aim of this study was to determine the attitudes of secondary school students towards physical education and sports lessons by making comparisons according to settlement and school types. In selecting the study group, the stratified purposeful sampling method, which is a type of purposive sampling method and one of the non-random sampling methods, was adopted. The data were collected and evaluated using a personal information form and BES course attitude scale. SPSS statistical program was used to analyze the data and the significance value was accepted as .05. As a result of the analysis, it was determined that the data were normally distributed and t-test was used for pairwise comparisons, Post-Hoc Tukey and One-Way Variance Analysis (ANOVA) were used for more than two comparisons. According to the results of the research, no significant differences were found in the mean scores of the students' attitudes towards the BES course according to variables such as gender, residence in the city center or rural area, mother's occupation, father's education level, school type and place of residence. However, significant differences were found in the mean scores of the students' attitudes towards the BES course in terms of factors such as being on the school team, gym status, class levels, transportation to school, location of the school, father's occupation, mother's education level.


  • Aicinena, S. (1991). The teacher and student attitudes toward physical education. Physical Educator, 48(1), 28.
  • Akandere, M., Özyalvaç, N. T., & Duman, S. (2010). The attitudes of the students in secondary education to physical education lesson and the ınvestigation of their success motivations (Konya anatolian high school sample). Journal of Selçuk University Institute of Social Sciences, 24, 1-10.
  • Ar, E. (1998). Student recognition techniques for success in education. National Education Press.
  • Aras, L. (2019). Examination of the attitudes of the students studying in different types of secondary education i̇nstitutions towards physical education and sports class (The example of Van province) (Publication No. 578072) [Master thesis, Van Yüzüncü Yıl University-Van]. Council of Higher Education National Thesis Centre.
  • Arı, A. (2000). The evaluate of primary education normal, transportational and dormitary schools (Publication No. 99823) [Master thesis, Afyon Kocatepe University-Afyon] Council of Higher Education National Thesis Centre.
  • Aslan, H. H. (2019). The predictive power of parental attitudes towards the physical education lesson over the teenage students' attitudes towards the lesson (Example of Nevşehir) (Publication No. 542666) [Master thesis, Ankara University-Ankara]. Council of Higher Education National Thesis Centre.
  • Cohen, J. (1988). Statistical power analysis for the behavioral sciences. Academic Press.
  • Çelik, Z., & Pulur, A. (2011). Secondary school students’ attıtudes of physıcal educatıon and sport. Van Yüzüncü Yıl University Journal of Faculty of Education, 8(Special).
  • Çıngı, H. (1994). Sampling theory (2nd edition). Hacettepe University Press.
  • Doğan, N. (2011). Niğde city the research on physical suitability and attitude of high school students in different statue high schools to physical education courses (Publication No. 290054) [Master thesis, Niğde University-Niğde]. Council of Higher Education National Thesis Centre.
  • Eroğlu, B. (2011). Effects of teaching practice on professional competence and professional directed attitudes of physical education teacher candidates (Publication No. 290694) [Master thesis, Gazi University-Ankara]. Council of Higher Education National Thesis Centre.
  • Fraenkel, J. R., & Wallen, N. (2006). E.(2006). How to design and evaluate research in education. McGraw-Hill Education.
  • Göksel, A. G., & Çağdaş, C. A. Z. (2016). Examining of physical education course attitudes of anatolian high school students. Marmara University Journal of Sport Sciences, 1(1), 1-9.
  • Güllü, M. (2007). Investigating the attitudes of the secondary education students towards the physical education lesson (Publication No. 211831) [Master thesis, Gazi University-Ankara]. Council of Higher Education National Thesis Centre.
  • Güllü, M., Cengiz, Ş. Ş., Öztaşyonar, Y., & Kaplan, B. (2016). Study of behaviors of secondary school students towards the physical education lesson ın terms of some variances (Case of Şanliurfa). Gaziantep University Journal of Sport Sciences, 1(2), 49-61.
  • Gürbüz, A., Özkan, H., & Gürbüz, A. (2012). Determining the attitude of secondary school students towards physical education and sport lesson (Muğla sample). Pamukkale Journal of Sport Sciences, 3(2), 78-89.
  • Kafadar, O. (1997). Westernization in Turkish educational thought. Vadi Publications.
  • Kangalgil, M., Hünük, D., & Demirhan, G. (2006). Comparıson of elementary school, hıgh school and unıversıty students’ attıtudes toward physıcal educatıon and sport. Journal of Sport Sciences, 17(2), 48-57.
  • Karasar, N. (2002). Scientific research method. Nobel.
  • Karataş, N. Y. (2006). Recreatıonal habıts of the students attendıng ın boardıng schools (bingöl sample) (Publication No. 192799) [Master thesis, Uludağ University-Bursa]. Council of Higher Education National Thesis Centre.
  • Kaya Sarıdede, Ş. (2018). Investigation of secondary school students' attitudes towards physical education classes (Publication No. 896218) [Master thesis, İstanbul Gelişim University-İstanbul]. Council of Higher Education National Thesis Centre.
  • Koca, C. & Aşçı, F. H. (2006). An examination of self-presentational concem of Turkish adolescents: An example of physical education setting. Adoleseence, 41, (161), 185-197.
  • Koç, M., Murathan, F., Yetiş, Ü., & Murathan, T. (2015). Perceptions of 7thgrade elementary students about sports concept. Journal of Academic Social Research, 3(9), 294–303.
  • Koçak, S., & Hürmeriç, İ. (2006). Attitudes toward physical education classes of primary school students in Turkey. Perceptual and Motor Skills, 103, 296-300.
  • Kumartaşlı, M. (2010). Second-grade elemantary school students attitudes toward physicaleducation and investigation of life satisfaction (Publication No. 279582) [Doctoral thesis, Gazi University-Ankara]. Council of Higher Education National Thesis Centre.
  • Levent, A., & Asma, M. B. (2020). Examination of the attitudes of the students studying in different types of secondary education ınstitutions towards physical education and sports class. Gaziantep University Journal of Sport Sciences, 5(1), 27-39.
  • Mamak, H. (2010). 8 years of continuous elementary school physical education and sport course and purpose of transportation recognition of the application level (Konya city application) (Publication No. 278109) [Doctoral thesis, Gazi University-Ankara]. Council of Higher Education National Thesis Centre.
  • Ministry of National Education (MoNE). (2008). Administrator's guide for regional primary boarding schools. State Books.
  • Morey, R. S., & Karp, G. G. (1998). Why do Some Students Who are Good at Physical Education Dislike it So Much? Physical Educator, 55(2), 89.
  • Morgan, C. T. (2006). Introduction to psychology, (Trans. Hüsnü Arıcı et al.). Hacettepe University psychology department publications.
  • Mücevher, M. H., Demirgil, Z., & Erdem, R. (2016). The effect of sportive activities on academic achievement: A research on SDU FEAS students. V. Turkish Postgraduate Studies Congress – Proceedings , 119-132.
  • Okumu, E. (2003). Social change and religion. Electronic Journal of Social Sciences, 8(30), 323-347.
  • Orhan, R. (2017). Investigation of the distribution of secondary school students in Turkey on open and ındoor sports fields on the schools. International Journal of Cultural and Social Research (UKSAD), 3(Special Issue 2), 153-165.
  • Özkan, R. (2011). Comparison of attitudes of general high school and religious oriented high school students related with physical education and sport lessons (Publication No. 288806) [Master thesis, Gazi University-Ankara]. Council of Higher Education National Thesis Centre.
  • Özyalvaç, N. T. (2010). The attitudes of the students in secondary education to physical education lesson and the investigation of their success motivations (Publication No. 288806) [Master thesis, Konya Selcuk University-Konya]. Council of Higher Education National Thesis Centre.
  • Patton, M. Q. (1990). Qualitative Evaluation and Research Methods. SAGE.
  • Sakallı, N. (2001). Social influences who influences whom and how.
  • Şirinkan, A., Çalişkan, E., Gündoğdu, K., Şirinkan, S., Erdal, B. A. Y., & Kürkçü, R. (2010). Perceptıons of elementary second stage students on physıcal educatıon and sports courses (the case of Erzurum). Journal of Physical Education and Sport Sciences, 10(1),53-60
  • Şişko, M., & Demirhan, G. (2002). The attıtudes of male and female students from the prımary and secondary schools towards physıcal educatıon courses. Hacettepe University Journal of Faculty of Education, 23, 205–210.
  • Taşğın, Ö. & Tekin, M. (2009). Determınatıon of opınıons and attıtudes of students who follow elementary and mıddle level educatıon agaınst the courses of physical education and sport for dıfferent varıables. Journal of Kastamonu Faculty of Education, 17, 457-466.
  • Taşmektepligil, Y., Yilmaz, Ç., İmamoğlu, O., & Kilcigil, E. (2006). Realızatıon level of physıcal educatıon lesson’s purposes ın prımary educatıon schools. Spormetre Journal of Physical Education and Sport Sciences, 4(4), 139-147.
  • Topalli, M. (2019). The comparison of the students' attitudes against callisthenics and sports course, that are training in the general and religious secondary schools (Publication No. 576841) [Master thesis, Atatürk University-Erzurum]. Council of Higher Education National Thesis Centre.
  • Varol, Y. K., Hüseyin, Ü., Erbaş, M. K., & Sünbül, A. M. (2016). Turkish adaptation of the elementary physical education attitude scale. Journal of Sport Sciences, 27(1), 16-26.
  • Yağcı, İ. (2012). Attitudes of secondary school students to physical education lessons (The example of Afyonkarahisar province) (Publication No. 319016) [Master thesis, Afyon Kocatepe University-Afyon]. Council of Higher Education National Thesis Centre.
  • Yaldız S. (2013). Student's and parent's behaouviors for physical education lesson at primary schools (Publication No. 334124) [Master thesis, Ankara University-Ankara]. Council of Higher Education National Thesis Centre.
  • Yanik, M., & Çamliyer, H. (2015). The Relationship between the High School 9th Graders' Attitudes Towards Physical Education And Sports And Their Levels Of AlienationFrom School. International Journal of Sport Exercise and Training Sciences-IJSETS, 1(1), 9-19.
  • Yetim, R. (2001). Current situation and management of student services in boarding elementary regional schools (Publication No. 100300) [Master thesis, Hacettepe University-Ankara]. Council of Higher Education National Thesis Centre.
  • Yıldız A. (2015). Parents' attitudes toward their children's participation in physical education and sports in the course of examining (Example of Tokat province) (Publication No. 378261) [Master thesis, Gazi University-Ankara]. Council of Higher Education National Thesis Centre.

Farklı Okul Türlerinde Öğrenim Gören Ortaokul Öğrencilerinin Beden Eğitimi ve Spor Dersine Yönelik Tutumlarının İncelenmesi: Köy Kent Karşılaştırılması

Year 2025, Issue: 56


Araştırmamızda ortaokul öğrencilerinin beden eğitimi ve spor dersine yönelik tutumlarının yerleşim yeri ve okul türlerine göre karşılaştırmalar yapılarak belirlenmesi amaçlanmıştır. Çalışma grubunun saptanmasında seçkisiz olmayan örnekleme metotlarından amaçsal örnekleme yöntemi çeşitlerinden olan tabakalı amaçsal örnekleme yöntemi benimsenmiştir. Veriler kişisel bilgi formu ve BES dersi tutum ölçeği ile toplanarak değerlendirilmiştir. Verilerin analizinde SPSS istatistik programı kullanılmış olup, anlamlılık değeri .05 olarak kabul edilmiştir. Yapılan analizler sonucu verilerin normal dağıldığı saptanmış ve ikili karşılaştırmalar için t testi, ikiden fazla karşılaştırmalar için Post-Hoc Tukey ve Tek Yönlü Varyans analizi kullanılmıştır.Bu çalışmanın sonucunda; öğrencilerin cinsiyet, kent merkezi ve kırsal alanda ikamet etmeleri, anne mesleği, baba eğitim düzeyi okul türü ve yerleşim yeri açısından değerlendirildiğinde BES dersine yönelik tutum puan ortalamalarında anlamlı farklar görülmemiştir. Okul takımında yer alma, spor salonu durumu, sınıf düzeyleri, okul türü, okula ulaşım, okulun bulunduğu yer, baba mesleği, anne eğitim düzeyi okul türü ve yerleşim yeri açısından BES dersine yönelik tutum puan ortalamalarında anlamlı farklar tespit edilmiştir.


  • Aicinena, S. (1991). The teacher and student attitudes toward physical education. Physical Educator, 48(1), 28.
  • Akandere, M., Özyalvaç, N. T., & Duman, S. (2010). The attitudes of the students in secondary education to physical education lesson and the ınvestigation of their success motivations (Konya anatolian high school sample). Journal of Selçuk University Institute of Social Sciences, 24, 1-10.
  • Ar, E. (1998). Student recognition techniques for success in education. National Education Press.
  • Aras, L. (2019). Examination of the attitudes of the students studying in different types of secondary education i̇nstitutions towards physical education and sports class (The example of Van province) (Publication No. 578072) [Master thesis, Van Yüzüncü Yıl University-Van]. Council of Higher Education National Thesis Centre.
  • Arı, A. (2000). The evaluate of primary education normal, transportational and dormitary schools (Publication No. 99823) [Master thesis, Afyon Kocatepe University-Afyon] Council of Higher Education National Thesis Centre.
  • Aslan, H. H. (2019). The predictive power of parental attitudes towards the physical education lesson over the teenage students' attitudes towards the lesson (Example of Nevşehir) (Publication No. 542666) [Master thesis, Ankara University-Ankara]. Council of Higher Education National Thesis Centre.
  • Cohen, J. (1988). Statistical power analysis for the behavioral sciences. Academic Press.
  • Çelik, Z., & Pulur, A. (2011). Secondary school students’ attıtudes of physıcal educatıon and sport. Van Yüzüncü Yıl University Journal of Faculty of Education, 8(Special).
  • Çıngı, H. (1994). Sampling theory (2nd edition). Hacettepe University Press.
  • Doğan, N. (2011). Niğde city the research on physical suitability and attitude of high school students in different statue high schools to physical education courses (Publication No. 290054) [Master thesis, Niğde University-Niğde]. Council of Higher Education National Thesis Centre.
  • Eroğlu, B. (2011). Effects of teaching practice on professional competence and professional directed attitudes of physical education teacher candidates (Publication No. 290694) [Master thesis, Gazi University-Ankara]. Council of Higher Education National Thesis Centre.
  • Fraenkel, J. R., & Wallen, N. (2006). E.(2006). How to design and evaluate research in education. McGraw-Hill Education.
  • Göksel, A. G., & Çağdaş, C. A. Z. (2016). Examining of physical education course attitudes of anatolian high school students. Marmara University Journal of Sport Sciences, 1(1), 1-9.
  • Güllü, M. (2007). Investigating the attitudes of the secondary education students towards the physical education lesson (Publication No. 211831) [Master thesis, Gazi University-Ankara]. Council of Higher Education National Thesis Centre.
  • Güllü, M., Cengiz, Ş. Ş., Öztaşyonar, Y., & Kaplan, B. (2016). Study of behaviors of secondary school students towards the physical education lesson ın terms of some variances (Case of Şanliurfa). Gaziantep University Journal of Sport Sciences, 1(2), 49-61.
  • Gürbüz, A., Özkan, H., & Gürbüz, A. (2012). Determining the attitude of secondary school students towards physical education and sport lesson (Muğla sample). Pamukkale Journal of Sport Sciences, 3(2), 78-89.
  • Kafadar, O. (1997). Westernization in Turkish educational thought. Vadi Publications.
  • Kangalgil, M., Hünük, D., & Demirhan, G. (2006). Comparıson of elementary school, hıgh school and unıversıty students’ attıtudes toward physıcal educatıon and sport. Journal of Sport Sciences, 17(2), 48-57.
  • Karasar, N. (2002). Scientific research method. Nobel.
  • Karataş, N. Y. (2006). Recreatıonal habıts of the students attendıng ın boardıng schools (bingöl sample) (Publication No. 192799) [Master thesis, Uludağ University-Bursa]. Council of Higher Education National Thesis Centre.
  • Kaya Sarıdede, Ş. (2018). Investigation of secondary school students' attitudes towards physical education classes (Publication No. 896218) [Master thesis, İstanbul Gelişim University-İstanbul]. Council of Higher Education National Thesis Centre.
  • Koca, C. & Aşçı, F. H. (2006). An examination of self-presentational concem of Turkish adolescents: An example of physical education setting. Adoleseence, 41, (161), 185-197.
  • Koç, M., Murathan, F., Yetiş, Ü., & Murathan, T. (2015). Perceptions of 7thgrade elementary students about sports concept. Journal of Academic Social Research, 3(9), 294–303.
  • Koçak, S., & Hürmeriç, İ. (2006). Attitudes toward physical education classes of primary school students in Turkey. Perceptual and Motor Skills, 103, 296-300.
  • Kumartaşlı, M. (2010). Second-grade elemantary school students attitudes toward physicaleducation and investigation of life satisfaction (Publication No. 279582) [Doctoral thesis, Gazi University-Ankara]. Council of Higher Education National Thesis Centre.
  • Levent, A., & Asma, M. B. (2020). Examination of the attitudes of the students studying in different types of secondary education ınstitutions towards physical education and sports class. Gaziantep University Journal of Sport Sciences, 5(1), 27-39.
  • Mamak, H. (2010). 8 years of continuous elementary school physical education and sport course and purpose of transportation recognition of the application level (Konya city application) (Publication No. 278109) [Doctoral thesis, Gazi University-Ankara]. Council of Higher Education National Thesis Centre.
  • Ministry of National Education (MoNE). (2008). Administrator's guide for regional primary boarding schools. State Books.
  • Morey, R. S., & Karp, G. G. (1998). Why do Some Students Who are Good at Physical Education Dislike it So Much? Physical Educator, 55(2), 89.
  • Morgan, C. T. (2006). Introduction to psychology, (Trans. Hüsnü Arıcı et al.). Hacettepe University psychology department publications.
  • Mücevher, M. H., Demirgil, Z., & Erdem, R. (2016). The effect of sportive activities on academic achievement: A research on SDU FEAS students. V. Turkish Postgraduate Studies Congress – Proceedings , 119-132.
  • Okumu, E. (2003). Social change and religion. Electronic Journal of Social Sciences, 8(30), 323-347.
  • Orhan, R. (2017). Investigation of the distribution of secondary school students in Turkey on open and ındoor sports fields on the schools. International Journal of Cultural and Social Research (UKSAD), 3(Special Issue 2), 153-165.
  • Özkan, R. (2011). Comparison of attitudes of general high school and religious oriented high school students related with physical education and sport lessons (Publication No. 288806) [Master thesis, Gazi University-Ankara]. Council of Higher Education National Thesis Centre.
  • Özyalvaç, N. T. (2010). The attitudes of the students in secondary education to physical education lesson and the investigation of their success motivations (Publication No. 288806) [Master thesis, Konya Selcuk University-Konya]. Council of Higher Education National Thesis Centre.
  • Patton, M. Q. (1990). Qualitative Evaluation and Research Methods. SAGE.
  • Sakallı, N. (2001). Social influences who influences whom and how.
  • Şirinkan, A., Çalişkan, E., Gündoğdu, K., Şirinkan, S., Erdal, B. A. Y., & Kürkçü, R. (2010). Perceptıons of elementary second stage students on physıcal educatıon and sports courses (the case of Erzurum). Journal of Physical Education and Sport Sciences, 10(1),53-60
  • Şişko, M., & Demirhan, G. (2002). The attıtudes of male and female students from the prımary and secondary schools towards physıcal educatıon courses. Hacettepe University Journal of Faculty of Education, 23, 205–210.
  • Taşğın, Ö. & Tekin, M. (2009). Determınatıon of opınıons and attıtudes of students who follow elementary and mıddle level educatıon agaınst the courses of physical education and sport for dıfferent varıables. Journal of Kastamonu Faculty of Education, 17, 457-466.
  • Taşmektepligil, Y., Yilmaz, Ç., İmamoğlu, O., & Kilcigil, E. (2006). Realızatıon level of physıcal educatıon lesson’s purposes ın prımary educatıon schools. Spormetre Journal of Physical Education and Sport Sciences, 4(4), 139-147.
  • Topalli, M. (2019). The comparison of the students' attitudes against callisthenics and sports course, that are training in the general and religious secondary schools (Publication No. 576841) [Master thesis, Atatürk University-Erzurum]. Council of Higher Education National Thesis Centre.
  • Varol, Y. K., Hüseyin, Ü., Erbaş, M. K., & Sünbül, A. M. (2016). Turkish adaptation of the elementary physical education attitude scale. Journal of Sport Sciences, 27(1), 16-26.
  • Yağcı, İ. (2012). Attitudes of secondary school students to physical education lessons (The example of Afyonkarahisar province) (Publication No. 319016) [Master thesis, Afyon Kocatepe University-Afyon]. Council of Higher Education National Thesis Centre.
  • Yaldız S. (2013). Student's and parent's behaouviors for physical education lesson at primary schools (Publication No. 334124) [Master thesis, Ankara University-Ankara]. Council of Higher Education National Thesis Centre.
  • Yanik, M., & Çamliyer, H. (2015). The Relationship between the High School 9th Graders' Attitudes Towards Physical Education And Sports And Their Levels Of AlienationFrom School. International Journal of Sport Exercise and Training Sciences-IJSETS, 1(1), 9-19.
  • Yetim, R. (2001). Current situation and management of student services in boarding elementary regional schools (Publication No. 100300) [Master thesis, Hacettepe University-Ankara]. Council of Higher Education National Thesis Centre.
  • Yıldız A. (2015). Parents' attitudes toward their children's participation in physical education and sports in the course of examining (Example of Tokat province) (Publication No. 378261) [Master thesis, Gazi University-Ankara]. Council of Higher Education National Thesis Centre.
There are 48 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Subjects Development of Physical Education and Education Programs
Journal Section Research Articles

Selma Çalişir 0000-0003-2344-5013

Talha Murathan 0000-0002-9837-3707

Early Pub Date February 2, 2025
Publication Date
Submission Date July 6, 2024
Acceptance Date October 15, 2024
Published in Issue Year 2025 Issue: 56


APA Çalişir, S., & Murathan, T. (2025). The Attitudes of Secondary School Students Studying in Different School Types Towards Physical Education and Sports Lessons: Comparison of Village and City. Educational Academic Research(56).

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